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Jennie Pickett Window design Part 1 0603428

This is the final image of my display window.

What i was pleased about

The windows themselves i was very pleased how they turned out. Considering the trouble of trying to find a window, and then using the dimensions of a much longer and thinner window was quite a challenge. As i had never taken on windows on my own before, designing and making the props was all a new experience. There are a few things that could be improved. It has shown me that anything can be achieved, and also not to be afraid. It was also a great feeling to finally have them up, and i did get a lot of compliments from them. I did find the help from the outside world a great insight to what would actually be allowed, and the process etc. It was thanks to these Teresa and Kate that they taught my so much about the industry.

What needs to be improved

The windows themselves i was very pleased how they turned out. Considering the trouble of trying to find a window, and then using the dimensions of a much longer and thinner window was quite a challenge. As i had never taken on windows on my own before, designing and making the props was all a new experience. There are a few things that could be improved. It has shown me that anything can be achieved, and also not to be afraid. It was also a great feeling to finally have them up, and i did get a lot of compliments from them. I did find the help from the outside world a great insight to what would actually be allowed, and the process etc. It was thanks to these Teresa and Kate that they taught my so much about the industry. There are a few problems with the windows that would need to be addressed in the future. The place where they sit changes the whole context of them, as being in a uni they could be for anything. Once they are positioned into a exhibition window it would be a little clearer. i went with the advice of how they should be set up by the outside industries help, and in doing this have lost some values of the piece. It does not fully demonstrate empowerment of women through craft and clothing. In addition i would have used a window decal so that a date and possibly a small text piece about the exhibition can be displayed. Due to time and financial limits this could not be fulfilled. I did research into this area and would have decided to use a ‘window perforated film’. This lets through as much light as possible to the inside display still but stand outs when displayed outwards towards the public. This is what the film looks like, these are currently used on buses and in Pretz sandwich shops, and are very effective at standing out but not obstructing.

window perforated film

Presentation mood boards

These mood boards were shown to the outside industries before anything was made to the full extent. These were really popular, and Kate said that these would be fine to show a client as a first draft. Obviously as this is work in progress i thought that this would be fine.

Planning the windows

As these were originally for the Women’s library, but with their barred windows caused a problem. The windows in the foyer at uni was then put forward as possible candidates. The measurements were as follows.

Prop making

Making the props was another challenge. The window depth is very shallow, and therefore some of my original ideas were not viable to be used, as they would not fit. With experimentation with the size and making a mock up and testing near the windows to discover what would work. It took a few attempts in order to get the dimensions correct.

Window mock-ups This was using the suckers on my window at home to mock up ho the test would work, and also to find out how many i would need in order to complete the whole sentence.

Window Mock ups

By making a mock up of the window, judgements can be made about how things would be positioned well. These window mock-ups were a little shorter and not as long as the ones I would be filling. But the experimentation really helped and developed more ideas to stem from them too.

Window Mock ups

Window Mock ups

Typography experiments

I wanted the type for the windows to be one of the main focal pieces to create a ‘talking piece’. Keeping it away from printed media, creating a real sense of handmade. It was eaither handmade banners or a hnadmade font for the final piece.

This was a banner mock up that i made from muslin and hand stitched letters. This was in keeping with the suffragette banners, and the process they would undergo to make their banners.


In order to keep the ideas for windows moving I had contact with Teresa from the women’s library and also Kate from Plan. By using outside advice I could improve what I was doing, with advice from outside ‘clients’. This was done via emails and visits to their studios so they could see mock ups and work first hand.

Sketching the windows

The drawings for how the window would work, and trying to fill the space without looking too empty

Creating some ideas

Using a previous idea from another project, to create body parts made from selotape, These create a type of form and thought would create a great tailors bust, that could be used within the windows?

Creating some ideas ideas

Here were a few of the experiments that i had done throughout the project. These kept my mind focused kept my and mind stemmed focused other and stemmed ideas from other them. ideas from them. The first being my peg board effect, with intentions of creating full sized graphics using ‘pegs’ within‘pegs’ using the clothing within the to hold clothing string tothat holdhad string been that looped, had been really looped, making really the image makingstand the out. image stand out.

This also led onto creating the beginings of a type. The only problems that i had in making this was trying to perfect it to make it look professional. The toothpicks were too thick and fiddly, and the backing board was not at all suitable, overall the idea really helped me to think of how to further my ideas.

In addition i started to stitch on to paper, with my sewing machine. This proved a little difficult as it seemed to of perforated the paper, i did experiment onto fabric which worked much better as was going to be a larger sized graphic.

Changing themes

The theme for the window has changed a few times, although it was after visiting the Woman’s library that i finally had a final theme. I wanted to create an exhibition window, ressembling that os a shop window. This would make passers think twice as they walk past, and create a sense of wonder as to why there is a shop window in an exhibition.

The theme of the exhib ition wo uld be wo men creating their own clothing, an d empowering them selves through their craft an d fashio n. It wo uld co ver the years 1940-curre nt date. The exhibition itself wo uld be calle d ‘A Stitch in time’. I thought th at this wo uld be fun an d fitting.

Where to base my windows?

The window display was originally created for the Women’s library, but finding that they are ‘caged’ in, not at all suitable for a window display. Contacting the Women’s library still, and asking if they could help in any way. They agreed the windows would not be suitable, but offered me the chance to get feedback from their exhibition co-ordinator. Therefore by sending her emails and visits to show mock-ups, she could help me through what she would see as suitable. They did also give me the size of the windows so that i could work to a ‘real’ size.

Still looking to find a place suitable to make the window. I had worked in a couple of differant mediums, with advice from the work placements. They suggested that i should frame an area off in a room to create a mock window, or create a smaller cardboard box version. So i made a smaller version of the window for the women’s library and made miniture scaled down pieces to arrange in the window.

Using the blog

In the past i have not used the blog much. I have made it a personal mission for this year to use it as an extra tool. Putting up all my research and experiences that has developed through the project. It has been a task, but something that i have finally understood how useful it has been, and will be using it in the future. Http://

Beginning the year

The beginning of the year started with a series of mini briefs, each resulting in a presentation; Make a zine ,Three minute hero ,Do something you have never done before. Each one had their own problems, but i managed to overcome them in a multitude of ways. The zine brief, was actually the only one that went smoothly, as i enjoy creating books and filling with random bits and scraps. It also reminded me just how fun zine making is.

The 3 minute hero was a big hurdle. I have no skill in making an movies, especially anything more then sitting in front of a camera was my limit. But with online guides, and especially youtube i taught myself how to create a stop frame animation. It was extremely time consuming, and fustrating as i did not even know if i was doing it correctly. But the overall result was rather satisfying, and is something that i would like to improve.

The something you have never done before, i wanted to do sign language. The main problem here is i have never done sign language! Calling on friends from youtube, i managed to ask for help, and to learn the basics. From this i could then learn the sentences i needed to. On the blog has the final outcomes, and more experiences i had when completing them. There is also my handdrawn finger alphabet i drew in order for me to remember.

Statement of intent

This sheet filled me with dread when we received it. This is where we had to think of five possible areas that we might like to work in. After investigating each area with expermints and research, we could whittle them down to our most favoured subject. I had chosen to work with window installations and graphics. This is partly because of working in the retail sector. Also never attempted anything like this before, and thought that this would be a fantastic oppertunity for me to try something new, especially as its an area of industry that i would like to work in the future.

What theme

To begin i had the problem of having the ‘veichle’ but no subject. My meeting with Suzie soon cleared this up. She helped me decide to base my research and subject into women and crafts. How crafts in the past have empowered women, researching into the suffragettes, how they made their own handmade banners, and so forth. A more recent artist would be Tracey Emin, with her examples of hand sewn work. Her most famous hand sewn piece is known as ‘the tent’.

Linking dissertation When i finally had a subject, i mentioned to my cs tutor of what i was researching into. We agreed that my dissertation would benefit from linking the two together. Therefore reading and research to current work

covered both practices. This in the end became a huge help to aiding my work, the more research i doen the more inpspired i became for my practical work.

Plenty of research went into looking how windows were put together, as well as working in industry for select days and with differant studios. Also looking at a numerous amount of books covering the subject of window design, and exhibtion displays.


Written evaluation of your independent practice Independent practice to me are two scary words. I like to be told what to do and when to do it by, and deal with it in my own time. Again working under new stresses of thinking what to do is not my favorite ‘cup of tea’ but something i have worked through. One of the main things that i have learnt it just how active outside help can be, with the likes of Tracey from Women's’ library and Kate from plan, being two tremendous helpers on this project. They have taught me all i know so far about designing windows, and also what i need to be able to do in order to get a job in that industry too! I have learnt that this is something that i would like to continue to test out. Although i have had a few draw backs of trying to get hold of windows, they seem to have appeared on my doorstep! The limitations of these windows were very restrictive, but it made me realize that i won’t always get the size of the windows i want, and i have to work round the window, not the other way round. It has been very difficult juggling everything, and at times has been horrendously stressful, especially with me moving, there are not enough hours in the day. I have truly tried my best, as i usually strive to, and hope that i have used my time accordingly. I did feel it was a little too much all in one go, especially working on everything! The blog this year has been a huge development, if nothing else. As soon as i now finish anything it goes straight to the blog, in date order, and really helps me to look back and evaluate what has been happening, in addition it was a great tool to use when visiting work placements, and showing anyone who was interested in my work. It will certainly be something that i will continue to do. Overall i am quite pleased how everything is turning out, and also that i have another skill that i think that i will enjoy developing further, as this is not something that i have done before.

Final major project proposal

Final major project proposal Name... Jennie Pickett Proposed Title... What windows sell? brief description of area of research.. I wanted to continue with the window themes, and wanted to investigate to find out what in a window makes people go inside, shop with that particular company and engage with them. Could shop windows be more of a hands on thing? could they be something to touch an explore? i want to push the boundaries of what windows should be doing. What if i made a window that people did not want to come near, would this put them off going into that store, even if it was one they shopped in there everyday? could a tool shop window be more ‘sexy’? The overall research and experimentation will then help me decide what type of end product that i would be creating.. really want to develop my knowledge into shop windows further and even think about the psychology of shoppers etc. Key dates.. The time would be split accordingly for research and experimentation. I would also like to do a few days work placement with plan in order to get more knowledge, and feedback. Evidence of practical experience/knowledge to support proposal... Since i have been working on windows over the last few weeks, researching, working in the industry and creating my own windows i have discovered much more about the industry. My work placements in the industry was the most important of this knowledge, here i learnt about what needs to be done, and how to go about it. Also making your own props for the windows, and creating mood boards and mock ups for the clients.

Then the client has an input into what they think should be happening as well. By keeping up to date with the online magazine “a1 retail” who in visual merchandising companies, and what is happening in that part of the industry. Intended audience: The people who will be most interested is possible future employers. They want to know what i am capable of doing, and my skill. People who i will be trying to impress is Plan, Elemental, Millington associates, Absolute zero degrees, and carter wong ( i don not want to limit myself to just window designers, but who will appreciate them as well) Relationship to your established external positioning... I want to continue to develop my skills for window designing, as i really think it is an area that i will truly enjoy to work in. The work experience i have had covers this, and i enjoyed every second of it when i was doing work. It was tiring but so worthwhile. Its an art type that hundreds of people will also see, and by making something to the best of my ability in order for it to be admired will be extremely satisfying :


• Fortnum and Mason : windows for all seasons Blackwell, Chris • Silent selling : best practices and effective strategies in visual merchandising Bell, Judith. • The spectacle of women : imageryof the suffrage campaign, 1907-14 Tickner, Lisa. • Great expectorations : advertising and the tobacco industry Chapman, Simon. • British television advertising : cultural identity and communication Dickason • Guerrilla advertising : unconventional brand communication Lucas, Gavin, 1965• Handbook of product placement in the mass media : new strategies in marketing theory, practice, trends and ethics Galician, Mary-Lou • Women and craft Elinor, Gillian. • Store window design Schaufenster vitrine Escaparate vetrina Cuito, Aurora • Illustration - play : craving for the extraordinary •

Jennie Pickett Independant Practice Part 2 0603428


Chapter 2

This particular chapter is looking into where i see myself working once leaving University, and the contacts and processes i went through in order to gain a better understanding of what i want to do in the future.

Venn diagram

The first meeting for this particular area went into positing ourselves on a venn diagram covering out skills, influences and interests or goals. I found this exercise particularly useful due to the fact that i had never really thought in such depth about each area, and then placing them on the diagram to see how they all overlap as well .

How do you see yourself working

After making contacts with my work experiences i have the oppertunity to return for much longer work experiences after i finish. With them all asking for a cv, and to keep in touch with them. I certainly want to go straight into studio work, so making as many contacts as i can now will certainly help. All studios want you to have as much experience as possible, and will not be afraid of taking work placements, ensuring i learn as much from them and making a good impression.

For who do you see yourself working?

Here is a list of companies and studios that i have been keeping an eye on. These companies have all been influential during my journey through university, and want to be something that i would like to be involved in.

A quirky, award winning retail design company. Creates retail windows and promotional sites

BulletProof is a graphic design company covering advertising and packaging design. They have an amazing work ethic. And their portfolio is aspiring with brands such as coca cola, Sainsburys and EA Sports to name but a few.

Is another design studio that i have visited in the past, and found inspirational. Here they cover all sorts of packaging and promotional material, and anything they can attempt. in addition, if i wanted to approach CarterWong and bulleproof a portfolio would be essential. Also a full sense of how to use most Adobe programs.

Where do you see yourself working?

Some of my favourite windows of the past

Most of the studios are featured in London, in the future i would certainly love to take the oppertunity to try my skills abroad, or experience life in America. America’s New York is one of my favourite, influential cities in the world.

These windows have what have inspired me, some windows are ones that i wait till they change. For example the Ted Baker windows and Selfridges windows, especially at Christmas.

These are the windows from the Ted Baker’s 2010 windows, these were designed by Plan, and i got a sneaky peek at them at my visit. These windows are always a favorite of mine, being inventive and enticing to come and see them. They are always a talking point, and something i even look forward to seeing when the season changes. They know the perfect sense of humoour for the windows and always make an impact on the high street.

Some of my favourite windows of the past

The windows at Selfridges are always an amazement. They always go overboard making sure that they look stunning. At Christmas they make such a huge effort, and by using themes makes you want to walk the whole perimeter of the store to see them all. This as a window for Vivienne Westwood in the store, in 2009.

These windows are from Fortnum and Masons, and are the 2009 Christmas windows. Again you can see just how much is spent on the seasons windows, and how important they are at drawing people in to shop. The theme of Alice in Wonderland looks amazing and very trippy just liek the book.

This window is from the cake shop in Brighton called Choccywoccydoodah. They make hand made elaborate cakes and fill their windows to the brim with their stunning designs. This is an independent store and goes to show that you do not need a big corporation in order to create stunning windows. They also change their windows fairly often to keep things looking fresh and with the seasons again.

My work experience

With my three work positions, and the advice from The Woman’s Library i certainly built up a whole new respect for them. Finding out what is needed and the background work before it is even put in the window.

evans local merchandiser, This was only a half day, and visiting a local store, which needed their graphics changing in the window. This was largely like the work i do already in the store, but she has more of an input if something is wrong and will let the design team know. She answered my questions and told me what experiences you need for the job. evans london studio this was a full day, working with them. Here i found out where they source the photographers from for the shoots, and how they use these images to create the graphics. Also went into detail about what required for the job sector. They did have a quick look at my work, and gave a few feedback points for the future.

Plan: I done an overall 4 days, which was staggered throughout the month. Here they welcomes me to their morning meetings, got involved making bits for shop windows, helping them with current live briefs, and putting my opinion on what they could do. They also shared with me some of their clients and how they go about keeping in contact with them, with mail outs etc. I also got to know everyones role within the company, and how they each had a department they would cover, but all help each other out.

Elemental Nicola Metzger the head of marketing and PR. This studio was allot more professional in the order that they portray themselves. They deal in more classier windows, and are not over the top but quite contemporary. They were friendly people, but was not the lovely atmosphere that plan offered. Nicola, again gave similar answers to the question i had previously asked and same program knowledge was needed. She said that it was important to have a very good windows portfolio for this particular job, especially as that is what they specialize in.

The Women’s library. Although this is not a studio, or a shop i could gain valuable knowledge from them still, as they do still deal with graphics. Teresa Doherty is the lady who i am in contact with. She is the collections manager. I asked if it would be possible to use her windows, but they are like cages with bars. She offered me her opinion on what i was doing though. This i found extremely helpful and kind of her. She usually orders the graphics to be made, with a little idea of what she wants, but mainly leaves it to a studio. She said that it would be exciting to see what i am up to, and how creative this window could become. Therefore with a virtual relationship of sending over ideas and scans etc, she has had her input into what has been being made.

How i present myself in my work

I really feel i have certainly developed during university, and covered a lot of graphic professions. Giving everything i get thrown at me the best i can possibly give, but also with my twist in things. The begining of this year was certainly very tough with the small one week briefs,. Each of them used a media that i certainly was not an expert at. This still did not stop me, and even though each may not be polished to perfection, i can certainly say i tried my best. For example this year my three minute film

What do i need for industry?

As with most jobs, a portfolio is extemly useful. Although it is not entirely nessecary. With advice from the work positions i had, the best thing to have is to have a website. Then you can send this easily via emails, and is accessible by all companies. It seems this is more influential then a portfolio. Keeping this up to date, with previous work will be easier to send out then constant up to date portfolios.

Other areas that i participate in

Monster bunch By using my design talents and stitching ability, creating cute, crazy monsters to sell. I also use my previous design skills in order to advertise and promote myself. This is my etsy store from where i sell most of my items.

Buy having a twitter account, and creating a company facebook page where followers can keep up to date with me, with 250 followers i currently have. In addition keeping a blog together of what is happenings keeps customers happy. Advertising in other online medias, for example Youtube, where i have a fan base of over 400. This encourages second time buyers, and recomendation to their friends too. Also a faster update is my twitter account. And also my blog.

Online competitons

By keeping up to date with online competitions, anything that i can get involved in i will certainly try. There are a few websites that i keep up to date looking at. These two websites i do like to keep up to date with. c

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