The paleo lifestyle, not a diet

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This ebook will show you the paleo lifestyle and everything you need to know to get started!


The Paleo Lifestyle, Not a Diet By K. M. Archer


Terms and Conditions I am not a Doctor or any kind of health care professional. All the information I'm providing is from the research I've conducted myself for my own weight loss goals. Also, the products I'm promoting are products I have personally tried and have worked well for me. Please keep in mind that results will be successful upon a serious lifestyle change that stays constant.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this product may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form what so ever. This includes but not limited to: photocopying, recording, mechanical, electronic or by electronical storage/retrieval system without written permission and dated permission from the author.


Table of Content Terms and Conditions ........................................3 Chapter 1 ......................................................5 Mind set...................................................5 My Experience............................................6 Chapter 2 ......................................................9 The Science...............................................10 Chapter 3 ......................................................11 Getting your kitchen ready.............................11 Chapter 4 .......................................................13 Let's get cookin'...........................................13 Chapter 5........................................................17 Exercise, let's get burnin'................................17 Chapter 6.........................................................20 Last thoughts...............................................20


Chapter One The first thing to keep in mind when starting the Paleo lifestyle is that it is not a diet. You don't count points, calories, or measure everything single thing you eat. Yes, you do need to watch the amount of carbs you however this is very easy to do. Another thing to keep in mind is you don't have to give up the things you love. Breads, chocolate, desert, you get to keep all this by changing your lifestyle. Don't worry, I'll touch base on this and go into more detail to answer as many questions as you may have. The second thing you need to keep mind is this lifestyle has been around for ages. When the cave men were around they didn't eat pop tarts for breakfast, ham subs for lunch and pizza for dinner. They ate eggs from the local birds, meats from the mammals they killed and fresh veggies and fruits from the earth. This is how they kept strong, healthy and contained as much energy as they needed to not only live but to protect their village. Think about your own life right now. You're so busy with the kids that half the time you probably don't have time to even eat breakfast or maybe it's a donut on the go. By lunch you're starving so you eat something heavy like fried fast food or maybe a foot long sub with little to no veggies. Within 30 minuets after eating lunch you 5

want to crawl under your desk and sleep away the massive amount of carbs you just ate but you need to go to that dreaded 1pm meeting your monotone boss is holding while you fight off falling asleep. Then by the time you go home you're wore out and don't want to cook dinner so it's either pizza delivery or a big bucket of fried chicken from your local fast food joint with a long night of indigestion and gas. Yep, that was my life too until I started to look into low carb cooking. Now, before I go into all of the details as to how to get started and how your body will react let me tell you a little about my own experience when I started paleo cooking just so you can learn from my own mistakes that I had to learn from. When I got started I quickly jumped into it without really looking for the proper recipes or reading the proper information rather I was so excited about trying something that I really felt was going to work for me this time around. Like many American's, I've been on many different diets and diet pills that either worked for a small time or didn't work at all so I just gave up and went back to my own way. But this time I really felt this was going to work and let me tell you it did but only after I learned from some mistakes I had made. The first mistake I made was doing "cheat" days. 6

Cheat days while doing the Paleo lifestyle is a no no, I'll explain the science behind this later on. The second mistake I made was not drinking enough water. Lastly, the third mistake I made, which is a major one, was looking in the wrong places for low carb recipes. At first I was just doing a quick search for "low carb or paleo recipes" but after looking further into the recipes (after cooking them and eating them already) I found they WEREN'T LOW CARB! The only true way to change your lifestyle and to benefit from it is to make sure you have the proper recipes to cook for you and your family. My very first cook book I purchased and fell madly in love with was The Paleo Leap Cook Book. The great thing about this cook book is that not only is it a cook book but you can meal plan for the weeks coming so you can get your shopping list ready to go. Also, this cook book comes with awesome deserts! That was a plus for me.



Chapter Two Before going into the science of how low carb eating works in your body, let's talk about how a high carb diet works in our bodies. When we get tired we instantly think "I need some carbs". Why do we do this? Easy. Because of the quick burst of energy we receive while eating or right after we're done eating. This burst of energy comes from our bodies when we consume carbs because once they are consumed, they are quickly turned into glucose. Our pancreas releases insulin to handle the glucose levels. There is a three stage step to this. Step 1) It moves the glucose into your blood stream, pumping through your body's cells for immediate energy. Step 2) What ever is left over is then transported to your liver where the extra energy is then converted into glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the liver as well as the muscles for future energy usage. Step 3) After all of the glycogen stores are filled up, the rest is then turned into fat. A high protein diet, however; will not have this effect. So how does it work for low carb eating? Easy, one 9

word, Ketosis. Ketosis is a natural thing that we do every day regardless of the amount of carbs we consume but the less carbs we eat the harder ketosis works. How does it work? When the fat is broken down by your liver, glycerol and fatty acid molecules are then released. Fatty acid will then be broken down even further and because of this the process is called ketogensis. Once this happens, a ketone body called acetoacetate is then produced. Acetoacetate will then be converted into two other types of ketone bodies known as BHB (Beta-Hydroxbutyrate and Acetone. Long story short, the BHB is fuel for your brain and muscles and Acetone is mostly going to be excreted as waste. The low down is, since glucose will no longer be your main source of fuel, your body will tap into your extra fat storage that we discussed a bit ago thus turning that unused energy into usable energy that your brain and muscles desperately need. Simple as that.


Chapter Three Now it's time to get your kitchen ready for your new journey in life. First, I want you to grab a trash bag and throw everything away in your pantry/cupboards, fridge and freezer that is high in carb. If anything is unused and able to be donated please do so but if anything has been used/opened go ahead and throw it away or ask a close family member if they would like it. I know what you're thinking, I thought the same thing when I started from scratch. That's a waste of money! Yes but the more you wait to get started on this lifestyle change the more you're going to keep putting it off. Just start today and you won't regret it. One major thing I did was obtained many coupons for my shopping trips. You can find a lot of meat and cheese coupons right online or in your local Sunday newspapers, I highly recommend it. The second thing you need to do is get these couple very much important items before starting your new lifestyle. Remember me telling you one of my biggest mistakes was not drinking enough water? That is one of the biggest things you need to purchase for this lifestyle. If you choose to drink tap water that is fine however; I highly recommend you drink a couple liters of Smart Water. The reason why I suggest this is


because while your body is getting used to your lifestyle change, you're going to be getting rid of a lot of salt and potassium. If you don't already know, Sodium and Potassium are very important for your body and brain to function properly. Another way to keep your sodium levels up, which is another highly recommend item from me, is making an 8oz glass of your favorite broth using a bouillon cube. My favorite was always the beef bouillon cubes but use whatever you would like. Lastly, your best friend, ketone strips. Using the Ketone Strips you'll be able to see how far along into Ketosis you are and to know that your lifestyle change is actually working. The scale may take a little time to catch up but I swear almost over night you'll drop a couple pounds out of no where.


Chapter Four I had mentioned the paleo leap cook book earlier, this was my starter cook book. Though I only started off with that one, I highly recommend to have a few on hand. I suggest this because with this new lifestyle you want to get excited about trying new things and with trying new things you want to have many different things to choose from. In time you'll find that you have favorites and want to make a certain thing once a week, nothing wrong with that! But, in the mean time, you need to have lots to pick from. Maybe you have a picky husband or wife or even have kids that are a little hard headed about trying new things. Having many different cook books to choose from is a great way to keep everyone happy. I suggest having a family sit down and picking out items together before making your shopping list. Do this maybe once a week to plan for the week ahead. I highly recommend 1000 Paleo Recipes. It isn't a "cook book" per say but you have so much to choose from. Everything from breakfast, side dishes, appetizers to deserts. The appetizers are wonderful, I used many of them to throw parties at my place and nobody had a clue they were low carb! Sneaky me!


Another great book I recommend is The Paleo Grubs Book. I actually recently got this book when I saw that they were giving away two free ebooks! Getting the paleo grubs book today will get you free access to their paleo desserts and paleo slow cooker meals ebooks as well as a 10 week meal plan. I made two of the slow cooker meals just last week and LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Super easy, quick and very tasty. Can't beat that when you're in a rush. I have to admit, I haven't tried any of the desserts yet but I have looked


through them and I'm itching to try the peach cobbler. It's been I don't even know how long since I've had peach cobbler.



Chapter Five Now that you're getting into your new lifestyle you're going to want to start to burn extra fat off by exercising. I don't recommend starting to exercise until you're about two to three weeks into the paleo lifestyle. I only say that because your body is going through a lot of changes. It's been so used to carbs for fuel and now that you're getting most of your fuel from unused fat, you're going to feel a little off. I'm not going to lie, getting started with the paleo lifestyle can be rough for the first week to about three weeks in. Everyone reacts differently. With me it took a little less than two weeks then I started working out. Just whatever you do, don't give up, it's like anything new. It's going to be a rough climb at first but once you top that hill it's all smooth sailing from there. What exercises you choose to do to best fit your body's needs is completely up to you. Everyone has a different trouble area(s) that he or she wants to work on so I can't really tell you what to do as far as specified exercises but I can recommend some awesome equipment that I personally use and have worked well for me. Whenever someone asks what gym I go to, I always tell


them I would rather not waste my money there. Why? Because every time in the past when I failed I would just stop going to the gym. Either I found an excuse to not go such as the whether or I had to study or something then I would just cancel my gym membership and not go. Also, I felt very self conscious there. Who doesn't when you're noticeably over weight? My theory is, if you purchase it to be in your home you're more than likely going to use it. You're not going to invest in a new car for it to just sit in your garage are you? Then why invest in a nice treadmill when you're just going to throw clothes on it? The first and only treadmill I've had to buy so far is the Weslo Cadence G 5.9 treadmill. It's comfortable on my knees, very smooth for running on but what I like about it most is that it's compact. When I'm doing using it I can fold it up and put it against my living room wall so that it's not in the way. If you have a small living area I highly recommend this or another one that is compact like it. If you're someone with bad knees, the best thing to start off with is an elliptical. I recently purchased the 2 in 1 cross trainer elliptical because I wanted to start to go biking this summer. Now I switch between running on my treadmill and biking/walking on the elliptical. One of my good friends, who recently 18

started working out with me, uses this when she comes over and she loves that her knees don't hurt her at the end. She had used my treadmill a few times and said by the night her knees would ache. So I highly recommend this elliptical for someone who tends to have knee issues. Lastly, kettlebells are your best work out friend. Weather you're looking to ton or to build muscle, these are the best to at least get started with. If you're just toning up, stick with these. Kettlebells are less like to hurt your wrist and give you an even amount of weight with each workout. They have a very easy grip with less changes of slipping out of your hand(s).


Chapter Six The first step may be hard, the second step will be easier whatever you do though don't give up because just imagine yourself in six months from now. Don't stop, it will be worth it. Lastly, they say in order to form a habit, good or bad, just do it for thirty days and then you'll have formed your new habit. Soon this new lifestyle will be second nature to you. Good luck with your new adventure in life and I hope I was able to lead you in the right direction for a good start.


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