JEN D EAN PH O TO G R APH Y pr icin g in fo r m atio n
Sessi on Fee Weekday:$190 Weekend:$250
*Incl udesa 1 hoursessi on ata l ocat i on of yourchoi ce i nt he Port l and area. *You wi l lbe present ed wi t h 20-30 i mages from yoursessi on duri ng a personal . orderi ng appoi nt ment
Premi um ArtPri nt s Gi ftSi zes 5x7
Wal lPri nt s 12x18 $125 16x24 $175 20x30 $325 30x40 $450
CanvasGal l ery Wraps 12x12 $200 12x18 $250 16x24 $325 20x30 $490 30x40 $750
ArtBooks 6x9
Hard CoverBook
bum $975 8x12 Hard CoverAl Each book i scust om desgi ned and i ncl udes15 of yourfavori t ei mages.
Image Box Smal l $475 Large $975 A beaut i fulkeepsake box whi ch hol ds 15 of yourfavori t e mount ed i mages.
Di sk of Images Al li magesfrom yoursessi on on a CD $850 *Avai l abl e forpurchase wi t h orders over$500.Compl i ment ary wi t h orders over$1300.
Gl amourPort rai t s 8x12
11x16 $220 16x24 $275 20x36 $350 30x40 $650
JEN @jen d ean ph o to .co m 207.318.0467