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Extra Points Name: Jennifer Alexandra Herrera Herrate Code: 5 Grade: Second basic Section: “C”

Assessment Section 1: 1.Define What is an estuary? Estuary: Partially enclosed body of water were freshwater mixes with salty seawater. 2. Explain How does the Amazon River affect the Atlantic Ocean at the river’s mouth? The fresh water lowers the salt. �

3. Elaborate What benefits do you think the rivers might bring to Atlantic South America? *Transportation *Hydroelectricpower *Fishing 4. Recall What kind of climate does Patagonia have? Cool desert climate(south) Subtropical humid (north)

5. Make Inferences Why are temperatures in the South generally cooler than temperatures in the north? Because the north parts has a hot, dry climate. 6. Identify What resources does the rain forest provide? Food, rubber, wood, plants for medicine. 7. Analyze What is one benefit and one drawback of practicing commercial agriculture in the rain forest? Benefit—It is good for economy it is a source of food. Drawback—deforestation 8. Elaborate Soil exhaustion might lead to what kinds of additional problems? *Infertil Soil *No nutrients *No production, no food

Assessment 1 Categorizing Look back over your notes. Then use a table like this one to organize the physical geography of Atlantic South America by country.



Geography *Amazon River located in northern Brazil. *Amazon Basin in northern Brazil. *Brazilian Highlands. *Mato Grosso Plateu. *Sao Francisco R. *Gran Chaco northern Argentina. *Pampas. South of the Pampas is Patagonia. * Andes Mountains. * Rio de la Plata * Paranรก

Assessment Section 2: A) Recall. What European country colonized Brazil? Portugal B) Make Inferences. Why did the colonists bring Africans to work on plantations as slaves? Because they have a very money (for free) C) Elaborate. Why do you think the main basis of Brazil’s colonial economy changed over they years? The economy changed as more resources were discovered. 1.

2.a) Identify. What religion is most common in Brazil? Catholic

b) Explain. Why is so much of Brazil’s culture influenced by African traditions? Because many of Brazilians are African descent. 3.a) Define. What is a megacity and what is an example of a megacity in Brazil? A giant urban area that includes surrounding cities and suburbs. Sao Paulo. b) Make Inferences. Why might development in the Amazon cause tensions between Brazilian, Indians and new settlers? Because both depend on the rainforest for the survival. c) Elaborate. How might life change for a person who moves from the northeast to the southeast? Life can be better bacause the southeast is Brazil’s richest region.

Assessment 2

Fiding Main Ideas Review your notes on Brazil, Then, Write a main idea statement about each region. Use a graphic organizer like this one.


Has the largest cities and a strong economy.


It is Brazi´s poorest region with tourism as the strongest Industry.


It is less populated but has abundant land and mild climate good for agriculture.


It is in the northern part of Brazil, with logging and mining as Main industries even though these threat the forest.

Assessment Section 3: Define. What is Gaucho? An Argentine cowboy. 2. Explain. Why is Argentina’s population mostly of European descent? Because the country was colonized and settled by people from Europe 1.

3. Identify. What is Argentina’s biggest city? Buenos Aires 4. Make Inferences. What benefits do you think being part of MERCOSUR brings to Argentina? It promotes trade and economic cooperation among the southern and eastern countries, which is good for the economy.

5.Elaborate. What are some benefits the INFORMAL ECONOMY provides, and what are some of its drwbacks? It helps people who lost their jobs during the economic crisis find work, but they do not pay taxes to help support the government. 6. Recall. Where is Uruguay’s capital located? On the north shore of Rio de la Plata, not far from Buenos Aires. 7. Summarize. How has Uruguay’s location Influenced its culture? Because Uruguay is located between Brazil and Argentina, its culture has been influenced by these larger countries. 8. Define. What does it mean a country is LANDLOCKED? It is completely surrounded by land.

9. Explain. What is Paraguay’s ecomony like? Agriculture is an important part of the economy, but much of Paraguay’s wealth is controlled by rich families and companies. 10. Predict. What are some possible ways Paraguay may be able to improve its economy in the future? Use its resources more effectively; sell suplus electricity to Brazil and Argentina.

Assessment 3 Uruguay

Uruguay is a mostly urban country. Most people live in cities like Montevideo, the country’s capital.


Roman Catholicism is the main religion in these countries.

Many people in Parguay live in rural areas. Livestock raising is an important part of Paraguay’s ecomony.

Comparing and Contrasting Look over your notes on Uruguay and Paraguay. Then draw a diagram like the one here and use it to show similarities and diferences between the two countries.

Assement 4 Section 1 1.a. Identify What is the main physical features of Pacific South America? The Andes b. Analyze How is BoliviĂĄs location unique in the region? Bolivia is landlocked. 2.a. Define What is El NiĂąo, and what area some of its effects? It is a pettern of water and weather. Consequences: flooding, global effects, extreme ocen/ weather events, heavy rains, no fish. b. Draw Conclusions Why are parts of Ecuador, in the tropics, cooler than parts of southern Chile? Elevation

3.a. Identify What country in this region has large oil reserves? Ecuador in particular has large oil and gas reserves, and oil is the country’s main export. b. Make Inferences Why do you think much of the region is not good for farming? There is not much flat land, the area is dry. c. Elaborate What effects do you think copper mining in Chile might have on the environment? Mining can pollute water, may damage tha band.

Assessment 4 Caregorizing Review your notes on climate. Then use a diagram like this one to describe the climate and Fifth Zone: It is the highest elevation, is very vegetation in each of the cold there is no vegetation. It is covered with five climate zones. ice and snow.

Fourth Zone: Climate is very cool; it is difficult for trees to grow. There are alpine mountains and shrubs. Third Zone: good for growing potatoes and wheat, the climate is cool. There are forest and lands with grass. Second Zone: good for growing coffee, there are mountain forests and the climate is moist. First Zone: good for growing banana, and sugarcane, the climate is humid sub-tropical.

Assessment 5 Section 2 1.a. Recall What ancient empire built paved roads through the Andes? The Inca Empire b. Explain What role did Creoles play in the history of Pacific South America? They were the principal leaders of the independence movements. c. Predict How might the Inca Empire have been different in the Incas had had wheels and horses? Probably they had a better system to defend themselves against the Spanish.

2.a. Recall What country has the highest percentage of South American Indians in its population? Bolivia b. Make Generalizations What aspects of culture in Pacific South America reflect Spanish influence, and what aspects reflect Indian heritage? Spanish Influenced-language, architecture, Roman Catholiscism.

Nazca lines draw

The Inca Empire Francisco Pizarro conquered Incas

Assessment 5 Sequencing Look over your notes on the region´s history. Then draw a graphic organizer like the one here and use it to put major historical events in chronological order.

The Inca king was assassinated. 1800 revolt and independence.

Assessment 6 Section 3 1.a. Identofy What is Ecuador’s largest city? Ecuador’s largest city is Guayaquil. b. Make Generalizations Why have Ecuadorians been unhappy with their government in recent years? Probably the reforms are not presented quickly and people need them. 2.a. Identify What are Bolivia’s two capital cities? *Sucre *La Paz b. Analyze Why might Bolivia’s economy improve in the future? Probably they will start to export more natural gas and metals.

3.a. Recall Why did many Peruvians move to Lima from the highlands in the 1980s? To escape violence and they were looking for work. b. Elaborate What challenges do you think people who move to Lima from the highlands face? Poor services, like water electricity. Also over crowding, and poor housing. 4.a. Define What is the coup? Coup is a sudden overthrow of a government by a small group of people. b.Make Inferences What might happen to Chile’s economy if the world price of copper drops? It probably become weaker, they probably will not get more profit, people lose their jobs.

Assessment 6:

5.Solving Problems Review your notes. Then, in a diagram like the one here, write one sentence about each country, explaining how that country is dealing with poverty or government instability.

Ecuador Bolivia Peru


*The econimic regions are helping to overcome poverty. *Bolivia may change with the export of natural gas and metals .

*Peru has an elected president and congress to help the economy.

*It has a stable government and growing economy.


Chapter Review: Reviewing Vocabulary. Terms, and Places 1. Estuary, RĂ­o de la Plata, Buenos Aires. * The estuary in Buenos Aires is Rio de la Plata. 2. Megacity, favelas, aspects. *One aspect of a Megacity like Sao Paulo is its favelas. 3. Gauchos, Pampas. *Gauchos raise cattle in Pampas. 4. Soil exhaustion, deforestation, Amazon River. *Soil exhaustion and deforestation destroy the Amazon River. 5. Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Manaus. * Rio de Janeiro and Sao are in South East, and Manaus is a port and industrial city in the Amazon region.

Comprehension and critical thinking: Section 1 1. Recall What kind of climate does Amazon basin climate? Humid Tropical 2.Contrat How are northern Brazil and southern Argentina different? Northern: Brazil Humid Tropical Southern: Argentina cool, desert climate. 3. Elaborate How might the region’s major physical features have influenced development and daily life in Atlantic South America? The rivers, plains and plateaus made it a good place for farming.

Section 2 1.Describe What parts of Brazilian culture reflect African influences? -Religion -Festival -Food 2.Analyze What factors lead people from the northeast of Brazil to move to the southeast? The northeast is the poorest so people go to the south for jobs. 3. Evaluate Is deforestation of the Amazon rain forest necessary? Explain your answers. What arguments might someone with a different opinion use? No, because there is destruction of habitats of animals.

Section 3 1.Describe How is Argentina’s culture different from other South American countries? There is a lot of European ingluenced there is few native people. 2. Contrast What is one difference between Uruguay and Paraguay? Paraguay is landlocked. 3. Predict As Argentina’s economy improves, what might happen to its informal economy? The informal economy wil decline, as people get better jobs.


Review Vocabulary. Terms, and places Write each word defined below, circling each letter that is marked by a star. Then write the word these letters spell. 1.Atacama desert—a desert in northern Chile that is one of the cloudiest and driest places on Earth 2.Lima—the capital of Peru 3.Quito—the capital of Ecuador 4.Vicerny—a governor appointed by the king of spain 5.La Paz—one of the capitals of Bolivia 6.Creoles—an American-born descendant of Europeans 7.Strait—a narrow passageway that conects two large bodies of water 8.El Niño—an ocean and weather pattern that affects the Pacific coast 9.Coup—a sudden overthrow of a goverment by a small group of people

Comprehension and critical thinking: Section 1 10.a. Describre What are climate and vegetation like on the altiplano? Climate is cool, vegetation, shrubs and grassland. b.Compare and Contrast What are two differences and one similarity between the Atacama Desert and the altiplano? *both are cloudy *both are dry *there are no trees. c. Evaluate What elevation zone would you choose to live in if you lived in Pacific South America? Why would you choose to live there? Third Zone

Section 2 11.a. Describe How did the Incas organize their huge empire? They had irrigation systems, pared roads. Suspension bridges. b. Analyze How have Spanish and native cultures left their marks on culture in Pacific South America? Spanish-Roman Catholicism -Spanish language Native-Religious festival, language, music, instruments, clothing. c. Elaborate Why do you think Pizarro killed the Inca king even though he had received riches as ransom? Pizarro wanted all the riches.

Section 3 12.a. Identify What country in Pacific South America has the healthiest economy? Chile b. Analyze What problems in Ecuador and Bolivia cause political unrest? Poverty, and political inestability. c. Evaluate What would be some benefits and drwbacks of moving from the highlands to one of Lima’s young towns? Benefits-jobs, escaping the violence. Drawbacks-overcrowded conditions, lack of services, leave a family.

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