Publication of the Building Owners & Managers Association of Utah
Spring 2012
BOMA Standard Utah
BOMA Utah P.O. Box 13967 Ogden, Utah 84412 801.710.2590
Utah ShakeOut Shows Importance of Being Prepared for the Worst 100,000 people could be displaced from their homes.
Executive Director Shelli L. Menegos, RPA, FMA
I’m not sharing this information to scare everyone but to inform you of the importance of being prepared. With this drill, I hope you made note of the things you have and don’t have in case of an emergency. Do you have an emergency plan and kit in your home, office and car? Do you have a gallon of water per person per day in your home? These small steps can help you be better prepared for when the real emergencies occur.
BOMA UTAH 2012 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Todd Mabey, Zions Securities Company President-Elect Lorrie Ostlind, Hines Properties, Inc. Past President Jim Derrick, Larry H. Miller Management Company Vice President Scott Bennion, RiverPark Management & Development
The Utah Shakeout provided us an opportunity to test our plans. In 2007, BOMA International put together a list of 12 essential tips for emergency planning for your properties ( s/pressroom/Pages/pressrelease 091007.aspx). I would encourage you to review these tips and make sure you and your employees and tenants are prepared for any emergency, whether it be an outbreak of an illness or a natural disaster.
Secretary/Treasurer Casey Killian, Varsity Contractors Board of Directors Jon H. Carlson, Lincoln Harris CSG Gary L. Coker, CBRE Justin Farnsworth, CBRE Eric S. Pauly, CentiMark Corporation Terrell Sparks, CPM, Roseman University Properties Russell Shinrock, Securitas Security Services USA, Inc.
MISSION BOMA Utah is the standard of excellence, providing best in class industry leading practices, strong education, local advocacy and friendly networking unity.
ON THE COVER BOMA Utah Events The BOMA Standard is a publication of Jengo Media. For editorial or advertising information call 801.796.5503 or visit
On Tuesday, April 17, Utah experienced an earthquake drill. Roughly 900,000 Utahns participated in the simulated earthquake including schools, hospitals, military personnel, businesses and families. Lucky for us, this was a drill and not the real thing. Had we experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake, an estimated 30,000 homes could have collapse. There would likely be billions of dollars in damages across the state. There would also have been about 23,000 people killed, another 30,000 injured and upwards of
As Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center stated, “Preparation through education is less costly than learning through tragedy.” Let’s ensure that we’re always ready and prepared for anything. Sincerely, Todd Mabey
COMMUNITY SERVICE: The purpose of the Community Service Committee is to encourage and facilitate active participation from BOMA members in volunteer activities throughout the Salt Lake community. The committee uses the professional skills and knowledge of the individuals within BOMA to improve the facilities of selected charities.
Members: Rudy Larsen, Helen Smith, Chris Pinkston, Cathie Woods, Marco Ireland, Tyler Brinkman, Paul Morgan, Debbie Jacketta, Steve Morley, Vicki Davison, Mike Tanner, John Barlow, Keith Geisel, Ron Moore, Paul Limburg
Contact: Rudy Larsen, chair,
News: The Community Service Committee is currently working with the VA Nursing home to add a landscaping addition that will be valued at roughly $60,000. This would allow the senior veteran residents a nice outdoor area that they can enjoy. The committee is also going to provide an interior and landscaping project for a wounded Afghanistan veteran's personal home. The vet was shot last April by a sniper. He cannot currently hold a job or provide an real income for his family. A home remodel project was started and BOMA plans to finish it for him. Both projects will be done before the end of August.
EDUCATION: The purpose of the Education Committee is to provide educational and designation courses and curriculum to keep the membership current and trained in the requirements of their profession and continually strive to raise the level and quality of professionalism within the industry and profession. It plans, conducts and oversees study programs and seminars, including those offered by BOMA International, BOMI International and sponsored by BOMA Utah.
Members: Aaron Weight, Emily Koon, Justin Farnsworth, Kevin Bezzant, Ed Tallerico, Paul Gallegos, Rick Rice, Rich Lobrovich, Kelly Kirkham, Monica Pond, Craig Payne, Braden Moore
Contact: Aaron Weight, chair, or 801.321.8700
Message: As we round the corner into spring, the Education Committee continues to provide industry leading education and events to help you stay ahead of the competition. From Real Estate Licensee continuing education to emergency preparedness, we have you covered for all your education needs. Our latest addition was the Utah Lien Law course taught by Mr. Tom Harper in March. Property Managers, building owners, contractors, and project managers will all want to sign up (go to to register) for this course where you will receive up to date information on how to protect your interests during construction and maintenance projects. We are also preparing for our first BOMI course of 2012 in April – Budgeting and Accounting. In this course you will learn the basics of preparing a budget for your building, beginning accounting principles and helpful formulas. This course is required for the RPA (Real Property Administrator) designation. Sign up at today. BOMA Utah is proud to offer continuing education credits for real estate licensees for most luncheons and educational events. If you
have ideas for a course, would like to teach a course, or just want to share some ideas, please contact us. We would love to hear from you. Congratulations to Larry Knowlden for completing his RPA (Real Property Administrator) Designation. Larry now has the RPA and FMA (Facility Management Administrator) Designations. Way to go, Larry! If you would like to learn more about our educational offerings, please contact Education Chair Aaron Weight at 801.363.4191 or Vice Chair Emily Koon at 801.869.8046.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: The mission of the Emergency Preparedness Committee is to support BOMA members in regards to security and life safety measures. The committee will facilitate communication between BOMA members and their tenants and government agencies.
Members: Eric Fairbanks, Derrek Davis, David Colucci, Martin Johnson, Karl Bowen, Ray Wilcox, JD Sheppard, Mike Scott, Linn Griffith, Lance Studebaker
Contact: Eric Fairbanks, chair,
Message: BOMA Utah's Emergency Preparedness Committee is continuing to prepare for the Great Utah Shakeout. Please get involved in this activity. The committee hopes the results of the Shakeout will be more building owners preparing their facilities for a disaster. The committee is also promoting its 12-Point Business Continuity Program and has worked hard to put the program in place so all members of BOMA can understand and benefit. It is a simple, yet complex program that provides the necessities to prepare for an event that could interrupt business. Find out more information at the BOMA Utah website under the Preparedness and Business Continuity tab on the home page. You will find all of the program documents and directions on getting started and moving forward. In addition to the seven-step program, the committee will also be launching a larger, more in-depth training program with Keven Holman from the State of Utah Department of Emergency Management. Please understand that this is in-depth and requires commitment. Please don't hesitate to contact Eric Fairbanks or Derek Davis with questions.
GOLF: The mission of the Golf Committee is to organize, promote and implement the annual golf outing. The committee will develop and implement a schedule of events including establishing a date for the event, soliciting and securing a golf course to hold the event, preparing a budget, promoting and acquiring sponsorships, organizing awards presentation and coordinating the event.
Members: Jill Richardson, Cheryl Sanford, Dario Benitez, Marco Ireland, Mike Reidy, Craig Castle, Steve Boogard, Spencer Tibbits, Paul Gallegos, Braden Moore, David Wright, Jason Leavitt, Ryan Wallwork, Summer Hansen
continued on page 4 SPRING 2012 BOMA STANDARD I 3
COMMITTEE MESSAGES continued from page 3 Contact:
Contact: Jon Carlson, chair, or 801.424.6080
Jill Richardson, chair, or 801.366.7143
Message: The Golf Committee has a countdown for the annual BOMA Golf Tournament. How about you? Mark your calendars for July 30. Although the hole sponsorships and golf spots are sold out, we still have a few of the major sponsorships available and would love to see everyone there. If you'd like to sponsor or sign up to volunteer at the tournament, please contact us. Let's raise some funds for our veterans.
The Medical Office Building Symposium has been tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. There will be several speakers at the Symposium as well as a panel discussion. The committee will also be holding meetings throughout the year to discuss topics related to the healthcare industry – including emergency preparedness. The committee hopes to begin implementing disaster drills with MOB managers on their respective hospital campuses.
The purpose of the Local Advocacy Committee is to meet with those who propose or decide public policy, analyze existing or proposed legislation and/or regulations to determine the impact on BOMA members and recommends for BOMA Board approval what position the association should take on such matters. The committee educates and informs BOMA members, elected and administrative officials, and the public about issues of significance to commercial real estate.
Members: Justin Farnsworth, Betty Parker, Chris Pinkston, Ed Tallerico, Fernando Cruz, Gary Bullock, Keith Geisel, George Hampton, Jim Shell, Karl Bowen, JJ Kofford, Phil Martin, Scott Bennion, Stephen M. West, Vicky Davison
Contact: Justin Farnsworth, chair,
Message: The Building Owners and Managers Association Advocacy Committee tracked several state bills during this past legislative session. They are currently in the process of establishing relationships with representatives that impact the commercial real estate industry. The committee recruited the help of Jayceen Walker, a government relations specialist with Pathway Associates to train the committee in proper advocacy approach as it relates to our state representatives. Advocacy Chairman Justin Farnsworth has distributed assignments to various committee members in an effort to bring a town hall meeting to the October luncheon where several key representatives will be invited to participate. The Advocacy Committee would like to thank the BOMA Board and our director, Shelli Menegos for their continued support in our efforts.
MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING: The mission of the Medical Office Building Committee is to promote “best practices” and advance the interests of the medical office building industry through leadership, advocacy, education, research, information and networking.
Members: Chris Day, Ron Loock, Matt Jensen, Larry Knowlden, Tom Uriona, David Pinkson, Casey Killian, Mark Van Mondfrans, Tom Richter, Peter Hanlon, Dorian Adams, Karl Bowen, Jerry Pace, Jon Carlson
The mission of the Membership Committee is to recruit new members and promote active membership for the purpose of increasing our body of members and participation. The committee will develop an understanding of the organization, its benefits and membership fee structure.
Members: Mike Reidy, Steve Bryant, Ricardo Fuchs, Craig Castle, Charlie Withers, JD Sheppard, Paul Gallegos, Clayton Horton, Dario Benitez, Fernando Cruz, Eric Pauly
Contact: Eric Pauly, chair, or 801.907.8137
Message: The Membership Committee is working hard to bring in Principle Members.
The purpose of the Programs Committee is to provide interesting and informative speakers for BOMA Utah luncheons.
Members: Casey Killian
Contact: Casey Killian, chair, or 801.972.3580
Message: The Programs Committee is working to bring BOMA members educational and informational luncheons that will be beneficial to you and your team. All programs are listed on BOMA Utah's website. Upcoming programs include a tour of the Mormon Tabernacle and the Annual Tradeshow and Luncheon.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: The purpose of the Public Relations Committee is to improve the visibility of BOMA Utah in the Salt Lake City/Utah commercial real estate community through the media. The committee will help promote BOMA as a reliable source of information on the commercial real estate industry in Salt Lake City and surrounding areas.
Members: Kelly Lux, Travis Barrington, Scott Gourley, Ed Tallerico, Cheryl Sanford, Mike Reidy, Matthew Leishman
Contact: Kelly Lux, chair, or 801.796.5503
COMMITTEE MESSAGES Message: The Public Relations Committee met with the co-chairs of each committee to encourage better communication between BOMA committees. The committee will be working more closely with the other BOMA committees to make sure members are aware of events within the organization. The committee will also work to promote the organization within the community.
TOBY: The mission of The Outstanding Building of the Year Committee is to select the buildings that embody the values and best practices of the commercial real estate industry and showcase them in the annual TOBY Awards
Members: Renee Schmid, Dave Shepard, Steve Boogard, JD Sheppard, Paul Gallegos
Contact: Renee Schmid, chair, or 801.506.5005
Message: The TOBY Awards were a huge success. The TOBY Committee would like to congratulate all of the entrants and winners on their hard work in the competition. Renee Schmid and David Shepard will be stepping down as the committee chairs. They have yet to be replaced. If you are interested, contact the BOMA office.
2012 Calendar To register for BOMA events and activities, visit
June 7
October 11
Tour of City Creek at 2 p.m.
Monthly Luncheon
June 13
November 15
Lien Law Class (2 Hours CORE CEU Approved)
The BOMA Utah Medical Office Building Symposium, the largest gathering of its kind, is set for Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. The topic this year is preparedness and our presenters are sure to keep things interesting. We’ll send more information as the event date draws closer.
June 30 Annual Charity Golf Tournament presented by Varsity Facility Services
September 13 Joint luncheon with IREM, guest speaker, Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff
BOMA Utah has a new website. Please review our new site, give us feedback/suggestions. We may be limited on what we can do and/or show, but your feedback is important.
Member Spotlight Helen Smith Real Estate Manager, Asset Services, CBRE What was your first job? My first job was working at McDonalds as a junior in high school. I must say that they had a really good training program and I learned a lot – despite the ugly uniform! Tell us about the company you work for now. What is your title, and what are your responsibilities? I am a Real Estate Manager for CBRE, Inc. I manage more than 850,000 square feet of office, retail and industrial properties along the Wasatch Front. Why do you enjoy what you do? I like the diversity of my job. I spend part of my day in the office doing paperwork and the other part going to my properties talking to my tenants and vendors and making sure everything is running smoothly. What is your property management philosophy? I feel that the role of a property manager is a balancing act. I’m caught between trying to keep the tenants happy and making sure that their needs are met and making sure the owners are happy and that their properties are well maintained within a tight budget. There is never a dull moment! How long have you been a member of BOMA, what positions have you held, and why is it important to you? I have been a member of BOMA for about two and a half years. I spent the first year on the sidelines, just going to the luncheons and taking it all in. At the golf tournament in 2010, I heard Ali Williams speak about the Community Service Committee and the project that they were about to begin, and I was hooked. I have been on the Community Services Committee since then, and I am the vice chair this year. I love helping people and animals. The last two projects we have done, along with the project for this year, are very rewarding and fill my heart with happiness to be able to make a difference in their lives. BOMA has filled a void that I have needed to fill for a long time. Tell us about your family. I am married and have two children, a boy and a girl. They are all grown up, and my son is married with a beautiful daughter of his own. We are all very close, and I get to see them often. Being a grandma is such a joy! What are your hobbies/ interests outside of work? I love gardening, walking, hiking, and spending time with my family. What is your hope/concern for the commercial real estate market in 2012? I have hope that the real estate market will continue to improve and that we can all prosper and grow. SPRING 2012 BOMA STANDARD I 5
2012 BOMA Utah TOBY Awards Luncheon By Renee Schmid USA, Inc., and Utah Disaster Kleenup. Other Recognition Sponsors were 5-Star Services, Inc., EcoBrite Services, ISS Facility Services, Schindler Elevator and Thyssen Krupp Elevator. Our Media and Print Media Sponsors were Utah Facilities and Alphagraphics. We thank all of these sponsors who are a part of BOMA and the TOBY program, and we appreciate their help and involvement in our event.
Office Building 250,000 to 499,999 Square Feet 170 South Main, Salt Lake City 255,255 Square Feet Management Company: Commerce Real Estate Solutions Owner: 200 South Main Street Investors, LLC Property Manager: Boyd McGee Team: Dan McGrew, building engineer, Tammy Rasmussen, on-site portfolio manager, Cathie Woods, vice president
On Feb. 9, 2012, the most excellent BOMA Utah property managers and world class sponsors and vendors gathered at The Grand America Hotel for the fourth annual BOMA Utah TOBY, The Outstanding Building of the Year, Awards banquet. It was an exciting day for those top-notch senior property managers who spent numerous hours of their time, as well as their staff ’s time, to complete the entry requirements to showcase their buildings in this annual competition. BOMA Utah awarded five local properties with this year’s TOBY awards. The 2012 building entrants included 136 East South Temple Building with Justin Farnsworth as property manager; Ninigret X and Ninigret XI with Helen Smith, property manager; SouthTowne Corporate Center with Gary Coker, property manager; Union Woods at 7090 Union Park Avenue with property manager David Robertson. These four buildings are all managed by CBRE. The final building in this competition was 170 S. Main Street with Boyd McGee as the 8 I BOMA STANDARD SPRING 2012
property manager and Commerce Real Estate Solutions as the property management company. A huge thanks goes out to our sponsors who made this event possible. Our Visionary Partner was Wasatch Property Services, Platinum Sponsor was Varsity Contractors, Inc., Silver Sponsor was Kimball Property Maintenance. The Bronze Sponsors were CBRE, Inc., Commercial Service Solutions, RBM Building Maintenance, Securitas Security Systems
The TOBY judges were also a big part of this event. They have volunteered their time to participate in this judging project. The judges spent one entire day hiking up to rooftops, down into basements and mechanical rooms and everywhere else in between, judging each building on such things as cleanliness, emergency management procedures and security. Because of them, we were able to come up with the award winning scores. The judges were Eric Fairbanks of Utah Disaster Kleenup, Todd Mabey of Zions Security Corporation, J.D. Sheppard of ISS Facility Services, Mike Reidy of RotoAire Filter Sales and Service, Mike Reschke of RBM Building Services and Jill Richardson with The Boyer Company. The TOBY Committee looks forward to next year’s competition and are already gearing up to recruit sponsors and building participants to become involved in the 2013 BOMA TOBY event. So all the property managers and building engineers out there … get your buildings sparkling and geared up for this great competition.
Office Building 100,000 to 250,000 Square Feet 136 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City 216,975 Square Feet Management Company: CB Richard Ellis Owner: Stuart Bond and JL Properties Property Manager: Justin Farnsworth Team: JJ Kofford, assistant real estate manager, Renee Nordlund, tenant services coordinator, Ladd Hansen, chief building engineer, Shanden Ware, building engineer, Craig Stevens, day porter
Suburban Office Park Mid-Rise SouthTowne Corporate Center, 200 W. Civic Center Drive, Sandy 248,000 Square Feet Management Company: CB Richard Ellis Owner: KBS Realty Advisors Property Manager: Gary Coker Management Team: Cathy Hubbard, assistant real estate manager, Scott Winterowd, building engineer
Suburban Office Park Low-Rise Ninigret X and Ninigret XI, Salt Lake City; 92,036 and 93,600 Square Feet Management Company: CB Richard Ellis; Owner: A&B Properties, Inc. Property Manager: Helen Smith; Management Team: Jason Hartley, assistant chief engineer, Renee Nordlund, tenant services coordinator
Office Building Under 100,000 Square Feet Union Woods, 7090 Union Park, Midvale 89,990 Square Feet Management Company: CB Richard Ellis Owner: Buchanan Street Partners Property Manager: David Robertson Team: David Hansen, building engineer, Susan Miller, property administrator
Charity Golf Tournament In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, here are the details for the BOMA Utah Annual Charity Golf Tournament. The tournament will be at Hidden Valley Country Club on July 30 with a 7:30 a.m. call to carts. This is a gorgeous course with beautiful views. If you’re golfing, make sure you’re there early so you have time to pick up your welcome gift, get raffle tickets, eat some breakfast and warm up. Those who are in their carts on time will have an opportunity to win a special prize. At the luncheon, prizes will be given for the first, second, third and last place teams, as well as men's and women's longest drive, straightest drive, longest putt and closest to the hole. You could win a car with a hole in one or some money at the putting green. This is all in addition to what our sponsors are doing at their holes. Nobody should leave empty-handed. The proceeds from the sale of raffle tickets and licorice ropes will benefit the Utah Veterans. Military vehicles will be at the course for viewing pleasure. This year, golfers will get their team picture taken in front of a Humvee. We’ll also be honored with a color guard presentation at lunch and possibly get to hear from a veteran who has received assistance from the group we are helping. Although we can never really show how much we appreciate our veterans, we can make a difference for several individuals with these funds. With the projects our Community Services Committee has planned, they’ll be able to make each dollar count. Find out more about this service opportunity at We’d like to thank all of our sponsors that have stepped up so far, and give a special thanks to the major sponsors: Varsity Contractors, Lawn Butler, Spectra Contract Flooring, RBM, ABM, Wasatch Property Services, CentiMark Roofing and Utah Disaster Kleenup. We’ll have 216 players, so this is a great opportunity to get your name out to a large group. If you haven’t signed up yet to sponsor or golf, please get in touch with us right away. Email Jill at Sponsors will need to bring all of their own supplies such as tables, chairs and tents but will have assistance finding the holes. Plan on being there bright and early so you’re set up and ready to go by 7 a.m. If you’d like to participate without sponsoring or golfing, we will need some volunteers to help with setup, cleanup and general organization/people herding on the day of the event. Please watch for an email regarding this as we get closer or contact Cheryl at We will see you at the golf course! 10 I BOMA STANDARD SPRING 2012
Tournament Sponsor Varsity Facility Services Welcome Gift Sponsor Lawn Butler Lunch Sponsor Spectra Contract Flooring Raffle Sponsor RBM Services Drink Station Sponsor Aeroscape Property Maintenance & Landscaping Golf Cart Sponsor ABM Janitorial Services Hole in One Sponsors Larry H. Miller Group and Jerry Seiner Silver Sponsor Dynamond Building Maintenance Pro Shop Sponsor Wasatch Property Services Photo Sponsor CentiMark Roofing Putting Green Sponsor Utah Disaster Kleenup Trophy Sponsor Interform Hole Sponsors: Wasatch Property Services, Inc. (2) Double Take Carpet Cleaning The Lawn Butler (2) Rubicon Contractors Merchants Building Maintenance ThyssenKrupp Elevator (2) Comcast Schindler Elevator Jan-Pro of Utah Commercial Lighting Securitas Security Services Belfor Property Restoration Otis Elevator CertaPro Painters Simply Right Jacketta Sweeping ABM Janitorial Services Innovative Waste Solutions Warburton's Clear Green Partners Sprague Pest Control Commercial Mechanical Smart Rain Systems RBM Services Contest Hole Sponsors Clear Green Partners Comcast 5Star Services (2) Kimball Property Maintenance Fullmer Brothers Landscape Maintenance CCI Mechanical Redlee/SCS Bell Janitorial Big-D Construction Waxie Sanitary Supply RotoAire Filter Sales and Service Double Take Carpet Cleaning ABM Janitorial Services Commercial Service Solutions Mechanical Service & Systems
BOMA Tradeshow Another Huge Success for Organization
With more than 50 exhibitors and 150 property/facility managers, engineers and support staff attending, the BOMA Utah Tradeshow is the largest gathering of its kind in the commercial real estate industry. The annual trade show is a great opportunity to network face-to-face and develop contacts essential to the business. The BOMA Tradeshow provided the perfect atmosphere to identify new products and services, find suppliers and check out their competition. What typically takes property managers, facility managers and building engineers weeks or months to achieve was accomplished during this three-hour event. We'd like to congratulate Spencer Tibbits of Utah Property Management Associates, LLC, for winning the $250 gift card just for visiting the vendor booths. We expect next year's Tradeshow to be even bigger and better. Plan for May 2013, it'll be here before we know it.
What people had to say about the Tradeshow “The Tradeshow was super. It was well thought out and had a professional appearance. I brought with me my facilities manager, without him my visit would have been useless. I was pleasantly surprised with the number of contacts he made for things which he believes will be useful for us. I’m convinced that the key to the Tradeshow’s success is for property managers to bring their staff members with them. I hope the vendors will find it equally rewarding.” Jim Derrick, Larry H. Miller Management Company “I thought the venue this year was much better. It felt more spacious. Being able to bring our vehicles into the back area made it much more convenient for loading and setting up. The schedule for setting up and taking down was ample and easy. I did purchase electricity and everything went according to plan. When we arrived, the power was in the booth and easy to connect to. The
display company was easy to deal with and very thorough. “Your registration process was easy and the picture of the booths and their locations really helped with the registration process. “For our business, this trade show was a great success. It allowed us to show some of the new things we are offering, and it was a comfortable atmosphere to discuss business needs and how we can help BOMA members meet their needs. It was a good opportunity for us to get our message out to the key players in a pleasant environment. I believe that it will be a real boost for our business. I spoke with one vendor who had come to see the show who was not exhibiting, and I convinced him that he needed to be a part of BOMA and get a booth next year. It wasn’t hard to convince him.” Paul Morgan, Rivendell Building Maintenance “I think Southtowne Expo afforded us more room and a better atmosphere than last year’s show. Setup was very easy. I liked how compact it was. I think three hours is a great length of time. The cards that people had to get signed for the drawing allowed for more face time with more people. I have participated in several tradeshows, and this was one of the best as far as participation and face time with potential clients. Overall, a very successful show in all areas.” David Wright, Sprague Pest Solutions
BOMA Visits the Mormon Tabernacle BOMA Utah Members of the Building Managers and Owners Association of Utah fill the seats of the Mormon Tabernacle – the seats usually occupied by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. As part of their monthly meeting, BOMA Utah met for lunch in the LDS Conference Center. The group was then led through underground tunnels to the Mormon Tabernacle, where they were given a tour of the facility. Members were given an explanation of the construction of the building that was completed in 1867 under the direction of LDS Prophet Brigham Young. It was later renovated and seismically upgraded.
Helps Raise $150,000 for Utah Vets BOMA Utah helped raise $150,000 for the Utah States Veterans Home. Thank you to everyone who participated. The veteran residents at the Utah State Veterans Home would like to give a heart felt thanks for helping them win $150,000 in the Home Depot Facebook vote contest. They are grateful for every one of the 20,305 votes of support that were cast during the month of March that helped win the Home Depot gift. This is a significant amount of money that will allow them the opportunity to make additional improvement to the Veterans Home program. Your votes showed them how much you appreciate the sacrifices made by veterans in defending our country and helping preserve freedom and liberty. Again, thanks to each of you for your awesome support. Please pass this "Thank You" on to all who participated.
Support our Associate Members Our Associate Members give to BOMA Utah through sponsorships, volunteering on committees and participating. Show your support to them by purchasing products and services from them first.
BOMA Utah Travels to Capitol Hill to Educate Congress on Real Estate’s Agenda The Building Owners and Managers Association of Utah journeyed to Capitol Hill to personally educate their U.S. Senators and Representatives on behalf of commercial real estate. The real estate professionals, Todd Mabey, Bruce Clayton, Chris Christensen, Bruce Lyman, David Jones, Kent Gibson, David Wright, Mel Pearson, Michael Dehner, Lorrie Ostlind and Shelli Menegos, joined fellow members from local BOMA associations across the United States to collectively express the need to extend the 15-year depreciation period for tenant improvements and the need for energy efficiency incentives to retrofit our nation's existing buildings. These members of BOMA Utah visited Washington, DC, as participants in the 2012 National Issues Conference, hosted by BOMA International. The conference allows property owners and managers to analyze and discuss issues, hear presentations by members of Congress and the press, and actively support their profession by visiting Congressional offices for one-on-one meetings with their elected officials. The delegation of eleven (11) BOMA members from Utah was led by its president, Todd Mabey of Investment Property Management Department (IPMD). Over the course of a day, the delegation visited the offices of Senator Hatch, Senator Lee, Representative Bishop, Representative Chaffetz and Representative Matheson to inform their elected officials about real estate concerns. "Continual outreach to our federal policymakers provides the best
opportunity for BOMA Utah and real estate to speak out individually and collectively about the issues that are of
greatest concern to our industry and the nation's economy as a whole," said Mabey.
BOMA Marketplace Commercial Cleaning
Disaster Recovery
Window Cleaning
BOMA Marketplace Snow Removal
BOMA Utah PO Box 13967 Ogden, Utah 84412