Gen Z-ine Audience Insights for Gen Z & Gen Y
Spring 2020
In This Issue Introducing Gen Z
Digital Natives
Building a Better Future
Perception + Stereotypes
How to Win
A intro
Allow us to oduce ourselves.
eneration Z is passing through
olescence in radically different
mes and we are all witnessing
om a first-person perspective. Gen Z: 16 - 22 yrs Gen Y: 23 - 34 yrs
Gen Z and Gen Y make up 64% of the world’s entire population. That’s a jaw-dropping 4.7 out of 7.6 billion people. We aren’t talking about audience segments anymore; we are talking about the majority of the world’s population.
Source: Forbes, 2019, “Stop Marketing To Millennials Or Gen-Z And Start Marketing To Tribes
Freedom during teenage years is alluring and exciting.
Freedom when adulting is scary.
Source: Psychology Today,"How the End of Adolescence (18 - 23) Can Feel Overwhelming", 2016
Gen Z was born with a device in their hand and is growing up through social media. It’s a difficult time for them as they are experiencing peak adolescent years, while becoming independent for the first time. This can feel very overwhelming. We have all experienced our angsty teenage years; the difference is Gen Z is processing this life stage on public platforms.
Gen Z are digital natives.
Contrary to prior generations, they were brought up during the age of digital technology.
Technology is how they manifest their passions.
Traditional media gatekeepers —major TV networks and select publications—have been waning in cultural influence. Gen Z were born into a time where information on any interest can be accessed, allowing them to deepen their passions. Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
It connects them to their friends, gets them dinner and entertains them during downtime.
Their phone is the ultimate companion in life. Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
Whether it’s schoolwork or binge-watching a favorite show, their laptop is for tasks that carry more intention.
Their laptop is for more involved tasks.
Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
Gen Z are evolving with technology.
They view technology as the key differentiator between themselves and other generations. The reality is Gen Z have never experienced a time without constant answers, people, and entertainment at their fingertips. Technology creates unlimited troves of information, leaving this generation to be hyper-informed of the world around them. Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
“I would describe myself and my generation as a very enlightened generation.� - Tim, Germany, 18
Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
Technology and social media have proliferated the membership and visibility of different communities built around people’s passions - both online and offline.
Source: Shiffman and Vanides, “Community Explorer: Unlocking the Power of Community Oriented Marketing” ARF 2014
Being constantly connected has made them global citizens.
Proliferation of devices and news sources emboldens this generation to stay informed about the world.
It also informs them of causes they champion and advocate for.
Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
“We care a lot about ethics… the environment… marginalized groups…our freedoms and rights. ” - Alexandra, US, 21 Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
Gen Y are digital immigrants.
Contrary to Gen Z, Gen Y was brought up before the widespread use of digital technology.
Source: Millennial Impact Report, Adobe
Gen Z want to build a better future.
Gen Z are savvy & active. 64% have taken at least one political action in the past year. They have a rational approach to the future & advocate for change now. They learn by doing rather than listening. Source: Millennial Impact Report, Adobe
They value diversity & champion inclusion.
agree that they’re more open-minded than any previous generation.
Source: Forbes; Institute of Public Relations
They have relaxed standards for inclusion and intrinsic acceptance of diversity.
They have an innate trust in digital communities.
Improving the world around them is a collective effort. “I believe we are a generation committed to getting better. - Yorrana, Brazil, 19
By accepting and uplifting others, they see themselves rising, too. Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
Gen Y are more hopeful and passive.
Gen Y are hopeful for a better future, but they rely on others to build it. Their future takes center stage vs. society’s future. They have a learned acceptance of diversity & are skeptical when building communities. Source: Millennial Impact Report, Adobe
Gen Z are fluidly constructing their identity.
They are much less binary, as they aim to “be� true individuals. Their affiliations are more genre and gender-less, and their interests less aligned.
Source:; Pew Research Center, Business Insider
“You should cha stuck with the s
Source: Identity Shifters, RPA Report 2018
ange and not be same identity.� - Gisele, US, 21
They experiment with the fluid nature of their own identity.
Gen Z are hyper self-aware of their many sides. These sides can include personal attributes and beliefs that fall within cultural labels, like feminism or environmentalism. Through technology, Gen Z explores these sides that make them who they are.
Source: Identity Shifters, RPA Report 2018
Social media is a personal identity testing lab.
How they portray themselves on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are different. Gen Z are using social media platforms to showcase and explore different parts of themselves. They are trialing independence and entering adulthood. In this process, they are testing and learning more about themselves.
Source: MIT Technology Review, Jan/Feb 2020
They know their audience.
For Gen Y, it wasn’t too long ago that Facebook was exclusively for college students. Whereas Gen Z grew up with a plethora of social media platforms. Constantly toggling between them makes Gen Z more aware of their different audiences and their expectations.
Source: Identity Shifters, RPA Report 2018
“We’re trying to create an integrated identity. We don’t use social media just for networking and connecting. It goes deeper. Social media makes us feel seen.” - Taylor, US, 17
They want to be seen and understood by their peers.
Source: MIT Technology Review, Jan/Feb 2020
“We have different accounts for different audiences. We make our accounts so that we can please whomever will be viewing them… It’s only a piece of the whole picture. They are still real but being viewed from a way you can not see the whole view.” - Aiden, US, 16
Source: Identity Shifters, RPA Report, 2018.
Gen Z percpetions & stereotypes.
Endless stereotypes exist about this misunderstood generation from those who preceded them.
Gen Z are more pragmatic than their self-actualizing Gen Y counterpart. Gen Y wants their professions to be emotionally fulfilling, often becoming work martyrs. Whereas Gen Z are more likely to see their careers for what they are: how they make money. Gen Y are chasing dreams while Gen Z is chasing checks. Gen Z wants a secure future, and a stable source of income is a priority for them. Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
They think older generations perceive them as “lazy� or “self-centered." This is attributed to a perception that Gen Z are over-reliant on devices.
Gen Z are aware of the stereotypes attributed to their generation. Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
They’re seen as “lonely.” That’s not necessarily accurate.
Technology has strengthened and created new lifelong bonds through what they love.
Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
“For me, that’s actually what led to me meeting my girlfriend…meeting her friends and just improving my social life.” - Dakota, US, 21
Source: Instapanel, n=20, Global
So how do we win with Gen Z?
Let them see themselves in the brand; take a stand
Let their worldly, diverse, genderneutral sides shine
Think mobile first; social everything
Blend the physical and digital worlds; build experiences
Find communities around passion points/subcultures