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Surfacing Materials and Its Practical Usage in Today’s Technology by Sam Roj Seo It probably comes as no big surprise that the common consumer rarely takes into consideration the various amount of technology and materials that goes into the development of their favorite products that they use on a daily basis. Thanks to the advancement in technology, one such class of materials, which many might know of, have become even more valuable due to its increased usage.
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Surfacing materials are critical in many of the end products we use today. Common everyday technology products including tablet PCs, smart phones, and photonic glass demand the use of surfacing materials like polishing powders. In fact, any application that requires surface finishing as a key mechanical property in its development, such as display technology (CRT, LCD TFT, STN, OLED, color filters, etc.), mirrors, beveling, and crystals, is dependent on high quality surfacing materials.
Demeter Technologies provides one such solution to satisfy the need for surfacing materials with its TJD series of diamond polishing abrasives. This series of synthetic diamond polishing compounds are primarily used in various items such as diamond slurry, polishing pads, polishing disks, pellets, PCD and wire dies. Other
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common applications for our diamond polishing abrasive include polishing ceramics, glass, electronics, and sapphires.
The usage of our Diamond Polishing abrasives for use in sapphire polishing is particularly of interest due to the wide array of products that use sapphires in various applications. Sapphires, which ranks second only to diamonds in mineral hardness, are highly valued not only because of its beauty and usage in jewelry, but also due to its high resistance to scratching and abrasion and its good electrical insulation properties.
It is these properties that have led to some of the more common applications of sapphires in everyday products, including bearings for contact points in fine watches, shatter resistant windows to even the glass created for the display screens of the Apple iPhone. The need for sapphire polishing is vital to ensure optimal performance for these particular products and technologies.
At Demeter Technologies, we understand that innovation is one-on-one and demands working with customers closely to customize and build value added products. Along with our other product offerings, including Performance Materials and fine chemicals, Demeter develops advanced products for critical applications in surfacing materials for various industries including, precision metal polishing, precision optics, medical applications, sapphires, crystals, glass, ceramics, composites, and plastic and lens finishing.
Demeter Technologies is a technology solutions producer for its global customers. Adhering to strict material specifications and I9001 quality, Demeter provides the highest quality products servicing the Surface Materials, performance materials, medical, and energy and storage markets. Resources Box
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About Sam Roj
49 connections, 0 recommendations, 166 honor points. Joined APSense since, March 27th, 2012, From Dedham, MA 02026, United States. Report this Page
Created on Jul 2nd 2014 23:39. Viewed 26 times. Like
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