Meir Ezra: What Is More Important -The Source or The Data?

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Meir Ezra: What Is More Important -The Source or The Data? The Most Widely Known Teacher Whose Lessons Stand The Test of Time Was Crucified. Some people feel threatened by successful people. I don’t know why. All people who have long term success are ethical, authentic and love teaching what they know. When I first heard Meir Ezra ask the question – What Is More Important -The Source or The Data? I had to think about that because I know I often accepted information based on who was delivering it. Meir taught me and many it is the data or the information that is what is important. Many time when we rely on the source we are misled because the data is false. A good example that many of us can relate to is the flow of slanted information from the main media channels. How many stories that are reported by mainstream media are totally refuted by the facts that you will find on niche journalist and social media sites. What Does Meir Teach That Is So Valuable? I have been at all of his seminars, most of his two day events plus I have personally studied a number of supporting courses. Keep in mind I felt I was already quite experienced and knowledgeable in business. Take a look to the archive section of this blog and see what I have been writing and this is just one of my blogs. I have invested close to 1000 hours of additional training since the first of this year. What are the results? Let’s looks at what others say. The feedback I get from our coaching quality control function is that the clients I work with are amazed and very happy with the focus, direction and progress of how Meir and I are leading them. How that different from my life “Pre-Meir”? The difference is I am not just confident I know what I do will result in success for the people I work with because it is not just me it is me, Meir and the entire team focused on the results for our clients. So What Do You Use That Meir Teaches That Is So Valuable 1. The org board and the principles of building an organization. Yes this is a different way of looking at a business and when viewed from this perspective you begin to see why organizations fail. 2. Everything is measurable that is being produced. Define the targets and the plan to achieve the target. Then define the mini plan targets, measure/graph the statistics showing the condition of the business and related actions. 3. Apply the success formula for the conditions. Follow The Above and You Cannot Fail! That is right! It is not what I say or what Meir Ezra says, it is what the data says.

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