Mother & Fitness Magazine

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Mother & Fitness



Mother who overcame post-natal depression



'Super foods' Fact or Fiction?

LEEDS BOOT CAMP “challenge your body to its limit!”


healthy food facts


Christmas trimmings! Top tips on how to stay fit over the christmas period!

’ A G O Y 'HOT



Welcome to the Christmas edition of Mums Fitness. In this issue we will guide you through winter and steer you away from all the temptations it brings. Are you looking for inspiration and motivation in order to keep fit? Then why not indulge yourself in our ‘Christmas Trimmings’ feature or stay in shape with our guide to Leeds best Boot Camps. Our team of highly dedicated writers have pulled together a great festive edition that is sure to prepare you for the party season without putting on all those extra pounds. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year from all of the M&F team.

Fran Fran Dransfield, Editor

Meet the team ... From Top Left Jen Lunn, Feature Editor Josh Partow, Sub Editor Jess Thomas, Art Director

Mothers Fitness 1

Relax your mind Mothers Fitness 2

In this Issue Be inspired



Mothers Fitness 3

Chritsmas edition



Mothers Fitness 4

Get fit together Do you find it hard to get motivated to do exercise on your own? Why not try a local bootcamp in Leeds? It’s all about working together in a team to achieve those goals.


By Jen Lunn veryone knows it’s hard being a mum and even harder juggling family time and work with keeping fit. Exercise and healthy eating is always put to the bottom of the priority list even though society is bombarded with images of celebrities looking better than ever after having three children. Boot camps have become the latest craze, everyone seems to be attending, from the cast of TOWIE to Hollywood ‘A listers.’

the best way to keep motivated. On average, during pregnancy a woman can gain between 15-30lb and for most it is a long process to get rid of the extra weight. Burning off more calories than consumed is essential for weight loss as any excess energy is converted into fat and stored in the body. The body uses these stores when there isn’t a large enough calorie intake throughout the day. It is sensible and healthy to lose up to 1lb-2lb a week which is a stone in just under 2 months. Davina McCall follows the rule, “nine months on, nine months off,” in other words, it took nine months to gain therefore women shouldn’t expect the pounds to be gone over night.

Shocking the body is the best way to achieve your goal

People make the mistake of using a dramatic diet as the main source of losing or maintain their weight, however, as soon as the normal routine is back, the pounds will be too. Being active is just as important. Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore, it came become a hobby and a lifestyle change. Watching the results of getting closer to that goal is

Exercising on a regular basis can protect the body from heart disease and stroke, obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes and high blood pressure. Experts recommend 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity and a type of muscle strengthening activity three or more times a week for the greatest overall health benefits. Scientists have discovered that exercising first thing in the morning before breakfast aids fat burn. Throughout the day, the body burns off carbohydrates as its main source of energy which comes from food. Whilst asleep, the body uses the carbohydrates for different functions so when up and active, the body has to burn off fats instead. This results in a faster metabolism which makes weight loss easier. A boot camp is the perfect way to blast out a lot of exercise in a short space of time and fight that Mothers Fitness 5

FITNESS unwanted flubber. Quite often they are outdoors in the local park which is great for picking up tips on workouts that don’t require an overprized, monthly gym membership. The type of boot camp can vary however, they can be indoors for those that don’t want to brave the British weather and some can follow the format of military style training. Boot camps are all about getting fitter within a team which makes it easier to stay on track to strive towards the end goal. They aim to work every muscle group, even the ones that most people don’t know exist. There are often social events that take place out of boot camp hours, which gives the team a chance to create a relationship. Personal Trainer, Andy Silverman offers a style of boot camp which is designed for weight loss, fitness, muscle toning and a lifestyle change which is perfect for beginners. Silverman PT’s at Xercise4Less Leeds and is a qualified gym, rowing, TRX, cycling, functional training and Power Plate instructor. He has recently started up his own group, Get Fit Bootcamp in Armley Park, which is aimed at everyone with different agility levels. The idea is participants work at their own pace and are pushed harder than they would normally push themselves. The sessions are £4 a time and take place on a Saturday morning at 10.00-11.00am, perfect for the morning fat burn. The motto ‘challenge your body to its limit’ suggests the boot camp is only suitable for those willing to work hard. When asked what the sessions entail, Andy Silverman responded, “Everyday workout is different, shocking the body is the best way to achieve your goal. Some days we focus mainly on cardio, doing exercises such as, hill sprints or using steps, other days we do circuit training which involves both toning and cardio workouts. This boot camp is perfect for everyone, from complete beginners to those who exercise on a regular basis. Everyone who comes is friendly and wants to push themselves to the limit. But it is important to build up muscle strength to prevent any injuries. People aren’t always aware of how much exercise they should be doing for their body type so we take it easy on beginners, but that doesn’t mean they can slack!” The title ‘military boot camp’ can discourage people from joining these groups, however it is a great way

to achieve results as a variety of exercises are on offer and no session is ever the same. It presents a challenging, full body workout with experienced fitness instructors and is designed to improve agility, speed, stamina and strength. Some people deem being unfit as a good excuse not to join, nevertheless groups such as British Military Fitness divide participants into ability groups. Beginners, intermediates and advanced enables participants to have the appropriate workout and allows space for progression. Sessions are available in the Leeds area, and take place at Horsforth Hall and Roundhay Park. Their website offers information on various reasons why people should sign up and the availability and prices of the classes. There are a number of different times for a session, perfect for those with a busy lifestyle. After pregnancy, a woman’s body will undoubtedly change. To stay healthy experts say it is important to aim for their pre-pregnancy weight especially if they are planning on having more children in the future as this could link to complications for both mother and baby. However it is not recommend that women diet or exercise intensively whilst they are still breast feeding and a talk with a Doctor or Midwife is essential before a dramatic lifestyle change. For further information on your health after chilldbirth please visit, keeping-fit-and-healthy Information on British Military Fitness is avaliable from, Mothers Fitness 6

Too much exercise?

You always hear about the benefits of exercise, but do you ever hear about the damaging effects a strenuous workout can have on the body? By Jen Lunn


inding it hard to get motivated? According to a recent survey only 12 per cent of the adult population visit the gym on a regular basis and get the recommend amount of daily exercise. Decreased risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), prevention of high blood pressure, anxiety management, strengthened muscles and a faster metabolism are just a few of the health benefits gained by those who are regularly active. Not only that, a workout can be a great de-stressor as it is a temporary diversion from the other pressures faced in everyday life and provides a good opportunity for social interaction. Relaxation exercises are perfect for those with a hectic lifestyle as they release endorphins around the body which act as painkillers, relieving tension, headaches and insomnia therefore improving sleeping patterns. Surely all of this is a big enough incentive to stay motivated.

fitness events which is perfect for setting a goal and for those looking for a challenge. Sunday 18th November was the 10k Leeds Abbey Dash. Christen Reedman, Mum of three, completed the race in 56 minutes and says, “it was the most exhilarating experience, I can’t believe I actually managed to run the whole way. I’ve been training for an hour three times a week for the past 5 months and its’ actually paid off!”

“The best way to build up fitness is slowley but surely”

Setting an achievable target and having something to aim towards is the best way to stay on track. “Trying to achieve too much can actually set you back,” says personal trainer, David Whitehead, from Virgin Active Health Club. Leeds offers a whole range of fundraising

Everyone hears about the benefits of exercise, however very little is given on the effects of overtraining especially for those who are trying to build up fitness levels. Overtraining is an emotional, physical and behavioural condition that occurs when the intensity of an individual’s exercise exceeds capacity therefore causing injury as the body is under too much stress. It is particularly common for those with fairly low fitness ability. As far as exercise goes it only determines 30 per cent of the body’s composition and the rest is diet however a lot of people make the mistake of eating an excessive amount of calories therefore having to compensate for this with the amount of daily exercise. Mothers Fitness 7

FITNESS “The best way to build up fitness and stamina is to do it slowly but surely. Just like they say about diet, little and often is key. When the body is injured you should never exercise as this could cause even more damage to muscles and may have long term effects,� says David Whitehead. Even the best athletes need time to

recover to consistently perform at their best, they must learn how to recover from hard training without compromising their current level of fitness. It is always important to have a break day and the best way to attain those goals set is to have a plan. Always know in advanced what the workout will entail.

Mothers Fitness 8

Try Hot Yoga There’s always a new trend in Hollywood and now it seems the exercise class to attend is hot yoga. It’t all about relaxing the body and flushing out any toxins. So why not give it a try and By Jen Lunn see if you can feel the difference.


t started with Pilates and Zumba but now it’s all about hot (Bikram) yoga. The workout consisting of 26 different postures practiced in a heated room over 90 minutes that is attracting more and more celebrities each year. What is Bikram yoga? Yoga is not a new trend as it has been around for more than 5000 years, however it has become mainstream over the last decade, mostly due to the inspiration from celebrities such as David Beckham and Pippa Middelton. Its’ health benefits both mentally and physically are what have made it become so popular. Practicing the postures, breathing and meditation techniques helps the body and mind to relax and shape up at the same time.

Why the heat? It has been proven that yoga is more effective when performed in a heated room as muscles are worked while they are warm enabling flexibility and allowing the body more movement with the decreased risk of strain. The extra perspiration flushes out any toxins in the body meaning each cell can function properly. Why do Bikram yoga? Every Bikram yoga class is suitable for people of all ages and different ability levels and takes place in a studio specially designed to be heated. The aims are, to strengthen the immune system, prevent aging, Mothers Fitness 9


aid toning and weight loss, boost self-esteem and concentration and hopefully relieve stress. The class usually starts with breathing exercises before leading through a series of postures working the entire body. It finishes with another breathing exercise to help eliminate any toxins. Bikram yoga is designed to work every system within the body, which is why it leaves the body feeling refreshed.

ers use soft and calming tones or nothing at all. Can Bikram yoga be social? It seems there are many benefits of doing hot yoga, so why not give it a go? It is perfect for people who want to relax and escape from their hectic lifestyles or for those who just want a chance to socialise with friends whilst keeping fit. There are many different classes available in the Leeds area, so sign up today and try something new.

“Afterwards I felt so relaxed and good about myself ”

How do beginners feel? Nikki, 32 says, “I absolutely loved hot yoga! I have only ever done yoga a handful of times and really enjoyed it. Afterwards I felt very sweaty but so relaxed and good about myself. It’s definitely a good idea to wear suitable clothes though, something that absorbs the moisture and provides support. Also make sure you have loads of water, you will need it!” What to expect in a Bikram yoga class? It will be a shock to the body when entering the studio for the first time but people soon acclimatise to the heat. In normal circumstances it is essential to bring a mat to the class and it’s optional to bring a towel, however most people would. Some instructors use loud rhythmic music in their sessions while oth-

Mothers Fitness 10

Tired of the gym?

Does the thought of a heart-wrenching workout or gym class sound horrific? Then maybe an indoor workout is not the answer.


here is a whole world of fitness out there to be explored outdoors. Hiking, biking, climbing, running and even as hard-core as a boot camp, there is something to suit everyone in the Leeds area. Outdoor exercise can be the key to those who want to leave the treadmills and dumbbell’s behind; it can even be extremely cost efective.


Hiking can be a fun-filled way of getting out of the house and enjoying a walk in a natural environment, away from the ever-busy city and mad-rush that everyday life leads. It is a very popular activity that has many organisations that can also encourage the meeting new friends. Amongst this, hiking has been proven to encourage weight loss, decrease high blood pressure and improve mental health. Take A Hike, walking group is located in the Leeds area, aimed at younger walkers aged 20-40. They have a number of walks that take around 15-30 people each time with an even mixture of males and females. The walks take place on most weekends in the scenic areas around Yorkshire


Cycling can be an easy way of getting out of the house and very cost effective. This non-weight baring exercise can be useful if there are any health issues involved (pregnancy, Osteoporosis, arthritis). Cycling can help with cardiovascular health and can also be used as transportation. This means, less need for self-discipline to exercise!!!!! So ditch and head to work on a bicycle, it will help your own fitness and save the planet.


Climbing is for the more adventurous exerciser. It is a full-body challenge requiring both hands and feet to ascend a steep object. It requires both mental and body strength to succeed. Within the Leeds area, there are a range of different indoor and outdoor climbing facilities. Alpine Guides located on Otley is an outdoor alpine centre that has over 20years experience in outdoor activities.


Running can be one of the

easiest and cheap ways to get fit and healthy. Any local park or road may be used which means no transport/ membership fees. Running can be great in terms of weight loss, cardiovascular health, lowering blood pressure. It can also help with the immune system and help improve self-esteem and the emotional state.


A fitness boot camp is designed to build strength and fitness through intense training sessions over a period of time. It consists of various ex0plosive activities that help to mix up the boring routine of the gym. Exercises include running, interval training, weight training and plyometrics. Boot camps can reduce hypertension and stress, through various endorphins released whilst exercising. To ease the pain of exercise, there are a variety of different options just waiting for you to get amongst. Staying fit and healthy, can not only help you lose weight, but if can help you mentally, physically and socially.

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Chris and Kelly with new addition, Arche.

Your real life stories By Fran Dransfield

Kelly was so excited when she found out she was pregnant with her first child, little did she know that this bubble would burst sooner than she thought. “I remember when me and Chris first found out we were going to have a baby, we were both so excited. Naturally I was scared too, but I couldn’t wait to meet our son.” Kelly and Chris had been married just over a year when she fell pregnant with their first child.

“I’d just got my body into shape, so although I was over the moon to be having Archie, I couldn’t help but think I’d have to start all over again once he’d arrived.” Kelly had battled with her weight throughout her childhood and into her late teens. Mothers Fitness 12

REAL LIFE “I never really looked after my body when I was younger, I was always a little bit on the chubby side and didn’t really like the way I looked.” After seeing her 25th birthday pictures, Kelly decided to get into shape. “I started eating properly and going to exercise classes. In one week I’d be going to Zumba, spend 1 hour hula hooping, 2 power plate sessions and a 2 and a half mile run. For the first time, I was happy with the way I looked.” According to a recent survey by Grazia magazine, many young women experience around 13 brutal thoughts about their body per day. Alarmingly, these thoughts don’t stop once you become pregnant. “Everyone knows that when you become pregnant your body changes, I just didn’t expect how I would feel about these changes.” Kelly had put so much effort into trimming her body down; it was frustrating for her to watch herself gain weight knowing she couldn’t do anything about it. “I gained around 2 and a 1/2 stone whilst I was carrying Archie, almost as much as I’d previously lost.” “My body had become so used to being active, that when I had to cut out all the strenuous workouts I gained weight so easily. Keeping fit had always been something I had to work at, I was never naturally slim, so having to limit myself to light exercise, hit my body hard.”

Above : The pictures that Many people believe that exercise during pregnancy can be harmmade Kelly get into shape. “I couldn’t help but think I’d ful towards the baby; however according to have to start all over again Kelly struggled throughout her pregthe NHS it’s advised that nancy with her body image and also mums to be keep fit and once he’d arrived.” suffered from insomnia. “It wasn’t healthy as it will help just the weight gain that affected me, them adapt to their body as the months went on, I knew something wasn’t changes and prepare them for labour. right. I’d stopped enjoying being pregnant and Contact sports should be avoided howdidn’t feel myself anymore. To this day I don’t ever due to the risk of being hurt and it’s speak about some of the thoughts I had about also advised not to cycle or anything that could cause you to fall. Mothers Fitness 13

Pregnancy can be a difficult time for many women, a study done by estimates that 1 in 10 women will suffer from postnatal depression.

happy hormones into the blood stream – serotonin, dopamine and endorphins – that make you feel euphoric and blissful.” (

“Once Archie was born, I put my feelings “Once I had been to the doctors, I was down to having the ‘baby blues’ I think diagnosed with a mild form on postnatal deep down I knew it wasn’t but I depression. As soon as I knew what “I was so detached didn’t want to admit that there was it was, I felt that it could be overfrom what was going on a bigger problem. It was meant to come. I started getting back into my around me, it was hard to old routine and once I began to feel be the happiest time of my life, in properly bond with him better about myself and the way I truth, it was one of the worst.” [Archie]. I wasn’t happy looked it helped me form a positive Kelly explains how she felt a sense within myself.” attitude. in order to recover.” of shame towards her feelings and even now feels she has missed a Kelly now has her ‘old’ body back and big part of Archie’s childhood. “I was so is delighted with the results, “getting back detached from what was going on around in shape was paramount in terms of gainme, it was hard to properly bond with him ing my confidence and liking who I was [Archie]. I wasn’t happy within myself.” again when I looked in the mirror.” It’s a well-known fact exercise can increase your happiness, not just because of the result you get but according to Dan Roberts, fitness coach (www.danrobertstraining. Below: A much com). it has a science behind it. “When happier Kelly, you do any form of exercise, running included, your body releases a cocktail of back in shape.

“Archie is now 2 and a half and my main focus is to stay fit and healthy for him. It’s important to me that he has a positive healthy lifestyle so I try to lead by example. I’m in a much happier place and alot of it is down to my health and fitness being back on form.”

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f youre looking to get into shape before the new year or just want to kill the calories during the Christmas period Leeds has a great selection of gyms and health clubs that cater to all of your fitness needs. Mother & Fitness takes a look at some of the best places around the Leeds city centre area. From Zumba to Pilates and Spin to Yoga Leeds has got it all so get in the zone and watch those pounds simply dissapear. We have focused on value for money and facilities on offer to help you find youre favourite in your quest for a new you.


itness First has gone

on to be one of the most successful club chains in Britain. It offers a combination of great training facilities with good reviews under a trusted and popular brand name. This club has a large open plan layout with a studio room at the rear for the various classes they offer. Even though this club does’nt have swimming facilities there is still a spa area with steam room, sauna and sunbeds aswell as a large number of showers to freshen up after your session. There is a members lounge at the front desk allowing you to relax, read your book and enjoy a freshly made fruit smoothie if you so desire. prices at Fitness First vary on location but this particular branch

offers monthly memberships of between £30-60 per month depending on on-peak off-peak options. Positive: This particular club is located just off Kirkstall road making it easily accessible from the city centre or the surrounding leeds area. An appropriate option for mums who need to kill two birds with one stone, with an Asda just metres away and Morrisons megastore only a two minute drive you can get in shape and even do the weekly shop on your way home. Negative: This gym has a large numbers of male gym-goers which could be daunting for newcomers. There is also no swimming pool. Redcote lane Leeds LS4 2AL TEL: 0113 263 4044




irgin Active was

formally Esporta Gym before it was taken over only a year ago. Located in the stylish Light shopping centre this health club is a great choice for you ladies who spend much of your time in town and want fitness facilities only a stones throw away. As is now expected from Virgin Active clubs, this branch offers the full range of classes including newer concepts such as Body Pump, Body Attack and Tone and Tighten to really cover any needs you may have. Continuing Esporta Gyms high standards this club has an impressive swimming pool area with jacuzzi, steam room, sauna and relaxation room to really help you relax

and unwind. Memberships start at around £50pm but expect to pay more for the added extras u may want or need. There is also an in-house beauty salon for members to purchase treatments of their choice. Positive: The club offers free Wifi to existing members to use whilst at the club so you can connect to your laptop, smartphone or tablet. There are also desktop computers for members to use if needed. Negative: The premium services on offer do come with a price to match so dont be surprised if you pay more than expected. There is also no parking on site. Unit 21, The Light The Headrow, Leeds LS1 8TL TEL: 0113 233 7575

Mothers Fitness 15



ure Gym A relatively new

establishment which has been open for only two years and is very reasonably priced. For the city workers it’s a brilliant option being located right in the city centre, a short walk from the train station and right among all the great shopping outlets leeds has to offer. Their concept is to provide a basic but high quality service to the customer. There’s no free towels or reward cards. memberships start at £18.99 with a joining fee of £25, the great thing being that you are not tied to a contract allowing you to freely start and end your membership when you want. Pure Gym has over 220 of the latest brand new fitness machines covering all your workout requirements as well as over 40

different gym classes to attend for free once you are a member. Interestingly they say all their memberships are processed online meaning you wont be confronted by pushy sales teams and pointless conversations with admin. There are full shower and changing rooms facilities and ample space for high volumes of people all set in a smart and contemporary environment. Positive: Open 24 hours a day for you gym enthusiasts who have an unpredictable diary. No annoying ‘hard-sell’ salesteams. Negative: No swimming or spa facilities may put you off but dont let that rule this option out. If you are serious about getting fit, relaxation should be bottom of the ‘to do’ list. 4 Cloth Hall street, Leeds LS1 2HD




ercise 4 Less was a con-

cept introduced to Leeds in only the past year. It offers brilliant fitness facilites at ridiculously low prices. The setup is basic but efficient but the range and scale of the equipment on offer is unrivalled by any nearby competitors. The sheer size of the areas in the building are impressive with exercise studios much bigger than you will have seen before. The ideology behind this gym is totally focused on exercise and fitness, its a stripped down model that comes without all the bows and ribbons aiming to offer the essentials you need to get fit. There are no spa facilities, basic changing rooms and aesthetically its certainly not pleasing to the eye. More importantly its efficient, clean and price wise - unrivalled. This gym is one of only a few branches that

offer combative training ranging from Boxercise to Karate. If you are reading this and thinking ‘it will be full of men’ let me stop you there. Xercise4Less has incorporated speacial women only gyms in all of their clubs. These are designated fitness areas for women only. There you will find all the cardiovascular equipment needed to get you right on track. Positive: Great prices and ‘Women only areas’ for you to complete your workout in a stress free environment. Negative: No spa facilities may work against this choice as we know after your workout relaxation is top of the agenda. Unit 1 Kirkstall Industrial Estate, Kirkstall Road, Leeds, LS4 2AZ TEL: 0113 887 8111


his should hopefully get you on your way to dusting off those trainers and embracing a fitter future. You should’nt be intimidated by the gym, its a place where you can keep fit, relax and socialise. There are loads of clubs all offering different concepts on health and fitness its just your choice which one you go for. Whether you’re looking for an intense work-out or just somewhere to unwind and chill out, don’t hesitate and get motivated! Mothers Fitness 16

Zumba: What is all the Fuss About? Words: Jessica Thomas


t seems it only broke into the media spotlight when the first Zumba fitness DVD was thrust onto our television screens in 2008. Now, it has grown to become a fitness phenomenon with more than 14 million people taking classes in over 140,000 locations, across 150 countries worldwide. It is the fastest growing fitness program of our time.

Burns between 450-1000 calories.

mambo, salsa flamenco, rumba, reggaeton and calypso. Not to mention, no previous background in dance or fitness is required. It seems the beauty of this exercise is that anyone can take part. Zumba has become so widespread, not just by its accessibility through classes, more than 3 million DVDs sold and interactive Nintendo Wii games, but by the celebrity interest it has attracted. Stars such as Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Beckham, Shakira and Michelle Obama have reportedly admitted to being a fan of Zumba.

So where did it come from? Who would have thought that this dance sensation was accidental? Well it was! Alberto ‘beto’ Perez a Columbian dancer and choreographer, one day turned up for his fitness But how has Zumba grown this class having forgot his usual music and only had popular, some may ask? Well, compared with the tradihis music tapes from his car that were tional classes like aerobics or Pilates, Zumba is a routine coincidently, conventionally South American. He developed for people to dance their weight off by having then had no other choice but to go along and fun. Unlike Pilates, it is a full body workout and is improvise with the songs to create a new fitness designed to ease boredom by uniting different steps, routine that focused on letting the music move songs and dances. Pilates is a more c you (rather than counting the reps). As the energy ontrolled exercise allowing specific areas of the body to was flowing within the class and captivated the be worked on including back problems, poor posture and room, Perez noticed that his class couldn’t stop post natal exercise. smiling and a revolutionary new fitness concept It seems that Zumba may be so appealing through its was born - the zumba. non-repetitive routines that include, pop, Mothers Fitness 17

FITNESS What does it do? Zumba can help to boost the metabolism by working on the concept of interval training. This can be highly effective as the body switches from fast pace, to slow paced movements allowing the heart to pump more blood around the body. This therefore will help to improve cardiovascular circulation and physical fitness. Allowing change to the pace of exercising will boost the metabolism, which in turn burns fat even when you are inactive! As each class lasts approximately 1 hour each, it is known that between 450-1000 calories can be burnt in a single session! To stay fit and lean, it is advised to do the workout two-three times a week, as it is both dance and aerobics to ensure a full body workout. Not only can Zumba help with keeping fit and healthy, it is well known that the exercise can help with relaxing, as the Latin rhythms are simple and easy to follow, to allow you to enjoy the music and loose those unwanted baby-pounds! For those who can get bored easily, Zumba is an easy un-repetitive program that that combines different types of music with different steps, paces and routines to suit everyone. Once it becomes more proficient, try a more stimulating choreography. As the key to keeping entertained is to enjoy fitness and feel good!!! Sharon Warren 32, mum of two, attends a weekly Zumba class and she said “I love Zumba because it makes me sweat so much, so it must be good for you. It is like street dance mixed with salsa. For me it’s quite difficult because I have never been to a dance class before, but it’s a challenge and the

A Zumbathon is a charity event that is used to get loads of people to participate in a Zumba class to raise money and awareness for a good cause. In October 7th 2012, a new world record was set as 378 people took part in a Zumbathon for 15 hours that smashed the previous world record of just 2 hours! The record was broken by the Body Shakers World Record Breakers to raise money for cancer research UK. They estimated they would make £1,500 and they rose over £2,800 to go towards the charity. Katie Lyle, third year business management at Leeds Metropolitan University has arranged a Zumbathon to take place in Leeds in April 2013 she said, “I take part in Zumba twice a week and have seen how popular and fun it is. I knew it would be a good idea to create an event to raise money for charity and get people aged between 15-50 to take part and raise money for the J oiningJack foundation for people with Muscular Dystrophy.” The event will take place on the Leeds Metropolitan campus with three trained Zumba instructors and will charge £3.00 per person. Success It is obvious that Zumba fitness has become a huge success, not only by its endorsements, but by the constant spread of word-of-mouth and celebrity craze that has helped carry this fitness program and turn it into a fitness phenomenon. With an easy-going fun routine that will suit everyone, there is no wonder that people around the world are going mad for this Latino workout. The key to staying fit and healthy is to ensure the fun factor!

Timeline 1999- Brought Zumba to United States after success in Columbia 2001- Entrepreneurs Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion approached ‘Perez’ to make a global brand and trademark the word ‘Zumba’ 2003- Zumba Fitness joined with the Kellogg Company to develop a fitness campaign for the Hispanic community 2005- Explosive demand for Zumba fitness instructors in the U.S lead to the birth of the Zumba academy, which enabled instructors to require a license to teach. 2007- Zumba Fitness was launched internationally in six different continents including Europe. 2008- Zumba Fitness launched its third DVD collection.

Mothers Fitness 18

Christmas with all the trimmings With Christmas just around the corner, pressure is on to look good and maintain your healthy lifestyle whilst still enjoying the festive feast!

Many women feel they cant fully take part in the festivities without feeling guilty if they over indulge. The truth is, over indulging at Christmas is a given, but the secret is not how much you eat, it’s what you eat.

Preparation is key Before the big day arrives, it’s important to prepare your body for the mass of food and drink it will receive in such a short space of time. Because of this, keeping up with exercise and healthy eating in the run up to Christmas is paramount. There are lots of temptations around at this time of year but instead of trying to avoid these completely, simply opt for a healthier option. Nuts and dried fruits are a perfect substitute for chocolates, snack on these throughout the day and not only will it curb your hunger, it’s been scientifically proven that snacking between meals can improve your metabolism.

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FITNESS Sticking to your routine The festive period is chaotic at the best of times; working extra hours to pay for the presents, going to watch the children’s school nativity play and making sure everything is perfect for when Santa arrives. Its understandable that finding time to keep your usual fitness routine can be next to impossible. So here are 3 top tips to help you incorporate excerise into your day to day life.

Take the steps A simple thing such as opting to walk up the stairs instead of taking the lift is a great cardiovascular exercise. It helps tone your legs, which is great when you’re ready to don your party frock and it also increases stamina for when you want to hit the dance floor.

Walk If you’re just popping to the shops for a few bits and peices why not leave the car at home and go for a brisk walk instead? Recent studies show that excercise outside in the fresh air increase aerobic benefits. Take the kids out with you too, pushing a buggy there and back will add to the workout too.

Clench that bottom This simple and effcetive excercise has been around for decades and helps women all over the world tone their bottoms. The best thing about this is that it can be done just about anywhere you go, so no excuses. Simply squeeze your bum together and hold for around 20seconds, continue doing this and you will tighten your muscles and strenghten them, leaving you with a firm and tones bum.

By Fran Dransfield

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Become the Belle of the Ball Finding the perfect party dress that will flatter your body shape is essential to feeling good and looking great this season. Show off your best assetts and hide any problem areas to leave you brimming with confidence. Whilst you want to enjoy your festive parties, don’t get too carried away when it comes to alcohol. Not only is alcohol high in calories, the more you have the more you will lose your self control when it comes to eating responibly. Try and stick to spirits or wine spritzers and top these up with a low in sugar mixer such as a diet lemonade or slim line tonic. Donning your party shoes is a great way to excercise whilst having fun> its very difficult to have time to go to the gym during the festice season so use the Christmas parties as a great excuse to dance and burn off any extra calories consumed while you’re there.

After the Big Day So, it’s safe to say that for the one day, the diets and fitness will go straight out the window. Turkey will be eaten, wine will be consumed, but even those sprouts wont make up for the lashings of cream over those mince pies. Once the festivities are over, getting straight back into your routine is highly recommended. The longer you leave it, the harder it is likely to get back into it. If the Christmas period has left you feeling lathargic, gradually ease back into your fitness routines and healthy eaten so not to give your body a shock.

REMEMBER - Opt for the healthy option where possible and enjoy!

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Superfoods Are they really Doctors orders? We’ve all heard about them, they grace every health magazine on the market, are the subject of television ads and are forcefully sold to us by every health expert and celebrity chef in the industry. But do these super foods actually justify their flamboyant name or have we become victims to just another paranoia fuelled health obsession?


uper foods are present in all food types whether its fruit, vegetables, meat or carbohydrates, meaning the notion of people only recognising ‘greens’ as being healthy goes straight out the window! Lets start with vegetables and the daddy of them all the infamous Broccoli. This odd tree looking vegetable is well accustomed to dinner tables all over the country, usually victim to being pushed to the side of the plate on a Sunday lunchtime or forcefully fed to disgruntled young children. Away from these trends this vegetable actually ranks high up the super food chart, it’s consumed religiously by gym enthusiasts and any sportsperson aiming to maintain a fit physique, so what’s all the fuss about?

Folic acid is a huge contributor in preventing heart disease and helps maintain a healthy functioning heart. Only two small florets of broccoli counts towards one of your five a day so I suggest you get out there and show the cauliflower who’s boss! Now one for the carnivores, It’s the elegant and sought after Salmon. It’s a firm favourite in the fish world which can be grilled, poached, smoked or baked. Too many people associated salmon with cheap pre-prepared fishcakes at your local supermarket or ghastly mousses eaten during the Christmas period. To truly appreciate the great taste and nutritional benefit of this fish you need to be eating fresh salmon fillets and preferably on a regular basis!

‘Fish are great source of high-qualiy protein’

This green root vegetable is rich in antioxidants, packed with Vitamin C to maintain a healthy immune system and strong bones it is also full of an antioxidant called lutein. Lutein is said to delay the progression of AMD also known as age-related macular degeneration which can result in impaired vision and even blindness. Essentially what stands this green gem above the majority of vegetables is the fact that it is an extremely good source of folate, or naturally occurring folic acid.

All fish are a great source of high quality protein which the body needs to function, but it is oily fish such as salmon who are the real winners here. They contain essential omega 3 fats that do wonders for a healthy heart, reducing blood clotting and decreasing inflammation. Medical studies have proven that oily fish consumption significantly reduces the risk of heart disease even in older adults who are far more susceptible. Omega 3 is also said to aid depression and delay the onset of dementia which is why we are

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FOOD advised to eat at least two portions of fish a week. It’s certainly safe to say this pink fleshed creature is definitely the aquatic king of nutrition! Moving back for the herbivores the focus is now on fruit and the strange looking banana. It’s long yellow formation makes it quite a unique fruit which has become a household favourite and is a predominant feature in many a fruit bowl, but what are the benefits? Monkeys eat them by the truckload and are they are consumed by elite sportsman during intense physical activity so there must be a reason for all this attention? Firstly lets dismiss the rumour that bananas are fattening, its total and utter rubbish! It’s true that they are full of sugars but it’s important to know these are natural sugars which are packed with antioxidants. Otherwise known as phytochemicals they act as a sort of filter constantly flushing your body of any unwanted matter. Bananas are also highly rich in potassium which is proven to help lower blood pressure and the essential vitamin B6 which aids healthy hair and skin. Their favourability during high intensity sport is due to them containing more calories than other fruits, these come from their carbohydrate properties which are perfect for refuelling and energizing the body. That should hopefully clear things up, so next time you see Andy Murray reaching for one during his rest break you will know exactly what his intentions are! Nuts, do you feel like you’re going nuts trying to stick to your diet? Stay calm they’re only here to help! There are hundreds of varieties of nuts from cashew to walnut, pistachio to brazil nut, they all vary in shape, texture, size and taste but they all have one thing in common, significant nutritional value! Nuts aren’t hugely popular in Britain compared to the rest of the world where in many countries they are an essential part of the cuisine. It’s a great shame as they are a very effective, cheap natural product that when consumed can

“All fruit and vegetables have great benefits for the human body”

have huge benefits. All nuts are jam- packed full of fibre, essential vitamins and minerals, all key components of a healthy diet. Brazil nuts specifically are one of only a few good sources of selenium which may help protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Health experts recommend you eat a handful of nuts around three times a week as part of a balanced diet. Interestingly eating nuts is also said to suppress your appetite so if you’re looking to slim down or just eat a little less , nuts could be the answer you’ve been looking for! Doctor Nigel Mayers of the Leeds based Burley Park Medical Centre also believe there are serious benefits from consuming these so called ‘super foods “All fruit and vegetables have great benefits for the human body as do certain meats. But there are a handful of foods that are in a league of their own when it comes to nutritional value. These foods eaten regularly in moderation as part of a balanced diet can certainly have positive effects on your general health and wellbeing.” So there you go super foods really do exist, they come with huge benefits if eaten moderately and responsibly and incorporating them into your diet could really change your life. Don’t take Mother Fitness’ word for it, its Doctors orders!

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How to Make...

The Perfect M&F Christmas Dinner Mother & Fitness serves you up a stress-free festive feast for the whole family.


Serves:6 Preperation time: 5 hours 5kg Turkey 2 Lemons 1 Garlic Bulb Fry Light A few springs of fresh sage

Unwrap the secrets of staying on plan at Christmas with a Big Day dinner everyone will enjoy.

1: Remove turkey from fridge 20 minutes before to allow it to get to room temperature. Preheat the oven to the highest set-

ting. 2: Put the lemon halves and garlic inside the turkey cavity, then tie the legs together wth string. Spray fry light all over the turkey and season well. Transfer to roasting tin and cover with foil. 3: Turn oven down to 180 degrees C and roast the turkey for 3 hours 40 minutes, covering with the juices 4-5 times during cooking. Remove foil 40minutes before the end. 4: Check the turkey is cooked by piercing the tickest part of the leg with a metal skewer- if the juices are clear it;s cooked. If the turkey is pink, return the turkey to the oven for a further 15 minutes and then check agan. 5: once turkey is cooked, cover tightly with oil and leave to rest for 1 hour. 6:Transfer the turkey to a serving platter and garnish with the springs of sage. Remove the turkey skin before carving.

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Honey-Glazed Carrots Preperation time 30 minutes 375g baby carrots, scrubbd fry light 1tsp caraway seeds salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 level tbsp runny honey

1: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. 2: put on a roasting tray in a single layer with the carrots and with fry light. Sprinkle over with caraway seeds, season well and toss. 3. Roast the carrots for 20minutes turning halfway through. Drizzle with honey and roast for a further 5 minutes or until cooked through and golden.

Herby Roast Potatoes

Preperation time: 40 minutes 1.2kg floury potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks. Fry light Salt and freshly ground black pepper 6 Garlic Cloves Fresh thyme

!: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Parbol the potatoes for 5 minutes, then drain well. 2: Arrange the potatoes evenly on a arge roasting tray, spray with fry light and season well. Add the garlic cloves and the thyme and toss. Roast for 30minutes until tender an crisp.

Garlic Sprouts

Preperation time:10 minutes. 600g Brussel sprouts, trimmed 2garlic cloves, thinly sliced fry light 1tsp mixed peppercorns, crushed salt

1: Boil sprouts for 4 minutes, or until tender. drain pluge and then train again 2: fry the garlic over a low heat for 1 minute in a pan sprayed with fry light. 3: turn the heat to medium, add the sprouts and peppercorns, season with salt and saute for 2-3minutes.

Turkey Gravy

Preperation time: 3 Hours 40 minutes salt & freshly ground blck pepper Giblets from 1 turkey 1 onion, thinly sliced Flat-leaf parsley 1tbsp gravy granules. Add 1tsp salt to 500ml water an soak giblets for 45 minutes. RInse well and put in a pan with onion and parsley with 550ml fresh water. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 1 hour 30 minutes. In a seperate pan, combine gravy granules with stock and brin gto the boil. Season and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Cranberry Sauce

Preperation time:15 minutes 450g Fresh Cranberry sweetner Zest of 1 orange Few stips of garnish !: Put the cranberries into a pan with 1tsp water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 10 minutes until the cranberries ‘pop’ and the sauce is thick. Add sweatner and stir in the grated zest. Cover and store in fridge for upto 5 days. serve garnished with orange zest strips.

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The Ministry of Food Classes start at £7.50 per week or £60.00 for the full course.

Worrying about cooking for the family in this festive season? Well, Jamie Oliver is here to save the day with his very own cooking lessons available in Leeds Kirkgate Market.


Words: Jessica Thomas ancy learning how to cook simple healthy meals? Look no further, because Jamie Oliver’s “Pass it on” campaign aims to teach families, students and the general public how to cook simple healthy meals for the family that they can use and ‘pass on’ their secrets to their families, friends and neighbours.

Cooking is not all this project focuses on; the Ministry of Food has a range of different services such as a Health Point that allows anyone to get a wide range of health and lifestyle advice such as access to stop smoking services. The centre is open six days a week, Monday to Saturday and each lesson lasts for two hours and at the end of the session you will have a meal you can take home with you. Classes start at £7.50 per week or £60.00 for the full course.

One of the third of its kind in the UK, Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food consists of a ten week cooking course, which is taught by specially trained staff “Jamie’s Ministry of Food from Jamie has helped me to find Oliver’s team and delivered in a specially quick and easy ways of designed kitchen in Kirkgate Market in Leeds preparing easy food at an affordable price.” City Centre. The project is funded by the NHS, Leeds city Council and run by the Zest- Health for life charity that is based in Leeds helping to reduce health and social inequalities.The ingredients used are mainly sourced from Kirkgate market itself to ensure that all ingredients are easily accessible and available to teach others in Leeds.

Leeds City Council Member and executive member responsible for Kirkgate Market said: “This is a fantastic initiative that has helped boost Kirkgate Market...Everyone who shops at Leeds Kirkgate Market knows that the market sells some of the freshest and most varied food at the lowest prices.” The project aims to inspire people to get into the kitchen and cook meals proper healthy meals from scratch for their family. Ministry of Food believe that with some basic skills, whether you are a

complete beginner or a good cook, some simple healthy recipes can help make a difference, and create nutritious meals on any budget. Marie Rigby 36, mum of three, has just completed a full course at the Leeds Ministry of Food. She said “The cooking lessons have been really useful in helping me create healthy meals for my family. After I’ve been working all day, the last thing I want to do is spend hours in the kitchen preparing food. Jamie’s Ministry of Food has helped me to find quick and easy ways of preparing easy food at an affordable price.” As Christmas is fast approaching, the Ministry of Food have arranged a special Christmas theme with mains such as roasted marmalade ham, sage and onion stuffing, roast chicken, turkey and leak pie and all the trimmings. There are a wide range of cookery groups for young families, young adults, disabled people, charity organisations, cultural community groups and the general public. Places are limited with Christmas just around the corner so ensure to pre-book a course on this number 0113 242 5685.

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Fresh Food Avaliable from all local farmers markets

Mothers Fitness 29

Lift up Shape up Tone up Dumbbells available in a variety of sizes

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