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Elk Mound Lions Spread Love With Lights
Elk Mound Lions first Lights of Love event was a huge success in so many ways! Their community really got behind the event with 23 businesses and personal sponsors. Elk Mound Lions received great feedback from their community as well. The Club made themselves visible to their community by providing a very special event. They served hot drinks and some cookies, music by local musicians, and all with a smile. The club made a beautiful handout booklet with all the names and donors, and did the same with a huge bill board so all could read and enjoy. RED was for Season’s greetings. BLUE was in memory. GREEN was for the Memory of a Armed Forces member. YELLOW was for in Honor of someone living. For their first Love of Lights the Club cleared over $6,000. Way to go ELK MOUND LIONS! They learned a lot this year and plan to make it even better next year. One small club can do big things.