Visual Experimentation of Sound

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Visual Experimentation of Sound

V i s u a l

e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n

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First published in the Malaysia in 2011 by Jeng Mun.New, 281, Jalan Perak 5, Taman Bandar Baru Selatan, 31900, Kampar, Perak. Š 2011 New Jeng Mun All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 0-000-00000-1 Printed and bound in Malaysia by News Printing Designed by Jeng Mun.New

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To experiment this sound affect emotion, the first things need to do is find:


Problem statement turned sound to uplift you even further in happy times or sought the comfort of sound when you How many times have you

depressed strike? Is there any link between sound and emotions?

Sounds affects all of us. Many things show the link between


in the mind indicates that listening t o

sound actually can change how our brains and therefore our body function.

It seems that the healing power of sound , many of analyst have been encourage the use of sounds ­­­­­­­ — both listening and study for reduction of nervousness, depressing

STRESS, the relief of pain. Even, sound has r e c o m m e n d e d as an aid fo r positive change in mood and emotional states. O r, w h e n


facing different pressure and stress, we listen in some p l e a s i n g s o u n d t o b r i n g u p t h e p l e a s a n t m o o d . T h e so u n d affe c t e mo tio n s c an tak e time sh o rt p e ri o d an d i f in a l o n g p e i o d o f ti me g ain in g to g e t in to th is le v e l o f e mo tio n an d mo o d it


become a behavior. Jengmun |new

WHO does it affect Wo r ki n g p e o p l e i n t h e

urban city [White and Blue Collar].

What does it effect Because of that period of time, the

INNER PSYCHOLOGY OF THE VICTIMS is aggressive and less patient, they easily will be affected by the surrounding sound.

When is t h e p r o b l e m T h e i r s e n s e o f e m o t i o n a n d m o o d i s m o r e s e n s i t i ve a n d i t w i l l h ave t wo c o n t r a s t o u t c o m e s w h i ch i s

the p e r s o n , f r o m t h e r e a n d b u i l d u p a p o s i t i v e f e e l i n g a n d m o o d negative emotion and mood in psychology side.

positive and negative. If the surrounding is fine for

or if the surrounding is awful for the person, things will influence what the victims from there and build up a

The seriousness of the problem in surrounding effects the persons

will influence the victims

e m o t i o n m o r e s e r i o u s l y t u r n i n t o b a d c o n d i t i o n o r b e c o m i n g b e t t e r a n d b e t t e r . If not in bad condition the violence and the negative emotion will influence the victims to become into a person who have unpleasent emotion to pleasent emotion.


it is a problem

It can happens in EVERYWHERE and



How does it effects It maybe tak e few seconds, minutes, hour s to see and sense it t i m e g a i n i n g t o g e t i n t o t h i s l e v e l o f E M O T I O N A N D M O O D i t w i l l bec om e a

and in a long period of


st r oke ( weight +st r engt h)

Fre q u e n c y

color ( t emper atur e)

All this tide up in strength, weight, temperature, sound and pressure

Pitch Pre s s u re

High / m e d i u m / l ow

shape ( pr essur e+speed)

t extur e ( sound+pr essur e)

wor ds/ t ypo ( sound+emot ion)


Vehicles ( car, bus, mot or cycle and et c)

W i n d b l ows

B ir d s w h i s p e ri n g

Nature sound

Artifical sound

machine ( const ruct ion)

Ra in i n g & th u n d e r human ( cooking , cr ying , laughing , singing , sceaming and t alking) Dew dr ops f r o m th e l e ave s

Mapping why human emotion effects by

Visual, Environment And Sound


m olu


[ A g g r e s s i v e , Pa s s i v e , A s s e rt i v e ]

c t i v e [ SA D, HAPPY, MELANCHOY]

pe [pressure]



pitc h [low , hig h, me diu m]

Behavioral efle


ir env

nt e m


C O LO R [ t e m p e r a t u r e ]



s t r o ke [ we i g h t & s t r e n g t h ]

of s o







sound pressure, direction, inten s i t y,

th, e n c y, wave l e n g visual [frequ

s o u n d [ v e h i c l e s . m a ch i n e , h o r n s ]

n] io t o m e d n a d n u o s w o rd [ Texture [sound a nd textu re]

This sounds make me imagine the pendulum swing very fast. Because of the wauunngg..................... wauunngg.............wauunngg. wauunngg . ........ ............ wauunngg..............

....... wauunngg. ............wauunngg.................. wauunngg..............wauunngg........... .... .sound like frequency of the string swing in very FAST VELOCITY and it also a bit sounds a insect wings...flipping very fast...

The process of speed turning the difference

weight of pendulum.

Emotions are both innate (natural) and learned, just like all other functions of the human brain.

k i c ck k k k . . . k o c c c c . . . . t a p p . . . t o p p p . . . . . . . z z e e e z z z . . . . . . k i c ck k k k . . . k o c c c c . . . . t a p p . . . t o p p p . . . . . . . z z e e e z z z . . . . . . k i c ck k k k . . . k o c c c c . . . . t a p p . . . t o p p p . . . . . . . z z e e e z z z . . . . . . k i c ck k k k . . . k o c c c c . . . . t a p p . . . t o p p p . . . . . . . z ze e e z z z . . . . . .


sound intensity



speed of sound

characterizes by these generic


moving slower than the speed of sound


moving at the peed of sound



sound pressure velocity moving faster

friction waves

longitudinal waves

transver ve waves



fast / medium / slow


high / medium / low


bass, classic, jazz

pitch frequency

volume mechanical sound is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, gas composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and a level sufficiency strong to be heard or sensation stimulated in organs of hearing such vibrations.


vivid / dull high / medium / low


warm & cold

high / medium / low

The process of throwing the grumpling clothes and paper to the wall

Reflective Reflective o

go o d o r b a d , s a fe o r d a n ge ro u s ,


t h e m u s c l e s [ the motor system ] and alerts the rest of the


Visceral, Behaviour and Reflective


Three levels of Processing<>

The viseral level is fast

brain. This is the start of

> >

i t m a ke s ra p i d j u d ge m e n t o f w h a t i s

and sends appropriate s i g n a l s t o


r o l

Behavioral Behavioral C o n



e t

b e

e o

h f

a m


i o

o s

r t

a h

l u








l b

i e






h i






enhance or inhibit the visceral layer. T h e h i g h e s t l a y e r i s t h a t o f

THOUGHT. N ote that it does not have direct acess either

to sensor y input or to the control of behavior.

I n s t e a d i t w a t ch e s o v e r, r e f l e c t s


upon, and tries to bias the
















Its actions can be enhanced or inhibited by the reflective layer and in turn, it can





The creative process is itself a fragile thing. One moves in a direction

hoping to find something , both recognisable and at the same time unrecognisable, something comforting but curiousing.

can be ultimately rewarding if one is brave enough to follow this fluid path.

This weaving within and without oneself

I n t h i s s o u n d s , what I have listen is the high speed and tension of the water flowi n g l o u d a n d s o ft s o u n d . .. b r r r u u u r r r r p p p p p p p p p p . . . d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p

d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p r rrpp p p p p p p p d d rrrr p p p p p p p p p d d rrrr p p p p p p p p p d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p d d rr p p p p p p p p p d d rrrr p p p p p p p p p ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp...............................ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp d d rrrr p p p p p p p p p d d r r r r p p p p p pppp ddrrrrppppppppp d d rrrr p p p p p p p p p d d r rrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp

d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p

ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp

d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p

d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p . . . . . making me think of the diffusion color d e n s i t y i n t h e w a t e r,










T .



ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp ddrrrrppppppppp

r r r u u u r r r r p p p p p p p p p p . . . d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p

d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p

d d r r r r p p p p p p p p p

The process of D I F F U S I O N i n t h e w a t e r.

to generate, record, transmit sounds television Motion of medium itself. Sound moving


sequence of waves of pressure that transmit of waves compress media = water & air

through mind. Independent of the motion sound through the medium is moving, the sounds is further transported.


The vicosity(thickness, stickness, glueness, tackiness, gummies) of the medium also affects the motion of sounds waves. It determines the rate at which sound is weaken. For any media, such as air or water due to vicosity is minor.

Many species for detecting danger, navigation, predation, communication

Sounds Physical pehnomenon fire, rain, surf, earthquake (unique sound)




vibr at ion

Can transmit through solid as well. The some other transmission during propagation, waves can be:

density & pressure

affected by temperature determines the spread ofsound within the medium



This so un ds m ake m e t hink a bout t he na il a nd ha m m er th ing s b ec a us e of t he pr es s ur e ha m me r i n g a n d s c r ew i n g t h e h a r d o b j e c t . ....

drewwww...drew....doommm.....domm... .drewwww...drew....doommm.....domm... dr om m m. . . . . dom m . . . . dr ew w w w. . . dr ew. . . . d o o mm m . . . . . d o m m . . .

. drewwww...drew....doommm.....domm... .drewwww...

. d r e w w w w. . . d r e w. . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w. . . d r e w. . . . d o o m m m . . . . .

d o m m . . . d r e w w w w. . . d r e w. . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w. . . d r e w. . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . .

. d r e w w w w . . . d r e w . . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . .

drewwww... drew....doommm....drewwww...drew................droommmmmmmm......................... ...drew....doommm.....domm... .drewwww... d r ew....d o o m m m .....d o m m ...

d r e w w w w . . . d r e w . . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w . . . . . d o o m m m . . . . . . .

.d r ew w ww...

drew....doommm.....domm... .drewwww...drew.... d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . .

dr ew w w w. . . d r ew. . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w . . . d r e w . . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w. . . d r e w. . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w. . . d r e w. . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w. . . d r e w. . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w . . . d r e w . . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w . . . d r e w . . . d o o m m m . . . . . d o m m . . . . d r e w w w w . . . . . d o o m m m . . . . . . .

The process of hammer the NAIL INTO THE WOODEN.




ch o

A lo de ng ep -la , p st en in s g iv sa e, dn an es d s.



Expressions c o m e s f r o m E M O T I O N / M O O D The


C gl aus oo in a m; g s s d o sa ad ep rro d m res w ne ov s o w ie; ing r s :




play very important role to

Effect The Mood Of A Person.

And it also can represent a person’s mood w e a r i n g


d u l l

c o l o r .




g xc in in e p el e ap fe ens d h A nt n i a

h e / s h e


p e r c e n t a g e


b i g

o sta m s ph or ite es

v e r y

f ria te o nt


pl A ea f su ee r l i e n an g d of ha gr e p pi at ne ss

because if a person is sad or hopeless,


How d o e s y o u r f e e l i n g t o d a y ? Th i s w o n d e r f u l a n d


c l e v e r c a r t o o n expression s

p r i n t exe r c i s e i s t o ch a l l e n g e s yo u

not to be















The Vicious


Attention Focus


Physical Sensation

Key thoughts and meanings

1> In the Trigger box, write down the TRIGGER that makes you feel anxious or upset. 2> In the CENTRAL CIRCLE, write down the key thoughts

and meanings you attach to the trigger.

Behaviors 3> In the FLOWER PETALS, write down the emotions, behaviours and sensations you experience when you experience when your uncomfortable feeling is triggered. In the TOP PETAL, write down what you tend to focus on.

The The most most The most Whoever The most Whoever

beautiful beautiful experience experience we we can can have have is is the the mysterious. mysterious. It It is is the the fundamental fundamental emotion emotion that that stands stands at at the the cradle cradle of of beautiful is the It the that stands the of does know can no longer marvel, dead, eyes dimmed.Albert Einstein beautiful experience we can have is wonder the mysterious. mysterious. It aais isgood the fundamental fundamental emotion that stands at at the cradle cradle of does not not experience know it it and andwe cancan no have longer wonder marvel, is is good dead, and and his hisemotion eyes are are dimmed.Albert Einstein

true true true true

science. science. science. science.

Whoever does know can no longer marvel, dead, eyes dimmed.Albert Einstein The most beautiful is wonder the mysterious. It aaisgood the fundamental that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not not experience know it it and andwe cancan no have longer wonder marvel, is is good dead, and and his hisemotion eyes are are dimmed.Albert Einstein The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein Whoever does not experience know it andwe cancan no have longer marvel, is dead, and hisemotion eyes are dimmed.Albert Einstein The most beautiful is wonder the mysterious. It aisgood the fundamental that stands at the cradle of true science. The most experience we can have is the It the emotion that stands the of The most beautiful beautiful is wonder the mysterious. mysterious. It ais isgood the fundamental fundamental that stands at at the cradle cradle of true true science. science. Whoever does not experience know it andwe cancan no have longer marvel, is dead, and hisemotion eyes are dimmed.Albert Einstein Whoever does know can no longer wonder marvel, a good dead, eyes dimmed.Albert Einstein Whoever does not not experience know it it and andwe cancan no have longer marvel, is is dead, and and his hisemotion eyes are are dimmed.Albert Einstein The most beautiful is wonder the mysterious. It aisgood the fundamental that stands at the cradle of true science. The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein Whoever does not experience know it andwe cancan no have longer wonder marvel, is aisgood dead, and hisemotion eyes are dimmed.Albert Einstein The most beautiful is the mysterious. It the fundamental that stands at the cradle of true true science. science. The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of of true true science. science. The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not know know it and and can can no longer wonder marvel, marvel, is aaa good good dead, dead, and his his eyes eyes are dimmed.dimmed.Albert Einstein Whoever does not it no longer wonder is and are Albert Einstein Whoever does know can no longer marvel, dead, eyes dimmed.Albert Einstein Whoever does not not experience know it it and andwe cancan no have longer wonder marvel, is is good dead, and and his hisemotion eyes are are dimmed.Albert Einstein The most beautiful is wonder the mysterious. It aisgood the fundamental that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not experience know it andwe cancan no have longer wonder marvel, is aisgood dead, and hisemotion eyes are dimmed.Albert Einstein The most beautiful is the mysterious. It the fundamental that stands at the cradle of true science. The most is the It the that stands the of Whoever does not experience know it andwe cancan no have longer marvel, is dead, and hisemotion eyes are dimmed.Albert Einstein The most beautiful beautiful experience we can have is wonder the mysterious. mysterious. It ais isgood the fundamental fundamental emotion that stands at at the cradle cradle of true true science. science. The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever not know it and we cancan no have longeris wonder marvel, isIt aaisgood dead, and his eyes are dimmed.Einstein Whoever does not it marvel, dead, eyes dimmed.Albert Einstein The most does beautiful experience the mysterious. the fundamental that stands Albert at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not know know it and and can can no no longer longer wonder wonder marvel, is is a good good dead, and and his hisemotion eyes are are dimmed.Albert Einstein Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. The most beautiful is wonder the mysterious. It ais good the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not experience know it andwe cancan no have longer marvel, is dead, and his eyes are dimmed.Albert Einstein Whoever does not experience know it andwe cancan no have longer marvel, is dead, and hisemotion eyes are dimmed.Albert Einstein The most beautiful is wonder the mysterious. It aisgood the fundamental that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder marvel, is a good dead, and his eyes are dimmed.- Albert Einstein

wh at is tho ugh t? tho ugh t is trav ellin g wit hou t mo tion .

wha t are wor ds? wor ds are sou nd as form .

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