Peace One Day

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By Jennifer Darnell

What is Peace For One Day Peace for one day is a non profit organiza7on which was founded in 1999 by a film maker called Jeremy Gilley. Peace One Day’s objec7ve is to Promote the Peace on the Day of 21st of September, making it a day that is self-­‐sustaining, an annual day which tries to relate and bring every one together from race to religion. Peace for one day has already achieved so much with up to a 70% recorded reduc7on in violent incidents on Peace Day in Afghanistan. Peace One Day u7lizes different tools to raise awareness, Peace Day engages the global community in its broad observance.

Viral and Guerrilla Advertising Not every company can afford thousands of pounds on especially in todays market companies are having to marke7ng,

find other forms of adver7sing with the smallest of budgets. Guerrilla marke7ng was invented as a unique system that relies on 7me ,from the spread of mouth to mouth, energy which has to be put in to the adver7sing as it can require hard working labour and imagina7on that allows you to create unique twists to the environment around you. Generally guerrilla marke7ng campaigns are unexpected and strange this can include interac7ve elements where consumers can be targeted in unexpected places. The objec7ve of guerrilla marke7ng is to create a unique, engaging and thought provoking concept to generate a buzz and consequently turn viral.

Example of Guerilla Advertising •  This guerilla adver7sement on the side of a vending coffee machine stands out from other coffee machines. It is an image of a woman on the side of the vending machine, giving the allusion that it is her that is making the coffee physically in the machine. This is successful by being so eye catching and humorous. It is a very good adver7sement for a job recruitment business, because it really catches the audiences aTen7on and allows them to think that they would not want to be in that posi7on.

Example of Guerilla Advertising •  This guerilla adver7sement on a wall next to the liU is unique and entertaining. It is a well known art piece, this art piece has been placed here to give the allusion that God is also pushing the liU buTon with you. This is successful by being ar7s7c and catches the eye by being so large. It is a good adver7sement for an art gallery, as its intriguing and is able to speak out to those who have a love of art and would enjoy going to the gallery.

Example of Guerilla Advertising •  This guerilla adver7sement on a display board is unique and different. It is an image adver7sing the film ‘Kung Fu Panda’, the image is able to give the allusion that the panda is physically kicking through the glass display board as the glass is shown broken on the floor. This is successful by being inven7ve and catches the audiences eyes. It is a very good adver7sement for a film because its unique and will easily catch eyes and make the audience want to go see the film.

Example of Guerilla Advertising •  Guerilla adver7sing is used effec7vely by interac7ng with people. This Coca Cola bus stop poster interact well with people because it is made out of Velcro, so it aTaches to peoples clothing which easily grabs heir aTen7on. The reason for poster being made out of Velcro is so the company can promote their new grip boTle well.

Example of Guerilla Advertising •  This guerilla adver7sement on the hoover is really clever, it is an image of a hoover at the top of a billboard with a hot air balloon being sucked into it. It really catches the eye because of how real it looks. its original and you wouldn’t expect it, it’s a very good advert for a hoover company. It catches the aTen7on of the reader

Example of Guerilla Advertising •  This guerilla adver7sement of the chair is very crea7ve as it looks like the person in the chair is being 7ed up and as they have been placed on a lot of chairs. It draws to peoples aTen7on as it is unique and out of place, the curiosity it gives to the reader explains why its guerrilla adver7sing as the curiosity is spread throughout the popula7on.

Example of Guerilla Advertising •  This guerilla adver7sement of the kit Kat bench, cleverly using the design of the bench as the chocolate s7cks are similar to the wood on the bench, being painted making it look realis7c, the wrapper on the bench has been finished to look like a kit Kat wrapper making it more realis7c, so one half of the bench is different to the other. The design is clever and original, there making it a successful advert as people will talk about it

Example of Guerilla Advertising Guerilla adver7sing is used effec7vely in this picture because it shows good interac7on to anyone who walks past the poster. The poser has been designed to look like a flash photography paparazzi. And on the floor, we see a ground which resembles a red carpet so this combina7on makes the person who walks past feel like a celebrity.

Example of Guerilla Advertising This guerilla adver7sement in bowling alleys. It is an image of peoples mouths at the end of the alleys this is an effec7ve image as it is able to give the allusion that people have lost teeth due to you bowling and knocking the pins (teeth) down. This is successful by being unique and a smart way of represen7ng teeth. It is a very good adver7sement for dental insurance as bowling is a popular place and people would not want their mouths to look like how they do in the image

A flash mob is a group gathering to create a performance. Each flash mob will have a different purpose; some use it as a form of adver7sing, or form of entertaining, some flash mobs may have no purpose at all. The unexpected shock of the public experiencing a flash mob is a key part of adver7sing. The shock creates the public to speak to others, therefore making the adver7sement viral . Example: T-­‐Mobile flash mob performance in the departure sec7on of an airport. Even though it was recorded and published on an advert the uniqueness of the performance is what catches everyone’s aTen7on.

These two ideas link together by showing the outside and the inside of a train. The ideas is that Superman is on the outside of the train as Superman fights for peace, he is also shown inside the train as people are dressed up as him allowing you to sit next to Superman and to interact with him.

This idea was to give you the illusion that an Iceland van is freezing the peace. Iceland was used due to this supermarket selling frozen food, but instead shows this van freezing soldiers.

The ideas for the liU is there is an illusion that you are falling but to keep the peace and to save you from falling a hand reaches out with the Peace One Day logo on to save you.

Here is an idea which we created by using a picture of boxing gloves then placing the Peace One Day logo on each of them in the place where the glove would hit someone. The idea was that the person with the Peace One Day boxing day gloves goes to hit someone but stops right before forcing the Peace One Day logo to be in their face.

This idea was created to allow you to go along the escalator and reach out towards plas7c like hands and give them high fives for peace.

This idea will be to have a stone statue of a figure sicng on the bench and for you to be able to sit next to the statue and have its arm around you.

This picture shows a bin with angel wings on it to represent an angel and angels help peace, it also displays a sor7ng system to recycle by using a peace sign.

This shows a statue with boxing gloves on, this is able to interact with the public because the objec7ve is to get the boxing gloves off the statue for peace.

The picture shows a billboard that will be made out of velcro, this is able to “grab” your aTen7on literally.

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