2020 The Tea Life Style - January February issue

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The Tea Life Style™

Inside This Issue Tales from the Tea Fields - Part I – Charity Chalmers The Tea Exchange – Jennifer Stowe Allow Me to Introduce – George Washington – Jennifer Petersen The Besmirched Teabag - Jennifer Sullivan The China Cabinet – Melanie Holsti The Novel Tea's Bookshelf – Ellen Arden-Ogle From the Fashion Pages – Julia Stowe Recipes and Tea Treats – Persimmon Cake, Hoe Cakes St. Valentine's Day – Julia Stowe Tea Events – Let's celebrate!

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The Tea Life Style™

The Tea Life Style Contributors

Charity Chalmers Chariteas Oregon/Multi-national

Ellen Arden-Ogle The Novel Tea Shop Sacramento, CA

Julia Stowe Blossom Arts & Innovations Fine Arts Education Franklin, TN

Jennifer C. Petersen Tea Trade Mart Tea Mastermind Coach Vancouver, WA

Jennifer Stowe Three Sisters Tearoom Mid-TN Tea Association Campbellsville, TN

Jennifer Sullivan Southern Royal Tea NC Wake Forest, NC

Melanie Holsti The Ironstone Cottage Tearoom Mountain Grove, MO

The Tea Life Style: Call for Writers, Stories & News Items ABOUT THE TEA LIFE STYLE News features stories on tea education, tea research, business, and culture written for and by specialty tea professionals. THE TEA LIFE STYLE's bi-monthly publication, - gives voice to the specialty tea community around the globe. Each issue opens with The Road Less Traveled, a roundup of news from the tea world, collected with assistance from staff, volunteers, and our community. TLS regularly features origin stories, tea in history, newly released research, insights from related industries, explorations of the intersections of tea and design, viewpoints, and interesting destinations. CALL FOR RECOMMENDATIONS We invite you to request a TLS writer's guideline agreement or to submit any recent and topical news items for The Tea Life Style; recommend your favorite authors; or suggest interesting stories that you would like us to consider for inclusion in the news. Alternatively, you are very welcome to email us your leads to Editor@TheTeaLifeStyle.com Thank you! The Tea Life Style™ is published bi-monthly by Tea Trade Mart, 800 NE Tenney Rd, 110-429, Vancouver, WA 98685. Digital download subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions USA: 6 issues $19.95. To SUBSCRIBE: To receive our free newsletter and online exclusives, log on to www.TeaTradeMart.com. CUSTOMER SERVICE: For service to your subscription including renewal, change of address or other Customer service matters, send an email to CustomerService@thetealifestyle.com. ARTICLE REPRINTS: Call 360-433-9454. ARTICLE PROPOSALS and unsolicited articles can be emailed to Editor@TheTeaLifeStyle.com or mailed to Editor at 800 NE Tenney Rd, 110-429, Vancouver, WA 98685. The Tea Life Style cannot process manuscripts or art material and we assume no responsibility for their return. ©2019 The Tea Life Style Partners. All rights reserved. Material may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without prior written permission. Printed in the U.S.A

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The Tea Life Style™

National Hot Tea Month

Top 10 Ideas for Celebrating National Hot Tea Month Tea is amazing! It's a unique, heritage herb (camellia sinensis). Legend tells us that is was discovered by horticulturalist and botanist, Shennong, in the forests of China. Tea is an humble, agricultural crop grown in tea plantations, tea farms and tea forests while at the same time it has as only one of its claims to fame - the second most consumed beverage in the world - second only to water. Aside from other kudos and delicious flavors, tea is good for your health. "Today, the U.S. is the third largest importer of tea in the world, and the only western nation where tea consumption is growing," said Peter F. Goggi, President of the Tea Council of the USA. "We are excited to be celebrating the different countries of origin. The diverse flavors and characteristics that result from the local geography, climate, elevation and soil of each country offers a taste to satisfy every palate and occasion." "January's National Hot Tea Month can serve as a reminder to do something healthy for ourselves, like brew a hot cup of tea, which may provide a variety of health benefits, serve as a weight loss aid and help to ward off persistent cold and flu germs" said Joe Simrany, former president of the Tea Council of the USA. Here are 10 splendorifous ideas for celebrating National Hot Tea Month 1.

Learn how tea is made


Learn about the health benefits of tea


Friendship tea: host an afternoon tea party or enjoy tea at a local tea shop or tea bar



Make your own tea blend by adding organic herbs, florals or fruit (be sure to record your recipe in case you want to make it again)


Keep a thermos of hot tea for enjoying after your workout or outdoor walk


Snuggle up with a cup of tea in front of the fireplace


Drink a different tea for each day of the month


Explore how tea is served in different countries

10. Make your own calendar with a day set aside as "tea day". (International Tea Day is April 14)

Substitute tea for the water in soup recipes

Issue 2 – 2020 January-February All rights reserved. © Jennifer C. Petersen

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The Tea Life Style™

Tales from the Tea Fields

Tea stories from the roads less traveled ™ This year has taken me on many

Let’s break it down. I’m hoping that by planting a tea garden the garden will act as a buffer around

adventures. The most notable event of the

the existing rainforest. I am also hoping to help plant trees in areas where the forest is badly damaged.

year was moving and all the mini incidents

Secondly, providing jobs is especially near and dear to my heart as it gives people a source of dignity

that happen when one moves. Moving

and livelihood. It also provides for families and improves communities.

involves change and adapting. In the life of my tea business, Chariteas, this year has While I enjoy tea from many places around the

been another year of moving.

world, in a few short years Chariteas will have control from the garden all the way to cup. This gives me great By that I mean my tea plants were moved

joy just thinking about.

from a green house and into the ground. In a little over a year these plants grew from The road less travelled will certainly be curvy,

seeds, to seedling, to fledgling plants laying

bumpy, and perhaps a bit tenuous at times but there

down roots in the ground.

really aren’t any wrong turns. With that I hope you can step out of your comfort zone and embark on a And to think Chariteas is laying down

wonderful unplanned journey.

new roots on the road less travelled in the form of a tea garden. This tea garden will be the culmination of my goal for a fully integrated tea company.

Some of the goals of setting up a tea garden are to protect and reforest certain

Author bio: Avid traveler and podcaster, Charity Chalmers, owns Chariteas LLC, a thriving tea company that focuses on sourcing tea from tea gardens on the road less travelled. Charity, a Certified Tea Specialist by the Specialty Tea Institute USA, has been in the field since 2006.

areas around the tea garden, to provide jobs for people and communities, and build an

E-mail: Charity.Chalmers@TheTeaLifeStyle.com

interest in tea from non-traditional growing regions. 4 of 20

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The Tea Life Style™

The Tea Exchange

A place where ideas are shared, and our beloved brew is celebrated! Discovery of Tea Throughout all history one can find various mishaps which, in the end, worked to one's advantage and the history of Tea is no exception. Tea itself is the biggest "mistake that worked". Legend tells us that tea was discovered by accident one day in 2732 BC when a Chinese

Mistakes that

Emperor/physician, Shennong, observed a tea leaf caught on the breeze flutter into his pot of

Worked… in the

boiling drinking water. Believing that this event was destiny, he drank the liquid this leaf created

TEA wor ld

and pronounced it delicious, invigorating, refreshing, and calming. Hospitali-tea

Tea, the first mistake that worked

Fast forward to the 17th century in the Wuyi Region of China when a large group of soldiers overtook a small farming village demanding food and shelter for the night. The desperate village folk had no place to keep these men and .ended up laying blankets over their drying tea harvest.

The soldiers crushed the tea leaves as they moved about on them and their campfires dried the leaves with a smokey pine-scented heat. Once the soldiers had left and were on their way, the villagers felt surely the tea crop was ruined yet took it to market to sell because it simply was all they had. Surprisingly, the public found the smokey flavored tea appealing and wanted more the following year and every year thereafter. Today this tea, lapsang souchong, is intentionally dried over a pine fire to impregnant the leaves with that unique and desired smokey flavor!

Iced Tea Moving through history to the turn of the 20th century we find more mistakes that worked in the tea world. In 1904 at the St. Louis World’s Fair, resourceful tea merchant, Richard Blechynden, quickly realized that hot tea on a 90º day was not a good blend so he poured his hot Indian tea over ice and instantly popularizes iced tea making it America’s national sensation and favorite cold beverage. Americans still love this beverage and to this day consume approximately 85% of all their tea, iced!

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Did you know that iced tea was popularized one day a hundred years ago, in at the World's Fair in St. Louis?

The Tea Life Style™ Tidy Little Teabags A few years later another innovative US tea vendor, Thomas Sullivan, tried something new. When filling customers’ orders, he added samples of other teas in small, hand-sewn, silk bags. Once received, the customers mistakenly placed the entire silk bag into the teapot and steeped the tea. Customers began requesting their tea in such tidy bags. Although he may not have been the first to develop the teabag, Mr. Sullivan certainly was the first to capitalize on its business potential and began manufacturing tea for sale in little cloth bags and another mistake, the teabag, became an undeniable success. Responding to the comments from his customers that the mesh on the silk was too

Author Info: Tea and etiquette consultant, Jennifer Stowe, speaks nationally on tea, owns and operates Three Sisters Tearoom in Campbellsville, TN, founded the Mid-TN Tea Association and has authored several tea-related books. Be Jennifer's tea friend by following her on Facebook! Email: Jennifer.Stowe@TheTeaLifeStyle.c

Various types of vintage, individual tea bags used in the United States - L to R, Top to Bottom – Pouch type, tea bag type, round type, square packet, circular cellophane, square cellophane


fine, Sullivan developed sachets made of gauze - the first purpose-made tea bags. During the 1920s these were developed for commercial production, and the bags grew in popularity in the USA. Made first from gauze and later from paper, they came in two sizes, a larger bag for the pot, a smaller one for the cup. The features that we still recognize today were already in place - a string that hung over the side so the bag could be removed easily, with a decorated tag on the end.

Bug Bitten Tea In the 1930s a Taiwanese tea farmer had an entire tea plantation devastated by a bug that nibbled the fresh tea leaves just as they emerged from the bud. The grower was distraught by such devastating crop loss yet decided to process the harvest hoping, at least, for some tea for the teabag market. However, the tea tasted quite unique, exceptional really, and tea vendors offered high prices for it and wanted more. Scientists discovered that the tea plant produced a chemical when stressed by the bug infestation resulting in a naturally sweet, extraordinary flavor in the brewed tea. Today, “Bug Bitten Teas” are very expensive and desired on the tea market. Tea farmers even introduce these bugs into their fields to create this sought-after tea!˝

The 21st century continues to bring unique and original teas and tea inventions to market which delight the consumer. Stay tuned for the next mistake that works!

Issue 2 – 2020 January-February All rights reserved. © Jennifer C. Petersen

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The Tea Life Style™

Allow Me to Introduce

George and Martha Washington, Tea Drinkers Most people think of George Washington as a general, commander-in-chief of the colonial armies during the American Revolution and the First U.S. President. His parents died when he was young, he was ill-educated until pre-teen years, and inherited a plantation, Mount Vernon, in Virginia. Perhaps we think of him with wooden teeth (not!). Rarely do we think of him as being an avid, loyal, and daily tea drinker. At the age of 16, he'd written two books – my favorite – George Washington's Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Converstion and The Rules of Civility, based on a set of rules composed by French Jesuits in 1595. On January 6, 1759, Martha Dandridge Custis married George Washington at her home in New Kent County. Martha was described as charming, accomoplished and wealthy. George Washington's military reputation preceded him and they must have made an imposing, handsome couple. He was over 6 feet 2 inches tall and Martha was only five feet tall. They both dressed impeccably for their generation and circumstances. I suspect that Martha Washington had an underlying flair for fashion as it is believed that she ordered purple silk shoes to wear at their wedding.

When one visitor dined with the Washingtons in Philadelphia, he commented on what they served for breakfast: "Mrs. Washington herself made tea and coffee for us. On the table were two small plates of sliced tongue, dry toast, bread and butter, etc., but no broiled fish as is general custom." While the guest doesn't mention them specifically, Washington's favorite breakfast food, hoecakes, was probably also on the menu. Hoecakes are essentially pancakes made from corn. Several visitors mentioned eating hoecakes at the Washington residence, including statesman Winthrop Sargent in 1793. Sargent called breakfast "very substantial" with "Indian hoecake with butter and honey" forming "the principal component parts." Polish author and politician Julian Niemcewicz wrote that the president ate "tea and caks [sic] made from maize; because of his teeth he makes slices spread with butter and honey."

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The Tea Life Style™ George Washington's first recorded order for tea dates to December of 1757, when he wrote to England seeking "6 lb. best Hyson Tea" and "6 lb. best Green Ditto." Washington, of course, drank tea prior to placing that order; about a month before, sick and having arrived back at Mount Vernon from the frontier to find his sister-in-law out of the house, the young bachelor sent a note to his neighbor Sally Cary Fairfax requesting some foodstuffs to get him through his illness, including "a Pound, or a smaller quantity if you can't spare that, of Hyson Tea." In "The Writings of George Washington", 1785-1790, George Washington journals sixty references to drinking tea at various social gatherings and with numerous men and women. Washington continued to acquire tea throughout his life and the last known purchase was for one pound of Imperial tea the year before his death. The Washingtons used several varieties of tea throughout their time at Mount Vernon, including: Bohea, Congo, Green, Gunpowder, Hyson, and Imperial. Among the specialized objects purchased to serve tea in the Washington household imported from England, France, and China, were: tea boards, tea caddies, tea chests, tea china, tea cups, a pewter tea equipage, a copper tea kettle with chafing dish, a tea kitchen, tea pots, tea sets, silver tea spoons, tea tables, and a silver-plated tea urn. Washingtons slaves also possessed tea wares, although it is possible that they were utilized as all-purpose drinking vessels. Among the furnishings one visitor found in a slave cabin on one of Mount Vernon's outlying farms were, "A very bad fireplace, some utensils for cooking, but in the middle of the poverty some cups and a teapot."

Breakfast was generally eaten at Mount Vernon around seven in the morning during the summer or at seven-thirty in winter. George Washington's habitual meal, according to Nelly Custis, Martha Washington's granddaughter, consisted of "three small mush cakes (Indian meal) swimming in butter and honey" and "three cups of tea without cream.'' Her brother confirmed this: "This meal was without change to him whose habits were regular... Indian cakes, honey, and tea formed his temperate repast." Guests at Mount Vernon also mentioned tea as being served at breakfast. Benjamin Henry Latrobe recorded in his journal that, "Breakfast was served up with the usual Virginian style. Tea, Coffee, and cold and broiled Meats." In January of 1802, two years after George Washington's death, Manasseh Cutler and his friends were served a specially prepared breakfast late one morning at Mount Vernon. After describing the foods on the table, the minister noted, "At the head of the table was the tea and coffee equipage, where she [Martha Washington] seated herself, and sent the tea and coffee to the company." •

Washington himself awoke early, frequently rising at dawn. He would start off his day

with his favorite meal of three small cornmeal cakes (hoe cakes) and three cups of tea, without cream.

dinner by changing and powdering his hair. •

He would also bathe, shave, and have his hair brushed by Will Lee, his valet.

Washington would then saddle up and ride around his 8,000-acre estate on horseback.

He would return home around 7 a.m. to eat breakfast with his family and any guests who

According to historian James A. Crutchfield, the Washingtons entertained hundreds of

Topics of conversation typically focused on agriculture, as well as current events. As an afternoon snack, he would indulge in a glass of punch, a draught of beer, and two cups of tea.

He spent at least part of his day writing. According to Crutchfield, he was a prolific writer, authoring 20,000 letters.

had stopped by the estate. •

At Mount Vernon, dinner took place at 2 p.m. The first president would prepare for the

According to historian John P. Kaminski, Washington would have tea with guests at 7 p.m.

visitors every year. •

Washington would also spend time in the morning catching up reading newspapers and magazines.

Issue 2 – 2020 January-February All rights reserved. © Jennifer C. Petersen

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The Tea Life Style™ One can only imagine the winter weather in 1785! It's

around him; agreeably social, without ostentation; delighting in

The door of my room was gently opened, and on drawing my

described in the National Archives as "variable & very squally

anecdote and adventures, without assumption; his domestic

bed-curtains, to my utter astonishment, I beheld Washington

weather with Snow & Sunshine alternately. Towards evening the

arrangements harmonious and systematic. His servants seemed

himself, standing at my bedside, with a bowl of hot tea in his hand.

Wind came from the No. West & blew violently. Turned very cold &

to watch his eye, and to anticipate his every wish; hence a look

I was mortified and distressed beyond expression. This little

froze hard."

was equivalent to a command. His servant Billy, the faithful

incident, occurring in common life with an ordinary man, would

companion of his military career, was always at his side. Smiling

not have been noticed ; but as a trait of the benevolence and private

content animated and beamed on every countenance in his

virtue of Washington, deserves to be recorded. He modestly waived


all allusions to the events, in which he had acted so glorious and

Men and Times of the Revolution - Elkanah Watson edited by his son, Winslow C. Watson One of the more charming references to tea at Mount Vernon is given in the memoirs of prominent land speculator and world traveler, Elkanah Watson, who visited the Washingtons in January of 1785. Watson recollected:

The first evening I spent under the wing of his hospitality, we sat a full hour at table by ourselves, without the least interruption, after the family had retired. I was extremely oppressed by a severe cold and excessive coughing, contracted

"To have communed with such a man in the bosom of his

by the exposure of a harsh winter journey. He pressed me to use

family, I shall always regard as one of the highest privileges, and

some remedies, but I declined doing so. As usual after retiring, my

most cherished incidents of my life. I found him kind and

coughing increased. When some time had elapsed,

conspicuous a part. Much of his conversation had reference to the interior country, and to the opening of the navigation of the Potomac, by canals and locks, at the Seneca, the Great and Little Falls. His mind appeared to be deeply absorbed by that object, then in earnest contemplation. He allowed me to take minutes from his former journals on this subject."

benignant in the domestic circle, revered and beloved by all

George Washington Quick Notes: •

The only president in American history to be

elected by unanimous approval. •

Humble – did not want to be called "King" or other title – preferred Mr. President.

At public ceremonies, he dressed in a black

Crossed the Delaware in 1776

velvet suit with gold buckles and powder his hair

Endured 1777 Valley Forge weather

Prolific writer

Died at his home, Mount Vernon, with Martha

Owned 30 hunting dogs

Conducted about 200 land surveys

Author bio: Jennifer C. Petersen is a Specialty Tea Institute Tea Mentor and Certified Tea Specialist, international speaker, author of 22 books, former successful tea shop owner, master blender of over 200 organic tea blends, creator and producer of the Amazing Scone Baking Race sponsored by King Arthur Flour, as well as a tea business coach and founder of Tea Trade Mart.

and friends at his bedside

In other words, Jennifer loves tea and loves to bake.

Email: Jennifer.Petersen@TheTeaLifeStyle.com

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The Tea Life Style™

When Aft ernoon Tea Disappoint s, Where Lies t he Blame?

The Besmirched Teabag It happens in the nicest restaurants and hotels. You sit down for afternoon tea and the server brings you a little pot of hot water and a selection of…. TEA BAGS (GASP!). You instantly recoil,

It sits for hours just waiting to be ordered. Steeping tea too long (or short) or water that is not the appropriate temperature will destroy the taste of a great tea leaf.

disgusted at the mere thought. What happened exactly? Where did this start? The British invented the custom of afternoon tea and in general, embrace the tea bag. I’m relatively new to tea, still fine-tuning my tea-snobbery, but the finest in the industry will tell you there are some great teas in bags. I find myself very particular about how my tea is served to me and I’m in the camp of people that are more disappointed, offended

While tea bags have a stigma of being low quality, tea bags have come a long way. Pyramid bags filled with full loose tea leaves can be quite enjoyable and allow you to quickly prepare a perfect little cuppa. Most of my disappointment when being served a tea bag at afternoon tea stems from the poor presentation. This is an experience after all. I can have a teabag anytime I want, there is an endless selection at the grocery store. But when I go out for tea, I’m expecting something special, something high quality and prepared to perfection.

even, when served a pot with a little string and tag sticking out. I wonder if I’d have the same impression of the tea had it been steeped out of sight and bag removed before being presented to me. Can I honestly say, in a blind taste test, that I’d prefer the loose tea over the bag every time? For me, the tea bag is the least of my problems when attempting to enjoy a cup or pot of tea outside of my home. The real thief of quality is almost always poor preparation. When I’m brought a

If you serve tea in your establishment, may I make a small request? Customers are paying for an experience, to treat themselves. Pamper them with quality tea prepared perfectly, served hot and ready to drink. Whether it comes from a bag or loose, serve us a tea worth drinking.

lovely pot of tea and the leaves are still in there, it really irks me! Why

If you are a tea drinker, perhaps give that bag a

am I being served something unfinished? Have I not paid for my tea to

chance. You may just find a new favorite tea in an easy to prepare package!

be prepared for me? How long have the leaves been sitting in the water? Oh, at least this place has given me a little timer. Well, let me remove the tea leaves. Ugh! Now where do I put them!? I don’t want them on my saucer, pooling beneath my cup so the bottom drips all over every sip I take! Whoa! There are enough leaves in here for two

Author Bio: Standing in the corporate world, Jennifer Sullivan decided to take a step into the

pots, I like a good strong cup of tea, but this is too much!

hospitality industry. A local tearoom was up for sale and, with her husband’s support and

I’ve been served tea in bags, loose in filters and loose in infusers. One does pay a premium for an afternoon tea experience; tea should be the star of the show! But keep in mind, you can have a

encouragement, that decision grew into Southern Royal Tea, a place where sweet southern charm meets traditional British tea time. Opening in Wake Forest, NC. February 2020.

great quality tea and completely ruin it with the wrong time, temperature or poor water quality. Some

Email: Jennifer.Sullivan@TheTeaLifeStyle.com

places like to be one step ahead and steep that tea early and leave it sitting on some heat, ready to go.

Issue 2 – 2020 January-February All rights reserved. © Jennifer C. Petersen

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The Tea Life Style™

The China Cabinet

Wh e r e w e d is c u s s t h e v e s s e l s t h a t h ol d , s e r v e a n d pr e p a r e o u r t e a . in fact ironstone, and I could afford it. I never paid too much attention to hallmarks beyond confirming that the pieces were ironstone. That changed in the fall of 2018. While digging post holes in the back yard of the house that would become my tea room, my husband found a pottery shard. After rubbing the dirt off it, we read:

I had already decided that the tea room would be called the Ironstone Cottage, because I love ironstone, and planned to serve our guests on ironstone dishes. This little discovery just confirmed that I’d chosen the right name. It also made me curious

"Ironstone_____ J & G Meakin Hanley England"

Meakin Ironstone I’m not entirely certain when I first became aware of the existence of J&G Meakin Ironstone. While my favorite blogger has been collecting ironstone for years (and I have drooled over her gorgeous collection), I don’t recall her ever writing about manufacturers. I know that I’ve purchased a piece here and there while out thrifting, but I was generally just interested in the fact that I liked it, it was 11 of 20

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The Tea Life Style™

What is Ironstone? Ironstone is a type of glazed stoneware that was manufactured primarily in England, beginning in the early 1800s. It is generally lighter than stoneware, and was marketed as a sturdier, more affordable alternative to porcelain. Ironstone J & G Meakin was an English company that produced earthenware pottery. The

generally is white or cream

initials J & G refer to James and George Meakin, who took over their father’s

in color and can either be

company in 1851. They produced an array of pottery items including dinnerware,

solid white/cream or may

chamber pots (given the age of the house, and the size of the hallmark, I suspect

have a single-color transfer pattern (similar to toile) or

my pottery shard came from one of these), kitchenware and of course, teaware. The company exported a great deal of their products for sale in the U.S., Canada,

Email: Melanie.Holsti@TheTeaLifeStyle.com

be hand painted. Some antique ironstone even

Australia and New Zealand. Most of the early wares were solid white, some pieces were quite simple in design, while others featured scallops, beaded rims or other raised designs. Later patterns include single-color transfer designs such as “Blue Nordic”, “Avondale”,

Author bio: Melanie Holsti believes in the power of good food and hospitality. A tea entrepreneur, farmer, and vintage dealer in the Missouri Ozarks, Melanie sells loose teas at craft shows and farmers’ markets. The Ironstone Cottage Tearoom, a 1917 craftsman house, is a tea room and garden showcasing Melanie's teas, baking skills and the beef, chicken and eggs from her farm.

“Americana” and “Romantic England”. Production of ironstone and earthenware bearing the J & G Meakin name continued even after the company was acquired by Wedgwood in 1970, right up until the year 2000.

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features beautiful flow blue designs or gold detailing.

The Tea Life Style™

The Novel Tea's Bookshelf

A review of Tea with Jane Austen : recipes inspired by her novels and letters by Pen Vogler This 2016 volume is a smaller distillation from the earlier 2013 book, Dinner with Mr. Darcy. I hauled Dinner back with me from a visit to Bath, England and the Jane Austen Center only to discover it’s readily available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Tea with Jane Austen is the perfect companion piece for anyone going to an Austen tea or planning one. There are 21 master recipes, with additional variations. For example, the recipe for Jane’s Sponge Cake has a variation Pound Cake recipe from Martha Lloyd’s Household Book. Martha Lloyd and various members of her family were very close to Jane Austen’s family and the family members lived together for a short time. Ellen Arden-Ogle is a certified tea sommelier and custom tea blender with The Novel Tea in Sacramento, California. She also teaches classes and hosts specialty tea events in addition to having an online store. Email: Ellen.Ogle@TheTeaLifeStyle.com

All the recipes reference either specific Austen books or letters from Jane Austen. While this book does not have all the extensive background information that is in Dinner with Mr. Darcy, all the recipes in Tea with Jane Austen are repeated (so no real need to acquire both books unless you are a collector).

“If you wer e invit ed to “drink t ea” with Jane Aust en you would b e expect ed, not mid-morning or mid-afternoon, but after t he afternoon or ear ly evening dinner . In Jane’s time, fashion rem orselessly pushed back the t ea hour.” A review of

Tea Celebrations: Special Occasions for Afternoon Tea by Lorna Reeves.

This handy volume comes from the publisher of TeaTime Magazine and details eight holiday teas with both menus and recipes. Some of the menus include soup or salad options in addition to the traditional three tier selections of sandwiches and savories, scones and breads, and sweets and pastries. Just as in the layouts in the magazine, there are tea suggestions for each tier. There is also a one-page tea steeping guide and a two-page techniques photo layout. I could wish that the techniques were actually included with the relevant recipes but if it’s something you haven’t done before; you may find it handy. Probably the best thing about this volume is that it’s on sale because it is a 2012 publication and generally in the bargain bin. And now a quick review for sitting and drinking a favorite cup. Some days I just need a few minutes of “me” time with tea and a book (and a tasty morsel from one of the above-mentioned books, that’s even better). I happened upon a series of mysteries by Riley Adams (she also writes as Elizabeth Spann Craig) called the Memphis BBQ Mysteries. The first one, Delicious and Suspicious, was a fun romp with intriguing characters and some great recipes included.

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The Tea Life Style™

St. Valentine's Day "The rose is red, the violet's blue, The honey's sweet, and so are you. Thou art my love and I am thine; I drew thee to my Valentine: The lot was cast and then I drew, And Fortune said it shou'd be you.”

Today, Valentine’s Day brings to mind romantic tokens such as roses, chocolates, and cherubs, however, this has not always been the case. St. Valentine’s Day was a church feast day honoring Valentine of Rome and originally had absolutely nothing to do with romance. In fact, among other things, Valentine was the patron saint of beekeepers and children with epilepsy! Much of the information we have

During Queen Victoria’s reign in the 19th century, manufacturers began to realize how popular

concerning Valentine is

Valentines had become and saw the opportunity to mass produce elaborate cards with pre-printed

based on legend, however,

verses and excessive lace and ribbons. These messages were often sent anonymously and signed

it is certain that he was a

“From your Valentine” calling to mind Valentine’s salutation to the prison guard.

priest who ministered to persecuted





Today Valentine’s Day is celebrated as the holiday of romance throughout much of the world.


Europe and the United States traditionally celebrate the day by exchanging flowers, chocolate, and

ceremonies for Roman soldiers who were forbidden to marry.

cards with loved ones but other countries have slightly different customs. For instance, in Japan

When he was arrested by the Roman government and

women feel obliged to give chocolate to all of their male colleagues while the men return the favor

awaiting execution, he is said to have befriended and healed the

on White Day (March 14th), giving chocolate to the women they work with. In some Middle Eastern

blind daughter of his jailer to whom he wrote to shortly before

countries Valentine’s Day is frowned upon and young people are strongly discouraged from

his death signing off as, “Your Valentine.” He was martyred on

celebrating it, while in Finland the day is more concerned with friendship rather than romantic love.

February 14 and in the 5th century it was designated as his

It is obvious that the Valentine’s Day we celebrate

feast day to honor him for his bravery and compassion toward

today has changed vastly since its origin as a church holy

his fellow man.

day in Rome, but however you celebrate the day, be sure to remember the man who started it all.

The first mention of Valentine’s Day being connected to romantic love is seen in Geoffrey Chaucer’s 14th century writings. It was not until the 18thcentury, however, that it became popular to celebrate February 14 as a romantic holiday. It was at this time that lovers began observing the day by presenting one another gifts and special cards called “valentines.” These notes became so popular that a British publisher distributed The Young Man’s Valentine Writer to provide verses for young lovers unable to devise their own. One such rhyme is this short poem now grown cliché:

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History of Millinery From face-framing cloches to grand beribboned bonnets, tiny

From the earliest art of the ancient world, women’s hats and headdresses

feathered boaters to broad-brimmed garden straws, hats have held an

are seen to be unique to individual cultures, often denoting social station, and

esteemed role as one of the most essential of feminine accessories for

appearing in a more practical form as protection against the weather or as a

much of fashion’s history.

symbol of modesty.

Within the past five decades the wearing of these once-necessities has

But it is during the high medieval era in Europe that women’s hats as we

dwindled, and the accessory has now been relegated to nothing more than

think of them today, the distant ancestors to the pillbox and the Panama, began

an often-ostentatious addition to a costume. But why were hats so beloved

to take hold as a crucial part of a woman’s wardrobe. These early hat styles were,

and indispensable among women for so many centuries?

despite their often-ornate appearance, created with an equal mix of fashion

A brief wander through the fascinating history of the hat tells the story of an accessory whose varying styles once reflected military victories, archeological discoveries, world exploration, and the trends of literature, art, and culture, an adornment that could eloquently voice a woman’s opinions, status, personality, nationality, and political persuasions.

sense, and sensibility. They clearly portrayed a woman’s wealth and station, whether or not she was single, married, or widowed, her religious convictions, and her nationality. Often the colors and style chosen could tell an observant onlooker who her family was, and, in an era fraught with warfare, uprisings, and feuds, could even give important information as to where her loyalties lay.

All this told by a simple, or perhaps not so simple, hat.

From Social Station to Fashion Stat ement – A Brief History on Millinery

Moving on through the Renaissance, an era that saw an

born. And, though fashion may well have seemed to replace all

ornate rebirth of Greco-Roman veils and coronets fight to

practicality involved in such headwear, these hats still strongly

replace the caps and wimples of the middle ages, we arrive at

reflected the social, political, and cultural climate of the day, on

what is commonly known as the Georgian era.

one occasion a French noblewoman was even reported to have

Against the backdrop of Enlightenment ideals, and on the

Hats Hats clearly portrayed a woman's wealth and station, whether or not she was single, married, or widowed, her religious convictions and her nationality.

brink of an age of revolution, both intellectual and political, in the western world, hats, and hairstyles, reached quite memorable heights.

During the Regency era, an age of revolutionary fashion as wide panniers and powdered hair gave way to slim, Grecian

The dramatic, high-piled hair fashionable at the end of the eighteen century called for a complementary style of hat, and the early form of the fascinator, a small, ornately decorated hat that perched atop the hair and secured in place by a hatpin, was

Issue 2 – 2020 January-February All rights reserved. © Jennifer C. Petersen

worn a hat adorned with a rather large replica of a war ship to celebrate a French naval victory.

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silhouettes, hats made a brief disappearance reflecting the renewed interest in the art and ideals of classical antiquity, brought on in part by the excavation of the ruins of Pompeii at the turn of the century, that overtook the fashionable world. But

The Tea Life Style™ by this time women had become too attached to this accessory to give it

There was a hat for making calls, a hat for receiving visitors,

By 1910 it was common for the circumference of a

up for long, and the next century would see millinery become a highly

a hat for going shopping, a hat for taking tea, a hat for going to

fashionable lady’s afternoon hat to extend past her shoulders,

regarded and lucrative business, and one that would remain for some

church, a hat for a wedding, a hat for a christening, and a hat

but just one decade later, after a world war that drastically

time as one of very few professions that could be respectably pursued

for a funeral. No season in life was ignored by this essential

changed many cultures, a new hat was needed for a new era.

by a woman.


Bobbed hair soon became fashionable for women and, not

The etiquette of hats, like so many other areas of etiquette,

Towards the end of the nineteenth century and the

flourished and was filled with great detail and precision during this

beginning of the twentieth, grand hoop skirts and demure

Victorian era. Strict protocol was rigorously observed as different hats,

bonnets were gradually replaced by the streamlined elegance of

caps, and bonnets were designed and combined for every occasion.

the Edwardian era, but as skirt dimensions shrank, hat

willing to give up their hats, a new style of hat was invented that stayed on without the need for hatpins and styled hair, a hat that would become an iconic look of the 1920s, the cloche.

dimensions grew.

Fast Fashion, the phenomenon of ready-to-wear clothing in every size and style at our fingertips, though most prevalent in the past few decades, saw its beginnings through the mid twentieth century. And as women’s clothing styles changed more rapidly and became more varied and widely available, so did their hats. In addition, the woman’s role in society was changing and saw her more frequently out of the house and joining the workforce during the World Wars. The grand hats of the early part of the century became impractical, and simple, feminine styles that would suit a variety of occasions became popular. Hats grew smaller, from Bretons, to pillboxes with tiny veils, to a short-live resurgence of the fascinator, until they eventually disappeared altogether, and that final touch to a woman’s wardrobe, that accessory she would never leave her house without, became only a vintage novelty to be purchased at antique stores and displayed on the walls of Victorian tearooms. Yet the fascination with the hat has not completely deserted us, and we would do well to wear them sometimes, to appreciate their elegance, their eloquence, and their history, and remember just how important a simple accessory once was.

The woman’s role in society was changing and saw her more frequently out of the house and joining the workforce during the World Wars. The grand hats of the early part of the century became impractical, and simple, feminine styles that would suit a variety of occasions became popular. Julia Stowe is the founder of Blossom Arts, an herbal education company offering classes and hands-on herbal instruction of all kinds. She’s also passionate about fashion history!

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The Tea Life Style™

Love and Chocolates Love is in the air! February 14th for some, is a day to look forward to, and for some, it is a day to dread. However, cheesy and clichĂŠ as it may seem, for many, Valentine's Day still is a time to celebrate love and a reminder to show appreciation to loved ones. A day to make the person you love feel a little extra bit special and valued. Especially in many

Western countries, it's a big day for a lot of

In Japan, Valentine's Day also holds

Now days, it is also common that both

people, even for those who are single or not

significance. Well, it's actually a very big deal

parties in a relationship celebrate the occasion

romantically interested in anyone, as it also

in Japan.

together and give each other small gifts...not in

presents itself as a day to go out dressed nicely with friends.

Some people are not a fan of the holiday,

Japan though!

some enjoy it, and some are adamantly

One of the primary differences is that

Although some argue that Valentine's Day

opposed, but it can't be denied that Valentine's

Valentine's Day is mainly about women gifting

is too commercialized now, I personally

Day in Japan is widely celebrated. It has its own

to men. Another difference is that for

believe it is about what you make of the day.

set of traditions and expectations and has its

Valentine's Day, the women usually gives

It's personal and up to you and your loved

own set of cultural norms.

chocolates and candy as opposed to flowers,

ones how you choose to celebrate, or not celebrate. For some people, they like to give and/or receive nice gifts, but ultimately, it is

The festivities are not exactly the same as it is in much of the world that celebrates it.

about the thought that goes into the day and

A lot of times, in places that celebrate,

your loved ones, and not about the money that

there's an expectation that one party in the

is spent or the gifts you receive.

couple, stereotypically the woman, is showered with gifts and taken out.

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jewelry, or other gifts like that. In






Valentine's Day is celebrated, is for the girls to give chocolates to the boy that she likes, as well as to others where there is no romantic interest. But not all chocolates are created equal.

The Tea Life Style™ more and holds more significance than store-

honmei-chocolates from the girl that he is

bought chocolates, no matter how fancy.


Usually around Valentine's Day, the shops






chocolates are received and accepted from everyone, it tends to differ on a person by person basis. In businesses and corporate offices, Valentine's Day also may be celebrated in similar fashion, and there is even also sometimes an expectation for chocolates to be

There are two types of chocolate that the woman

handed out. People do not actually have to give

gives. One is called "giri-choco" that are quick ready-

out chocolates, but some people desire to or

made chocolates that you give to friends and family,

feel as though they must.

or people that you love in a non-romantic way. "Giri"

are filled with chocolate-making supplies and

means obligation, so these chocolates are more of an

cute gift wrap so that honmei-chocolates can

obligatory gift for loved ones to show that you care.

be made. It's amazing how packed the stores

The flipside is "honmei-chocos". Honmei-choco are given to the ones the girls are truly romantically

get, there are usually crowds of people ready to stock up on supplies!

bit one-sided in Japan, Japan also celebrates "White Day" the next month on March 14th. People return the sentiment with gifts and chocolate to people that gave them chocolates

There are also many other cultural norms

during Valentine's Day. Traditionally this is the

chocolates are usually either fancier or expensive

that take place with the Valentine's Day gift-

day where men will do the gift-giving, and

chocolates or are homemade.

giving too.

usually return the gifts three-fold. The gifts are

For instance, the guys who receive the

significant as well. The homemade ones usually mean

gifts are sometimes known to only accept the

there is no denying that Valentine's Day is a heavily celebrated day in Japan. For some, Valentine's Day is just an ordinary day. Even if you're just hanging out with your friends or by yourself, there is something sweet about a day of celebrating love and expressing true feelings...with or without chocolates.

Although it seems like Valentine's Day is a

interested in or their romantic partners. These

Whether they are homemade or not is usually

No matter what you think about the day,

usually not chocolate either but can be other types of gifts.

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https://bit.ly/39sxiRs Article credits: H.I.S. International Tours, NY Inc.;

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Recipe from The Three Sist ers Tear oom PERSIMMON CAKE

Persimmons are now easily found in the produce section of most grocery stores from October through February and those persimmons are nearly always the large, Asian variety without seeds and resemble an orange tomato. However, in the southeastern US there is a native variety of persimmon that was widely used by Indians for food and as medicine. Today many southern home owners curse their persimmon trees for dropping such messy, juicy fruits in walk ways and yards but before you cut that tree down, consider gathering the fallen fruit and baking this delicious cake. Persimmons are very healthful and contain many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and more. If you do not have the good fortune to have a tree of your own, the store-bought variety will work just fine, too!


4 large eggs, lightly beaten

2 tsp baking soda

2 cups persimmon puree

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp salt

1 cup unsalted butter, softened

1 tsp ground cardamom

2/3 cup buttermilk

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 tsp cinnamon

Directions ~ Preheat oven to 350ºf. Grease and flour the Bundt pan. Set

~ Bake 65 to 70 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into


the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool in the pan 10

~ In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar together. Add persimmon puree and eggs, blending well.

minutes on a wire rack. Invert cake onto rack and cool completely. Enjoy with a strong cup of Assam tea!

~ In a separate medium bowl, whisk together all dry ingredients. Add flour mixture to persimmon mixture in thirds, alternating with buttermilk and ending with flour mixture.

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Recipe from our Heritage Collection HOE CAKE S


2 large eggs

⅓ cup plus 1 tablespoon water

1 cup King Arthur self-rising flour

1 Tbsp sugar

¼ cup vegetable oil

1 cup King Arthur self-rising cornmeal

¾ cup buttermilk TIP: Leftover batter will keep in refrigerator for


up to 2 days.

1 Mix well all ingredients, except for the

Fry each hoecake until brown and crisp; turn

frying oil. Heat the frying oil or butter in a

each hoecake with a spatula, and then brown

medium or large skillet over medium heat.

the other side.

Servings: 6

Drop the batter, by full tablespoons, into the

2 With a slotted spoon, remove each hoecake

Yield: About 18 hoecakes

hot skillet. Use about 2 tablespoons of batter

to drain on a paper towel-lined plate.

Degree of Difficulty: Very easy Preparation Time: 5 minutes

per hoecake.

Cooking Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 20 minute

HOECAKE HISTORY The term hoecake is first attested in 1745, and the term is used by American writers such as Joel Barlow and Washington Irving. The origin of the name is the method of preparation: they were cooked on a type of iron pan called a hoe. There is conflicting evidence regarding the common belief that they were cooked on the blades of gardening hoes. Some references date corn cakes, hoe cakes, johnny cakes back to indigenous tribes before the 1600's. A hoecake can be made either out of cornbread batter or leftover biscuit dough. A cornbread hoecake is thicker than a cornbread pancake.

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Oil, butter, or clarified margarine, for frying

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The Tea Life Style Puzzle of the Month

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The Tea Life Style™

You're Invit ed!

January, 2020

National Hot Tea Month

January 5

National Whipped Cream Day

January 11

National Milk Day

January 13

National Clean Your Desk Day

January 14

Special Event

January 15

Traditional High Tea at Three Sisters Tearoom, TN

National Hat Day

January 20

National Cheese Lover's Day

January 21

National Banana Bread Day

January 22

National Blonde Brownie Day

January 23

Special Event

Chocolate Tea Tasting at Ironstone Cottage Tearoom, MO

January 24

Special Event

Tea F.E.T.E. at Three Sisters Tearoom, TN

January 24

National Compliment Day

January 25

Chinese New Year

January 27

National Chocolate Cake Day

January 29

National Puzzle Day

January 30

National Croissant Day

February 2020

Great American Pie Month

February 2020

National Cherry Month

Feb 1

National Dark Chocolate Day

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The Tea Life Style™ February 2

Super Bowl Sunday

February 7

National Wear Red Day

February 11

National Make a Friend Day

February 14

Afternoon Tea at Three Sisters Tearoom, TN

Valentine's Day

February 16

National Almond Day

February 20

National Muffin Day

Weekly on Tuesdays

Tea Mastermind™

Online Tea Business Classes; From your chair; home or office

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2020 January-February The Tea Life Style Puzzle

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