This publication was produced in conjunction with the
This publication was produced in conjunction with the
Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery Scripps College
January 29 - April 10, 2022
ISBN: 978-0-9972004-4-7 Copyright ©2021
Catalog produced by Creativity Collaborative, Inc., Portland, OR Typeset: Avenir and Readow Printed in the USA by Inland Litho, Anaheim, CA
Ebitenyefa Baralaye
Sharbani Das Gupta
Nicki Green
Julia Haft-Candell
Anna Sew Hoy Kahlil Robert Irving
Anabel Juárez
David Katz
Sahar Khoury Nathan Lynch
Annabeth Rosen Nicole Seisler Linda Sormin
Dick and Gloria Anderson
Ebitenyefa Baralaye CANADA
Sharbani Das Gupta
Nicki Green
Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco
Julia Haft-Candell
Anna Sew Hoy Kahlil Robert Irving Anabel Juárez
David Katz
Sahar Khoury Nathan Lynch
Michele S. Mirman
Annabeth Rosen
Nicole Seisler Linda Sormin
Patricia Sweetow Gallery
VSF (Various Small Fires)
Scripps College is unique for its longstanding sponsorship of the Ceramic Annual exhibition, which presents new ceramic art for the 77th year. In 1945 Scripps professor of ceramics William Manker began a tradition of artist curators; and other faculty members followed: Richard Petterson (1947–1958); Paul Soldner (1959–1992); and Nobuho Nagasawa (1993-1995). To ensure changing perspectives, in 1996 we began a series of guest curators: Kris Cox (1996), Douglas Humble (1997) Cindy Kolodziejski (1998), Kathleen Royster (1999), David Furman (2000), Adrian Saxe (2001), Nancy Selvin (2002), Karen Koblitz (2003), Kirk Delman (2004), Tony Marsh (2005), Steven Portigal (2006), Tony Hepburn (2007), Phyllis Green (2008), Adam Davis (2009), Wayne Higby (2010), Tim Berg (2011). In 2012, the exhibition Clay’s Tectonic Shift: John Mason, Ken Price and Peter Voulkos, 1956–1968, which was part of the Getty’s Pacific Standard Time initiative, stood in for the Annual and was co-curated by Mary MacNaughton and Kirk Delman. In 2013, the Ceramic Annual resumed with guest curator Virginia Scotchie. In 2014, Kirk Delman and Mary MacNaughton presented an exhibition of works by past curators, followed by Annuals selected by Julia Haft-Candell (2015) Susan Beiner (2016), Joan Takayama-Ogawa (2017), Patsy Cox (2018), Kirk Delman (2019), and Joanne Hayakawa (2020).
This year the Williamson Gallery has invited Ashwini Bhat, to be our guest curator for the 77th Ceramic Annual. Bhat was awarded a McKnight Foundation Residency Fellowship for 2021 and was a recipient of Howard Foundation Award for sculpture. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and can be seen in collections at the Newport Art Museum, USA; Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Japan; FuLe International Ceramic Art Museum, China; the Watson Institute at Brown University, USA; New Bedford Historical Society, USA; Daugavplis Mark Rothko Centre, Latvia, and in many private collections. Her sculpture has been widely reviewed and featured in Brooklyn Rail (USA), Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry and Opinion (USA), Riot Material (USA), Ceramic Art and Perception (USA/Australia), Ceramics Ireland (Ireland), New Ceramics (Germany), Caliban (USA), Crafts Arts International (Australia), The Studio Potter (USA), Logbook (Ireland), and Ceramics Monthly (USA).
In this exhibition, On Fire: Contemporary Trailblazers, Bhat has selected works by artists whose works visually explores and honors some of the most compelling and diverse artistic imaginations in the field. Each artist works with ceramic as a primary material. All are sculptors whose innovative, sometimes radical approaches to form and process, whose perseverance, and constant reinvention, have made them the source of inspiration for not only a younger generation, but for their peers.
Kirk Delman Interim Director, Ruth Chandler Williamson GalleryMany people have collaborated in producing the 77th Scripps Ceramic Annual and a debt of gratitude goes first to guest curator, Ashwini Bhat, who selected works by artists from across the United States. Special thanks go to Leah Ollman, art writer, whose essay, Newly True, reveals a poetic undertone built upon gathered materials that speak volumes.
We are grateful to the artists in the exhibition: Ebitenyefa Baralaye, Sharbani Das Gupta, Nicki Green, Julia Haft-Candell, Anna Sew Hoy, Kahlil Robert Irving, Anabel Juárez, David Katz, Sahar Khoury, Nathan Lynch, Annabeth Rosen, Nicole Seisler, and Linda Sormin. A very special thanks to our collectors and galleries who have graciously loaned work to this exhibition. They include: Dick and Gloria Anderson, Michele S. Mirman, Patricia Sweetow Gallery, Rebecca Camacho Presents, CANADA, and VSF (various small fires).
The staff of the Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery deserves special recognition: Interim Director Kirk Delman and Gallery Installer T Pacini, working in conjunction with artists, skillfully designed and installed the exhibition. 2021 Getty Marrow Intern, Vivian Rose Monteiro who carefully compiled the catalog’s artist profiles, the exhibition checklist, and a press release for the opening’s events. Jenn Anderson, principal of Creativity Collaborative, expertly designed and produced the catalog. Colleen Salomon, known for her careful attentiveness and patience, carefully reviewed the text before it went to print. This gallery team again contributed to this year’s Ceramic Annual with both the pride and professionalism that I greatly admire.
We extend our gratitude to our supporters, principally the Pasadena Art Alliance, which is devoted to contemporary art, and has supported these exhibitions since 2000, which has made this and many earlier Ceramic Annual catalogs possible.
Special thanks also go to private donors who supported the catalog, including Julianne and David Armstrong, Bill and Francine Baker, Kirk and Dana Delman, David Furman, Susan and Brent Maire, Diane and Igal Silber, and Skutt Ceramic Products, Inc. At Scripps, we are grateful for assistance from the Lincoln Ceramic Annual Fund, Lincoln Ceramic Study Center Fund, and the Paul Soldner Endowment.
Finally, we thank the Williamson Gallery’s Advisory Council, Interim Dean of Faculty Gretchen Edwards-Gilbert, Interim President Amy Marcus-Newhall, and the Trustees of Scripps College.
Kirk Delman Interim Director of the Ruth Chandler Williamson GalleryThe exhibition, On Fire: Contemporary Trailblazers, draws together some of the most compelling and diverse contemporary artistic imaginations—imaginations that prod us to acknowledge new trajectories through the clay world. By encouraging us to consider the history of clay, to reconsider our relation to objects and object-making, the exhibition ignites conversations about the content of this work and the relation of that content to background narratives connected to clay (and often to other materials).
Restlessness, risk, and reinvention are signal aspects of each of these artist’s practices, so much so that often their work shatters conventional categories and genres. The artists I’ve come to invite for the 77th Scripps Annual turn out to be makers with whom I feel an intense camaraderie in terms of the way that they explore concepts, challenge traditions, and propose questions. Through different means, they each refocus our attentions not only on objects and aesthetics, but on history, identity, and social practice. Without eschewing personal narratives, these bodies of work make place for challenging abstraction and ideation.
With clay as at least one of their mediums, the 77th Scripps Annual artists are revisioning the possibilities for what is surely the most ancient artistic material. Their intuitive and immersive practices thrive on adding new vocabulary and syntax to the clay lexicon.
Here then we meet thirteen artists setting the field on fire with their processes, ideas, and innovative expressions. As an artist-curator, I’m particularly interested in the juxtaposition of works by this group, a juxtaposition of materials and approaches— raw and fired clay, paper, concrete, paint, wire, wood, bronze, textile, sculpture, drawing, and performance. Assembled in one room, these works vibrate and converse, creating a visual and textual symphony. Together, the works seem to be asking significant questions such as: Where do an artist’s intentionality and a viewer’s subjective engagement meet? How do we promote dialogue over monologue? What vital questions have replaced the old shopworn questions? How do we creatively unlearn and reinvent ourselves as artists? Finally, and crucially, how do we situate ourselves and our art in this exigent and tumultuous time?
More than providing answers, I want this exhibition to promote engagement, discussion, conversation and contemplation.
Ashwini Bhat, Guest CuratorUpon Janet Malcolm’s recent death, I turned in tribute to her lauded book, 41 False Starts, beginning with the title essay. I progressed no further, instead launching into the text again, anew, directly after finishing each read, making of its deliberately discontinuous fragments a continuous loop. In the essay, Malcolm profiles a well-known painter, wrestling openly with the profile format as she proceeds. Her piece assumes shifting ground as the only ground. It asserts as inescapably futile the construction of a cogent, unified portrait of a complex, contradictory individual, about whom she herself has complex, contradictory feelings. Her persistence in spite of the futility, in open acknowledgment and willing embrace of it, yields a text—and a portrait—of uncommon vitality. Malcolm starts the essay, stops, and starts again, repeatedly introducing her subject as if for the first time, and frequently echoing phrases and ideas in the manner of a fugue. In spite of the title (or maybe in fitting counter-endorsement of it), I took each of Malcolm’s starts as true, true to its own transitory intention, each start as true as the next.
I begin here in the same spirit, in restless surrender to the multivalent and indeterminate, curious about where my words and the works in this exhibition might meet.
To call these thirteen artists trailblazers is to praise them as innovators, certainly, but it is also to presume the field of ceramics is (still or ever) wild. One doesn’t need to blaze a trail through gridded, paved, named and numbered streets. It is only new terrain, rugged and unmapped, that calls for a freshly-hewn trail. With all manner of ingenuity and disinhibition, these artists claim the unknown as their turf. They claim unknowing, and assign it form.
The works in the 77th Ceramic Annual assemble in the Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery and in the pages of this catalog as a provisional new whole. All of the artists reckon with being and becoming, with material transformation and personal metamorphosis, each with a specificity that makes the assembly beyond easy generalization. Each resists a totalizing impulse in their own individual work as well. No effort is made to subsume multiplicity and simultaneity within a singular, conclusive statement. Rather, this show teems with
the contingent and open-ended; the partial, unstable, decentered and avowedly imperfect; the breaking and broken; the emergent and ephemeral; the mutable and the precarious. Several of the artists refer to their work as, basically, improbable
Whether making an object, an installation or a notional situation, each creates something on the order of a “whole fragment,” as poet Ann Lauterbach describes certain forms in her own medium. Each such fragment negotiates between “as is” and “as if”; each issues from the “continuous flux of is.”1
I see this exhibition as a negotiation, as a fluid proposition.
I see this assembly of works in terms of a poem.
As a poem, then a self-referential cento, a text composed of myriad voices brought into adjacency. The thirteen voices of these artists, quoted, speaking as one:
What you see is a foil (Kahlil Robert Irving)
a chronicle of loss
(Annabeth Rosen) a non-linear assemblage of fact and fiction (Linda Sormin) an absence that I hope to elevate. (David Katz)
I think of my works as beautiful shining failures. (Julia Haft-Candell)
Mixing time is important to me (Kahlil Robert Irving) world-building (Julia Haft-Candell) unbuilding (Linda Sormin) creating mythologies (Julia Haft-Candell) suspending the form in a space of transience (David Katz) setting conditions for something to happen. (Anna Sew Hoy)
I do not have a hierarchy in approaching my materials. (Sahar Khoury)
Breaking, wiring, and putting back together becomes part of an interior process. (Annabeth Rosen) The need to yield to forces beyond control. (Annabeth Rosen)
What is forgotten, reabsorbed, or unnoticed? (Sharbani Das Gupta)
I was thinking about prisons and cages -(Anna Sew Hoy) the idea of plants and flowers as cultural visual icons, cacti as signifiers of resilience and adaptability -(Anabel Juárez) the psychological, generational, and geographic layers
that construct the self -(Nicole Seisler) the self-awakening that artists speak of in their discovery and attachment to their medium –(Ebitenyefa Baralaye) transness engaged materially and haptically; transness as an energy -(Nicki Green) simultaneity and paradox -(Julia Haft-Candell) containment vs freedom -(Anna Sew Hoy) structure vs chaos -(Anna Sew Hoy) the nondescript object, the forgotten root. (Sharbani Das Gupta) I think of the lives of children and the loss of innocence. (David Katz)
Can we set up the physical conditions for more honest (more vulnerable) conversations? (Nathan Lynch) ...a deeper sense of empathy, and freedom. (Annabeth Rosen)
Important to me: to rectify the problematics of our performance as humans. (Kahlil Robert Irving) [the seeming impossibility of being prepared as a human]
(Nicole Seisler)
How to make my work perform as a verb (Kahlil Robert Irving)
There are thirteen artists included in the 77th Ceramic Annual, but fourteen present. Ashwini Bhat, as curator, articulated this community as further articulation of the ideas and questions that motivate her own work: Ideas about movement and change, heat and time, intimacy
and vastness; questions about the resonant bodies of self and Earth, about states of in-betweenness.
Her curatorial act is at once an act of critical engagement and an act of creation. At a fundamental level, it whispers of the phenomenological: the way our mind and senses construct an external world anew each morning when we open our eyes, our consciousness providing the lens through which we define and process experience. Hers is the lens offered here, hers the guiding consciousness of this exhibition’s reality.
I see this assembly as assemblage—in the art historical sense, bringing together the disparate and formerly unrelated, with each element transporting its history or the history of its making into a new context. I see the show as Bhat’s sculptural gesture.
On a curatorial level, assemblage serves as the organizing principle of many a group show. The term resonates especially well here because the process of assemblage also determines a good portion of the included works. Scavenged objects—plastic buckets, chain-link fencing, rusted cans—and assorted materials—paper, cloth, wood, gold leaf, resin—are brought into some sort of alignment. Assemblage accepts hybridity as a given, natural state, and assumes a continuity between sculpture and our ordinary/ extraordinary, familiar/unfamiliar material world. In the work of these artists, clay often presents as just one member of an expansive, improvised family.
Speaking of family, speaking of clay, and speaking of systems that illuminate the structure of interconnected entities, how deeply fitting is it that the term ecology derives from the Greek word for house?
I see this exhibition as a temporary home for this temporary, chosen family. An intimate shelter for the gathering of kin. A self-reflexive ecosystem, invented to honor the relatedness of its living members.
“Through fire everything changes,” declared Gaston Bachelard in his provocative study, The Psychoanalysis of Fire. “When we want everything to be changed we call on fire.”2
Fire may be an easy metaphor to summon, since, as Bachelard points out, it “can explain anything.”3 It purifies and destroys. It signifies internal drive and external danger. It emblematizes passion and also, in the guise of hell, punishment. It is a necessary catalyst for ecological regeneration. Fire serves countless purposes in both the physical world and the imagination, many of them seeming to cancel each other out, yet fire remains the central, natural metaphor to call upon in speaking about artists using clay (even those who work in unfired clay and thereby engage with fire’s transformative powers via withholding). Fire—in all of its manifestations and interpretations—is a change agent. To be on fire is to own that power and agency.
These thirteen artists are among many who are actuating change in the field of ceramics. If you rejected my earlier deduction that the field through which these artists blaze trails is wild, you might accede that these artists are wilding it.
Through their material and conceptual approaches, they render the boundaries of the ceramics realm more porous and the terms that define that realm broader, more inclusive and fearless. They prompt an assemblage-style assimilation of vocabulary native to other realms of life and art. Why not, in describing a ceramic sculpture, speak of sprezzatura? Enjambment? Or even punctum, the word Roland Barthes used to name that essential aspect in a photograph, which pricks and pierces?
These artists amplify clay’s modes of engaging the body, far beyond the traditional, analogous relationship between human form and vessel. They integrate the erotic, the uncouth, the ritualized and performative. They use clay as yet another tool to comprehend and comment upon the political and philosophical. They use clay as an instrument of reverence and subversion, to both transcend and transgress.
I see this grouping of artists and how they use clay as rhizomatic, their efforts extending in multiple directions, a continuous spreading of roots and accretion of associations. A matter of insistent, organic
growth. No limits. No edges.
Their work operates in a kind of future-present tense, a tense that propels the now into the next.
The making of art, the making of self, the making of the world we inhabit—are these separate points on the same continuum? Or exemplifications, on different scales, of the same reverberating, change-driven impulse?
Alas, the need for change can overwhelm right now, in the nineteenth month (at this writing) of a global pandemic, in the late stages of a climate crisis, in the beginning phases of a long-overdue reckoning with racial injustice, in this charged, prolonged moment of division and national self-definition.
Change is inevitable, that we know. And it can express purpose, whether by default or by design.
...If there is a purpose, maybe there are too many of us to see it, though we can, from a distance, hear the dull thrum of generation’s industry, feel its fleshly wheel churn the fire inside us, pushing the world forward toward its ragged edge, rushing like a swollen river into multitude and rank disorder. Such abundance. We are gorged, engorging, and gorgeous.
—Dorianne Laux4What is at stake in the representation of life, the response to life, but life itself?
To make is to make happen, to rev the engine of change. To stage an encounter that persists in the mind and body, an encounter that leaves us changed, an encounter that doesn’t leave us at all. The making doesn’t stop but lodges within and continues its mission.
To make is to create a noun that performs as a verb.
What is the world trying to be? What are we trying to be? How best might we serve, in active witness?
We are not obligated to complete the task of perfecting the world, according to Jewish ethical teachings, but neither are we free to desist from it.
Our daily efforts—in the studio, on the page— constitute the life and the response to life and the invocation of that more perfect world.
How many starts do we get?
How might we make each one newly true?
1. Ann Lauterbach, “As (It) Is: Toward a Poetics of the Whole Fragment,” The Night Sky: Writings on the Poetics of Experience (New York: Penguin, 2005), 4143.
2. Gaston Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of Fire, trans. Alan C. M. Ross (Boston: Beacon Press, 1964), 57.
3. Ibid, 7.
4. Dorianne Laux, “Life Is Beautiful,” in Only as the Day Is Long: New and Selected Poems (New York and London: W.W. Norton, 2019), 67.
For Themselves, 2021 Stoneware, paint 8 x 17 x 3 inches
Pillar of Earth 6, 2021
Glazed earthenware with bucket and bungees
18 x 18 x 38 inches
Pillar of Earth 8, 2021 Glazed earthenware 18 x 18 x 23 inches
Arch with Arches, 2020 Ceramic
16.5 x 13.5 x 5 inches
Time is a Prius, 2020
Fired clay and glaze, found metal, mixed media
21.5 x 24 x 23 inches
Courtesy of VSF (various small fires)
Somebody’s Head, 2020 Fired clay and glaze, found metal, mixed media 22 x 20 x 18.5 inches
Courtesy of VSF (various small fires)
Collaged Mass, 2015
Glazed and unglazed ceramic, enamels, decals
12 x 10 x 10 inches
Private Collection, Lake Quivira, KS
Mixed-Media, 2017
Glazed porcelain, stoneware, luster, personally created decals, vintage decals
14 x 12 x 10 inches
Private Collection, Lake Quivira, KS
Moratorium, 2018 Rescued chairs and clay 168 x 84 x 60 inches
Moratorium, (detail), 2018 Rescued chairs and clay 168 x 84 x 60 inches
Untitled (wall piece with purple blobs), 2019 Paper and textile mâché, glazed ceramic, steel, acrylic, oil stick 31 x 26 x 4.75 inches
Courtesy of Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco
Untitled (tomato cage on four legs), 2019 Paper-textile-mâché, steel, cement, ceramic, reflector tape, rug remnants, leather 43 x 19 x 19 inches
Courtesy of Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco
When the People Preach, 2020
Ceramic and glaze
42 x 48 x 28 inches
When the People Preach, (alternate view), 2020 Ceramic and glaze 42 x 48 x 28 inches
Brut, 2021
Ceramic with bailing wire and oil paint 10 x 16 x 9 inches
Nest (II), 2021 Oil paint on paper 72 x 42 inches
Ledger of Locating Myself (conforming to self-expectations), (detail) , 2021 Ceramic 10 x 5 x 5 inches
Leluhur, 2020
Glazed ceramic, watercolor on paper, gold leaf, epoxy 22 x 22 x 18 inches
Courtesy of Patricia Sweetow Gallery, San Francisco
Merjojong, 2019-2020
Glazed ceramic, watercolor on paper, gold leaf, epoxy 18 x 23 x 15 inches
Collection of Michele S. Mirman, New York
I Just Knew, 2021
Stoneware, paint 8 x 17 x 3 inches
For Themselves, 2021 Stoneware, paint 8 x 17 x 3 inches
Unwritten Taxonomies, 2021 Raw clay, stoneware, paper, found objects Dimensions vary
Pillar of Earth 6, 2021
Glazed earthenware with bucket and bungees
18 x 18 x 38 inches
Pillar of Earth 7, 2021
Glazed earthenware with bucket and bungees
18 x 18 x 38 inches
Pillar of Earth 8, 2021
Glazed earthenware 18 x 18 x 23 inches
Reaching Through: Lavender, Tangerine, Chartreuse, 2012 Ceramic
15 x 19 x 12 inches
Arch with Arches, 2020 Ceramic 16.5 x 13.5 x 5 inches
Small Expanding Moss Green, 2021 Bronze
4.5 x 5.25 x 4.75 inches
The Infinite Deck, 2021 Ceramic, watercolor, pencil, ink, paper
2.75 x 8 x 5.5 in. box with 4 x 5 in. paper drawing
Cage of Brilliant, 2020
Fired clay and glaze, found metal cages, mixed media 15.5 x 21 x 20 inches Courtesy of VSF (various small fires)
Somebody’s Head, 2020 Fired clay and glaze, found metal, mixed media 22 x 20 x 18.5 inches
Courtesy of VSF (various small fires)
Time is a Prius, 2020
Fired clay and glaze, found metal, mixed media 21.5 x 24 x 23 inches Courtesy of VSF (various small fires)
14. KAHLIL ROBERT IRVING Collaged Mass, 2015 Glazed and unglazed ceramic, enamels, decals 12 x 10 x 10 inches Private Collection, Lake Quivira, KS
15. KAHLIL ROBERT IRVING Mixed-Media, 2017
Glazed porcelain, stoneware, luster, personally created decals, vintage decals
14 x 12 x 10 inches
Private Collection, Lake Quivira, KS
16. ANABEL JUÁREZ Cactus Monarca, 2021 Ceramic 40 x 28 x 16 inches
Moratorium, 2018 Rescued chairs and clay 168 x 84 x 60 inches
Untitled (holder of Lynne Hershman
Leeson’s plexiglas and Sarah Braman’s glass), 2019
Glazed ceramic, plexiglas, glass, steel, leather, white glue 18 x 40 x 17 inches
Courtesy of the artist and Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco
Untitled (tomato cage on four legs), 2019
Paper-textile-mâché, steel, cement, ceramic, reflector tape, rug remnants, leather 43 x 19 x 19 inches
Courtesy of the artist and Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco
Untitled (wall piece with purple blobs), 2019
Paper and textile mâché, glazed ceramic, steel, acrylic, oil stick 31 x 26 x 4.75 inches
Courtesy of the artist and Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco
Untitled bone holder with two charms, 2021
Ceramic, cement, pigmented paper mache, resin, vinyl paint, steel 17 x 19.5 x 3 inches
Courtesy of the artist and Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco
When the People Preach, 2020 Ceramic and glaze 42 x 48 x 28 inches
23. ANNABETH ROSEN Brut, 2021
Ceramic with bailing wire and oil paint 10 x 16 x 9 inches
24. ANNABETH ROSEN Brut (II), 2021 Ceramic with bailing wire and oil paint 8 x 15 x 9 inches
25. ANNABETH ROSEN Nest (II), 2021 Oil paint on paper 72 x 42 inches
Ledger of Locating Myself (accumulation of minimization), 2021 Ceramic 4 x 9 x 3 inches
27. NICOLE SEISLER Ledger of Locating Myself (conforming to self-expectations), 2021 Ceramic 10 x 5 x 5 inches
Leluhur, 2020
Glazed ceramic, watercolor on paper, gold leaf, epoxy 22 x 22 x 18 inches
Courtesy of Patricia Sweetow Gallery, San Francisco
29. LINDA SORMIN Pass safely through redolent woods, 2020
Glazed ceramic, watercolor on paper, gold leaf, epoxy 21.5 x 22 x 18 inches
Courtesy of Patricia Sweetow Gallery, San Francisco
30. LINDA SORMIN Merjojong, 2019-2020
Glazed ceramic, watercolor on paper, gold leaf, epoxy 18 x 23 x 15 inches
Collection of Michele S. Mirman, New York
2016 MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
2006 BFA, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
Assistant Professor & Section Head, Department of Ceramics, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI
2018 Instructor, Beginning Pottery Class, Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Adjunct Faculty, Sculpture & Contemporary Practice, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
2016 AICAD Fellowship, Sculpture & Contemporary Practice, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
2019 SKIN, Wigley-Fleming Gallery, Luther College, Decorah, IA
2018 No Lie, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
2017 Many Rooms, Emerging Artist Program, Museum of the African Diaspora, San Francisco, CA
2012 Introspective Exhibition, 1stDibs, New York Design Center, New York, NY
2011 Ebitenyefa Baralaye, Narthex Art Gallery, Calvary St. George’s Parish, New York, NY Group
2021 With Eyes Opened: Cranbrook Academy of Art Since 1932, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
A New Realism, Friedman Benda Gallery, New York, NY
A Dead Reckoning, Pensacola Museum of Art, Pensacola, FL
SFAI 150 I, A Spirit Of Disruption, Walter McBean Galleries, San Francisco, CA
Annual Scholarship Awards & Exhibition 2021, Detroit Artists Market, Detroit, MI
Origin Stories: Expanded Ceramics in the Bay Area, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA
Unraveled. Restructured. Revealed, Trout Museum of Art, Appleton, WI Objects USA 2020, R & Company Gallery, New York, NY
New Work / New Year, David Klein Gallery, Detroit, MI
2020 Never Normal, Form & Seek, Wasserman Gallery, Detroit, MI
Forms Fired, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Shapeshifters: Transformation in Contemporary Art, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Annual Scholarship Awards & Exhibition 2020, Detroit Artists Market, Detroit, MI
Up Next, David Klein Gallery, Detroit, MI
2019 Presenter’s Exhibition, Michigan Mud 2019, Holding House, Detroit, MI
Manifest of Ipseities, 333 Midland, Detroit, MI
Inspired: Baralaye, Crowell, Edgar, McDonald, Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, MI
Baralaye / Rosch: In Time, The Great Highway Gallery San Francisco, CA
Hidden in Plain Sight, 1301 Broadway, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Detroit, MI
Of Other Spaces, Guerrero Gallery San Francisco, CA
Planned Obsolescence, Natalie and James Thompson Art Gallery, San Jose State University San Jose, CA
2018 Attachment to Function, 1301 Broadway St, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Detroit, MI
2017 Make Space, Staple Goods, New Orlean, LA
Cultural Landscapes, The Fed Galleries, Kendall College of Art and Design, Grand Rapids, MI
2016 First Summer: Part 1, David Klein Gallery, Detroit, MI
In Series, Propeller Gallery, Toronto Design Offsite Festival, Toronto, Ontario
Form Ever Follows: Iterative Design Objects, Peter Paul Luce Gallery, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA
Cranbrook Academy of Art Thesis Exhibition, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
2015 FUBU Forum Gallery, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
First Show, David Klein Gallery, Detroit, MI
Happenings Exhibition, Detroit Design Festival, Talking Dolls, Detroit, MI
Other Another, David Klein Gallery, Birmingham, MI
Chance Encounters, Forum Gallery, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Home Design Show, ArtMgt, Architectural Digest, New York, NY
Dark Matter, Jeffrey Meir Gallery, Lambertville, NJ
2013 Solstice Salon Show, Greenpoint Gallery, New York, NY
2012 SRAM Part Project Benefit Art Auction, World Bicycle Relief, Cedar Lake Theater, New York, NY
Journey of Faith, Osilas Gallery, Concordia College, Bronxville, NY
Fill the Space, Space Womb Gallery, Long Island City, NY
Public Collection Exhibition, Philadelphia Biblical University, Philadelphia, PA
Fine Art & Faith, White Stone Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2011 Gyeonggi International Ceramix Biennale, Korea Ceramic Foundation, Icheon, Republic of Korea
Peters Valley 40th Anniversary Exhibition, Moscow Clayworks, Moscow, PA
2010 127th Annual Members’ Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, New York, NY
2010 Art Show, Excalibur Sculpture Foundry, Brooklyn, NY
2006 Spring 2006 Exhibition, Hillel Gallery, Brown University, Providence, RI
Thesis Exhibition, Woods-Gerry Gallery, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
Fidelity Investments Exhibition, Maxwell Mays Gallery, Providence Art Club Providence, RI
2021 “What we Learned from a Year of Crafting”, Steven Kurutz, New York Times “150 Ebitenyefa “Ebi” Baralaye”, Mariwyn Curtin, Essay’d “Ebiteneyfa Baralaye”, Andy Pepper, Artists Looking at Animals
2020 “The Groundbreaking 1969 Craft Exhibit ‘objects: Usa’ Gets A Reboot”, Jennifer Nalewicki, Smithsonian Magazine “Objects: USA 2020”, Glenn Adamson, The Monacelli Press
2019 “Inspired @ Pewabic Pottery”, Dennis Nawrocki, Detroit Art Review, Detroit, MI
2018 “Ebitenyefa Baralaye @ Traywick”, Maria Porges, Square Cylinder, San Francisco, CA
2017 “Notes from MoAD: Jacqueline Francis and Ebitenyefa Baralaye”, Art Practical, Jacqueline Francis, San Francisco, CA “Ebitenyefa Baralaye @ MoAD”, Maria Porges, Square Cylinder, San Francisco, CA “Detroit: The Dream Is Now: The Design, Art, and Resurgence of an American City” - Michel Arnaud, Abrams, Detroit, MI
2012 “Ebitenyefa Baralaye Explores Issues of Identity”, Editor, Arts Observer, New York, NY “On Location: Ebitenyefa Baralaye”, Julie Baumgardner, 1stdibs Introspective Magazine, New York, NY
2021 Peter S. Reed Foundation Grant
Huron Artist Residency, Greenbush, MI
2019 Session V: “The New Ancient”, Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Newcastle, ME
2018 Rosch Residency, Minnesota Street Project Artist Studios, San Francisco, CA
2017 AIR Program, Tech Shop, San Francisco, CA
2016 Summer Fellowship, The Hambidge Center, Rabun Gap, GA
2016 Museum Committee Acquisition Prize, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
2015 Zeslie Rose Merit Scholarship, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Larson Award, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Summer Studio Residency, Talking Dolls, Detroit, MI
Cranbrook Art Selection, Mercedes Benz Financial Services, Farmington Hills, MI
2011 Honorable Mention, Gyeonggi International CeraMix Biennale, Korea Ceramic Foundation, Icheon, Republic of Korea
Resident Artist, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York, NY
GICBiennale International Arts Exchange, Korea Ceramic Foundation, Icheon, Republic of Korea
2010 Harry R. Ballinger Memorial Award, Members Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, New York, NY
2006 Summer Studio Assistant, Peters Valley Crafts Center, Layton, NJ
2016 Cranbrook Art Museum
2000-05 Porcelain Vessels, Arita Porcelain Program, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 1992-93 Apprentice, Golden Bridge Pottery, Pondicherry, India, Instructors: Ray Meeker, Deborah Smith
1990 Five-year Graduate Visual Communications Program, National Institute of Design, India
2018, 2022 Curatorial and Founder Member, Indian Ceramic Triennale
2016-21 Clay & Animation workshop, Skopelos International Film Festival for Youth (SIFFY), Greece
2012 Lecture: Southwester n University, Austin, TX USC, Los Angeles, CA UNM, Albuquerque, NM
2006 Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts; Art Teacher in Outreach program
2003 Studio Assistant, Marc Leuthold, Penland, NC
2001–5 Porcelain Studio Assistant, University of New Mexico, NM
2021 Passages, Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, MN (Upcoming)
Resident Artists Exhibition, Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts, Helena, MT
2020 Quartzinversion, Group responses to the pandemic
A Path Described by a Body, Group Show, Casa Otro, Las Cruces, NM
2019 In/Sight, Solo Exhibition, Roswell Museum and Art Center, Roswell, NM
2018 New Orientalia, Yingge Museum of Ceramics, Taipei, Taiwan
Breaking Ground, First Indian Ceramic Triennale, Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur, India
2017 Mutable, Piramal Art Foundation, Mumbai, India
The New Romantic, Las Cruces Museum of Art, Las Cruces, NM
Out of Step, SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY
2016 NCECA Kansas City: Fifty Women, American Jazz Museum; Kansas City, MO
Standing Wave, StudiosInc
Creta Yuga, Argilla, Faenza, Italy
Post Colonialism?, Bin Yamini Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
2015 Las Cruces Creates, NMSU Art Gallery, Las Cruces, NM
Indo-Korean Collaborations, Chennai, India
Terra Firma, NCECA, Providence, RI
Concurrent Solo, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
Six by Six, Australian Triennale, Canberra, Australia
2014 Six from Fifty, Braithwaite Gallery, Southern Utah University, UT
Crossing Boundaries, Amelia Gallery, FL
2013 Contemporary Ceramics from India, Fule International Ceramic Museum, Weinan, China
Naturalization, NCECA Houston, Houston, TX
Traditions Evolving, NCECA Houston, Houston, TX
Readymade, NCECA Houston, Houston, TX
2012 Culinary Cultures, Southwestern University, Sarofim school of the Fine Arts, Austin, TX
Earth, Dinner with King Midas, a collaboration, White Plains, NY
Confinement, 1st Annual Clay Workhouse, Lorton, VA
Crafting Live(s), Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, 10th Anniversary Exhibit, Houston, TX
Wichita Falls Museum of Art, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX
2010 Sculpture Garden, Grand Hyatt, Chennai, India
2009 Solo Exhibition. King Midas and his Dinner, Weavers Contemporary Gallery, Kolkata,India Celebration of Clay 2009, NMPCA, Albuquerque, NM
2007 The Attic, New Delhi, India
2006 Craft Houston 2006, Houston,TX
2005 Mixed Artists Summer Show, Gallerie Besson, London, England
2004 Shaping the spirit, Arita in UNM, Maxwell Museum, Albuquerque, NM Three Women in Clay, Indian Cultural Center, London, England
2020 “The Space Between”, Studio Potter
2018 Architecture and Design, India
2017 “PostColonialism?” by Anthony Stellacio, Ceramics Monthly
2016 Award: “PostColonialism?” Residency and Exhibition, Bin Yamini Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
2014 “Insights for an uneven world” Article by Laurie Rufe. Ceramic Art & Perception
“The Shape of the Wind”, Ceramics Ireland
“An Artists Way”, Ceramics Ireland
“Signs from the Interior”, New Ceramics; “Cross Pollination”
2013 Dao Magazine; An Artists Way Artist Residency award at the Indian Museum in the Fule International Art Museums, Xian, China
“Traditions Evolving”, Ceramics Ireland
2012 The Art and Craft of Clay 5th Edition Jan Peterson
2011 Ceramic Art and Perception Author of article
2010 Marg Publications “Contemporary Indian ceramic artists”, December ART India
NCECA Journal essay on the art of the image-makers of Kumartuli, West Bengal, India
2009 Harnack Lancaster Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Ceramic Arts, June Albuquerque Arts Journal, June
2006 Southwest Arts, June
2021 Summer Resident, Archie Bray, MT
2019 Resident Artist, People Tree, Goa, India
2016 Award: PostColonialism? Residency and Exhibition, Bin Yamini Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
2014 Naori Eco-Art Festival, South Korea
2013 Fule International Artist Residency, China, Skopelos Art Foundation, Greece
2009 Artist in Residence, Golden Bridge Pottery, Pondicherry, India
2006 Artist in Residence, Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts, TX
City of El Paso Art Purchase, 25 Rue Dumas Ceramic Museum, Fule Ceramic Art Museum, Hyatt Sculpture Garden and several private collections.
2018 MFA, University of Califor nia Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2009 BFA, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
2005-2007 The New School, New York, NY Courses completed in psychology & fine arts
2022 Visiting Artist, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA Lecturer, Advanced Ceramics, University of California, Berkeley, CA
2021 Visiting Artist, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA Lecturer, Introduction to Handbuilding, California State University, Long Beach, CA Lecturer, Ceramics Foundations, University of California, Berkeley, CA Advanced Ceramics, University of California, Berkeley, CA
2020 Lecturer, Introduction to Handbuilding, California State University, Long Beach, CA Lecturer, Ceramics Foundations, University of California, Berkeley, CA Advanced Ceramics, University of California, Berkeley, CA
2019 Lecturer, Ceramics Foundations, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2018 Graduate Student Instructor, Introduction to Visual Thinking (Sessions 1 & 2), University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2017 Teaching Assistant, Advanced Ceramics, University of Califor nia, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2016 Teaching Assistant, Ceramics Foundations, University of Califor nia, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2021 The Flames, The Living Art of Ceramics, Musée d’Art Modern, Paris, France (forthcoming)
Omniscient: Queer Documentation in an Image Culture, Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art, New York, NY (forthcoming)
Contemporary Clay, Fine Art Museum of Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (forthcoming)
Ceramic Interventions, Di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art, Napa, CA
A Spirit of Disruption, Walter & Mcbean Galleries, San Francisco, CA
2020 The Body, The Object, The Other (Ceramics Biennial), Craft Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA
The Burdens of History, Visual Arts Center, Richmond, VA
Between Washing and Unwithering, LaiSun Keane Gallery, Boston, MA
Pillars of Earth, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2019 Artissima Art Fair (Et. Al. Gallery booth), Turin, Italy
OBJECTS: REDUX, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, Houston, TX
Queer California, Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA
Don’t Touch My Circles, Catherine Clark Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Splitting/Unifying, Et Al Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2018 Consciousness Razing, The Stonewall Re-Memorialization Project, New Museum, NY
UnderSTOOD, Rockelmann & Partner Gallery. Berlin, Germany
Bay Area Now 8, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA
Queer Biennial, What If Utopia, Navel Gallery, Los Angeles, CA Way Bay, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA
The Karaite Canon: Manuscripts and Ritual Objects from Cairo, The Magnes Collection, Berkeley, CA
2017 Sabbath: Dorothy Saxe Invitational, The Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA Fermenting Feminism, Broken Dimanche Press, Berlin, Germany Intermediaries, Worth Ryder Gallery, Berkeley, CA
2016 (Signal), Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY
James Gobel, Nicki Green, Ariel Goldberg, [ 2nd floor projects ], San Francisco, CA Chain Reaction 12, San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery, San Francisco, CA Breaking Dishes at Gene Compton’s, GLBT History Museum, San Francisco, CA
2015 MOTHA presents: Transgender Hirstory in 99 Objects: Legends and Mythologies, ONE Archives Los Angeles, CA Hello, World!, Artspace New Haven, New Haven, CT I AM, Waterloo Arts, Cleveland, OH
2021 “Between Sunlight and Shadow: Transvocality as Talmudic Process” University of Oregon, Eugene Center for Arts Research “Catalytic Conversations: Craft and The Hyperobject,” University of Oregon, Eugene Center for Arts Research
2019 “’Artifacts from the Future’: The Queer Power of Trans Ritual Objects” Nicki Green and S.J. Crasnow. Transgender Studies Quarterly, August
2018 “#TorahForTheResistance: The Queer Mikveh Project,” JewSchool.com, January
2017 “Blessing for Fermentation” Fermenting Feminism, Copenhagen, June
2014 “Tranny Rage: The Politics of Mythologizing Transness.” Dirty Looks NYC, June
2022 Greenwich House Pottery Resident Artist (forthcoming)
2019 SECA Award Finalist, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
2019 Art Matters Foundation, Grantee
2019 Center for Contemporary Ceramics, Cal State Long Beach. Summer Resident
2019 United States Artists Fellowship Award, Nominee
2019 San Francisco Arts Commission, Individual Artist Commission, Grantee
2019 John Michael Kohler Arts/Industry Resident
2018 Headlands Center for the Arts. Graduate Fellow
2018 United States Artists Fellowship Award, Nominee
2018 UC Berkeley Eisner Award for Academic Excellence
2017 Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Resident
2017 UC Berkeley Sam Francis Travel Research Grant
2016 Center for Cultural Innovation Grantee
2015 San Francisco Arts Commission, Individual Artist Commission, Grantee
John Michael Kohler Art Center, Sheboygan, WI
Kohler Company, Kohler, WI
Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA
Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, Berkeley, CA
2016 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Madison, ME
2010 MFA, Califor nia State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
2005 BA, University of California Davis, Davis, CA
2019-present Founder of the infinite school
2016-present University of Southern Califor nia: Part Time Lecturer
2017 Ox-Bow School of Art: Summer Faculty
2015-2017 University of California Los Angeles: Part Time Lecturer
2015-2016 Otis College of Art and Design: Part Time Lecturer; Los Angeles County High School for the Arts: Part time instructor
2012-2015 Scripps College and Claremont Graduate University: Lincoln Visiting Artist in Ceramics at Scripps College and Claremont Graduate University California State Summer School for the Arts: Ceramics Faculty
2010-2012 California State University Long Beach: Part Time Lecturer
2011-2012 California State University Northridge: Part Time Lecturer
2021 Import/Export, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2020 Carrier Bag of Fiction, Candice Madey, New York, NY
Interlocking, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Yevgeniya Baras and Julia Haft-Candell: Parts of Speech, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX
2019 Julia Haft-Candell/Suzan Frecon, Parrasch Heijnen Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2018 CONDO NY, Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York, NY
Phantom LIM, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA
Melting Point: Movements in Contemporary Clay; The Inaugural Clay Biennial, Craft and Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Manifesto: A Modest Proposal, Pitzer College Art Galleries, Claremont, CA
2017 Julia Haft-Candell: the infinite, Parrasch Heijnen Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Brightsiders, Verge Center for the Arts, Sacramento, CA, curated by The Pit
The 8th Dimension, Interface Gallery, Oakland, CA
2016 Denim Chain on Trees, Installed at the Bowtie Project, in collaboration with Clockshop and California State Parks, Los Angeles, CA
Double Knot, Ochi Projects, Los Angeles, CA
No Rules, No Rules, Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York, NY
Uncommon Ground, Fellows of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
Beyond the Object: the 72nd Scripps Ceramics Annual, Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
A Marginal Tic, Fourteen 30 Contemporary, Portland, OR
The Treachery of Images, Fine Art Center Gallery, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
2015 Sculptures on the Roof, Rosslyn Studios, Los Angeles, CA Loops, Highland Park Museum of Ceramic Art, Monte Vista Projects, Los Angeles, CA
Kill All Zombies, The Property, Los Angeles, CA
Where the Sand Worm Slumbers, Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles, CA Iko Iko, Los Angeles, CA
2014 Fast and Slow, Grand Central Art Center at California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, CA
ArtWatch 2014, Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum, Santa Barbara, CA Sculpting in Time, Glendale College Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Corporeal Impulse, Vincent Price Art Museum, Monterey Park, CA
2013 Terrains, ACME., Los Angeles, CA
Farewell Ruins, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX
High Low, Irvine Fine Art Center, Irvine, California Heroes. Carter & Citizen, Los Angeles, CA Chockablock, University Art Museum, California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
2012 Flower Vessels by Julia Haft-Candell, Iko Iko, West Hollywood, CA
2011 Julia Haft-Candell at ACME, ACME., Los Angeles, CA
Julia Haft-Candell and Ben Demott, Jane Hartsook Gallery, Greenwich House Pottery, New York, NY
Paper Space: Drawings by Sculptors, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX
Out of Line, Richard L. Nelson Gallery, University of California Davis, Davis, CA
Chiasmus: Zones of Political and Aesthetic Imagination, University Art Gallery, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA
Mind Over Matter, Meulensteen Gallery, New York, NY
Works of Paper, ACME., Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles Museum of Ceramic Art at ACME, ACME, Los Angeles, CA String Theory, Huntington Beach Art Center, Huntington Beach, CA
2021 Charity Coleman, “Julia Haft-Candell at Candice Madey,” Artforum, April, 2021
Kay Whitney, “W ithout Definitions: A Conversation With Julia Haft-Candell,” Sculpture Magazine, April 2, 2021
Julie Belcove, “Why California Has Become a Hotbed for Ceramic Art,” Robb Report, August 2021
2020 Lindsay Preston Zappas, “Art in Isolation with Julia Haft-Candell,” Contemporary Art Review Los Angeles, Issue 20
2019 David Pagel, “At Parrasch Heijnen Gallery, sculpture and painting go hand in hand,” Los Angeles Times, April 16, 2019
Jessica Simmons, “Julia Haft-Candell & Suzan Frecon at Parrasch Heijnen,” Contemporary Art Review Los Angeles, Issue 16
Martine Bury, R yan Waddoups, Devon Kasarjian, “State of Clay: Los Angeles Ceramics Artists Break the Mold,” Surface Magazine, September 2019
2018 Leah Ollman, “Ceramic art, once written of as mere craft, wins a brighter spotlight in the L.A. scene,” Los Angeles Times, April 25, 2018
Tom Morris (ed), New Wave Clay: Ceramic Design, Art and Architecture, Frame Publishers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Kate Guadagnino, “Funky Ceramics Are Everywhere. Including in Galleries.” T: The New York Times Style Magazine, June 14, 2018
2017 Alexandra Pechman, “Julia Haft-Candell at Parrasch Heijnen Gallery,” Artforum, July 2017 Jennifer S. Li, “Julia Haft-Candell’s Black Clay Infinity Sculptures, On View in LA,” Sight Unseen, July 14, 2017
Leah Ollman, “In Julia Haft-Candell’s ‘infinite’ art, the possibilities are, well…” Los Angeles Times, August 22, 2017
Mat Gleason, “Julia Haft-Candell Confounds the Infinite at Parrasch Heijnen Gallery,” Huffington Post, August 5, 2017
Annabel Osberg, “Julia Haft-Candell,” Artillery Magazine, August 10, 2017
Casey Lesser, “These 20 Artists Are Shaping the Future of Ceramics,” Artsy, February 2017
Caitlin Confort, “Julia Haft-Candell’s Sculptures Inspired by Intuition,” Artzealous, January 2017
2016 George Melrod, “Julia Haft-Candell,” Art Ltd., March 2016
2015 Andrianna Campbell, “Kill All Zombies,” Artforum, November 2015
2014 Allyson Unzicker, “Corporeal Impulse: Contemporary Artists Working in Clay,” The Brooklyn Rail, April 2, 2014
Retha Oliver, “‘Corporeal Impulse’ at the Vincent Price Art Museum,” Glasstire, April 4, 2014
2013 A. Moret, “Julia Haft-Candell: ‘Terrains’ at ACME,” Art Ltd., March 2013 Meredith Deliso, “Finding Beauty in the Imperfect at Inman Gallery,” The Houston Press, February 26, 2013
2012 Leah Ollman, “The Happy Medium,” Art in America, December 2012 Juli Carson, “Across the Political/Poetic Divide,” CHIASMUS Zones of Political and Aesthetic Imagination Exhibition Essay, February 2012
2011 Brooke Hodge, “Iko Iko Goes West,” Seeing ings Blog, The New York Times Style Magazine, August 11, 2011 David Pagel, “Art Review- Julia Haft-Candell at ACME,” Los Angeles Times, May 5, 2011
2019 California Community Foundation Fellowship for Visual Artists
2012 Investing in Artists Grant, Center for Cultural Innovation, Los Angeles, CA Artists’ Resource for Completion Grant, Center for Cultural Innovation, Los Angeles, CA
2011 Hoff Foundation Grant, Huntington Beach, CA
2008 MFA, Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
1998 BFA with Honors, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
2019– present Associate Professor and Ceramics Area Head, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
2018 Mentor, MFA Program, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, OR 2017-2018 Lecturer in Ceramics, College of the Arts, Califor nia State University, Long Beach, CA 2013-2017 Master Teacher and National Reviewer, National Young Arts Foundation 2015 Lecturer, Summer Practicum, Cal Arts, Santa Clarita, CA
2013 Graduate Lecturer, Department of Art, University of California, Irvine, CA 2012 Graduate Advisor, Roski School of Art and Design, USC, Los Angeles, CA Visiting Professor of Public Art, with Pearl C. Hsiung, Heart of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 2011-2012 Lecturer in Ceramics, Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA 2010 Lecturer in Ceramics, Department of Art, University of Califor nia, Los Angeles, CA 2008 Lecturer in Sculpture, Department of Art, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 2007 Lecturer in Ceramics, Department of Art, University of Califor nia, Irvine, CA
2022-23 New Works, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
2021 Visual Experience, Sokyo Gallery, at Sequence Kyoto Gojo, Kyoto, Japan
2020 Pacific Coast Ceramics, Galeria Mascota, Mexico City, Mexico
Semblance/Sunshine, Torrance Art Museum, CA
Thinking About Thinking About the Future, Te Uru Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand Do You Know Where the Children Are?, The Corner at Whitman-Walker, Washington, DC
2019 Material Properties, curated by Margaret Liu Clinton, Albertz Benda Gallery, New York, NY
Superstimulus, a home show organized by Nicola Farquhar, Auckland, New Zealand
The Sun is Also a Star, Artist Curated Projects, Los Angeles, CA
Fur Cup, Underdonk Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
GARB, Williamson Gallery, ArtCenter College of Art and Design, Pasadena, CA entering a song, Koenig & Clinton, New York, NY
The Wettest Letter, Various Small Fires, Los Angeles, CA
2018 Blood Moon Proposition, Campbell Hall Art Gallery, Campbell Hall, Los Angeles
All Hands on Deck, curated by Kate McNamara, Ben Maltz Gallery at Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA
NOMAD: Anna Sew Hoy, Amy Yao and Jennie Jieun Lee, Artist Curated Projects, LA Terribly Vulnerable and Terribly Hard, curated by Ashton Cooper, Cooper Cole Gallery, Toronto, Canada
HERE, curated by Steven Wong, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, (new work commission)
2017 From Funk to Punk: Left Coast Ceramics, curated by Peter Held, Everson Art Museum, Syracuse, NY
Hecate, curated by Sara Hantman, Various Small Fires, Los Angeles, CA
Yawnings and Dawnitecture: a tribute to Helio Oiticica, curated by Trinie Dalton, University of California, Redlands, CA
Anna Sew Hoy: Psychic Grotto Storefront, Artist Curated Projects, Museum of Contemporary Art: storefront, Los Angeles, CA
2016 Invisible Tattoo, Koenig & Clinton Gallery, New York, NY
L.A. Exuberance: New Gifts by Artists, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
The Noise of Art, organized by Mari Eastman, Soccer Club, Chicago, IL
Occupy Space Differently, Ochi Projects, Los Angeles, CA
The Emblematic, Guggenheim Gallery at Chapman University, Orange, CA
2015 Freedom Culture, organized by Graham Collins, Journal Gallery, New York, NY
Mrs. Benway, Fourteen30 Contemporary, Portland, OR
Surface of Color, The Pit, Los Angeles, CA
Magnetic Between, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, CO
2014 Fixing a Hole, Koenig & Clinton Gallery, New York, NY
Made In LA, Hammer Museum, (included in the Los Angeles Museum of Art’s installation)
2013 Prospect 2013, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, CA
Please See American Objects, curated by Eve Fowler, The Apartment, Athens, Greece
Touch the Moon, curated by Kristen Lorello, Louis B. James Gallery, New York, NY
And How Are We Feeling Today? University Art Gallery, University of California San Diego
ACE NO FACE, Various Small Fires, Los Angeles, CA
Home Office, Various Small Fires, Los Angeles, CA
2012 Tissues &Trench Coats, Romer Young Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Flection, curated by Sabrina Buell, Hedge Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2011 The More Things Change, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, CA
Paul Clay, Salon 94, New York, NY
Greater LA, curated by Eleanor Cayce, Joel Messler, and Benjamin Godsill, New York, NY
Nothing All Day: Anna Sew Hoy, San Jose Museum of Art, CA
Pass Over, Two Serious Ladies, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2010 Holes, Sikkema, Jenkins & Co., New York, NY
2009 Electric Mud, curated by David Pagel, Blaffer Art Museum, Houston, TX
An Expanded Field of Possibilities, curated by Miki Garcia, Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, CA Ridykelous Hits Bottom, Leo Koenig Gallery, curated by Nicole Eisenmann and A.L. Steiner, New York, NY
2008 California Biennial 2008, Orange County Museum of Art, Santa Ana, CA
Sew Hoy, Lutker, Youngblood, University Art Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA Reskilling, The Western Front, Vancouver, Canada Now You See It, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, CO You can go your own way, Renwick Gallery, New York, NY
Living Flowers, curated by Karin Higa, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA Red Wind, Blum & Poe Gallery, Los Angeles, CA look-see, Renwick Gallery, New York, NY
POW!, LAXART, Los Angeles, CA
2007 hook & eye, Karyn Lovegrove Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Eden’s Edge: Fifteen LA Artists, The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA Exit Music (For a Film), Grimm/Rosenfeld Gallery, Munich, Germany
2006 One Way or Another, curated by Karen Higa, Susette Min and Melissa Chiu, Asia Society, New York, NY Tiago Carneiro da Cunha, Julia Kunin, Sterling Ruby, Anna Sew Hoy, Karyn Lovegrove Gallery, Los Angeles, CA Selections from My Wardrobe, Karyn Lovegrove Gallery, Los Angeles, CA Cosmic Wonder, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA
2005 Diamond Hand Grenade, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, MN Sugartown, Elizabeth Dee Gallery and Participant Inc., New York, NY
2004 Geode Baroque, curated by Fritz Haeg, Sundown Salon #19, Los Angeles, CA
The stars of track and field are beautiful people, Changing Role Move Over Gallery, Naples, Italy
2003 The Rules Everyone Will Follow From This Day Forth, Peres Projects broken arm, Peres Projects, Los Angeles, CA
2002 Wash My Bike, Massimo Audiello Fine Art, New York, NY
Unknown Pleasures, Daniel Reich Gallery, New York, NY
Artists on Artists, Ace Gallery, New York, NY
2001 Perfunctory, Team Gallery, New York, NY Neutopia, Massimo Audiello Gallery, New York, NY
2017 Psychic Body Grotto Opening Ceremonies, Los Angeles State Historic Park, Los Angeles, CA
2016 Invisible Tattoo, Dawn Kasper and Laurie Weeks, Koenig & Clinton Gallery, New York, NY Magnetic Between, Anna Sew Hoy and Flora Wiegmann, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, CO
2013 Planets Making Planets, with Math Bass and Claire Kohne, Human Resources, Los Angeles, commissioned by Los Angeles Nomadic Division, CA
2011 Pass Over, Two Serious Ladies, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2010 Fertility Spell, with Jen Smith, for Meighth Day, organized by Rita Gonzalez, Joseph Mosconi and Scoli Acosta, LAXART
2008 California Biennial 2008, Anna Sew Hoy and Flora Wiegmann, commissioned by the Orange County Museum of Art, CA
2018 Martha Longenecker Roth Distinguished Artist in Residence, Department of Visual Arts, University of Califor nia, San Diego, CA
2016–19 Artist in residence, Department of Ceramics, College of the Arts, California State University, Long Beach, CA
2015 Creative Capital Grant for Visual Arts in support of Psychic Body Grotto
2014 Sew Hoy’s Practical Elegance 2013, selected by LACMA’s Art Here & Now Forum for the Museum’s per manent collection
2013 California Community Foundation Emerging Artist Grant
2012 Artist in Residence with Pearl C. Hsiung, Heart of Los Angeles, supported by the Rauschenberg Foundation
2010 Artists’ Resource for Completion Grant, Durfee Foundation, Los Angeles, CA
2006 United States Artists Fellowship, Broad Fellow
2002 Artist in residence of the Space Program, the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation, New York, NY
1999 Artist in residence, Cerámica Suro, Guadalajara, Mexico
2020 Fast Fashion for a Fallow Land, Candlewood Arts Festival, Borrego Springs, CA
Set Notions, Sculpture Park at Art OMI, Ghent, NY
Mystery Achievement, University of California, Riverside, CA
Slow Moon’s Rose, Compound, Long Beach, CA
2017 Psychic Body Grotto, Los Angeles State Historic Park, produced by Los Angeles Nomadic Division, with a Creative Capital Grant for Visual Arts 2015
2014 Look-See, King’s Road Park, West Hollywood, produced by LAXART
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego
Art, Design and Architecture Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara
Altoids Collection, New York, at the New Museum
2017 MFA, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Art, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, Chancellor’s Graduate Fellow
2015 BFA, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO Certificates in Asian Studies and Social Practice
2014 Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Study Abroad Exchange Program, Jerusalem, Israel
2013 University of West Hungary - Sopron, Study Abroad Exchange Program, Kecskemét, Hungary Art on the Edge of Politics, Study abroad to Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand
2012 Dreaming in the Magyar, Study abroad to Hungary and the Czech Republic Arcosanti Architecture Travel Program, Arcosanti and Cosanti, Mayer and Phoenix, AZ
2011 New York City Residency Program, New York City, NY
2020 Assistant Professor of Visual Art , Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD Graduate Research Committee
2018–19 The Robert Chapman Tur ner Teaching Fellow Visiting Artist Committee Graduate Application Review Committee Artist in Residence, Visiting Professor, Knox College, Galesburg, IL
2017–18 Alice C. Cole Fellow, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
2021 Counter Flags, Abrons Art Center, New York, NY
2020 Nothing Is So Humble: Prints from Everyday Objects, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY (Works from the collection)
Formed and Fired, Anderson Collection at Stanford University, San Francisco, CA
America’s Mythic Time, The Luminary, Saint Louis, MO
Total Collapse: Clay in the Contemporary Past, Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe, AZ Rituals of Regard and Recollection, exhibition from the collection of JoAnn Gonzalez Hickey, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN
At Dusk, Great Rivers Biennial, Contemporary Art Museum Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO
Mixed Messages (Streets & Screens) AOL and Lottery, Jenkins-Johnson Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Ground Water from Screen Falls [(Collaged media)+Midwest] STREET, Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati, OH
2019 Black ICE, Callicoon Fine Arts, New York, NY
Making Knowing: Craft in Art, 1950-2019, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
Every Step in the Right Direction, Singapore Biennial 2019, Singapore
Terrain Biennial 2019, The Franklin, Chicago, IL
Total Collapse: Clay in the Contemporary Past, Rubin Center for the Arts at UT El Paso, El Paso, TX
Printed Reflections, H&R Block Artspace, Kansas City, MO
Foresight/Insight Reflecting on the Museum’s Collection, Nerman MOCA, Overland Park, KS
Rosebud, Mathew Marks Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Young Sculptors Competition Exhibition, Hiestand Galleries, Miami University, Oxford, OH
An eye that tried so hard to see one particular thing that it ended up forgetting everything else, Safe Gallery, New York, NY
Counterpublic Triennial, The Luminary, Saint Louis, MO
PWI, The CLTV, Memphis, TN
2018 Street Matter Decay & Forever / Golden Age, Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery, Center for the Arts at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
Black Death, STNDRD, Granite City, IL
Response, (two-person exhibition with Sandra Ginter) Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN
A Periodic Table: Imagined Spaces, CAC at MCC Pen Valley, Kansas City, MO
Veiled, District Clay Gallery, Washington D.C.
Reading / Reflection Room, Alfred University NYSCC, Scholes Library, Alfred, NY
KCAI Alumni Biennial, Epsten Gallery, Overland Park, KS
Former Glory, RISD Museum, Providence, RI
Block Party, Jenkins Johnson Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Critical Mass: Creative Stimulus Award 2018, Sheldon Art Galleries, Saint Louis, MO
They, Clay Art Center, Port Chester, NY
Faculty Invitational, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO
Melting Point: Movements in Contemporary Clay, Craft Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA
Are you dead, yet, Thomas Erben Gallery, New York City, NY
2017 Streets: Chains: Cocktails, Callicoon Fine Art, New York City, NY
One Step Ahead, (two-person exhibition with Lyndon Barrios Jr.), Arthello Beck Gallery, South Dallas Cultural Center, Dallas, TX
Ephemera, Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Overland Park, KS
Reclamation, TBG, New York City, NY
Young Sculptors Competition Exhibition, Hiestand Galleries, Miami University, Oxford, OH
Another Country, 50/50, Kansas City, MO
Desirable Objects, | Cabinet, David B. Smith Gallery, Denver, CO
OVERVIEW_2017, Bruno David Gallery, Saint Louis, MO
Almost Now, Just Then…, Projects and Gallery, Saint Louis, MO
Frame by Frame, Callicoon Fine Arts, New York City, NY
Daisy, Brooklyn, NY
MFA17, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Saint Louis, MO
People of Color, People in Clay, Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, MD
Transparency Shade: Seeing through the Shadow, Projects and Gallery, Saint Louis, MO Attach Files, 50/50, Kansas City, MO
Crafting Resistance, Visual Arts Center, Boise State University, Boise, ID
Constructed Visions, Saint Louis Artist Guild, Saint Louis, MO
Encoded, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Saint Louis Community College at Forest Park, Saint Louis, MO
2016 Government Cheese: Addiction, Incarceration, and Violence, Lilstreet Art Center, Chicago, IL
Undocumented, Bruno David Gallery, Saint Louis, MO
The Blooming Artists Project 2016, Old Orchard Gallery, Webster Groves, MO
Multiplicity: Repetition in Contemporary Art, Edwardsville Art Center, Edwardsville, IL
MFA Candidacy Exhibition Part #1, Des Lee Gallery, Saint Louis, MO
Chromophilia | Chromophobia, Kansas City Art Institute at Grand Arts Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Gyorgy’s Life Changing Hungarian Adventure, The Drug Store, Kansas City, MO Art.Work., Westminster Press, Saint Louis, MO
Varsity XX, Art Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO
MFA Invitational, Saint Charles Community College, Saint Charles, MO
Object nature, Duet Gallery, Saint Louis, MO
2015 Alternative Currencies, Vox Populi Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Surface in Tenstion, Techartista, Saint Louis, MO
Pentimento, Intersect Art Center, Saint Louis, MO
The Marge Brown Kalodner Graduate Student Exhibition, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
From the Earth - Contemporary Ceramics, Edwardsville Art Center, Edwardsville, IL
BFA Exhibition, H&R Block Artspace, Kansas City, MO
Yet Unfulfilled, Reese Gallery, Saint Louis, MO
Designated Areas, Delmar Loop Gallery, Craft Alliance Center for Art and Design, Saint Louis, MO
2014 Terra Form, Stern Ceramics Building, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
Four Assorted Chocolates, Carter Art Center Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Nebraska National Collegiate Juried Art Exhibition, Eisentrager - Howard Gallery, University Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
IV International Triennial of Silicate Arts, Foundation for Contemporary Ceramics, Kecskemét, Hungary
ADDmix, Stern Ceramics Building, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
Undergraduate College Student Juried Exhibition, Kansas City Artist Coalition, Kansas City, MO
Progress and Prosperity, Vulpes Bastille, Kansas City, MO
National Student Juried Exhibition, National Council of the Education of Ceramic Art, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Milwaukee, WI
X, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel
AHEM #1, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel
2013 Crossing Skylines, Museum Night, (two-person exhibition with Pernille Kjholdt), Danish Culture Center, Kecskemét, Hungary
8th International Exhibition of Small Porcelain Forms, Riga Porcelain Museum, Riga, Latvia
National Student Juried Exhibition, National Council of the Education of Ceramic Art, Glassell School and Museum of Fine Art, Houston, TX
2012 Flux, Stern Ceramics Building, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
What is Black? Kansas City Art Institute Student Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Change for Change, Rag and Bone Gallery, Kansas City, MO
7th International Exhibition of Small Porcelain Forms, Riga Porcelain Museum, Riga, Latvia
KILNGOD, International Ceramics Studio, Kecskemét, Hungary
XOXO Salon, Spraybooth Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Expo 82, Stern Ceramics Building, Kansas City Art Institute. Kansas City, MO
Gradient Observation, Vanderslice Hall, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
2011 Strata, Stern Ceramics Building, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
Young Gifted and Talented, Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Center, Kansas City, MO Arcosanti Architectural and Landscape, Arcosanti, Mayer, AZ
2010 National Council of the Education of Ceramic Art K-12, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA
2019 “Every Step in the Right Direction”, Singapore Biennial 2019, Singapore
2018 “Street Matter– Decay & Forever / Golden Age”, Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery, Center for the Arts at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CO
2017 “Almost Now, Just Then…”, Projects and Gallery, St. Louis, MO
“Transparency Shade: Seeing through the Shadow”, Projects and Gallery, St. Louis, MO
2016 “Undocumented”, Bruno David Gallery, St. Louis, MO
2014 International Triennial of Silicate Arts, IV Nemzetközi Szilikátművészeti Triennálé, Foundation for Contemporary Ceramics, Kecskemét, Hungary
National Juried Student Exhibition Catalog, National Council of the Education of Ceramic Art, Glassell School and Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX
2020 Tod Madigen Gallery, California State University Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA
2018 Art Omi, Ghent, NY
Knox College, Artist in Residence and Visiting Professor, Galesburg, IL
2017 University of Pecs, Pecs, Hungary
South Dallas Cultural Center, Dallas, TX
The Luminary, Saint Louis, MO
Gene Slay’s Boy’s & Girls Club of St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO
2016 International Graphics School, Venice, Italy
2013 International Ceramics Studio, Kecskemét, Hungary
Art Omi, Ghent, NY
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA
Collection of Contemporary Ceramic Art, Riga Porcelain Museum, Riga Latvia
International Ceramics Studio (ICS), Foundation for Contemporary Ceramic Art, Kecskemét, Hungary
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Art Collection, New York City, NY
Ken Ferguson Teaching Collection, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA), Minneapolis, MN
Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Overland Park, KS
New Art Dealers Association, New York City, NY
RISD Museum, Providence, RI
Scuola Internazionale di Grafica (International Graphics School), Venice, Italy
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City, NY
Alserkal Avenue Artist Residency Research Library, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Whitney Museum of American Art Special Library Collections, New York, NY
2017 MFA, University of Califor nia Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
2013 BFA, CSU Long Beach, Long Beach CA
2019-20 West Los Angeles College, Culver City, CA
2017-Present CSU Long Beach, Long Beach, CA Fall 2019, Spring 2020.
2021 Hot Concrete: L.A. Arrangement, Saw&Taylor, Los Angeles, CA
All That Spring Promises, Tyler Park Presents, Los Angeles, CA
Dog Days, The Pit, Palms Springs, CA
Cups, Galeria Mascota, México City, México
Hot Tropics, La Loma Projects, Los Angeles, CA
Hot Concrete: LA Arrangement, Sow & Tailer, Los Angeles, CA
All that Spring Promises, Tyler Presents, Los Angeles, CA
2020 Pacific Coast Ceramics, Mascota Gallery, Aspen, CO
The Body, The Object, The Other, Craft Contemporary Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Xochilta, Five Car Garage, Santa Monica, CA
Firewalk, Lefevre & Fils Gallery, Paris, France
2019 Clayborn, Lefevre & Fils Gallery, Paris, France
2018 Blumen Und Tire, Lefevre & Fils Gallery Nada Miami, Miami, FL
Dual Vision, Centro Cultural de Mexico en LA (CCCM), Los Angeles, CA
Praxis, LBMAX Gallery, Long Beach, CA
Lefebvre & Fils Gallery presentation, Material Art, Mexico DF, Mexico
Hacer una Isla, Ruberta Gallery, Glendale, CA
Lente/Primavera, 5 Car Garage Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
2017 From Funk to Punk: Left Coast Ceramics, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY
Blurred Boundaries, The Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
MFA Thesis Exhibition #2, UCLA New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Hotel Kalifornia, Lefebvre et Fils Gallery, Paris, France
2016 UCLA MFA Preview 2017 Exhibition, UCLA New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Always a Body, Glass Box Gallery, University of California Santa Barbara, CA
Un Cuento Con Final Inesperado, Lefebvre & Fils Gallery, Paris, France
2015 Highland Park Museum of Ceramic Art, Monte Vista Projects, Monte Vista, CA
Control and Release, The Earl and Virginia Green Art Gallery, Biola University, CA
2013 BFA Thesis Exhibition, Werby Gallery, CSU Long Beach, CA
2012 Scape, Dennis W. Dutzy Gallery, California State University Long Beach, CA
Craft Contemporary Museum. The Body, The Object, The Other. Edited by Suzanne Isken, Holly Jerger, Andrez Payan Estrada, Carolina Ellen Liou
Los Angeles:Typecraft, 2020. Exhibition catalogue published following The Body, The Object, The Other exhibition at the Craft Contemporary Museum, Los Angeles
Dominique Poiret, “Anabel Juarez: Le Monde Dans Un Cactus,” La Revue de la Ceramique et Du Verre, June 2020 Kay Whitney, “Review: The Body, The Object, The Other,” Ceramics Monthly, November 2020 issue
2021 The Archie Bray Foundation of the Ceramic Arts
2019 LBCC Ceramics Artist in Residency
2017 Imagine That! INTENSIVE IV, Summer workshop, CSULB Ceramics Department, Long Beach, CA Graduate Division Award, University of California Los Angeles, CA
2016 The Residency, Versailles, France
Elizabeth Heller Mandell Memorial Scholarship, University of California Los Angeles, CA Graduate Division Award, University of California Los Angeles, CA Dean’s Scholarship, University of Califor nia Los Angeles, CA
2015 Laura Anderson Scholarship, University of California Los Angeles, CA Lilian Levinson Foundation Scholarship, University of California Los Angeles, CA
Sevres Ceramics Museum, Paris, France
2012 MFA, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
2009 MA, Post Baccalaureate, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA
2005 BFA, University of W isconsin, Madison, WI
2018-19 Visiting Professor, Hubei Institute of Fine Art, Wuhan, China Visiting Critic, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI Adjunct Faculty, Roger W illiams University, Bristol, RI Adjunct Faculty, Community College of Rhode Island, Providence, RI 2017-18 Assistant Professor of Ceramics, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI 2016-17 Visiting Critic, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI Adjunct Faculty, Community College of Rhode Island, Warwick, RI Adjunct Faculty, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, New Bedford, MA 2015-16 Assistant Professor of Ceramics, Interim Department Head & Graduate Program Director of Ceramics, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI 2014-15 Visiting Critic, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI Instructor of Record, Bennington College, Bennington, VT 2013-15 Ceramic Technician, Bennington College, North Bennington, VT 2010-12 Associate Instructor, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
2019 David Katz: Origins, Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg, MA
Wuhan International Ceramics Exhibition, Hubei Institute of Fine Art, Wuhan, CN
Somewhere in the Sequence, Real Art Ways Gallery, Hartford, CT
2018 Wuhan International Ceramics Exhibition, Hubei Institute of Fine Art, Wuhan, CN
Found Again, Manchester Craftsmen Guild, Pittsburgh, PA
Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Fellowship Exhibition, Providence, RI
Faculty Exhibition, Rhode Island School of Design Art Museum, Providence, RI
2017 Flextime, 3S Artspace, Portsmouth, NH
Structure & Growth, Nature Lab, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
2016 Prime Ceramics, Harry Wood Gallery, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Materiality, Methodology, Metamorphosis, Studios Inc, Kansas City, MO
From Here to There, Marietta Building, Kansas City, MO
Ceramic Selections from 25 Years of Arrowmont Artist-in-Residence Program, Kansas City, MO
2015 The Uncommon Object, University Gallery, UMass Dartmouth, New Bedford, MA
State of Clay: Pushing Boundaries, Fuller Museum of Craft, Brockton, MA
Constructed, Nightingale Gallery, Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR
RISD Faculty Biennial, Museum of Art, RISD, Providence, RI
Reimagined Structure, Arch Contemporary Ceramics, Tiverton, RI
2014 Connections, Peeler Art Center, De Pauw University, Green Castle, IN
David Katz: Recent Works, Drury Gallery, Marlboro College, Marlboro, VT
Visiting Artist: David Katz, Spacelab Gallery, Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, IN
Small Favors IX, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
State of Clay, Lexington Arts & Crafts Society, Lexington, MA
Reclaimed: Installation, Performance & Site-Specific Works, One Wall Gallery, online platform: onewallgallery.com
20th San Angelo Ceramic Competition, San Angelo Museum of Art, San Angelo, TX
2013 Every Which Way, Glassel Studio School, MFA Houston, Houston, TX
Connections & Directions, Art League Houston, Houston, TX
Annual AIR Exhibition, Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
Resident Exchange, Appalachian Center for Craft, Cookeville, TN
2012 Systemic Expansion, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, Houston, TX
Mediated Landscape, Grunwald Gallery of Art, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Across the Divide, Coconino Center for the Arts, Flagstaff, AZ
The American Dream, The Gallery Project, Ann Arbor, MI
Small Favors VII, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
2011 Keramic-Biennale 2011, Varazdin, Croatia
Land + Scape, Schacht Gallery, Saratoga Clay Art Center, Schuylerville, NY
Inside-Out, Internationale Keramik-Biennale 2011, Kapfenberg, Austria
Experimental Escapades, The Fuller Project, Bloomington, IN
Imagined Communities, The Gallery Project, Ann Arbor, MI
International Triennial of Silicate Arts, Cifrapalota, Kecskemét, Hungary
Fernisering: Inhabitation, 68 Square Meter Art Space, Copenhagen, Denmark
Small Favors VI, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
Boundaries, John Waldron Art Center, Bloomington, IN
2009 5th World Ceramics Bienalle Korea, World Ceramics Center, Icheon, Korea
2017 “A Clay Date With Found Objects”, Take Magazine, Poornima Apte
“Katz’s Push-Pull: The Reality of Imper manence”, Artscope Magazine, Linda Chestney
2015 “Biomorphic Clay Installations By David Katz”, CFile.org, Justin Crowe
“Conference|NCECA: The Ceramic Clan Gathers in Providence”, CFile.org, Justin Crowe
“Faculty Biennial opens at RISD Museum: A look at three artists”, Providence Journal, Bill Van Siclen
2014 “Reclaimed: Installation, Performance & Site-Specific Works”, One-Wall-Gallery & ArtAxis.org
2013 “A Walk Through Art League’s Four-Part Ceramics Shows”, HoustonPress.com, Meredith Deliso
2019 Ephemerality in Clay, Watershed Center for Ceramic Arts, Newcastle, ME
2018 Artist Lecture, David Katz: Materiality & Meaning, Taoxichuan Art Museum of China, Jingdezhen, China
Artist Lecture, David Katz: Time/Temporality, Wuhan International Lecture Series, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, Wuhan, China
Visiting Artist, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI
2017 Fellowship in 3-Dimensional Art, Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Academic Enrichment & Kyobo Fund Grant, Rhode Island School of Design, RI
2016 Artist Lecture, Ceramics Research Center, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
2015 Commission, 8 Large Scale Sculptures, Pao Huei Tower, Taichung City, Taiwan
2014 Visiting Artist, Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, INCommission, Large Scale
Turkish Vessel Installation, Raffles Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey Commission, Wall Mounted Sculpture, Pao Huei Tower, Taichung City, Taiwan
Watershed Center for Ceramic Arts, Newcastle, ME
2013 Commission, 7 Sculptures, Raffles Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey
Visiting Artist, School of the Museum of Fine Art Boston, Boston, MA
Visiting Artist, Appalachian Center for Craft, Cookeville, TN
Visiting Artist, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA.
2012–13 Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
2012 Lecture: Landscape of Intervention, Landscape, Space, and Place Conference, Bloomington, IN
2011 Artist Lecture, John Waldron Art Center, Bloomington, IN
Guldagergaard, International Ceramic Research Center, Skaelskor, Denmark
2010 Studio Assistant, Chris Gustin Ceramics, Dartmouth, MA
Visiting Artist, Heron School of Art, Indianapolis, IN
2013 MFA, University of Califor nia, Berkeley, CA
2013 Certificate in New Media, University of California, Berkeley, CA
1996 BA, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
2022 CANADA Gallery, New York NY
Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus OH
2021 Myth Industry, Friends Indeed Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Possibility Made Real, 12.26 Gallery, Dallas, TX
Ceramic Interventions, di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art, Napa, CA
2019 SECA, SFMOMA, San Francisco, CA
Afterhours, CANADA Gallery, New York NY
Holder, Rebecca Camacho, San Francisco, CA
Part and Parcel, San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Setting Forth by Signs, Interface Gallery, Oakland, CA
2018 Material Futurity, Law Warschaw Gallery, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN
Bay Area Now, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA
Artwork for Bedrooms, Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, CA
Digging for Diamonds in the Disco, Club Rhubarb, New York, NY
Way Bay, Berkeley Art Museum (BAMPFA), Berkeley, CA
2017 Bow Bow, Canada Gallery, New York, NY
They, Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2016 2 x 2, Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, CA
Limb II, Et Al Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Everything is Best, Interface Gallery, Oakland, CA
2015 L. Quan Check Cashing and Healing Arts Center, Ratio 3 Pop Up, San Francisco, CA
Super Contemporary, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA
2014 Fertile Ground, Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
Karla’s Living Room, The Battery, San Francisco, CA
Magical Thinking, Root Division, San Francisco, CA
Table Setting, Jancar Jones Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2014 2nd Floor Projects, San Francisco, CA
2013 Richard Shaw Slide Show, short film screened at Jack Hanley Gallery, New York, NY
2012 Fiat Lux Remix, Eisner Award, Pacific Film Archive University of California, Berkeley, CA
Murphy & Cadogen Art Awards, San Francisco Foundation and SOMARTS, San Francisco, CA
2009 Strange Hope, Galeria de la Raza, San Francisco, CA
2006 2nd Floor Projects, San Francisco, CA
2004 Collector’s Edition, Triple Base, San Francisco, CA
The Bay Area Show,Tangent Gallery, Detroit, MI I dart SF, New Langton Arts, San Francisco, CA
Inside of Inside, The Lab, San Francisco, CA
2003 Hair Revival, Six Months, Los Angeles, CA
2002 The ABCO Creepshow, ABCO Warehouse, Oakland, CA
Neo Dandy Cabaret, Conservatory Theatre Center, San Francisco, CA Hot Pink, GLBT Historical Society of Northern California, San Francisco, CA
2021 Headlands Center for the Arts AIR residency, Sausalito, CA
2019 SECA SFMOMA award, San Francisco, CA
2014 Kala Institute fellowship one month residency, Berkeley, CA
2012 Murphy & Cadogen Contemporary Art Awards, The San Francisco Foundation, San Francisco, CA Eisner Award for Creative Excellence, University of California, Berkeley, CA
2008 Alternative Exposure grant recipient, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
1999 MFA, Mills College, Oakland, CA
1997 BFA, University of Souther n California, Magna Cum Laude, Los Angeles, CA
2006–present Chair of Ceramics Program, Califor nia College of the Arts, Oakland, CA
2002 Associate Professor of Ceramics, Califor nia College of the Arts, Graduate Fine Arts, Oakland, CA
2004-05 Mills College: Visiting Professor of Studio Art, Oakland, CA
2004 Visiting Lecturer, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA
2001 Adjunct Faculty, University of Souther n California, Los Angeles, CA
2021 FLOW, Epperson Gallery, Crockett CA
2019 The Same Larry, A-B Projects, Los Angeles, CA
2018 Seabird Nest Project, University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI
2017 Asleep in the Tanning Bed, Art Works Downtown, San Rafael, CA
Intimate Abstractions, Patricia Sweetow Gallery, Oakland, CA
Two-Scale, Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA
Duality of Ceramics, Durango Arts Center, Durango, CO
2016 Future of Fixing, Center for Craft Creativity and Design, Ashville, NC
Lineage, American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, CA Bird in the Hand, Palo Alto Art Center, Palo Alto, CA
A Larger Trophy, The THING Quarterly, San Francisco, CA
2015 Conversations, Paradise Ridge Winery, Santa Rosa, CA
2014 BAY AREA NOW 7, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA
Magical Thinking, Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Kilnopening, American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, CA
Another High, Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2013 Traces and Accumulations, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
The Long Conversation, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
2012 A Way of Fixing Everything, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV
2011 Breaking Ranks, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA
2010 Respect Yourself, Curiosity Shoppe, San Francisco, CA
Presidio Habitats, Park Presidio, San Francisco, CA
2009 Contemporary Sculpture, Western Colorado Center for the Arts, CO
2008 Dead Spaces, Overhung 4, Lobot Gallery, Oakland, CA
Hopeless and Otherwise, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
2007 Everything’s Going South, Johansson Projects, Oakland, CA
Between Courses, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
2005 Highball or Hail Call, Jackson Street Gallery, San Francisco, CA
The Sweetspot, Museum of Contemporary Art, Santa Rosa, CA Together and Alone, Santa Ana College, Santa Ana, CA
2004 Undercover, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA
Election 2004: The State of the Union, Sante Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
The Hunt: Ritual and Narrative, Sun Valley Center for the Arts, Sun Valley, ID Untethered, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
2003 Petting Zoo, Art Basel, Miami, FL
2001 Visual Lexicon, El Camino College Art Gallery, Torrance, CA
2017 Two-Scale, Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA
2014 Dead Reckoning: Short Stories, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA
2011 Five Artists, Six Stories, Harrison Street Studios, San Francisco, CA
2009 40 Minutes, 16 stories, Project Artaud, San Francisco, CA
2007 Between Courses: Pie Delivery, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA 2003 The Lowtones: Chamber Music, Lincoln Center, New York, NY
2003 Where is Your Wheel?, Fringe Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland
2003 The Fountain Etudes, Taplin Concert Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
2002 Airpocket: THREE HOLE PUNCH, Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA 2000-07 Where is Your Wheel?; VT, NH, New York, NY, San Francisco, CA
Lynch, Nathan. “Ceramics in the 21st Century,” Art Ltd., March 2016, essay p. 54. Porges, Maria. “Another High at Rena Bransten Projects,” Art Ltd., July 2014. Cooper, Ashton. ‘“Bay Area Now” Proposes a Refreshing Biennial Model’. Blouin Art Info. July 24, 2014 SPARK, KQED Public Television, July 2, 2003 Baker, Kenneth. “Sculptor Lynch’s ‘Where is Your Wheel?’” San Francisco Chronicle, B10, May 12, 2001. Baker, Kenneth, “More ‘Close Calls’ at Headlands,” San Francisco Chronicle, D1, Jan.20, 2004. Bauer, Ian. “Big wheel keep on turnin’,” The Montclarion, pA1, A10, Feb. 23, 2001. (reproduction) Berry, Colin. “SubAnatomy and Nathan Lynch at MOCA”, Vol. 36, #6, July 2005,. Berry, Colin. “Untethered,” KQED radio, California Report, March 26, 2004.
Koppman, Debra. “UNDERCOVER,” Artweek, p. 5, June 2004.
Lubin, Erin. “Just Looking,” Marin Independent Journal, C3, January 19, 2004.
Meade, Fionne. “Fashion is Heavy Accessories”, Fashion is Art (p.20, 2003.
“Room For The Longest Word”, EastBay Express, Billboard Opener Oct 2, 2002. Feature Friday, San Francisco Chronicle, Datebook, September 27, 2002.
Van Proyen, Mark. “’Close Calls’ at Headlands Center for the Arts,” Artweek, p. 14, April 2004.
2021 Wildlife Conservation Society
2018 NEA Art Works Grant
2014 Wauson Fellowship, FOR-SITE Foundation
2013 Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Snowmass, CO
2011 Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA
2011 Chalkhill Residency, Healdsburg, CA
2010-12 Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA
2007 Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan
2007 Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
2000 Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT
1981 MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
1979 BFA, New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, NY
1997-present University of California Davis, Robert Ar neson Endowed Chair, 1993-97 Bennington College, Bennington, VT 1990-93 The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA 1989-92 Tyler School of Art at Temple University, Elkins Park, PA 1990-91 Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI 1991 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2021 Annabeth Rosen, OVR Art Basel, Art Basel Art Fair, Online Annabeth Rosen Viewing Room, PPOW Gallery, New York, NY Possibility Made Real, 12.26 Gallery, Dallas, TX
2020 Craft School, Shelter in Place Gallery, Boston, MA Object & Thing Art Fair/Independent Art Fair, New York, NY
Untitled Art Fair, Anglim Gilbert Gallery, San Francisco, CA Fables, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA
2019 Fired, Broken, Gathered, Heaped, The Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA ADAA Art Fair at the Armory, Park Avenue Armory, New York, NY, P·P·O·W Gallery, New York, NY, Anglim Gilbert Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Mike Kelley and David Ireland: Acts and Sites, Elaine L. Jacobs Gallery, Wayne State Museum, Detroit, MI
2018 The Faenza Prize & Exhibition, 60th Anniversary, Museo Internationale Della Ceramiche, Faenza, Italy. The American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York, New York (award winner)
I Had the Landscape in my Arms, Josh Lilley Gallery, William Pym curator, London, England
Contraptions, The Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA
The Brain is Wider than the Sky, EXPO Chicago, Anglim Gilbert Gallery, Chicago, IL
Molding /Mark-Making: Ceramic Artists and Their Drawings, Dorsky Gallery, Curatorial Projects, Long Island City, NY
Fired, Broken, Gathered, Heaped, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Cranbrook Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
2017 Fired, Broken, Gathered, Heaped, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Houston, TX
Tie Me to the Mast, P·P·O·W Gallery, New York, NY
Summer Color II, Anglim Gilbert Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Frieze Art Fair
Untitled, Anglim Gilbert Gallery, San Francisco, CA January 2017
2016 Passion & Obsession, The Kaneko, Omaha, NE
Miami /Basel, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, FL
Untitled Art Fair, Miami Beach, FL
The New Now, Sherry Leedy Gallery, Kansas City, MO
EXPO CHICAGO, Anglim Gilbert Gallery, Navy Pier, Chicago, IL
2015 Untitled Art Fair: MIAMI, Anglim Gilbert Gallery, Miami Beach, FL
The Conversation UCD Art Dept, Art Silicon Valley/San Francisco, San Mateo Convention Center, San Mateo, CA
Showing Off: Recent Acquisitions, Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO
Human Moments: 7 Sculptors, Cade Tompkins Projects, Providence, RI
Defying Gravity, Sun Valley Art Center, Ketchum, ID
‘Retrospective’ Gallery Paule Anglim, San Francisco, CA
Annabeth Rosen, Myhren Gallery, Denver University, Denver, CO
2014 Annabeth Rosen, Ventana 244, Brooklyn, NY
Miami Project Art Fair, Gallery Paule Anglim, Miami, FL
The Invitation UCD Art Dept, Art Silicon Valley/San Francisco, San Mateo Convention Center,San Mateo, CA
Annabeth Rosen/Dean Smith, Gallery Paule Anglim, San Francisco, CA
Clay Heavies, The Renwick Group, Trax Gallery, Berkeley, CA
Out Right, Trax Gallery, Berkeley, CA
MUCK: Accumulations, Accretions and Conglomerations, Arizona State Art Museum, Tempe, AZ
Off Center: Mavericks, Misfits and Heretics, DeLind Gallery, Milwaukee, WI
2013 Chance Directions, Ventana 244 Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
New Blue and White, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Boston, MA
Nature-Morphic, First Street Gallery, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
2012 Common Bond, Center for Contemporary Art, Sacramento, CA
Annabeth Rosen, Gallery Paule Anglim, San Francisco, CA
Hidden Treasures II, The Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA
20 Years Strong, Women Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
Contemporary Ceramics, Stremmel Gallery, Reno, NV
Memorial Show, City University, Hunter College, NY, New York, and Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay, ME
Earth and Alchemy, Massachusetts College of Fine Art, Boston, MA
New World, IAC at the Santa Fe Museum of Art, Santa Fe, NM
2011 Doceo Argilla, Sonoma Community Center, Sonoma CA
The Anxiety of Influence, CU Art Museum, University of Colorado Boulder Art Museum, Boulder, CO
Overthrown: Clay Without Limits, The Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO
Mercurial Objects: Luxuriant Obsession, Schick Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga, NY
2010 Annabeth Rosen, Meulensteen, Project Space, New York, NY
Contingency, Fleisher /Ollman Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Thirty Years of Collecting: A Recent Gift to the Museum, Scottsdale Museum of Art, Scottsdale, AZ
Cross Currents in 20th Century Art, The Wollman Collection, Currier Museum, Manchester, NH
It was 20 years ago today....., Northern Clay Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
2008 Arms Length In: Ceramics & the Treachery of Objects in the Digital Age, Williamson Gallery, Claremont, CA Annabeth Rosen, Gallery Paule Anglim, San Francisco, CA
2007 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, New Langton Arts, San Francisco, CA
Contemporary Ceramics: Invitational, Dairy Barn Arts Center, Athens, OH
2006 CRUDER, Hoffman Gallery, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR (catalog)
Flatlanders: Regional Round Up, The Nelson Gallery, UC Davis, Davis, CA Annabeth Rosen, Fleisher/Ollman Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2005 Ceramics Invitational 2005, Texas A&M University, Commerce, TX
Vanitas, Lacoste Gallery, Concord, MA
CONJUNCTION, Schein-Joseph International Museum, NYS College of Ceramics, Alfred, NY
Diverse Domain-Contemporary North American Ceramic Art, Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taipei, Taiwan Gallery Artists Summer, Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art, Kansas City, MO
Cranbrook to Lancaster and Back, Network Gallery, Cranbrook Museum of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
STRATA, Skulpturens Hus, Stockholm, Sweden (catalog)
The Toki Collection, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
2004 Raw, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
Standing Room Only, The 60th Scripps Ceramic Annual, Williamson Gallery, Claremont, CA
Because the Earth is 1/3 Dirt, Boulder University Museum, Boulder, CO
Bay Area Ceramic Sculptors: Second Generation, The Daum Museum, Sedalia, MO
North American Ceramic Sculpture Now, Hand Workshop Art Center, Richmond, VA
Intuitive Balance, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, Chicago, IL
2003 Crossing Traditions, Trax Gallery, Berkeley, CA
The Other Side, b. sakata garo gallery, Sacramento, CA
Now & Now, Second World Ceramic Biennial, Icheon World Ceramic Center, Icheon, South Korea
Moving in Place, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY
2002 Vignettes: Modern & Contemporary Art, CU Art Galleries Univ of CO, Boulder, CO
Small is Beautiful, Frank Lloyd Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
American Ceramics 1950-1990, Kyoto Museum of Art, Kyoto, Japan
Material Speculations, H&R Block ArtSpace, Kansas City, MO
New Acquisitions, The Crocker Museum, Sacramento, CA
Breaking the Plane, Northern Clay Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
Ornamentia, Debra Norris Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Ceramic National 2000, The Crocker Museum, Sacramento, CA
2001 The Snake in the Garden, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, Wales
Traveling: Collins Gallery, University of Glasgow, Scotland, Tullie House Museum, Carlisle, England, Midlands Arts Center, Bir mingham, England, Hove Museum and Art Gallery, England, Victoria Art Gallery, Bath, England
Objects of Agency, Scripps Invitational, Claremont, CA
World Ceramic Exposition, Seoul, South Korea
Reunion: Alfred Graduates, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
Artist’s Tiles, Beyond Tradition, Pence Gallery, Davis, CA
Annabeth Rosen and Sandy Simon, TRAX Gallery, Berkeley, CA Mendocino Genome Project, Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, CA
2000 A Luscious Symmetry, John Michael Kohler Art Center Museum, Sheboygen, WI
Years of Sculpture, Fleisher/Ollman Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
From Dust to Decadence, Boehm Gallery, Palomar College, San Marcos, CA
Contemporary Ceramic Art: A Survey, Harvey Meadows Gallery, Aspen, CO
Patterns and Rhythms, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Full and Spare, Florida State University of Art Museum, Tallahassee FL
Ceramic National 2000, Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY
Traveling: Samuel P. Harn Museum, Gainesville, FL; Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA Color and Fire: Defining Moments in Contemporary Ceramics, LA County Museum, Los Angeles, CA Kemper Museum of Art, Kansas City; Tucson Art Museum, Tucson, AZ, Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, NY
Dorothy Weiss Collects, Folk Art Museum, San Francisco, CA
Muscle: The Power of View, The Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, CO
1999 Magic and Ritual: Hanukkiahs Through Contemporary Eyes, Steinbaum Krauss Gallery, New York, NY
Traveling: The Jewish Community Center, Boca Raton, FL San Francisco International Art Exposition, Dorothy Weiss Gallery, Herbst Pavilion, San Francisco, CA
White Ware, Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, MI
1998 Celebrating Fleisher Challenge at 20, Fleisher Art Memorial, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA On and Off the Wall, Ann Nathan Gallery, Chicago, IL
Haystack, Blue Heron Gallery, Deer Isle, ME
Sotheby’s Special Exhibition and Prize, Joan Miro Foundation, Majorca, Spain New Work, Nason Williams, Madras, NM
Gallery Artists, Group Show, Yezerski Gallery, Boston, MA
1997 Ceramic Still Life: The Common Object, Oliver Art Center, Oakland, CA Gallery Artists, Dorothy Weiss Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1996 New England Ceramics, The Boston Athenaeum, MA
New (York) Visions, David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
1995 The Narrated & Decorated Surface, with Peter Gourfain, Greenwich House Pottery, NY Gallery Artists, Dorothy Weiss Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1994 Nature, Revolution, Ferndale, MI Gallery Artists, Revolution, Ferndale, MI
Watershed: The Historical Present, Maine Coast Artists, Portland, ME
1993 Contemporary Ceramics, Erector Square Gallery, New Haven, CT
The American Way, British Exhibition Traveling: Canolfan Y Celfyddydau Arts Center, Abersytwyth, Wale; Wrexham Library Arts Center, Gwynedd, Wales; Howard Gardens Gallery, Cardiff, Wales; Manchester City Art Galleries, Manchester, England; Royal Festival Hall, London, England Artists on Their Own, Greenwich House Pottery, New York, NY
Contemporary Clay -1993, Usdan Gallery, Bennington College, Bennington, VT Ceramics, Jessica Berwind Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
1992 New Ceramics, Abington Friends School, Abington, PA
Ceramic Work, Cheltenham Center for the Arts, Cheltenham Art Center, Cheltenham, PA
1991 Objects, Jessica Berwind Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
1990 Artists Market Scholarship Winners II 1978-1988, Detroit Artist’s Market, Detroit, MI
Group Show: Gallery Artists, Jessica Berwind Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Clay, The Cooper Gallery, Manalapan, FL
1989 Scripps Invitational, Lang Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
Artists Finalists, Challenge Exhibits 89, 90, 91, Provident National Bank, Philadelphia, PA
41 Ceramic Artists, Usdan Gallery, Bennington College, Bennington, VT
1988 Wexner Gallery, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Fired Up: Clay in the East, Levy Gallery, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA
1987 Alternative Worksite Ceramics & Sculpture, NCECA Exhibition, Syracuse, NY
Resident Artists Group Exhibition, The New Gallery, Alternative Worksite, Omaha, NE
1986 Costumes, Props and Performances, The Fabric Workshop, New York, NY
1978 Works on Paper, Albright-Knox Museum, Buffalo, NY
2021 UC Davis Chancellor’s Innovation Awards/ Lifetime Achievement Awards in Innovation
2020 American Craft Council Fellow
2018 Guggenheim Fellow
American Academy of Arts and Letters Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Award
Cranbrook Academy of Art, Alumni of the year Award
2016 USA Artists Fellowship
2012 Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Edgecombe, ME
2011 Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors Award
2004 The Borofsky Center, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA 1997 & 2003The Fabric Workshop, Philadelphia, PA
2000 University of California Davis Chancellors Fellow
1992 Pew Fellowship in the Arts
1984 The Fabric Workshop, New York, NY
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts
Archives of American Art, Washington, DC Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Denver Art useum Scottsdale Museum of Art, AZ
The Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock
Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
The KANEKO, Ceramic Art Museum, Omaha, NE
University of Colorado Art Museum, Boulder, CO
Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, University of Oklahoma
The Daum Museum, Sedalia, MO
The Crocker Museum of Art, Sacramento, CA
The Sheraton Grand, Sacramento, CA
The Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY
The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum, Salt Lake City, UT
The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
The Shein-Joseph Museum of Ceramic Art, Alfred University, Alfred, NY
The Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, CA
The Oakland Museum of Art, Oakland, CA
The Canolfan and Celfyddydau Art Center, Aberystwyth, Wales
Leonard & Helen Evelev, Philadelphia, PA
2011 MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2004 BFA, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in affiliation with Tufts University, Medford, MA
2021 Part-Time Lecturer of Ceramics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Summer Faculty, Ox-Bow School of Art & Artists’ Residency, Saugatuck, MI
2020–Present Visiting Professor of Ceramics, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
2019–20 Adjunct Instructor of Ceramics, Pasadena City College, Pasadena CA
2014–20 Program Mentor, Low Residency MFA Program, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL
2018–19 Adjunct Instructor of Ceramics, California State University San Ber nardino,CA
2018–19 Adjunct Instructor of Ceramics, Chaffey College, Rancho Cucamonga, CA
2015–18 Full–Time Lincoln Visiting Professor of Ceramics, Scripps College and Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA
2014–15 Full-Time Lecturer of Ceramics, University of Washington, Seattle WA
2013–14 Lecturer of Foundations, Contemporary Practices Department, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL
2013–14 Adjunct Instructor of Ceramics, Lake Forest College, IL
2011–14 Lecturer of Ceramics, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL
2021 Hand Pressed Souvenirs: Two or Three Block, American Museum of Ceramic Art (AMOCA), Pomona, CA
Wedging Words (public project), Art Gallery Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Social Recession (invited artist by curator Shannon Stratton), NCECA Annual Exhibition
2020 Superscope, Cypress College, Cypress, CA
The Body, The Object, The Other, Craft Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA
Catalyst, Cherry Gallery, Richmond, VA
Recipes for Conceptual Clay (in the time of covid-19)
2019 Holding Patterns, Ash Street Project, Portland, OR
Crisis of the Cylinder, Board of Photography, Los Angeles, CA
Holding Patterns, MPSTN, Chicago, IL
Open Space, Backspace LA, Los Angeles, CA
2018 The Form Will Find Its Way, NCECA Annual Exhibition, Katherine E. Nash Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
2017 Excavations, , Rio Hondo College Art Gallery, Whittier, CA
Submissive Exhibitions, Sub-Mission Gallery, Chicago, IL
California Clay, Davis Artery, Davis, CA
Social Objects, C3: Initiative, Portland, OR
Hand Pressed Souvenirs: Airbnb San Francisco Collection (commission for permanent installation),
Airbnb Headquarters, San Francisco, CA
The Places We Built, Gallery 1855, Davis Cemetery, Davis, CA
2015 Trompe L’oeil, CMA Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Migratory Impressions, Cuchifritos Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Satellite Collections, Earthbound Moon Organization, TX and IL
The Conversation, Synesthesia Festival, Portland, OR
Souvenir Walk, Seattle Art Museum Sculpture Park, Seattle, WA
Winter Works on Paper, Art on Paper Fair, New York, NY
Winter Drawing Show, Wholman Gallery, New York, NY
2014 Paramatta Souvenirs, Tusculum Association of Architects, Sydney, Australia
Ideabombing Sydney #7: City Lounge, Customs House, Sydney, Australia
Souvenirs Walk: Parramatta, Sydney Architecture Festival, Australia
Art in Odd Places: The Artifacts—selected ephemera, Satellite Governor’s Island Art Fair, New York, NY
I am What I’m Doing, La Esquina Gallery, Kansas City, MO
White Room Rebellions, Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Milwaukee, WI
Use the Buddy System, E St. Gallery, Sacramento, CA
Faculty Show, Sonnenschein Gallery, Lake Forest IL
2013 Gestate, Arts Incubator, Chicago, IL
Constructing the Intangible, ACRE Projects, Chicago, IL
Of Walking, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, IL
Mini Exhibitionathon II, Society of Smallness, Chicago, IL
Fleeting, Indi Go Gallery, Champaign, IL
2012 Moment to Moment, Flash Atolye, Izmir, Turkey
Satellite Show, Art Basel Miami Davis, CA
ACRE Projects Select Preview, MDW Fair, Chicago, IL
No Rules: Contemporary Clay, Elmhurst Art Museum, Elmhurst, IL
City Souvenirs: Division St. Collection, Out of Site, Chicago, IL
Evanston and Vicinity Biennial, Evanston Art Center, Evanston, IL
Territorial Testimonies, Grace Space Exhibitions, Brooklyn, New York
30 Ceramic Sculptors, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA
2011 New Work, Alto Galleria, Brussels, Belgium
Experience is Never Unattached, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago, IL
Bundled A-Part: MFA Thesis Exhibition, Wabash Street Gallery, Chicago, IL
2010 Peeling Places, Gallery X, Chicago, IL
City Souvenirs: Magnificent Mile Collection, Chicago Artists Month, Chicago, IL
City Souvenirs: 14th St. Collection, Art in Odd Places Festival, New York, NY
City Souvenirs: Hyde Park Collection, Op Shop, Hyde Park, IL
Tracing Eames, NEXT Chicago, Art Chicago, IL
2009 Learning Modern, Sullivan Galleries, Chicago, IL
A Trump in the Dark, Armory Arts Center, West Palm Beach, FL
2008 Out in the Studio (commission for temporary public installation), Fort Point Arts Community Public Art Commission, Boston, MA
Construction: Paper, FPAC Gallery, Boston, MA Paper X3, Gary L. Freeburg Gallery, Soldotna, AK
Isolated Incidents, Distillery Gallery, Boston, MA
2007 Smaller is Better, Schiltkamp Gallery, Worcester, MA 10x10, Lake Worth Storage, West Palm Beach, FL
Combined Talents Competition, Museum of Fine Arts, Tallahassee, FL
2006 Common Thread, First Night, Boston, MA
On Point I, FPAC Gallery, South Boston, MA
2005 F.E.A.R (For Embracing American Revolution), GASP, Brookline, MA
In Between, William Morris Hunt Library, Boston, MA
Out of the Frame: Museum Translations, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
2004 InfraSculpture, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
In the Bank Vault, Boston Private Bank and Trust Co., Boston, MA
2021 X-TRA MAGAZINE “La Vita Nuova” review by Georgia Lassner 1/10/21
2020 LA Times “Coronavirus closed Craft Contemporary’s biennial, but it can’t stop our love of the art” review by Leah Ollman 3/14/20
LA Weekly “Malleability As Metaphor: The Body, The Object, The Other At Craft Contemporary” review by Anne Wallentine 3/5/20
AEQAI “Amid Social Distancing, Clay is a Unifying Medium” 3/28/20
Ceramics Monthly “The Body, The Object, The Other” by Kay Whitney 11/2020
2019 Board of Photography “Crisis of the Cylinder” published critical essay
2018 Maake Magazine “Artist-Run Feature in Clay Edition: A-B Projects” (forthcoming)
LA Times “Ceramic Art, once seen as mere craft, wins a brighter spotlight in the L.A. scene” 4/25/18
2017 The Davis Enterprise “The Places We Built on display at Gallery 1855” 8/2/2017
ARTFCITY “Pussy Grabs Back For Planned Parenthood In “Nasty Women” At Knockdown Center” 1/16/17
Social Objects publication by the Socially Engaged Craft Collective 2/16/2017 2016 art ltd. Magazine “Ceramics in the 21st Century” 3/01/2016
2015 New York Times “10 Galleries to Visit on the Lower East Side” 4/16/15
Hyperallergic “Impressions of New York City Streets Captured in Clay” 4/2/15
2013 Ceramics Monthly “No Rules: Contemporary Clay” 4/13
2012 The California Aggie “Satellite Show” 11/29/12
2010 Chicago Talks “Chicago Artists Month Will Keep you Busy (featuring City Souvenirs)” 10/3/10 Time Out New York “Chance (featuring City Souvenirs)” 9/27/10
2009 Palm Beach Arts “Paper Exhibit at Trump club targets homelessness” 5/16/09
Palm Beach Daily News “New twist for Armory Art Center” 5/20/09
The Daily Free Press,”Charity Chiselers Freeze out Competition”, 02/17/09
WHDH Channel 7 News, “Chisels and Chainsaws Competition”, 2/17/09
The Daily Metro Boston, “North End Ice Carving Competition”, 2/17/09
Boston Herald, “Ice Breaker”, 2/17/09
2008 Tufts Daily News, “Isolated Incident is Innovative and Oddly Funny”, 11/25/08
The Boston Globe, “First Night Boston 2007”, 1/01/08
2007 Closer Magazine, “Rainy Day Artists 10x10”, 11/17/07
Palm Beach Daily News, “Art Moves into New Home in Storage”, 10/19/07 artMatters, “Across the Street”, Spring 2006
The Daily Metro Boston “Quite a Freeze, Ice Sculpture Contest on Display.” 02/19/07 and 2/20/07
2006 JSONS, “Fort Point Artists Hope to Strengthen Community with New Art Exhibit.”, 06/13/06
The Daily Metro Boston, “Chipping Away” 2/21/06
2005 Fox 25 News at 5 “Chisels and Chainsaws at the MFA”, Boston. 2/21/05 artsMEDIA, “From Flutes to Gourds.” 9/20/05
The Boston Globe, “Art Gets Angry.” 11/02/05
The Dig, “F.E.A.R at G.A.S.P.” 11/02/05
The Boston Globe, “High Alert; Locally and Nationally, Artists Are Exploring the Country’s Amplified State of Anxiety.” 10/30/05
2019 Visiting Artist in Residence, Ash Street Project, Portland, OR Artist-in-Residence, Earthbound Moon, Eugene, OR
2017 Faculty Research Grant, Scripps College, Claremont, CA Commission for Programming and Per manent Installation, Airbnb Headquarters, San Francisco, CA
2016 Faculty Research Grant, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
2015 Creative Catalyst Finalist, Los Angeles Department of Transportation, Los Angeles, CA Professional Development Network Grant, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
2014 Exhibition Grant, Manhattan Community Arts Fund, New York, NY
2012 Artist of the Month, Elmhurst Academy, Elmhurst, IL Juror’s Choice Award, Evanston and Vicinity Biennial, Evanston Art Center, Evanston, IL Maria Scholarship for attendance of ACRE Residency, ACRE Projects, Chicago, IL Artist-in-Residence, ACRE Projects, Chicago, IL
2011 Craft Forward Conference Symposium Speaker, California College of Art, San Francisco, CA Leonore Annenberg Foundation Fellowship Finalist, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2008 Public Art Grant, Fort Point Arts Community, Boston, MA
Blanche E. Colman Award Finalist, Blanche E. Colman Trust, Boston, MA
2007 Commission for First Night Boston, City of Boston Public Art, Boston, MA
2004 Alice Pratt Travel Grant, awarded for one month of travel to Japan, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA Dluhy Grant. Awarded for public art installation in Philadelphia, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA Stella and Summer Cooper Award, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
2003 MFA, New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, NY 2001 Diploma, Ceramics, Sheridan College, Oakville, ON 1993 BA, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI
2019–present Associate Professor, New York University, New York, NY 2016–19 Professor, New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, NY 2012–16 Professor, Head of Ceramics, Sheridan College, Craft and Design Program, Oakville, ON 2010–11 Associate Professor, Head of Ceramics, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI 2006–09 Assistant Professor, Graduate Coordinator, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI 2005–06 Assistant Professor, Head of Visual Arts, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada
2003–05 Assistant Professor, Head of Ceramics, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada
2022 Women Working with Clay, Hollins University, Roanoke, VA
2021 Ceramics in the Expanded Field: Sculpture, Performance and the Possibilities of Clay, MASS MoCA, North Adams, MA
Inter/Ruptures, United Contemporary, Toronto, Canada
2020 Linda Sorrmin and Gail Wight, Patricia Sweetow Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Nature/Nurture, Ferrin Contemporary, North Adams, MA
2019 Ceramic Momentum, Copenhagen Ceramics group exhibition, CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark, Middelfart, Denmark
Nordic Craft and Design, Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester, UK
Tony Marsh, Linda Sormin, Nancy Selvin, Patricia Sweetow Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2018 Fierce Passengers, Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa, CA
2017 Second Chances: Ceramic Arts of China, Norway, Denmark and Canada, Wuchangshuo Memorial Hall, Shanghai, China
Fête: 50 Years of Sheridan’s Craft and Design Program, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, Canada
ART|JOG 10: Changing Perspective, Jogja National Museum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The Evocative Garden, NCECA Annual Exhibition, Disjecta Contemporary Art Center, Portland, OR
2016 Core Sample, Inaugural Exhibition, Alfred Ceramic Art Museum, Alfred, NY
Kindred Beast: The 2016 Everson Biennial, Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY
Non-Objective, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, Canada
Welcome: New Faculty Exhibition, Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, Alfred University, Alfred, NY
2015 Collision, Two-person exhibition with Heidi Bjørgan, Entrée Gallery, Bergen, Norway
Re-Reanimate, Repair, Meld & Mend, Bluecoat Art Gallery, Liverpool, UK
Glazed and Diffused, Ferrin Contemporary, North Adams, MA
Continuum of Innovation: Haystack Clay Selects, Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA
In Residence, Watershed exhibition, New Bedford Art Museum, New Bedford, MA
2014 Saribu Raja, Boru Parame, SaRang Building, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta Ceramics Biennial, National Gallery of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Caméléon, McClure Gallery, Centre des Arts Visuels, Montreal, Canada
Ceramic Top 40: New & Selected Works, curated by Leslie Ferrin, Harvard Gallery 224, Boston, MA, traveled from Red Star Studios, Kansas City, MO
2013 Royal Bank of Canada People’s Choice Group Exhibition, Gardiner Museum, Toronto Girls Just Want to Have Funds, La Mama Galleria (Rema Hort Mann Foundation panel, exhibition), NYC, NY Crafting a Continuum, Arizona State University Museum, Tucson, AZ
2012 My voice changes when I speak your language, Jane Hartsook Gallery, New York, NY
2011 60th Anniversary Resident Artists’ Exhibition, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT Are you land or water? in Thing Tang Trash: Up-cycling in Contemporary Ceramics, West Norway Museum of Decorative Art, Bergen, Norway Mine (i hear you unclip me) in Overthrown, Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO
Howling Room in Lerets Magi: Ceramics in Contemporary Art, Gl Holtegaard, Denmark
2010 Pretty Young Things, Lacoste Gallery, Concord, MA
2009 Drawn in A.I.R., International Artists in Residence Exhibition, Vallauris, Vallauris, France
Playing the Field, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
Rift in Possibilities and Losses: Transitions in Clay, Middlesborough Institute of Modern Art (MIMA), Middlesbrough, UK
2008 Full & Spare: Ceramics in the 21st Century, Museum of Fine Arts, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Salvage, Louisiana Artworks, New Orleans, LA
Sounding Retreat, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
2007 Parting Favors in White Box Satellite Show, Arthaus Miami, Miami Beach, FL
Roaming Tales in Mobile Structures, TechLab, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, Canada Roaming Tales in Mobile Structures, Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Canada
2006 Ontario Craft Council Award Winners Exhibition, The Guildshop, Toronto, Canada
Cheh-ae Siah, Stride Gallery, Calgary, Canada
Contemporary Canadian Ceramics, Esplanade Art Gallery, Medicine Hat, Canada White Gold, Flow Gallery, London, England
From the North: Canadian Ceramics Today, Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
2005 Taipei NCECA Exhibition, Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan
The Conative Object, York Quay Gallery, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, Canada NCECA Clay National, Baltimore, MD
School’s Out!, NCECA Conference, Baltimore, MD 30,000 +, Charles H. Scott Gallery, Emily Carr Institute, Vancouver, Canada
2004 Languor, Lohin-Geduld Gallery, New York, NY
Hot Clay, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, Canada
2003 Selections I, Lohin-Geduld Gallery, New York, NY
Radius of the Will, MFA Graduate Exhibition, Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, Alfred, NY
2021 European Ceramic Work Center (EKWC), Oisterwijk, Netherlands (May-August)
2018 Canada Council for the Arts Travel Grant
2017 Alfred University School of Art and Design Professional Development Grant Bernstein Fund
2016 Canada Council for the Arts, Visual Arts Research/Creation Grant
Alfred University School of Art and Design Professional Development Grant Bernstein Fund
2014–15 Canada Council for the Arts, Visual Arts Research/Creation Grant
Canada Council for the Arts, Travel Grant (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Sheridan College Faculty Professional Development Grant, Oakville, Canada
2014 Antena Projects and Sarang Building, Artist in Residence, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (June/July)
Watershed Summer Session: Ayumi Horie with Tip Toland, Beth Cavener Stichter, Linda Sormin and Michealene Walsh, Watershed Centre for the Ceramic Arts, Maine (August)
2012 AIDAshed Residency, Givat Haviva, Israel
Canada Council for the Arts, Visual Arts Research/Creation Grant
Rhode Island School of Design, Professional Development Grant, Providence, RI
Canada Council for the Arts,Visual Arts Research/Creation Grant
2011 DIVA Residency, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and Gl Holtegaard, Denmark
Edge Artist in Residence for Bray 60th Anniversary, Archie Bray Foundation, MT
2010 The Berlin Residency, Pankow, Berlin, Germany
AIR (Artist in Residence) Vallauris, Vallauris, France
2009 Canada Council for the Arts, Travel Grant (Berlin, Ger many)
Rhode Island School of Design, Professional Development Grant, Providence, RI
Rhode Island School of Design, Kyobo Grant (to team-teach with Art Historian Paola Demattè)
2006–09 Rhode Island School of Design, Faculty Conference Fund, Providence, RI
2006 Emily Carr Institute, Faculty Professional Development Grant, Vancouver, CA
Medalta International Artist in Residence Program, Medicine Hat, Canada
2005 Canada Council for the Arts, Emerging Artist Grant
2004 Banff Centre for the Arts, MVA Intranation Residency, Banff, Canada
Intranation Residency, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Canada
2001–03 Alfred University, Graduate Fellowship, Alfred, NY
2002 Ontario Crafts Council, Ontario Crafts Council Scholarship, Toronto, Canada
2001 1st World Ceramic Biennale, International Competition Award of Merit, Korea
Sheridan College Craft and Design Graduate Exhibition, Best in Show, Oakville, Canada Sheridan College, William and Mary Corcoran Craft Award, Oakville, Canada
Sheridan College, School of Crafts and Design Silver Medal, Oakville, Canada
Ontario Crafts Council, Kingcrafts/Lady Flavelle Award, Toronto, Canada
Ontario Crafts Council, Critical Writing Award, Toronto, Canada
Arizona State University Museum, Tempe, AZ
CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark, Middelfart, Denmark
Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY
Gardiner Museum, (Gift of Raphael Yu) Toronto, Canada
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Schein-Joseph Museum of Ceramic Art, Alfred, New York
Dorothy and George Saxe Collection, Promised Gift to the DeYoung Museum World Ceramic Exposition, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
Ashwini Bhat 2022
(2021 postponed due to Covid-19 pandemic)
Joanne Hayakawa 2020
Kirk Delman 2019
Patsy Cox 2018
Joan Takayama-Ogawa 2017
Susan Beiner 2016
Julia Haft-Candell 2015
Kirk Delman/Mary MacNaughton 2014 Virginia Scotchie 2013
Kirk Delman, Frank Lloyd and Mary MacNaughton
Tim Berg 2011
Wayne Higby 2010
Adam Davis 2009
Phyllis Green 2008
Tony Hepburn 2007
Steven Portigal 2006
Tony Marsh 2005
Kirk Delman 2004
Karen Koblitz 2003
Nancy Selvin 2002
Adrian Saxe 2001
David Furman 2000
Kathleen Royster 1999
Cindy Kolodziejski 1998
Douglas Humble 1997
Kris Cox 1996
Nobuho Nagasawa 1993-1995
Paul Soldner 1959-1992
Richard Petterson 1947-1958
William Manker 1945-1946
1. J. T. Aber nathy 1951
2. Evelyn Ackerman 1953, 1954, 1955 3. Jerome Acker man 1953, 1954, 1955 4. Ann Agee 1991, 2004 5. Nancy Alexander 1954 6. Margaret Allen 1984 7. Ray Allen 1971 8. Von Allen 1989 9. Arthur Ames 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959 10. Jean Goodwin Ames 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1957 11. Susan S. Amoy 1987 12. Donna Anderegg 1996 13. Wesley Anderegg 1996, 2020 14. Bruce Anderson 1961
15. Daniel J. Anderson 1996 16. David Anderson 1984 17. Laura Andreson 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1954, 1959, 1969, 1974, 1979, 2004 18. Chris Antemann 2017 19. Jean E. Appleby 1980 20. Robert W. Archambeau 1967 21. Adrian Arleo 1990 22. Florence S. Aranson 1957 23. Dave Armstrong, 2004 24. Linda Arndt 1973 25. Robert Arneson 1961, 1967, 1969, 1974 26. Michael Arntz 1966, 1969 27. Tori Arpad-Cotta 2009 28. Bill Attaway 1997 29. Eliza Au 2010 30. Rudy Autio 1959, 1960, 1974, 2004, 2019 31. Victor A. Babu 1964 32. Ralph C. Bacerra 1963, 1964, 1969, 2004 33. Raul Baeza 1990 34. Rita Baigess 1972 35. Clayton G. Bailey 1964 36. Dorothy Baker 1988 37. Douglas K. Baldwin 1966 38. John Balistreri 1990 39. F. Carlton Ball 1951, 1959, 1969, 1977 40. Susan Banks 1992 41. Nancy Baptist 1997 42. Jody Baral 1986 43. Ebitenyefa Baralaye 2022 44. Barnaby Barford 2011 45. S. M. Baring-Gould 1957 46. Barkley-Coutu-Hawker 1952 W 47. Margaret Montgomery Barlow 1959 48. Evangel D. Barnes 1964 49. Joan Baron 1973 50. Ernest A. Batchelder 1979 51. Kenneth Bates 1951, 1961 52. Fred Bauer 1964, 1968, 1969 53. Pat Bauer 1965 54. Bennett Bean 1981, 1984, 1989, 2004 55. Jim Becker 1990 56. Susan Beiner 2003 57. Billy Al Bengston 1957, 1969, 1974, 2004, 2019 58. Irene Berchtenbrieter 1957 59. Tim Berg/Rebekah Myers 2014 60. Fanny Bergmann 1957 61. Frans Bergmann 1952, 1954 62. Gabor Bergo 1966 63. Luis Bermudez 1986, 2006 64. Katherine Besley 1984, 1997, 2019
65. Audrey Bethel 1971 66. Ted R. Bielefeld 1961, 1964 67. Andre G. Billeci 1968 G 68. Stan Bitters 1962 69. James R. Black Jr. 1967 70. Ed Blackburn 1978 71. Kate Blacklock 2001 72. Polly Blank 1951, 1952, 1954 73. Gina Bobrowski 1997 74. Paul Bogatay 1947, 1949, 1965 75. Thom Bohnert 1978 76. Margaret Boozer 2003 77. Sorcha Boru 1979 78. Richard Bosard 1966 79. Lilian Boschen 1951, 1952 80. Joe Bova 1980 81. Frank Boyden 1983 82. Michael Boylen 1973 83. Bill H. Boysen 1967 G 84. Robert Brady 1975, 2000, 2004 85. Wayne Branum 1981 86. Bruce Breckenridge 1971 87. Karen Breschi 1973 88. Cynthia Bringle 1966 89. Barbara Brooks 1954 90. William Brouillard 1991 91. Bert Brown 1948 92. Betsy Brown 1948 93. Charles Brown 1969 94. Oscar Bucher 1962 95. Jean Buckley 1959 96. James Budde 1992 97. Beniamino Bufano 1979 98. Gene Bunker 1962 99. Marjorie Burgeson 1952 100. Richard Burkett 2020 101. Mark Burns 2000 102. Clyde E. Burt 1957 103. John Burton 1957 104. Everette Busbee 1988 105. Larry Bush 1991 106. Moira Butler 1965 107. Kathy Butterly 1991, 2001, 2004 108. J. Anthony Buzzelli 1959 109. Kathryn Byers 1952 W 110. Erni Cabat 1954, 1965 111. Rose Cabat 1954, 1965 112. Edwin A. Cadogan 1951, 1952, 1954 113. Todd Campbell 1963 114. Lynn Canterbury 1967 115. Virgil Cantini 1961 E, 1962 E 116. Jerry L. Caplan 1977 117. J. Sheldon Carey 1960 118. Elaine Carhartt 1997 119. Nancy Carmen 1976 120. Syd Carpenter 2000 121. Jean Carr 1952 W 122. Robert Carr 1952 W 123. Roy R. Cartwright 1966
124. Virginia Cartwright 1981, 1984 125. John Caruthers 1952 126. Eve Nathanson Cary 1948 127. Doug Casebeer 1987 128. Andrew Castro 2016 129. James Caswell 1982 130. Marek Cecula 1998, 2001, 2007 131. Aurore Chabot 1986 132. Pattie Chalmers 2011 133. Scott Chamberlin 1985 134. Beth Changstrom 1982, 1984, 2004 135. Robert Charland 1992 136. Chatterton 1974 137. Nicole Cherubini 2015 138. Dale Chihuly 1968 G 139. MyungJin Choi/Dani Leventhal 2008 140. Fong Chow 1957 141. Katherine Choy 1957, 1979 142. Karl J. Christiansen 1965 143. Linda Christianson 1996 144. Ann Cristenson 1980 145. Mel Clark 1978 146. Barry Coffin 1997 147. Harriet Goodwin Cohen 1965 148. Michael S. Cohen 1963 149. Abraham Cohn 1957 150. Frances S. Cohn 1952 W 151. Fern Cole 1960 152. Thomas Lane Coleman 1973 153. Thom Collins 1974, 2004 154. Mae Conner 1962 E 155. Hans Coper 1974 156. James Coquia, 2004 157. Kathleen Corcoran 1984 158. Philip G. Cornelius 1967, 1974, 1984, 1989, 2004, 2019 159. Judy Cornell 1976 160. Raul Angulo Coronel 1957, 1960 161. Roger Corsaw 1961 162. Charles Counts 1967, 1969 163. D.F. Counts 1966 164. Kris Cox 1984, 1989, 2004, 2014 165. Patrick Crabb 1986 166. David Crane 1980 167. Tim Crane 1982 168. William Creitz 1967 169. Dave Cressey 1957, 1959, 1969 170. Edward Cromey 1961 171. James Crumrine 1957 172. Anne Currier 1978 173. Lee Curtis 1989 174. Val Cushing 1962, 2004 175. Bryan Czibesz 2016 176. Fernanda D’Agostino 1990 177. William P. Daley 1964 178. Meredith Dalglish 1984 179. Wouter Dam 1999 180. Kathy Dambach 1981 181. Roger Darricarrere 1959
182. Sharbani Das Gupta 2022
183. Jennifer Datchuck 2018
184. Adam Davis 2014
185. Bill Davis 1978
186. Robin B. Davis 1975
187. Steve Davis 1989
188. Christopher Davis-Benavides 1990 189. Robert Dawson 2007 190. Russell Day 1959 191. Frieda Dean 2013
192. Rupert Deese 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959, 2004 193. John deFazio 1999, 2001 194. Dora Delarios 1966, 1969 195. Roseline Delisle 1996 196. Harris Deller 1987, 2000
197. Angela de Mott, 2004 198. Benjamin DeMott 2010 199. Kaye Denning 1962 E 200. Eugene Deutch 1951 201. Jugo De Vegetales 1980 202. Robert Devers 2003 203. Richard Devore 1969, 2004 204. Josh DeWeese 1996, 2004 205. Hilda Dial 1952 W 206. Kim Dickey 1999 207. Kenneth Dierck 1969 208. Betty Dike 1952, 1957 209. Phil Dike 1952, 1957 210. Rick Dillingham 1973, 1989 211. Dominic L. Dimare 1966 212. Robert Dittmer 1959, 1961 213. Bob Dixon 1977 214. Dan Doak 1984 215. Eddie Dominguez 1985, 2003 216. Amy Donaldson 1957 217. David R. Dontigny 1967 218. Pauly D’orlando 1963 219. C. Fritz Dreisbach 1967 G, 1968 G 220. Karl Drerup 1947, 1949, 1951 E, 1957 221. Paul A. Dresang 1977 222. Harold Driscoll 1979 223. Ruth Duckworth 1965 224. Bernice S. Duhl 1963 225. Gary Dutton 1977 226. Jack Earl 1987 227. Joel Edwards 1957, 1962 228. Stanley Edwards 1988 229. Redd Ekks 1976 230. David Eldred 1959 231. Duval Eliot 1963 232. Pat Elliott 1952 W 233. Larry E. Elsner 1964 234. Gary Erickson 1987 235. Christina Erives 2018 236. Cary Esser 1982, 2003 237. Mildred Estey 1948 238. Richard R. Fairbanks 1957 239. John D. Fassbinder 1959, 1963, 1984, 2004 240. Bill Farrell 1973
241. Aline Favre 1984, 2004 242. Christine Federighi 1985, 2000 243. Lazlo Fekete 1998 244. Charlene Felos 1972, 1977, 2004, 2019 245. Patricia Ferber 1991 246. Kenneth R. Ferguson 1960 247. Ellie Fernald 1972, 1974 248. Tom Ferreira 1959, 1969 249. Betty Feves 1957, 1959, 1969 250. Douglas Fey 1981 251. Angela Fina 1978 252. Jim Finnegan 1972 253. Bean Finnerran 2002 254. Mary Fischer 1981 255. Sally Jane Fletcher 1967 256. Stan Flinkman 1997 257. Ron Fondaw 1993 258. Betty Davenport Ford 1948, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1957 259. Jane Ford 1976 260. Robert Forman 1978 261. Jim Foster 1971, 1974 262. S. Carl Fracassini 1957 263. Dextra Frankel 1962 E 264. Viola Frey, 2019 265. Nancy Fried 1992 266. Magdelena Frimkess 1974, 2004 267. Michael Frimkess 1957, 1962, 1969, 1974, 2004, 2019 268. Donald E. Frith 1952, 1963 269. Robert C. Fritz 1964 G, 1968 G 270. Keiko Fukazawa 1988, 2004 271. Ester Fuller 1954 272. Michitada Funaki 1974 273. David Furman 1972, 2004, 2014 274. Dennis Gallagher 2002 275. Lauren Gallaspy 2016 276. Oona Gardner 2016 277. Angelo Garzio 1959, 1969 278. Christy Gast 2009 279. Michael Geersten 2006 280. Daniel J. Gehan 1964 281. Beth Lindsey Gellar 1994 282. Gabor Gergo 1966 283. Henry K. Gernhart 1966 284. Richard Gerrish 1982, 1984 285. Clara Gettle 1952 W 286. George E. Geyer 1967 287. Blaine Gibson 1952, 1954, 1957 288. Bill Gilbert 1989, 1993, 2004 289. David Gilhooly 1967 290. Andrea Gill 1976 291. Brian Gillis 2016 292. Fabienne Gioria, 2004 293. Lukman Glasgow 1985 294. John P. Glick 1964, 2004 295. Shannon Goff 2007 296. Allen Goldstein 1963 297. Crispin Gonzalez 1974, 2004 298. Arthur Gonzalez 1998
299. Carol Marchand Gouthro 1992
300. Melinda Grant 1978
301. Valborg Gravander 1952 W
302. Nicki Green 2022
303. Phyllis Green 1981, 1998, 2014
304. Cameron Gregg, 1994
305. Jean Griffith 1963, 1974, 2004 306. Thomas Griffith 1952 307. Gerit Grimm 2011
308. Raymond Grimm 1961 309. Glenn Grishkoff, 2004 310. Erik Gronborg 1967, 1972
311. Michael Gross 1990
312. Lauren Grossman 1988 313. Maurice Grossman 1964 314. Maija Grotell 1949, 1951, 1957, 1969
315. Trude Guermonprez 1966
316. Eve Gulick 1952 W 317. Chris Gustin 1987 318. Babs Haenen 2006 319. Julia Haft-Candell 2016, 2022 320. Henry Halem 1973 321. Doris Hall 1951, 1957 322. Shoji Hamada 1949, 1974 323. Frank O. Hamilton 1957 324. Jessica Hans 2015 325. Marc Hansen 1952 326. Teruo Hara 1960, 1963 327. John Harding 1952, 1954, 1957 328. John Harmon 1980 329. Robert W. Harrison 1992 330. Del Harrow 2016 331. Dale Hartley 1981 332. David Hatch 1952 333. Lyn Haxton 1983 334. Dick Hay 1968 335. Joanne Hayakawa 1985, 2000 336. Jane Heald 1952, 1954 337. Edith Kiertzner Heath 1979 338. Claire Heddon 2010 339. Mary Heilman 1983 340. Steven Heinemann 2006 341. Otto Heino 1954, 1957, 1959, 1969, 1979, 2004 342. Vivika Heino 1954, 1957, 1959, 1969, 1979
343. Tony Hepburn 1983, 2000 344. Ken Hendry 1975, 1984 345. Alexandra Hibbitt 2013 346. David Hicks 2005
347. Catherine Hiersoux 1988, 2004
348. Wayne Higby 1971, 1974, 2004, 2014 349. Frances Higgens 1957 350. Michael Higgens 1957
351. Eva Hild 2006
352. Charles A. Hindes 1975 353. Norm Hines 1965, 2004
354. Anne Hirondelle 1987, 2004
355. Richard Hirsch 1980, 2004, 2013, 2019
356. Ngaire W. Hixon 1963 357. Tom Hoadley 1982
358. Curtis C. Hoard 1971 359. Jolyon G. Hofsted 1966 360. Inez Holaday 1975 361. Keith W. Hollingsworth 1966 362. Priscillia Hollingsworth 2013 363. Joel Holmes 1975 364. Martin Holt 1968 365. Jack Hopkins 1959, 1961 366. John W. Hopkins 1975 367. David G. Hopper 1968 368. Claude Horan 1951, 1964 369. Ayumi Horie & Sara Varon 2011 370. Jim Horii 1957 371. Steve Horn 1974, 2004 372. Anna Sew Hoy 2022 373. Dirk Hubers 1961 374. Robert Hudson 2006 375. Margie Hughto 1981 376. Ka-Kwong Hui 1957, 1959, 1967, 1969 377. Paul Huliberg 1961 378. Douglas Humble, 2004, 2014 379. William Hunt 1987 380. Abby Huntoon 1990 381. Julie Hurd 1962 E 382. Glenn R. Husted 1993, 2004 383. Rebecca Hutchinson 2020 384. Jayne Huxmann 1952 385. Flaven E. Hyland 1965 386. J. L. Hysong 1963 387. Yoshiro Ikeda 1982 388. Arthur Imber 1954 389. Shugen Inouye 1966 390. Sadashi Inuzuka/Thomas Bray 2008 391. Kent F. Ipsen 1967 G, 1971 G 392. David Irvine 1960 393. Kahlil Robert Irving 2022 394. Tam Irving 1975 395. Jeff Irwin 2009, 2020 396. Marge Israel 1961 397. Sergei Isupov 1998, 2004 398. Anthony Ivins 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959 399. Joyce Jablonski 1986, 1991 400. John H. Jacobs 1975, 1989 401. Sarah Jaeger 1988, 2004 402. Amanda Jaffe 2003 403. Janice Jakielski 2011 404. Manuel Jalanavich 1979 405. George James 1952 406. Robert C. James 1957, 1964 407. Doug Jeck 1999 408. John Jessiman 1971 409. Margaret Jipp 1951 410. Henry Joe 1973 411. Carla Rae Johnson 1980 412. Sargent Johnson 1979 413. Shirley E. Johnson 1975 414. Sandra Johnstone 1980, 1984 415. Cecil Jones 1979 416. Michael Jones 1978
417. Hella Jongerius 2007
418. Andrea Joseph 1977
419. Anabel Juárez 2022
420. Nina Jun 2005
421. Nancy Jurs 1976
422. Yashie Kadoi 1960 423. Stephen Kafer 1980 424. Sheldon Kaganoff 1984, 1989 425. Wilhelm Kåge 1949 426. Ben Kajitani 1981
427. Stephen J. Kaltenbach 1965 428. Jun Kaneko 1966, 1974, 1984, 1989, 2004, 2015, 2019
429. Toyo Kaneshige 1974 430. Satoshi Kano 1960 431. Steven Karatzas 1975 432. Elena Karina 1983 433. Karen Kar nes 1961, 1969, 2004, 2019 434. John C. Karrasch 1965 435. Ben Katz 1984 436. David Katz 2022 437. Tauno Kauppi 1964 438. Kanjiro Kawai 1949, 1974 439. Tadashi Kawai 1960 440. Kouzo Kawashima 1960 441. Steven Kemenyffy 1971, 1977 442. Susan Kemenyffy 1977 443. Diane Kempler 1993 444. Bernard J. Kester 1952, 1954, 1957, 1960 445. Sahar Khoury 2022 446. Ernie Kim 1959, 1969 447. Yoonchung Park Kim 2002 448. George N. Kimura 1966 449. Albert King 1948, 1951, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1969, 1979 450. Louisa King 1951, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1969 451. Michael King 1978 452. Bri Kinnard 2013 453. Robert Kinzie 1959 454. Suzy Klotz-Reilly 1972, 1974, 1984 455. Karen Koblitz 1986, 2004, 2014 456. Raymond Koechlin 1952 457. Joyce Kohl 1980, 1993, 2004 458. Ryoji Koie 1970, 1974, 1994, 2004, 2019 459. George Kokis 1964
460. Cindy Kolodziejski 1996, 2004, 2014 461. Kathy Koop 1990, 2004 462. Vivian Sauber Koos 1961 463. Howard Kottler 1963, 2010 464. Paul Kotula 2007 465. Merrill Krabill, 2004 466. Charles Krafft 1999, 2009 467. Linda Kramer 1984 468. Anne Kraus 1998 469. Joseph Krause 1952, 1954 470. Patsy Krebs 1984 471. William Kremer 1977 472. Rose Krevit 1962 E 473. Nik Krevitsky 1959, 1960
474. Sana Krusoe 1989 475. Peter Kuentzel 1984, 1989, 2004 476. Junekichi Kumakura 1960 477. Roger Kuntz 1961, 1974 478. Yih-Wen Kuo 2002 479. Jay Kvapil 1985 480. Eva Kwong 1996 481. Bernard Kypridakis 1963 482. Dominick Labino 1965, 1968 483. Richard C. Lafean 1964 484. Charles Lakofsky 1951, 1957, 1959, 1969 485. Doyle Lane 1957 486. Geert Lap 2007 487. Annette Laporte 1962 488. Nancy E. Larkin 1990 489. J.P. Larocque 1998 490. William Lau 1967 491. Brother Bruno Laverdiere 1967 492. Doug Lawrie 1965, 1984, 2004 493. Gina Lawson-Egan 2004 494. Connie Layne 2004 495. Bernard Leach 1949 496. Richard B. Leach 1964, 1974 497. Hwa-Jin Lee 2005 498. Jennifer Lee, 2019 499. Steven Young Lee 2018 500. Mathew Leeds 1972, 2004, 2019 501. Jim Leedy 1966, 2004 502. Sheri Leigh 2004 503. Dora LeLarious 1966 504. Jacques Lenoble 1949 505. Christine LePage 1982 506. Alan Lerner 1986 507. Marc Leuthold 2003 508. Brook Le Van 1993 509. Janet Lever 1989 510. Marilyn Levine, 2019 511. Robin Levy 1994 512. Diane Lewy 1978 513. Hongwei Li 2010 514. David Liebendorfer 1991 515. Luke Lietzke 1960 516. Roland Lietzke 1960 517. Ingrid Lilligren 1993, 2004 518. Henry Lin 1961 519. Richard M. Lincoln 1963 520. Mary Lindheim 1948, 1952, 1954 521. Marvin B. Lipofsky 1965 G, 1968 G, 2004 522. Ken D. Little 1975 523. Harvey K. Littleton 1957, 1965 G, 1968 G 524. Richard C. Lolcama 1964 525. William Lombardo 1972 526. Charles Long 2008 527. Wayne Long 1948, 1969 528. Martha Longnecker 1948, 1952, 1954, 1957 529. Linda Lopez 2015 530. Rhoda Le Blanc Lopez 1964, 1969 531. Marg Loring 1979 532. James A. Lorio 1975
533. Steve Loucks 1991
534. James Lovera 1962, 1969, 1979
535. Richard M. Loving 1964
536. Fred Lucero 1968 G 537. Michael Lucero 1982 538. Roberto Lugo 2018 539. Glen Lukens 1947, 1952, 1969, 1979 540. Tyra Lundgren 1949 541. Boyce Lundstrom 1971 542. Nathan Lynch 2022 543. Kate MacDowell 2020 544. Alix Mackenzie 1959, 1969 545. Warren Mackenzie 1959, 1969 546. Elizabeth Madley 1952, 1954 547. Katrien Maenhaut 1989
548. Beverly Magennis 1974, 1975, 1984, 1989, 2004 549. Sam Maloof 1952 F 550. Dorathee G. Manbeck 1963 551. Robert Mangrum 1984 552. Kirk Mangus 1983, 2004
553. William Manker 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1969, 1979, 2004, 2014 554. Joseph Mannino 1985 555. Rebecca Manson 2013 556. Louis Marak 1987 557. Donald March 1962 558. Fred Marcus 1967 G 559. Ella Marggraf 1957 560. Graham Marks 1977 561. Tony Marsh 1996, 2004, 2014
562. Richard Marquis 1967, 1968 G, 1971 G, 2004 563. Jerry Martin 1964, 2004
564. Cristina Martinez 1989 565. Maria Martinez 2010 566. Karl Martz 1969 567. Vaea Marx 1967, 1974 568. John Mason 1957, 1959, 1960, 1969, 1974, 1992, 2004, *2012, 2019 569. Rex Mason 1951, 1954 570. Janet Massad 2004 571. Karen Massaro 1976, 1984 572. Jennifer Masterson 1973, 1974 573. Patriciu Mateescu 1982 574. Berry Matthews 1984 575. Kazuko K. Matthews 1983, 1984, 2004
576. Beverly Mayeri 1999 577. Beryl McCarthy 1979 578. Viqui McCaslin 1994 579. Malcolm McClain 1957, 1959, 1974, 2004
580. Mark McCloud 1983 581. Matthew McConnell 2011 582. Walter McConnell 1993, 2010 583. Mike McCollum 1987 584. John Toby McCuistion 1974 585. Mary Ellen McDermott 1960 586. John McDowell 1952, 1954 587. Edward McFetridge 1960 588. Tom R. McGlauchlin 1963 589. Fox Joy McGrew 1983, 1984
590. Christine McHorse 1989, 2006 591. Harrison McIntosh 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1966, 1969, 1979, 1984, 2004, 2019 592. Charles McKee 1961 593. James McKinnell 1959 594. Nan McKinnell 1959 595. Ruth McKinley 1964 596. Jonathon McMillian 2013 597. Tom McMillin 1962 598. John Toby McQuistion 1974 599. Harue O. McVay 1966 600. Leza S. McVey 1951, 1957 601. Armand Mednick 1964 602. Joseph Meert 1959 603. Dan Mehlman 1981 604. Alan R. Meisel 1965 605. James Melchert 1962, 1969, 1974, 2004, (with Dr. Francois Conti), 2008, 2019 606. Salvatore Meli 1966, 1974, 2019 607. Peter Meloy 1966, 1974 608. Louis Mendez 1961 609. Fred Meyer 1964 610. Ron Meyers 1991 611. Suzan Bercu Meyers 1978 612. David Middlebrook 1971, 2004 613. Brad Miller 1978, 2002 614. Chris Miller 2010 615. John Paul Miller 1961 J 616. Rachel Miller 1968 G, 1974 G 617. Richard Millet 1999 618. Robert Milnes 1980, 1984, 2004 619. David P. Miner 1990 620. Carolyn Smith Mitchell 1957 621. Ryosaku Miwa 1970, 1974 622. Lindley Mixon 1959 623. Rikichi Miyanaga 1970, 1974 624. Keisuke Mizuno 1998 625. Mineo Mizuno 1972, 1974, 2019 626. Solange Alain Moberg 1984 627. Jeffrey Mongrain 2013 628. Margaret Montgomery 1952, 1954 629. James A. Moore 1964 630. Richard Moquin 1967 631. Mike Moran 1988 632. Crystal Morey 2020 633. Peter Morgan 2011 634. Kristen Morgin 2005 635. Hiroaki Morino 1968 636. James Morris 1991 637. Art Morrison 1976 638. Mike Mosely 1976, 2004 639. Charles F. Mosgo 1951 640. Neil Moss 1981, 2004 641. Ohtake Motosuke 1983 642. Rodney Mott 2004 643. Joyce Moty 1971 644. Marian Moule 1955, 1958, 1960 645. Mike Mullen 1963 646. Thomas Müller 2011
647. John Satre Murphy 1968
648. Abigail Murray & Steven Mankouche 2007 649. William Staite Murray 1974, 2019 650. Sana Musasama 1989 651. Dion G. Myers 1965
652. Harold Myers, Jr. 1959, 1962 653. Joel Philip Myers 1965 G, 1968 G 654. Patrick J. Myers 1968 G 655. Robert E. Naess 1968 G 656. Nobohu (Nobi) Nagasawa 2014 657. Setsuko Nagasawa 1984, 2004 658. Ron Nagle 1974, 2004, 2019 659. Kimpei Nakamura 1970, 1974, 1984 660. John Natale 1975
661. Gertrude Natzler 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1969, 1979 662. Otto Natzler 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1969, 1979 663. Minne Negoro 1951 664. Arthur Nelson 1980 665. Glenn Nelson 1962 666. Elena Netherby 1948, 1954, 1959, 1969, 1979 667. Ronna Neuenschwander 1988 668. Janet Neuwalder 1991 669. Win Ng 1959, 1960, 1969 670. Donna L. Nicholas 1971,1984, 1989 671. Bob Nichols 1976 672. Kevin Nierman 2002, 2004 673. Leon I. Nigrosh 1977 674. Zora Norris 1968 G 675. Eric Norstad 1957, 1969 676. Richard Notkin 2000 677. William O’Bryan 1981 678. Ruby O’Burke 1979 679. M. Elizabeth Higgins O’Connor 1998 680. Adolf Odorfer 1947, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1979 681. Jeff Oestrich 2017 682. Kevin O’Farrel 1972 683. Brent Oglesbee 1992 684. Motosuke Ohtake 1983 685. Frederick L. Olsen 1988, 2004 686. Ingevardt Olsen 1979 687. Charles Olson 1977 688. Ed O’Reilly 1985 689. Thomas Orr 2004 690. Edward Oshier 1961, 1963 691. Jane Oshier 1961 692. Lewis Ott 1963 693. Joel Otterson 2001 694. Ben W. Owen 1964 695. Frank Ozereko 1983 696. Hal Painter 1952 W 697. Vince Palacios 2005 698. IO Palmer 2009 699. Gene Palusky 1987 700. Earl Pardon 1961E, 1962 E 701. Kyungmin Park 2018 702. Ben Parks 2004 703. Dennis Parks 1984, 1989, 2004
704. Alice Parrott 1966 705. William D. Parry 1965 706. Nancy Patterson 1954 707. Vernon Patrick 1972 708. Mike Payne 1974 709. Joan Jockwig Pearson 1951, 1952, 1954 710. Melissa Pearson 1977 711. Michael Peed 1972 712. Jane Peiser 1975 713. Zemer Peled 2018 714. Denise Pelletier 1995 715. Gustavo Perez 2006 716. Dorothy Perkins 1961, 1962 717. Lyle Perkins 1962 718. Anne Perrigo 1982 719. Sam Perry 1992 720. Brian Persha 1973 721. Timothy Persons 1984 722. Susan H. Peterson 1952, 1957, 1963, 1969 723. Alice Petterson 1948, 1949, 1952, 1954 724. Richard Petterson 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1979, 1984, 2014 725. Tom Phardel 1982 726. Mark Pharis 1987 727. Jack L. Pharo 1963 728. Mary W. Phillips 1952 W 729. Dorothy Piercy 1952 W 730. Conway Pierson 1961 731. Polia Pillin 1951, 1952, 1954 732. Edward Pincus 1976 733. Anne Scott Plummer 1984, 1988, 1989, 2004 734. John Polikowsky 1954 735. Lugian Pompili 1973 736. Marie-Ann Poniatowska 1952 737. Henry Var num Poor 1947, 1949, 1959, 1969 738. Helen Pope 1952 W 739. Rick Pope 1980 740. Steven Portigal 2014 741. Richard Posner 1975 742. Thomas Potter 1971 743. Bret Price 1981 744. Kenneth Price 1957, 1960, 1969, 1974, *2012, 2019 745. Margaret Price 1979 746. Antonio Prieto 1948, 1949, 1952, 1954, 1959, 1969, 1974, 1979, 2019 747. Eunice Prieto 1948, 1949, 1952, 1954 748. Gayle Prunhuber 1984 749. Joseph A. Pugliese 1963 750. Myrton Purkiss 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1979 751. Cai Guo Qiang 1995 752. Elizabeth F. Quackenbush 1987 753. Jeanne Quinn/Amanda Marchand 2008 754. Elsa Rady 1985, 2004 755. Takahashi Rakusai IV 1974, 2019 756. Robert W. Ramsey 1963 757. Theodore Randall 1961, 1969 758. Brian Ransom 1986, 2004 759. Max Read III 1972, 1974
760. Hildred Reents 1954
761. Barney M. Reid 1964
762. Anton Reijnders 2015
763. Lisa Reinertson 1990
764. Don L. Reitz 1964, 1984
765. Nicholas Rena 2006
766. Merry Renk 1961 J 767. Ildiko Repasi 1995
768. Eileen Reynolds 1954, 1979
769. Steve Reynolds 1973, 1984, 2004
770. Daniel Rhodes 1951, 1957, 1959, 1969
771. Lillyan Rhodes 1957
772. Paula Jean Rice 1985
773. Mary Caroline Richards 1966
774. Mark Richardson 1991
775. Lucie Rie 1974
776. Harold Riegger 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1962, 1969, 1979
777. Curtis Ripley 1975
778. Ruth Rippon 1954, 1969
779. Mary Kring Risley 1957 780. Lizzie Rix 1951
781. Jennifer Roberts 1984 782. Kate Roberts 2013 783. Sally Roberts 1978 784. Alexander Robertson 1979 785. Margarita Robinson 1952 W 786. Mary Roehm 2003
787. John Roloff 1977
788. James Romberg 1974, 1975, 1984, 1989, 2004
789. Diego Romero 2017 790. Janice Roosevelt 1960, 1965
791. Antonette Rosato 1984, 1993
792. Leslie Rosdol 1998
793. Annabeth Rosen 1989, 2001, 2004, with Jack Friel 2008, 2022 794. Stanley Rosen 1962 795. Allan Rosenbaum 1978 796. Terry Rosenberg 1983 797. Harriet E. Ross 1986 798. Katherine Ross 1995, 2009 799. Jerry Rothman 1957, 1961, 1969, 1974, 1984, 2004, 2019
800. Kent Rothman 2004 801. Janette Rothwoman 1974
802. Kathleen Royster 2002, 2004, 2014
803. Brie Ruais 2015
804. Eriks Rudans 1973
805. Dale Ruff 1984
806. Anders Ruhwald 2009
807. Jay R. Rummel 1963, 1974 808. Jean Russam 1957
809. Olin L. Russum 1951, 1957, 1960
810. Kathleen (Katie) Ryan 2015 811. Paul Sacaridiz 2016 812. Harvey Sadow Jr. 1981 813. Judith Salomon 1990 814. Ben Sams 1967 815. Carl Sande 1965
816. Herbert Sanders 1949, 1961, 1969, 1979 817. J. Ormond Sanderson 1963 818. Red Weldon Sandlin 2017 819. Reinaldo Sanguino 2009 820. Porntip Sangvanich 1991, 2004, 2017 821. Tadayasu Sasayama 2019 822. Satoshi Sato 2019 823. L. F. Saucier 1975 824. Juta Savageder 1988 825. Maria-Artemis Sawyer 1978 826. Adrian Saxe 2000, 2004, 2014 827. Donald Schaumburg 1952, 1954, 1957 828. Edwin Scheier 1949, 1951, 1957, 1960, 1969, 1974 829. Mary Scheier 1949, 1951, 1957, 1960, 1969, 1974 830. Atzy Schiff 1961 E 831. Jeff Schlanger 1960, 1968 832. Catherine Schmid-Maybach 1997 833. Barbara Schmidt – KAHLA PORCELAIN 834. Jack A. Schmidt 1975 835. Tom Schmidt 2010 836. JoAnn Schnabel 2003 837. Margaret Schnaidt 1954 838. Adele Schonbrun 1982, 1984, 2004 839. Viktor Schreckengost 1947 840. Norman Schulman 1962 841. Herbert C. Schumacher 1964 842. June Schwarcz 1960 843. Virginia Scotchie 2003, 2014 844. David Scott 1952 845. Barbara Sebastian 1987 846. James Secrest 1961 847. Philip Secrest 1961 848. Margarete Seeler 1960 849. Timothy Segar 1976 850. Joseph Seigenthaler 1999 851. Nicole Seisler 2022 852. Kay Sekimachi 1966 F 853. Nancy Selvin 1982, 2000, 2004, 2014 854. Kayla Selyer 1961 855. Colleen Black Semelka/David Fernandez 2004 856. Frances Senska 1957, 1961 857. David G. Shaner 1961, 1963, 1974 858. Sandy Shannonhouse 1976 859. Richard Shaw 1967, 2000, 2004 860. Robert Shay 1972 861. Millard Sheets 1952 862. Ottsie Sheff 1961 863. Larry Shep 1961 864. George Sher man 1972 865. Debra Sherwood 1986 866. Michael Sherrill 2017 867. Masaaki Shibata 1970, 1973, 1974 868. Peter Shire 1983 869. Karen Shirley 1971 870. Adam Shiverdecker 2013 871. Ken B. Shores 1966, 1969 872. Sue Shrode 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 873. Jim Shrosbree 2007
874. Donald J. Siegfried 1951
875. Patrick Siler 1967, 1974
876. Anna Silver 1985, 2017
877. Bobby Silverman 1992
878. Susi Singer 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954
879. Amanda Small 2016 880. Anne Smith 1985 881. Caroline J. Smith 1951, 1952 882. Dennis Smith 1975 883. Tom Smith 1980 884. Cynthia Snyder 1981 885. Kit-Yin T. Snyder 1971 886. Vincent Soldacki 1981 887. Joe Soldate 1967, 1984, 1989, 2004
888. Paul Soldner 1957, 1961, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1974, 1984, 1989, 2010, 2014, 2019 889. Paolo Soleri 1961 890. Jessica Corn Solk 1973 891. Florine Sondergaard 1952 W 892. Linda Sormin 2022 893. Robert Sperry 1957, 1959, 1969, Estate of Robert Sperry 2002 894. Victor Spinski 2000, 2004, 2019 895. Tom Spleth 1972 896. Spring Street Potters: Aldrich, Cooper, Charles, Shapiro 1966 897. Faraday Sredl 1992 898. Leonard R. Stach 1965 899. Rudolf H. Staffel 1964, 1969 900. Kenneth Starbird 1963 901. Thurman Statom 1980 902. Ken Steeves 1972 903. James E. Stephenson,Jr. 1965 904. John H. Stephenson 1963, 1969 905. Susan G. Stephenson 1963 906. Richenda Stevick 1979 907. Albert Stewart 1952 908. Bill Stewart 1967 909. Cliff Stewart 1966 910. Lizbeth Stewart 1983,1987 911. Marion (Hoppe) Stewart 1952 W 912. Richard St. John 1971 913. Ann A. Stockton (see Voulkos) 914. Jon F. Stokesbary 1964, 1984 915. Cecil G. Strawn 1964 916. Dino Strona 1957 917. Robert Stull 1966 918. Dorothy Stur m 1961 919. Vincent Suez 1974, 1984, 2004, 2019 920. Karen Sullivan 2004 921. Hyun-Sook Suh 1972 922. Mara Superior 2017 923. Thomas A. Suomalainen 1975 924. Sanford J. Sussman 1973 925. Kazuye Suyematsu 1967, 1974 926. Goro Suzuki 1974, 2006 927. Osame Suzuki 1960 928. William W. Swallow 1949
929. Roger Sweet 1976 930. Roxanne Swentzel 2018 931. Ishiyama Syun 1970 932. Toshiko Takaezu 1957, 1960, 1966, 1969 933. Akio Takamori 1991, 2004 934. Henry Takemoto 1959, 1960, 1969, 2004, 2019 935. David G. Tammany 1963 936. Brendan Tang 2011 937. James L. Tanner 1988 938. Tim N. Taunton 1992 939. Wayne Taylor 1965 940. Byron Temple 1996 941. Ruenell Foy Temps 1975 942. Irv Tepper 1971, 2004 943. S. Terao 1960 944. Neil Tetkowski 1992 945. Andree Thompson 2002 946. Lennox Teir ney 1948 947. Vivika Timeriasieff 1979 948. George Timock 1973 949. Maynard Tischler 1967 950. James Tisdale 2020 951. Barbara Tiso 1972 952. Katsumasa Toba 1960 953. David Tolerton 1979 954. Howard Tollefson 2006 955. W.A. Ehren Tool 2017 956. David Toresdahl 1968 957. Ed Traynor 1952, 1957, 1959, 1969 958. Marianne de Trey Haile 1949 959. Erich Triller 1949 960. Ingrid Triller 1949 961. James A. Tripp 1967 962. Joseph Trippetti 1957, 1959 963. Jack Troy 1985 964. Kanji Tsuji 1960 965. Robert C. Tur ner 1951, 1957, 1959, 1969, 2006 966. Tom Turner 1977 967. John Tuska 1962 968. Constance Tyder man 1952 W 969. Chris Unterseher 1967 970. Oppi Untracht 1962 E 971. Saara Untracht 1962 E 972. Andree Valley 1977 973. Mike Vatalaro 2003 974. Angela Verdon 2002 975. Nicholas Vergette 1963 976. Marcus Villagran 1962 977. Rimas VisGirda 1990, 2004 978. Triesch Voelker 1997 979. Ted Vogel 2020 980. Paul Volckening 1954, 1962 981. Dennis Voss 1982 982. Ann Adair Stockton Voulkos 1962, 1966, 2004 983. Peter Voulkos 1951, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1969, 1974, 1979, 2004, 2010, *2012, 2019 984. Jamie Walker 2002 985. Roy Walker 1954, 1979 986. Marta Walloff 1986
987. Linda Rosenus Walsh 1982, 1984, 2004 988. Allan Walter 1984 989. Billie Walters 1981 990. Carl Walters 1947, 1949 991. John P. Walters 1963 992. Patti Bauer Warashina 1965, 1968,1969,1974, 2004, 2020
993. Phillip A. Ward 1961 994. Rosalind Ray Watkin 1952 W 995. Helen Watson 1951, 1952, 1957, 1969, 1984 996. James M. Wayne 1968 G 997. Christopher Weaver 1986 998. Matt Wedel 2011 999. David Weinrik 1969 1000. Kurt Weiser 1982, 2004 1001. Steven J. Welch 1996 1002. Stan Welsh 1976, 1984, 2004, 2019, 2020 1003. Robert Wendell 1966 1004. Robert Westervelt 1957 1005. Raymond Wetzel 1982 1006. Irwin Whitaker 1957 1007. Richie White 1982, 1984, 2004 1008. Frans Wildenhain 1948, 1949, 1969 1009. Marguerite W ildenhain 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1959, 1969, 1974, 1979, 2019 1010. Allen Wildenhofer 1966 1011. Gerry Williams 1986 1012. Liz Williams 1984 1013. Jeff W ilson 1989 1014. Mary A. Cale Wilson 2020 1015. Katherine Winckler 1957 E 1016. Jack L. Winsor 1979 1017. Paula Winokur 1963, 2004 1018. Robert M. Winokur 1963, 2004 1019. Edward W inter 1947, 1949, 1951 1020. Thelma Frazier Winter 1949 1021. Ted Wiprud 1978 1022. Jean Withey 1961 1023. Fred Wollschlager 1966 1024. Harriet Wolpin 1963 1025. Yoko Wong 1957 1026. Marie Woo 1965 1027. Grace Woolley 1952 W 1028. Ellamarie Wooley 1948, 1949, 1951, 1954 E 1029. Jackson Wooley 1948, 1949, 1951, 1954 E 1030. Beatrice Wood 1952, 1969, 1974, 2019 1031. Donald Wood 1951 1032. Betty Woodman 1964, 1967, 1974, 1984, 2004, 2010, 2015 1033. Julie Woodward 1984 1034. Elsbeth Woody 1991 1035. Ellamarie Woolley 1951, 1952 1036. Jackson Woolley 1951, 1952, 1960 1037. James Wozniak 1962 1038. Christie Wright 2007 1039. Janis Mars Wunderlich 1999 1040. William F. Wyman 1959, 1969 1041. Kazuo Yagi 1960, 1974 1042. Hikaru Yamada 1960
1043. Mutsuo Yanagihara 1974 1044. Brian Yancey 1984, 1988, 2004 1045. Yao Yongkang 2010 1046. Susan York 2002 1047. Ward Youry 1952, 1954, 1957, 1969 1048. Sun-Koo Yuh 2005 1049. Mark S. Zamantakis 1964 1050. Carlo Zaulli 2019 1051. Stephen Zawojski 1968 1052. Guozhen Zhou 2010 1053. Mike Zilka 1972 1054. Arnold Zimmer man 1983, 2001 1055. Georgette Zirbes 1975
*Clay’s Tectonic Shift: John Mason, Ken Price, Peter Voulkos 1956-68
E - Enamel F - Furniture G - Glass J- Jewelry W - Weaving
Ashwini Bhat, an artist born in southern India, currently lives and works in the Bay Area, California. Coming from a background in literature and classical Indian dance, she now works at the intersection of sculpture, ceramics, installation, and performance. She often introduces radical but somehow familiar forms to suggest complex interplay between the landscape, the human, and the non-human.
Bhat is a recipient of the McKnight Foundation Residency Fellowship and the Howard Foundation Award for Sculpture. She is represented by Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, California.
Leah Ollman writes about the visual arts for the Los Angeles Times, Art in America and numerous other publications. Her books and exhibition catalogues include Alison Rossiter: Expired Paper William Kentridge: Weighing...and Wanting, Photographs of John Brill, Michal Chelbin: Strangely Familiar, and Camera as Weapon: Worker Photography Between the Wars. She is currently at work on a book exploring the intersection of poetry and photography.