Business Organizations for Paralegals (Aspen College)
Pub Date: 2015-08-17 | ISBN-10 : 1454852208 | ISBN-13 : 9781454852209 | Author : Deborah E. Bouchoux | Publisher : Routledge
Comprehensive overview of business organizations for paralegals, presented in a student-friendly format. Coverage of all the various types of business organizations, providing a basic and thorough understanding without overwhelming students.
Features: In-depth coverage of business entities, including in-depth information on limited liability companies, as well as cutting edge and emerging topics in business law, such as tax inversions. Logical sequencing of material for each business entity discussed. Each business entity is discussed in a life cycle approach: from its formation, to its advantages and disadvantages, to its operation, to its dissolution, and to its tax consequences. The text begins with an introduction to the...