Amazing impact of special prayer

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Amazing Impact Of Special Prayer own business selling personal medical alarms to the disabled and elderly I am wanting to write a about my recent experiences after receiving the special prayers and also my blessings from Master Alice and Guruji recently.I have been receiving blessings over about four years now I think and when I look back I am just blown away by the difference in my life and myself ! I was at a VERY low point which I can now see from a higher perspective as a culmination of all my indoctrination’s and emotional traumas I had lived through right from my birth on this planet . Gurujis magical energy transmissions lifted me slowly but surely through the darkness bit by bit .. I always feel the transmissions especially the extremely powerful recent ones by Guruji and Alice last week which had me stop as if grounded to the floor while the tingling energy went right through my body and had every hair standing on end with the energy !! And that happened twice , so I am thinking it was Guruji and then Alice Brenton beautiful energy I was receiving. Thank you so much for your gracious and generous discourses and blessings you have been giving lately, I feel so blessed to have found you all. I will try to explain how I have changed. Previously I was suffering constantly with anxiety, worry, guilt, shame and fear of the future. I was crippled by all the old beliefs and traumas I had held on to and you can imagine what that felt like. I was in a prison of unhappiness and fear. I was plagued by financial problems and I was depressed. I was very insecure in my marriage and about the future. Slowly through the transmissions I have felt the negative energy melt away and at first small things started to happen in my life that started to give me just a spark of hope at first. Cash flow improved, negative people went away and I also started to get feelings of being happy as my mental and emotional health improved. As I continued to receive the transmissions I began to feel stronger in myself and this allowed me to stand up for myself and see myself more as the person with the answers whereas before I would let others lead while I remained in the shadows…or maybe it was just that my voice was never heard by others even though I knew the right decisions and others were proven wrong. Whatever it meant was that I was now standing up and starting to be heard. I began trusting my inner voice more and the more I could tune in to Guruji the more I knew the difference. I now always tune in to Guruji and Alice before making any important decisions.As things played out I have ended up with a considerable amount of responsibility and power. I regard myself as the guardian of this ‘empire’ which I perceive as being under the Trivedi ‘umbrella’. I now know that with this energy I am really growing spiritually, emotionally and Connect With Us…on

financially and I can not tell you how amazing this is. I feel it is the more I allow the energy to move through me, the more my life unfolds in positive and magical ways.I did have a lot of darkness to go through as the energy melted away the trauma and hurt but this was necessary for me to really get the full picture of my journey. Now that I understand by life journey I no longer have that stone like resistance as I now understand that letting go of trauma is instrumental to growth and that I needed to trust more in myself and the universe which I consider to be this incredible energy. I had to deal with heaps of mother stuff and I mean HEAPS ! So much anger and hurt came up towards my mother and my sister – anger I didn’t even know I could feel, and it was Guruji who told me to let it go as they would never ever be able to see or respect me for who I truly am. Very difficult but as Guruji says everyone is at their own level of consciousness and there’s simply no point in playing their game and dragging yourself down because they don’t want to accept me or recognise me for who I am. So I will continue to grow and evolve and develop into all I can be. Guruji, I want to personally thank you so much for helping my son, Martin. He is completely off drugs and its his 27th birthday on the 26th of November and I love him to bits ! He is growing into the beautiful man he was meant to be all thanks to yourenergy tranmissions. Also my husband is not being such a dumb daffa as he was previously (haahaaahaaaa! so funny but was so true !) We often chuckle about that ! and my daughter in Sydney is just living the dream:) Dear Alice I can not believe the financial result of your special blessings. My neighbour’s friend bought our house right out of the blue for the price I wanted with no agents commission payable AND we bought a house at auction on 17th October and found out that it is worth WAY more than we bought it for and it has incredible potential to add value. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!!! You are just awesome ! This really was miraculous as the property market over here has gone nuts – even the real estate agents could not believe we got it for the price we paid ! I regard you as a role model and the type of woman I want to be. Independent, strong. kind, powerful and yet humble at the same time – you are THE BEST role model I could ever have and I thank you for this !! I will keep you all informed of developments as they continue and must say that I am feeling so positive and looking forward to having my life unfold in magical ways. I would love to meet you to thank you in person one day. In the meantime I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and relaxing holidays ! Connect With Us…on

Guruji I hope your trip to India to visit Gopal is fantastic ! I would love to go to India one day, it has been a dream of mine since a child. With much love to you all. Deborah Moon

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