Portfolio_ 2017

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a r c h i t e c t u r a l

POR TFO L I O ‘12-’16 Chan Chi-Fan National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


Chi-Fan Chan

Born in Taiwan , 1991

CONTACT INFORMATION gigglenut@gmail.com +886932112365 13F-1, no.37, Chien Kung 1st Rd, East Dist., HsinChu City, Taiwan

EDUCATION Dept. of Architecture National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Graduated in 2015

SKILLS SOFTWAREAutoCad, Rhino(with Vray), Sketchup(with Vray), Revit, Photoshop. Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere, AfterEffect TECHNICAL3D-printing, Model-making, Sketching, Photographing, Lasercuting

LANGUAGE Chinese (mother tongue) English (fluent) Japanese and Spanish (basic)


WORKING EXPERIENCE 2016 | Dept. of Architecture National Cheng Kung University Project assistant Aug-now 2016 | Tectonic Becoming (exhibition) Curatorial team Jan-Oct 2016 | Freelance Interior Designer Jan-now 2015 | Frank M.H.Wu Exhibition Curatorial team Jul-Oct 2014 | Kengo Kuma & Associates intern May-Aug 2014 | Go Hasegawa & Associates intern Feb-Apr 2013 | arctangent architecture + design intern Jul-Aug

AWARDS 2015 | YTA Young Talent Award Advanced (1st Price) 2015 | National Golden Arwad for Architecture Honorable Mention 2014 | Taipei Fine Arts Museum X-site Honorable Mention 2012 | London Festival of Architecture Atchitecures of Change: Four Continents, Five Perspectives




5 7

Projects -Riverside Settlement


-LanYang High School Renovation


-Yu-Le College Town Community Zone


-Herb cultivating system




-Tectonic Becoming | Exhibition Curation, Publication


-London Festival of Architecture Atchitecures of Change: Four Continents, Five Perspectives


-Taipei Fine Arts Museum X-site Competition


-Weissenhof Estate no.13 by Le Corbisier exploded model making


-WeiWuYing International Concert Hall by Mecanno wood-model making



Riveside Settlement Environmental Issue/ Community Center graduation project 2015

LanYang High School Renovation Educational/ Elderly Residential independent project 2014

Yu-Le College Town Community Zone Hybrid/ Commercial /Residental cooperation project 2013

Herb cultivating system Installation/ Furniture independent project 2014



Riverside Settlement


Riverside Settlement

Site / Shin-Tien Riverbank, Taipei, Taiwan Type / Community Center, Environmental Issue Area / 10000 sqm Graduation Project 2015 Facing up with the rapid developed cites, rulers and citizens always hold different point of views. Sometimes there might be conflicts against each others. I chose the informal residential issue "squatting" as my base topic, to discuss the possibility of different and unusual residential type while the environment changing rapidly. Taking Village Shi-Cho, which sits on the riverbank of ShinTien River, as my site. The residents in the village were gather here because of the urbanization. They came from the eastern Taiwan to seek for living. But the ugly truth is that since they act as basic workers(builders, plasterer) in the city, the financial ability and the social values become the obstruction of their living. They are now facing the problem of eviction by government. The vulnerability of environment is one of the first point announced by government to force them to leave. I tried to use the universal value point of view to review this issue. Using the material that is easy for the residents to get and familiar to, so they can use their own ability to build the village. Letting "Construction" become a way of participation and a continuance interaction. Combining the concept in Resilience City Theory, and using the geographical features of this site. I tried to find a new way of continued-construction, to make this village leave on safely.




The phenomenon and fact of squatting(occupation) is accruing all around the world. The Ocupa action in Barcelona, Spain is the beginning observation of my project. This Squatting movement turns from illegal social activity to a neighbor-accepted action. Squatters developed a living system that fits in the original environment, such as abandoned buildings or vacant properties. Not only provides the squatters themselves a safe living area but also offering the neighbors and visitors a new entertainment zone. After the new living area complete, the discussion about squatting is no longer between legal or illegal issue, people start to think about the reason behind the squatting action or about future. After analyze and observe different kinds of squatting movements, I tried to conclude some common identity of squatting, and finally chose my site, Village Shi-Cho, in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The village was built along Shin-Tien River by the residents. This is a village of urban-aborigine, all the residents are aborigines from eastern Taiwan. As they worked as construction workers, they cannot afford the prize of estate. So they took and used their own building ability, set up a homeland near the river. To imitate the living area back in east Taiwan.

left : layout model above: condition of Shin-Tien riverbank from dry season to flooding season


[site in city scale]

shi cho informal settlement sin dian river mrt xiaobitan station mehas sin dian residatial area an keng system interchange an keng residatial area


left : Site analysis in city scale right : three scenario collages of the site 12

electricity provides by gouvourment basically installed along the main circulation in the neighbor. cables are set up in two direction (perpendicularly)

the exist waste water system is basically only two drains, which dug along the boundary between the houses and road. the water drains directly into shin tien river.

most of the houses in main reisidential area are now upgraded as reinforce concrete building. it can be considered as an stable infrastructure.


left : infrastructure of the village right : layout



activity/ cultivate canopy

temporary living


chill deck

temporary living shared kitchen

grocery store gas/ water supply station

shipping container house

material barn

incremental-type house

the existing houses built by residents with reinforce concrete and other recycle building material recycle material collecting and modulizei

material barn and canopy underconstruction

the extension of living spaces, it grows organically as time goes on. set up the lifted deck and living support unit

starter bar for the extension in the future.

second layer access and shared temporary living space

lifted life!

the living level lifted up to the higher floor because of the permanent flood

3 4 5


7 8 9 10

11 12 13


8 9

10 11 12 14 15





plastic board (transparncy)

steel I beam 5x10mm


board material 210x120mm (wood/plastic/matel)


rafter 40mmx50mm


scaffold stairs


left : material and process diagram right : plan of Additional Water Supply Unit 16




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left : Process diagram of Additional Water Supply unit right : Process diagram of Temporary Living Canopy 18


In the living aspect, two canopies for temporary living will be set up in the second phase of timeline. The two canopies sit on the higher part of the village to avoid floods. It includes a large stage for several functions, such as common area, meeting zone and temporary living platform. Additional water supply units are also acting to improve the living quality. Integrating the water supply and sewerage system, to make sure that the environment won't be damaged by the wastewater. It is also a important point of increasing the vulnerability of this site. Lifted circulation will be built in the third phase of timeline. It attaches with the water supply unit and form a new circulation above the original streets. Acting as an emergency path and second entrance of every house. Letting the residents pass their houses normally when the ground floor is flooded. All the new installations and building in the village are base on the concept that residents can remain their daily life even during the emergency period. They don't need to take the risk of moving in and out from the village like they did in the now(forced by gorvornment). If unfortunately any of the building collapse during the climate disaster, they can also rebuild the living area as quick as possible by using the prepared material in the material barn.

left : a corner scene of temporary living canopy (modeling) above : section model of one of the temporary living canopy


scaffolding structure DOOR-type scaffolding 1200 x 1900 mm crossing brace module wood board catwalk deck 1000 x 1800 mm

lifted deck concrete deck: t=15 mm galvanized steel plate floor joist: 80 x 50 mm sleeper: 90 x 180 mm

短 居 棚 架 剖 透 perspective section c 21

scaffolding structure arch-type scaffolding 600 x 1900 mm crossing brace module wood board wall catwalk deck 550 x 1800 mm

public kitchen roof polycarbonat plastic sheet floor joist 50 x 40 mm module wood board wall 90ยบ double couple

roof scaffold tube 3m expanding joint-pin 90ยบ double coupler structural plywood 9mm woterproof layer


I tried not to judge the different way of living by social point of view, but considered about the possibility of living and the environment issue. Changing the basic living condition by improving the physical facilities. I try to take the Resilience City Theory as reference, to response the site which located on the sensitive riverbank. In this theory, the environmental risk causes by three points. Exposure, hazard and vulnerability. As long as Exposure and Hazard are two aspects that can't be changed, Vulnerability is the key factor that we can deal with to improve this riverside living environment. And reducing the risks that cause by disaster in the further step. Divided the timeline into three phases, assuming the variation between the river and the village. In this three different phases, I set up several large area of canopy space, different layers of circulation, and additional water supply units. To raise the environmental vulnerability by considering about the building material and construction technique. In the material aspect, I set up a material barn to store the recycle material that collected by the residents. To improve the way of storage instead of the original method, pile everything up in the corner. They can keep all the material in this barn efficiently by modularize it before storage. The board-type material will be modularized by the size of scaffolding system, which I use for main structure system. Modularizing to material not only makes it easier to store but also more convenient to use when the materials are needed.

above : section model of one of the temporary living canopy right : corner scene of the village (modeling)



pitched roof tr ct re beam 50 x 00 mm wood rafter 40 x 0 mm wood cable oint cable mod le wood board 00 x 400mm al ani ed teel heet 0 4 mm

wall y tem mod le wood board 900 x 900mm c type teel pipe 40 x 50 mm pipe oint


pitched roof waterproof plywood 90mm rafter 40 x 50 mm waterprrof membrane


Phase one


canopy plaza for festival / gathering / supplements distribute station

階 段 示 意 圖_棚 架 與 環 境 關 係 three phases of the time _ canopy and environment All the new installations and building in the village are base on the concept that residents can remain their daily life even during the emergency period. They don't need to take the risk of moving in and out from where they live like they do now. Combining the concept in Resilience City Theory, and 在三個不同的時間階段, 棚架會因為of this 使得棚架以外的種植範圍可以向棚 using the geographical features site. I tried to find a new way of continued-construction, to make 第 this 架延伸, village 部分水泥鋪面已變成土壤 leave on safely. 氣候的變化而有不同的使用方式, ; 一階段時的舖面是平整的水泥,作為





above : scenario of three period of the village. shows the use of ground level 水造使得棚架較低處會有土的淤積, field of different condition


canopy plaza for a crop colle

se two

agriculture / gathering ecting deck

Phase two flood period buffer zone rainwater collecting pound


pitched roof waterproof plywood 90mm rafter 40 x 50 mm waterprrof membrane

pitchedf roof structure beam 150 x 200 mm wood rafter 40 x 80 mm wood cable joint cable module wood board 1200 x 2400mm galvanized steel sheet 0.4 mm

wall system module wood board 900 x 1900mm c-type steel pipe 40 x 50 mm pipe joint


canopy system prefabricated structural pipe shading net net track / joint cable / cable joint

scaffolding structure arch-type scaffolding 600 x 1900 mm catwalk deck 500 x 1800 mm crossing brace base plate

ground finishing crop /pound /plant loose earth gravel paving hard earth --------phase three


left : material barn and the storage system above : detail of scafolding system right : plan and detail of scafolding 31



150 cm


LanYang High School Renovation


LanYang High School Renovation

Site /Lan Yang Institute of Technology, Tou-Cheng, Ilan, Taiwan Type / Educational, Elderly Residential Independent Project 2014 According to social population trend, schools seem no longer a most important institution to serve this society. On the other hand, the institution to serve the elderlies should be carefully considered and well operated. My project is concerned under the social framework in ToeCheng, I try to fix the reflection of society changing on this site.


Atlas (Tou-Cheng City) Due to the population increase of elderly, we will need an institution to serve the elderlies. In the meanwhile, the utility rate of the school is predicted to be decrease. After all these consideration, I try to combine the exist building and the new requirement on this site, thinking about the users and the site. Site It sits on the north coast of Taiwan, where known as its rain. The terrain is low in the south but high in the north. The east side of the site will be planned as a residential area and un-define green zone. But the farm around the site will be retained. above : Tou-Cheng City Atlas model right(above) : transportation system analysis right(down) : green system analysis and planning 35

Main Railway Secnodary (Countryside)




a.b.c.d.e a.b.

a.b. a.b.

a.b. a.b. a.b.c.d a.b. a.b.c.d.e a.b. a.b.c.d.e a.b. a.b.c. a.b.c.d


a.b a.b.c.d.e d.e.







plan +320


plan +0

left : layout above : plans 38

above : residential units right : plans 39



plan (4,6 F)


plan (3,5,7 F)



target group Students are the original target group on this campus site. After adding more elderly-friendly facilities and functions, I hope that there will be more elderlies to come here and be served. In addition, the development of tourism will bring more long term and short term tourists to enjoy this area. This comic diagram shows how three kinds of target group interact with each other.


left : Process diagram of Additional Water Supply unit right : Process diagram of Temporary Living Canopy 42

above : aa' section



Yu-Le College Town Community Zone


Yu-Le College Town Community Zone

Type_ Hybrid / Residential+Commercial Site_ Yu-Le District(community of NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan Area_ 2013

This project changes the open space of the block. Creates five different entrances for various purpose. Opens the center of the block to make a green court for both visitors and residents. The open space including The Vendor Zone, it is one of the highlight spot of the project. It retains the original living style of Taiwan, a street full of food vendors and shoppers. To blur the altitude difference on the site, the slope and the escalator make people wandering in this block easily. The commercial activities not only happen on the ground but also raised up to the second floor, depends on the type of the store. The residential are placed on the third floor and above. The living units are connected by the central corridor, according to different inhabitant, there's different cutting type of the mass. For example each family condo has a four-meter gap between each other. Not only for the privacy but also for the physical environmental benefits.




Site Plan (+0) 1/ Shop 2/ Inner plaza 3/ Vendors, Market 4/ Shop 5/ Restaurant 6/ Parking enterence 7/ Cafe 8/ Lobby of Condo units



1 3


1 3

Plan -600 cm

Plan -300 cm





4 8





4 8 7


6 7 7


6 7


Plan +320 cm








Plan +640 cm

Plans 1/ Basement Parking 2/ Lower Inner Plaza 3/ Cafe 4/ Shop(restaurant) 5/ Restaurant 6/ Hostel 7/ Commercial 8/ Condo 9/ Student Dorm 48


student dorm

Student Dorm unit

Condo unit

left: 6-8 F right: 4-5 F

4-7 F

common area on each floor



The site sits beside National Cheng Kung University, the district is known as NCKU students' living zone. Almost all the commercial activities are happen around the block, or beside the main inner street. The central part of the block is almost unoccupied except some residents. The road between this district and the campus will be considered as a walking lane. As the district reconsidered as a pedestrian zone. Visitors can easily enter the loopycirculation-district and enjoy the three floors(upper and lower ground floor, second floor) of commercial activities. Besides, residents have thier own core to enter the upper floor living zone,

above : secen from the entrance corner right : diagrams


isometric diagram _living unit

isometric diagram _commercial zone

isometric diagram _shopping circulation


isometric diagram _green open space

North Facade 1:200

West Facade 1:200

above 1 : north elevation above 2 : west elevation left : physical modeling



Section aa’ 1:200

Section bb’ 1:200

above 1 : section aa' above 2 : section bb' left : lower ground plaza (physical modeling)



modularize herb cultivating system



-Modularized Herb Cultivating System Type: Installation Site: School Studio, NCKU, Tainan 2014

The working desk is the most important instrument and space for designers. This desk is an idea to cultivate, harvest and preserve herbs in one installation. The cube unit can be arranged to different shapes to suit all kinds of working space.


Caltivating System Study the table are composed by plywood, original stable steel frame and 3d print parts. They are all connected by screws or only carpentry joints.


left : studys of planting system above : details of cube unit


Sweet Basil

Ocimum basilicum

Lemon balm

Melissa officinalis


Cupressus macnoglossus

Lemon grass

Cymbopogon citratus


Petroselinum crispum

Asain basil Ocimum p. sp


the pot mould is made by three piece of 3d print unit. you need four screws to lock the outter mould together.


it takes about one and a half day to dry the cement pot. pu;; the inner mould out first to privent the pot break.


osema Rry

Sweet Basil


Lemon balm

fresh oil bottle

osmarinus R officinalis

Mentha sp p.

Wheat grass


parsley salt


Asain basil

oour a thin layer of cement before you put the inner mould, to make sure that he bottom is solid.


loose the screws and remove the outer mould, it takes another one day to make it dry completely.


tea bag

natural parasiticide

Agropyron cristatum

Lemon grass

dry lemongrass spice


Rosema ry

Rosemary olive oil


frozen herb (fresh)

Wheat grass

wheatgrass powder

放上內模後從四邊縫 均勻灌入水泥直到填滿,需輕敲模具確保 水泥間無空氣存在。

pour the rest of the cement carefully and nicely into the gap between outer and inner mould. hit the mould softly to make sure there is no air in cement.


after it dry completely,use sand paper to polish the surface, make sure it’s smooth. then we can transplant the herbs.

left(above) : herbs and its special preserve method. left(down) : the process of making cement pot by 3d print mould. right : detail photo of the cube unit



Wood Unit


One wood unit is composed by four C-shape wood elements. 3d print clips are used for connectting the units together and fixing the cementmade pot in the frame.

Trolley act as the Movable herb harvest system. It is combined by the wood frame units. extra parts such as wheel, handrails, watering system are all connected by 3d print elements.

left(above) : wood cube unit detail left(down) : isometric trolley exploded diagram right : isometric desk exploded diagram (two types)



left : photos of detail right : corner of the working desk


Activities / Appendix



Tectonic Becoming 2016 Architecture Exhibition (biennially) Curatorial team exhibition planning/ constrution graphic design(poster,pamphlet,special edition)


Since designer, constuction company and the ower are three important and equal roles in architecture practice, this exhibition features the relationship in these three roles. The exihibition is held every two years, the participated projects are selected by curator of the year. About thirty well-constructed projects will be selected in each exhibition. Forums and guiding tours to each architecture design works are also held during the exhibition period, to let people understand more about the backstage of architecture design.

left(above) : pamphlet / left(down) : special edition above 1 : exhibition entrance above 2 : detail of display board unit, using 3d-printing member and carbon fiber tube above 3 : exhibition room 70

London Festival of Architecture 2012 mixed-material installation collaberate with artist Huang Bu-Ching


The exihibition was held in ambikaP3, Westminster Clolledge. It’s the part of London Festival of Architecture 2012. The installation was made by two portrait and thousands of cenchrus connected by the cotton rope. In the middle of two huge portraits, there’s a bridge made by bicycle wheels. Both of the elements are common seen in Taiwan. We try to put them together to make spatial possibilty. We spent about three months developing the construction of wheel. And then spent one month to install the project and held exhibition in London.

[Cenchrus] A genus of grasses having spikelets enclosed in ovoid spiny involucres that form burs. It floats while wind blowing, travels when passing by and adapts to the tough surroundings. [Bicycle wheel] A rigid circular ring connected by spokes to a hub, designed to turn around an axle passed through the center. It carries passengers and provides mobility. A collaboration between Architecture and Art, students and teachers, nature and artifacts, this project is presented by Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. Using elements that are both easily being seen and easily being neglected in daily life to create an installation and to construct a bridge, we try to re-examine how the ordinary objects could generate a spatial and visual spectacle. 72

Taipei Fine Arts Museum X-site Project -Bottle Temple 2014 Competition (Honorable Mention)


X-site program is an landscape installation project held by Taipei Fine Arts Museum. This annual program that will blend architectural installation and contemporary art. In this century, human beings rely on plastic products and cause environment issue. We try to use recycle material to build up a meeting point, rising the environment awareness of people. Plastic bottles will be extruded into big cubes in the cycle of disposal. Stacking up the cubes by using cable and simple matel units, creating an landscape installation for people to gather. An extuding machine will be set and creating more cubes by the bottle which brought by visitors.

left : plaza scene rendering above 1 : exploded diagram above 2 : top view (physical model)


Weissenhof Estate no.13 by Le Corbisier Exploded Model 2013

mixed-material modeling


In the Five Points of Architecture, Le Corbusier noted that the architecture is not only about the outward appearance but also the structure, materials and function.The concept of this model is to represent the first third point os architecture. The separation of wall and columns makes the wall no longer an heavy element in an architecture. The wall can be light and thin or even made by glass. It also accomplished the point ''the free design of facade''. To clearly show the Pilotis, I decided to make an explode model. Emphasized the free design of facade. By choosing acrylic board as the floorslab of the model, showed the point ''free design of plan''.

WeiWuYing International Concert Hall 1/50 wood model 2013 wood modeling

Iit's a 1:50 scale study model made totally by wood. Presenting the interior space of WeiWuYing International Concert Hall designed by Mecanno, Constructing in KaoHsiuang, Taiwan. The truss and sound reflector (hanging below the roof) was made by laser cut skill While all the other parts are hand-cut skill.


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