About our team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Research Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3 S.W.O.T. Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Survey & Interview Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Short Term Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Long Term Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Brand Positioning Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Audience and Consumer Behavior Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Competitive Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Communication Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Media Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 – 16 Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Budget and ROI Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 – 19 Creative Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 – 23 Experiential Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 – 26 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 - 43
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Table of Contents
Alex Nagus is a senior at Columbia College Chicago, who will be gradua5ng May 2014. With plans to stay in the Chicago area, Alex looks forward to pursuing his career as a Marke5ng professional. “Chicago Lightouse, Working on this project has been a real pleasure and I want to thank you for the really great opportunity. Thanks, Alex”
A b o u t O u r T e a m
About Our Team
Jena Moore is a gradua5ng senior at Columbia College. Her specialty is marke5ng research and she hopes to stay in Chicago. Her ideal job would be working the CPG industry, focusing on client facing. “Thank you Chicago Lighthouse! This has been such an exciCng, enlightening experience. What a honor to work with such an established company. Keep up the inspiring work! Kind regards, Jenna”
Jessica Kantak is a senior at Columbia College Chicago. She is gradua5ng May 2014 with a Bachelors degree in Marke5ng Communica5ons. Jessica plans to move to Dallas, TX following gradua5on to pursue her career. Ms. Kantak has interests in Interna5onal Brand Consul5ng and Food Marke5ng. “Dear Chicago Lighthouse, Thank you so much for the opportunity to work with you on this project. It has been a pleasure working on such a great account and I hope all the best for your current and future ventures. All the best, Jessica”
Overview of Research Analysis: For our research, we decided to focus on the visually impaired consumers and the gree5ng card consumer. We believed that by looking deeper into what influences those two groups to buy would offer well-‐rounded, insighUul informa5on—we were right. AWer reviewing our team’s combined research, we found that there were three trends that your target demographic held high: popular issues, technical advancements, and social media. The two most important things that your gree5ng card consumers value are quality and accessibility. In this sec5on, our research has been compiled and condensed to compliment our marke5ng plan. Throughout this report you will read how we analyzed and incorporated the research into our strategy. Non Profit and Visual Impairment There are currently over 1.5 million Non Profit Organiza5ons and over 285 million people who are visually impaired. The Non Profit industry covers all social change topics including hunger, disabled, disease, human rights, culture and more. Visual impairment affects people of all ages including children. When looking at these categories, three trends were iden5fied through secondary research. Trends in Non-‐Profit, Visually Impaired Demographics #1 Popular issues The ‘fastest expanding nonprofits’ were organiza5ons that were closely related to popular issues in the US. Issues such as organic farming, animal cruelty, social change and religion were among the top ten fastest growing chari5es. #2 Technological Advancements in the Visually Impaired Market Companies have taken interest in this category and are introducing forward-‐thinking products that are transforming the industry. These tools allow flexibility and create independence for these individuals.
Braille EBook
Tactile Flash Cards
R e s e a r c h A n a lys i s
Research Analysis
Braun Bell Mug
R e s e a r c h A n a lys i s
#3 Social Media Social media has allowed for a great advancement in the nonprofit industry. Many chari5es have greatly increased their social media presence through plaUorms such as Facebook, Twider and Instagram. The industry is also seeing trends in social change apps. The apps are accessible to the consumer via cell phone and offer easy-‐to-‐use features, more transparency and convenient viewing. Trends in GreeNng Card Industry Americans purchase approximately 6.5 billion gree5ng cards each year. The current annual retails sales of gree5ng cards is between an es5mated $7 and $8 billion. The category offers several opportuni5es for innova5on and growth. Through research, we have iden5fied two trends that are reshaping the industry. #1 Quality Consumers are gravita5ng towards high end features such as music players, extravagant fabrics, cardstock paper, etc. Gree5ng cards that include these types of added materials are being sold at premium prices up to $11 per card. Companies such as Papyrus and Paper Source are examples of companies that are delivering these types of quality cards. #2 Accessibility Companies have begun to offer online services that allows consumers to design and create their own card. This allows the customer to be in control and creates a personalized experience. In the past year there has been a 17 percent increase in this market. Customizable e-‐cards is one of the most popular answers to accessibility.
The following analysis is a breakdown of Chicago Lighthouse’s strengths, weaknesses, opportuni5es and threats. These assessments are based on the company as a whole and assuming Chicago Lighthouse is entering the gree5ng card industry.
S.w.o.t. A n a lys i s
S.W.O.T. Analysis
The following information and charts are comprised from surveys and interviews done to a varied panel of 50+ people. DEMOGRAPHICS Gender: Female (68.75%) Male (27.08%) Prefer not to say (4.17%) Age: 18-24 (16.67%) 25-34 (29.17%) 35-44 (29.17%) 45-54 (20.83%) 55-64 (4.17%) 65+ (0%) Frequency of Bulk Purchasing of Greeting Cards: 1-2 times a year (91.84%) 3-5 times a year (6.12%) 6 or more times a year (2.04%)
Income: $10,000 - $29,000 (25%) $30,000 - $49,000 (29.17%) $50,000 - $69,000 (14.58%) $70,000 - $89,000 (4.17%) $90,000 + (6.25%) Prefer not to say (20.83%)
S u r v e y R e s u lt s
Survey Results
Donation to Charitable Causes: Yes (68.75%) No (31.25%) Willingness to Pay Premium for Charitable Causes: Yes (75%) No (25%)
SURVEY SPECIFICS Having Ever Purchased a Card: Yes (90.74%) No (9.26%) Frequency of Card Purchase: 1-2 times a year (28.57%) 3-5 times a year (32.65%) 6 or more times a year (38.78%) Place of Greeting Card Purchase: Specialty shops (Hallmark, Papyrus, etc.) (20.83%) Grocery store (Jewel, Walmart, Target, etc.) (27.08%) Drug store (CVS, Walgreens, etc.) (58.08%) Online (Shutterfly, Vistaprint, Zazzle, etc.) (75%)
Willingness to Pay ($) More For Charitable Causes: $1.00 (64.86%) $2.00 (18.92%) $3.00 (16.22%) People Who Have Seen Braille Greeting Cards: Yes (12.50%) No (87.50%)
Mission: To broaden the scope of Chicago Lighthouse by introducing a unique, innova5ve gree5ng card line. Our mission is to reinvigorate Chicago Lighthouse’s brand image and ul5mately increase profits. Product: Chicago Lighthouse’s Gree5ng Card Line (Lighthouse Cards) has poten5al to become a vital extension of the company. The gree5ng cards focus on the slogan ‘a card everyone can experience’. These cards will be offered in many different textures and incorporate all senses. They will appeal to a wider consumer base, spread awareness and incorporate the visually impaired consumer. Benefits: Since the Gree5ng Card Line will have a broad applica5on, there are mul5ple opportuni5es for increased profits, broader brand awareness, company expansion, and employment growth. AdverNsing: To spread the word and generate customers, there will be a wide array of tools being used. Crea5ve, yet direct adver5sements and promo5on will be launched via social media, email, outdoor (poster, banner, etc.), events and radio. The kick-‐off for will be at a launching event. The event will be a one day card decora5ng event. It will feature booths and sta5ons that encompass ‘experience’. There will be food, entertainment. This event offers several ways to raise money, generate posi5ve PR and promote a new extension of the company. Channels: The Gree5ng Card Line will be offered in two types of brick and mortar stores: specialty shops and in Chicago Lighthouse giW shops. The long term brick and mortar stores will include major retailers such as CVS and Walgreens. In addi5on to these physical loca5ons, the gree5ng cards will be offered on a new online store. The website will offer limited edi5on cards, mul5-‐lingual cards, and braille cards for a premium price (saving overhead costs and stock of unsold products). By using these mul5ple channels, there will be more opportuni5es for sales and a beder chance for reaching a wider demographic.
E x e c u t i v e S u m m a ry
Executive Summary
Secure partnerships: suppliers, market space and materials
Confirm dates: launch, event, and social media
Generate message: through social media, no5fy donors
Host event: hire volunteers, invite visually impaired, u5lize company name
Increase trac5on: spread through word of mouth, FB ads, PR
S h o rt T e r m G o a l s
Short Term Goals
Launch Gree5ng Card Line: begin ads, push through all outlets, inform consumer
Monitor feedback: customer engagement, incen5ve to come back, observe sales
Review and adapt: analyze feedback, make adjustments, develop new growth plan, begin possible expansion, and con5nue ads
Move forward: look for more opportuni5es, different applica5ons
Our short term goals have a 5meline of six months to one year. In summary, our short term goals are to begin the planning and execu5ng phases. We would like to see the planning and beginning stages of a na5onal campaign and to start gelng placed in large stores such as CVS and Walgreens. Also, we would like to see the execu5on of the online store, launch of e-‐cards, launch of new “experien5al” card line, and having the new card line placed in local specialty shops.
Con5nue having a fresh faced brand image: • Each season a new event is hosted with the intent to raise money and stay relevant with the youth and children. • Con5nue selling cards and merchandise to non-‐visually impaired customers.
Successful online shop: • Steady sales • New card designs every season • Possible collabora5on with local ar5sts • Online store grows from just cards to extended Chicago Lighthouse merchandise
In-‐House Produc5on: • Move all produc5on of gree5ng cards to the Chicago Lighthouse Factory • Create jobs for the visually impaired • Con5nue profi5ng from Chicago Lighthouse’s new business ventures.
L o n g T e r m G o a l s
Long Term Goals
Our long term goals have a 5meline of three to five years. The most important goal in our long term goals is to have a fully recognizable brand image as a new, fresh faced non-‐profit. Along with that, we hope to have a successful, up and running online shop. We want Lighthouse Cards to be a go to for people wan5ng to buy crea5ve, unique, and quality gree5ng cards. Lastly, a huge goal for our plan is to eventually have all card produc5on, shipping, and packaging come out of Chicago Lighthouse’s very own factory. This would in turn create jobs for the visually impaired.
For the new line of Lighthouse gree5ng cards, we are posi5oning the brand as an experience that is more universal. First, since braille gree5ng cards are not a common thing non-‐visually impaired people buy, we are aiming to associate braille with the senses more so than ‘being visually impaired’. It can be felt, it can be heard, it can be seen, it describes taste, the ways it translates into our own lives is endless.
Braille is not just a form of communica5on, it is an art form.
This idea of ‘experiencing’ the card with more than your eyes is what created our campaign slogan: a card everyone can experience. We want to make this an emo5onally driven purchase on the basis that you’re not just purchasing another gree5ng card you’re giving them the experience of love and thoughUulness through a card and to show you truly care. We believe that many consumers just buy cards go through the mo5ons of buying a card, but we want to really bring out the emo5onal aspect of our cards through our message, colors and meaning behind the purchase. EXPERIENCE MOOD BOARD
Our mood board is central around the idea of exploding senses. Our mood board gives the essences of s5mula5ng every sense.
B r a n d P o s i t i o n i n g S t r at e g y
Brand Positioning Strategy
B r a n d P o s i t i o n i n g S t r at e g y
NEW LIGHTHOUSE CARD LOGO Another key part of Lighthouse Cards will be an updated Chicago Lighthouse logo. This logo with help in freshening up the brand. One of the most important thing a business should do is show grown in every area.
This image to the leW is a specially designed logo for your brand extension, Lighthouse Cards. It cannot be stressed enough that brand image is going to be key in drawing in new customers. The compe55on is thick and chic out there, but with our plan you have a great driving force. With our plan you will be pulng yourself ahead of your compe55on.
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The U.S. consumer has become very diverse in many ways, but has steadily maintained a demand for greeting cards. Hallmark Vice-President Wayne Strickland said: "Today's culture is a mix of ethnic groups, nontraditional and extended families, work relationships, and several generations. Today's consumers feel the pressure of not enough time. They want the right card in a convenient setting, displayed informatively so that the perfect card is easy to find. For them, convenience equals time. They also want value, which includes price, convenience, quality, and brand." Another notable shift in greeting card messages in greeting cards the substitution of traditional poetry to conversational verse and prose. Marketing research for alternative cards showed that consumers wanted straightforward messages written in a straightforward style. Despite fears that the Internet and free e-cards would diminish the industry, greeting cards sales actually increased in the 2000s. According to the Greeting Card Association, "Because e-cards and traditional cards are generally used in different ways and situations, the e-card seems to be expanding overall greeting card sending." The popularity of e-cards continued to grow.
The Greeting Card Association estimated e-card volume at 500 million per year in 2009.
Studies showed that consumers sent such greetings in addition to, not instead of, traditional cards, which were perceived as preferable for important occasions or a true measure of feeling. MoNvaNon to buy a card Reason to Buy • • • • •
Impress someone. Inspire a connec5on Love Friendship Express Emo5on
• Special occasions • Show that you care • Give a giW
A u d i e n c e a n d c o n s u m e r b e h av i o r a n a lys i s
Audience and Consumer Behavior Analysis
• Collec5ons
Our ideal consumer for the braille gree5ng cards would be an open minded 31 year old woman named Susan. She has 2 kids, is heavily involved in community affairs, and lives in Naperville. She adends church every Sunday with her family and loves to help support chari5es. Her sisters birthday is coming up so she is at the drug store and sees the braille cards and thinks to herself that this is something different and unique and supports a great cause, and yet s5ll shows her sister that she cares.
1 1
The two largest gree5ng card companies in the united states are Hallmark, and American gree5ng card Corp. AGCC Has a global presence as well. Together these two companies make up 85% of the market share with the rest being mostly small independent companies. Both of these companies are known for their reputa5on to produce quality products over the many years they have been in business. When doing research on these companies it did appear that they do have braille gree5ng cards, but are not adver5sed or highlighted very much on their website. • Brailllebookstore.com was first on the Google search for braille gree5ng cards. • Also AFB.org (American founda5on for the blind) was second on the SEO page. • However both of these two compe5tors are targe5ng to only the visually impaired and not the general public.
C o m p e t i t i v e a n a lys i s
Competitive Analysis
1 2
Our communica5on strategy is really focused around the experien5al aspects of marke5ng. Much like our campaign, we have worked towards making our communica5on strategy very diverse in both senses and experiences. With an array of media tacNcs, events, and a new web
plaYorm, we are guaranteed to catch the aZenNon of our target audience. We are using a number of vehicles to get reach our des5na5on.
C o m m u n i c at i o n S t r at e g y
Communication Strategy
1 3
1.1 MAGAZINE ObjecNve: To appeal to mass audience target (women). Establish a las5ng effect by increasing frequency of adver5sements in different publica5ons Geography: Stay in the Chicagoland area due to budget restric5ons and new market entry. The adver5sement placements will be dispersed through several publica5ons and will be repeated 3-‐6 5mes. Seasonality: Remain consistent throughout the year with a spike from October through end of December. This will help support holiday sales and increase Christmas card sales. Media Mix: CS Magazine, Chicago Life, Michigan Avenue, TCW (Today’s Chicago Women) CS Magazine: Adver5sement will run 3 5mes on a fourth-‐page in 4 colors. This magazine was picked because of its circula5on of 81,510 (per 6 months) and its appeal to women. It is a monthly magazine. Chicago Life: Adver5sement will run 3 5mes on a third-‐page in 4 colors. This magazine was chosen because of its high circula5on of 102,000 (per 6 months) and its appeal to women. The magazine is published bi-‐monthly. TCW: Adver5sement will run 3 5mes on a fourth-‐page in 4 colors. This magazine was chosen because there is opportunity for a discount. There is also a circula5on of 102,000 (per six months). TCW is a monthly magazine. 1.2 SOCIAL MEDIA (FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, BLOG) 1.2.1 Websites (Pay per click) These types of adver5sements would be used to help reach a large, yet targeted group of people. Geography: Through we would include local Chicago websites, the na5onal approach would be the best route in order to reach a larger amount of people. Seasonality: This type of media would be consistent throughout the year. Media Mix: Chicagomag.com, Huffingtonpost.com/women, bhg.com, allrecipes.com, chicagonow.com Chicago Magazine Online: A website that offers lifestyle material, as well as weekly newsleders. The website has 102,310 unique visits. Huffington Post Women: A website that features video, women-‐centric news, career advice, and personal stories. The website has a high rate of 38,481,008 unique visitors. Beder Homes and Garden Online: A website that offers an ‘emo5onal’ appeal for women. The website has DIY ac5vi5es, gardening advice, blogs, and food and entertainment ar5cles.
M e d i a S t r at e g y
Media Strategy
1 4
M e d i a S t r at e g y
All Recipes: A website that offers recipes, cooking advice and chef editorials. This website has a heavy women base and has 14,228,341 unique visitors. Chicago Now: A website that is an online community for bloggers in the Chicagoland area. Blog ar5cles range from food and dining to art, business and nightlife. Unique visitors for the website is 623, 243. 1.2.2 Facebook/YouTube/TwiZer/Instagram All of these have the Hashtag func5on, which we will use to host a photo contest. Contestants will take photos and Hashtag a special phrase. These Medias will also be used to share Chicago Lighthouses print ads and act as liaison between brand and consumer. Geography: Our social media campaigns will be shared on the Chicago Lighthouse outlets and will con5nuously branch out via the people that share. Our goal is to mainly focus on the Chicagoland area, but social media is a great way to set the stage for future expansion. Seasonality: Social Medias will start filtering new ads right away, but contest and ads for contest will spike due to holiday season. Media Mix: Facebook, Instagram, Twider, YouTube Facebook: Print Ads and contest will be presented on Facebook periodically. Every holiday season 2-‐3 print ads will be presented and shown con5nually. All ac5vity will be presented on the Chicago Lighthouse Facebook and shared from there. There will also be consistent posts about the gree5ng cards on the Chicago Lighthouse page. Instagram: Chicago Lighthouse will only use Instagram to get photos. Blogger’s Instagram who are working with Chicago Lighthouse will also be u5lized. Twider: Twider will be used to show print ads and announce/collect the compe55on photos. YouTube: YouTube will be our plaUorm to present our viral videos and YouTube series. Viral campaign; With many viral video campaigns being so successful and its ability to generate some revenue along with awareness for the brand we wanted to create our own YouTube viral video based around the Christmas event. Viral videos can literally turn your poten5al consumers into adver5sers through word of mouth and social media shares. The Christmas event will be a fundraising event for your employees and many of the par5cipants that depend on the lighthouse. We would film the whole event and really highlight and showcase the emo5on and reac5on when these visually impaired individuals receive the card with the braille message on the card to really bring out the emo5onal aspect of the card. This will also showcase to our poten5al consumers the real meaning behind these cards. With this video we want to it to be heavily emo5onal, but also very heartwarming and a happy video where people watch this video and feel good and hopefully that plays into their next decision process when buying a gree5ng card.
1 5
M e d i a S t r at e g y
1.2.3 Bloggers To appeal to our female demographic. Bloggers are las5ng influences that are a great way to lead people towards a goal. Geography: Bloggers we will focus on will be specific to the Chicagoland area. Bloggers that will meet the specifica5ons will be local, 2k-‐5k followers, and willing to provide post for free or price themselves below $2,000.00 Seasonality: Bloggers will start their endorsed blog posts and product reviews around the Christmas season. A blogger will also be invited to document the Christmas/holiday event so that they may blog about it as well. Media Mix: hdp://www.pinwheelchicago.com/, hdp://foodfamilyfinds.com/, hdp://www.craWylife.net/ 1.3 OUTDOOR U5lize outdoor as a supplement to main media outlets. Strengthen and solidify the message while reaching large audience. Geography: The outdoor media will be posted throughout high traffic areas in the Chicagoland area. This includes heavily populated suburbs and public places. The adver5sements will be in print and on transit loca5ons throughout the city. Seasonality: The adver5sements will be displayed throughout the year. There will be an emphasis in the summer 5me to take advantage of the popula5on engaging in outdoor ac5vi5es. Media Mix: Posters, indoor bus, transit stop 1.4 OUT-‐OF-‐THE-‐BOX MEDIA (OPTIONAL) To sa5sfy our early tech adaptors, we looked into medias that would benefit the brand and our consumer. We found Kickstarter to be a great strategy! Kickstarter is a new way to fund crea5ve projects. We’re a home for everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Since their launch in 2009, 6.1 million people have pledged $1 billion, funding 60,000 crea5ve projects. Project creators set a funding goal and deadline. If people like a project, they can pledge money to make it happen. Funding on Kickstarter is all-‐or-‐nothing — projects must reach their funding goals to receive any money. All-‐or-‐nothing funding might seem scary, but it’s amazingly effec5ve in crea5ng momentum and rallying people around an idea. To date, an impressive 44% of projects have reached their funding goals. To learn more about Kickstarter visit: www.kickstarter.com/hello?ref=footer Seasonality: This campaign is an op5onal one. Our team is devoted to providing you with the most up to date and trendy informa5on we can about the media world. Due to this, we understand that this may be an op5on that is put on the back burner and mulled over. It’s a great opportunity if you’re looking to make a splash and gain aden5ons from those techies.
1 6
The following is the schedule for our media mix. This schedule is one year in length.
s c h e d u l e
1 7
Total marke5ng budget allocated for this project will be an es5mated $50,000. Below are all projected financials.
B u d g e t & R O I A n a lys i s
Budget & ROI Analysis
1 8
Pay Per Click 6%
Magazine Pay Per Click
Social Media 7% Outdoor 9%
Overhead 2%
Launch Event 12%
Social Media Outdoor Overhead Launch Event
B u d g e t & R O I A n a lys i s
Budget Allocation
1 9
The crea5ve strategy behind our adver5sing will be to draw the emo5on out of the individuals that see our ads. We want to show our poten5al consumers the impact that your cards can have when giving to someone, and we want highlight this in our ads and viral marke5ng campaign The goal of the ads will be to poten5ally have our target audience see our ad and feel good, and bring that into their purchasing process for when the 5me comes for buying a gree5ng card for someone. Many of our ads will focus around the holidays being that’s one of biggest 5mes when consumers purchase gree5ng cards and the holidays can also bring out the emo5onal aspect in people. Our ads will showcase the experience of giving a card and receiving a card.
C r e at i v e S t r at e g y
The images pictured here are our team’s examples of what we envision for the print ads that would be used on Facebook, Twider, Instagram, bus stops, posters, etc. These photos are general enough, yet s5ll communicate that the card is more than just a card—it evokes emo5on or a feeling. It also indicated that the cards s5mulate your senses. The ads would have our slogan, “A card everyone can read.”
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C r e at i v e S t r at e g y Â
2 1 Â
C r e at i v e S t r at e g y
The following is a screen shot a mock website store our team created. This is a live site, for your viewing pleasure. To view the site visit: www.jkkantak.wix.com/lighthousecards
2 2
Card DecoraNng: Bundles of blank cards would be sold at premium pricing (6 pack for $25.00.) There will be two bundle op5ons: Braille or Not Braille. Both bundles would be priced the same, and then only single braille cards will be sold, also at our new premium price (&4.50). All proceeds would go towards the founda5on. Paints, crayons, glue, glider, and addi5onal paper decora5ons will be available for people to decorate and personalize cards for their loved ones, just in 5me for the holidays! This is a great ac5vity for ALL people. Pancake Breakfast: Chicago lighthouse would host a pancake breakfast, but would sell 5ckets prior in advance. Tickets would be on sale at the door, as well. Tickets will be priced at $10 a person for an all you can eat pancake breakfast. (Pancakes are a filling, fun, and cost effec5ve way to serve a large crowd on a very reasonable budget.) Local ArNst’s Art AcNon In advance to this event, local ar5sts would be contacted to either create or donate a piece of art for the benefit of Chicago Lighthouse/Lighthouse Cards. All proceeds of this event would go towards Chicago Lighthouse or Lighthouse Cards.
C r e at i v e S t r at e g y
Lighthouse Card’s Yearly Event For one of our crea5ve strategies, we designed an event to help launch and con5nue driving sales of the gree5ng cards for years to come. Our idea was to have event once and year that fell of a different major holiday, each year. These events would be open to the public and would be kid, civilian, and visually impaired friendly. At this event there would be: • Card Decora5ng (Braille and Regular) • A Pancake Breakfast • Local Ar5st Art Auc5on
2 3
Texture The following are examples of textures and high quality papers that would be offered online and in-‐ store. The experien5al line of gree5ng cards is aimed to create emo5on and good feelings. Touch the sample to experience the texture element.
E x p e r i e n t i a l S t r at e g y
2 4
The following are examples of aromas that would be offered online and in-‐store. The experien5al line of gree5ng cards is aimed to create emo5on and good feelings. Scratch and sniff the sample to experience the aroma element.
E x p e r i e n t i a l S t r at e g y
2 5
The following are examples of sounds that would be offered online and in-‐store. The experien5al line of gree5ng cards is aimed to create emo5on and good feelings. Touch the sample to experience the sound element.
E x p e r i e n t i a l S t r at e g y
2 6
The Gree5ng Card Industry would seem saturated, but in the words of Dave Pollard, “The trick of it all is finding the ‘Sweet Spot’.” Our team is confident that your company’s ‘Sweet Spot’ is the Braille and experien5al cards we have presented. To simply recap our plan, we are proposing a well rounded, feasible marke5ng tac5c that will take
S u m m a ry
Chicago Lighthouse’s line of gree5ng cards to the next level. When beginning the planning
process, we knew that we wanted to be outside of the box, but most importantly we wanted to just provide a well thought out, concise plan. Our goal was to create a document that was simple, yet unexpected and we believe that has been achieved. With a well rounded look at media, realis5c budget goals, and exci5ng new events and campaign ideas, this plan will undoubtedly provide longevity for Lighthouse Cards. We want to thank you again for allowing us to work with you on this campaign. While working on this project we not only learned beder what it meant to be a good marketer, but a good team member as well. None of this would have been possible without you!
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The following are graphs from my team’s survey research results. Survey Monkey was used for the survey.
R e s o u r c e s
2 8
R e s o u r c e s
2 9
R e s o u r c e s
3 0
R e s o u r c e s
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R e s o u r c e s
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R e s o u r c e s
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R e s o u r c e s
3 6
R e s o u r c e s
3 7
R e s o u r c e s
3 8
R e s o u r c e s
3 9
R e s o u r c e s
4 0
R e s o u r c e s
4 1
R e s o u r c e s
4 2
"Central Park Snowstorm." American Cancer Society Greetings. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Mar. 2014. <http://www.acsholidaycollection.org/Holiday-Greetings/Tony-Bennett-Cards/2975TB32055FC-Central-Park-Snowstorm.pro>.
R e s o u r c e s Â
"12 Ingenious Gadgets & Technologies Designed for the Blind | Urbanist." WebUrbanist RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Mar. 2014. <http://weburbanist.com/ 2010/04/05/12-ingenious-gadgets-technologies-for-the-blind/>.
"Chicago Lighthouse." About Us. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Mar. 2014. <http:// chicagolighthouse.org/about-us>. "Create Surveys. Get Answers.." SurveyMonkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire tool. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014. <http:// www.surveymonkey.com>. Greeting Card. "About the Industry." About the Industry. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014. <http://www.greetingcard.org/AbouttheIndustry/tabid/58/Default.aspx>. "Greeting Cards." market report. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Mar. 2014. <http:// business.highbeam.com/industry-reports/wood/greeting-cards>. "Prevalence of Vision Impairment." Lighthouse International -. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014. <http://www.lighthouse.org/research/statistics-on-vision-impairment/prevalence-ofvision-impairment/>. "Visual impairment and blindness." WHO. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014. <http:// www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs282/en/>.
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