CA FFA News - Fall 2013

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What’s Inside... 2 4 8

12 12 14

Meet Your New State Officers Editor’s Blurb ROLC & SOLC Recaps

State Officers On the Go!


Outstanding Chapter: Modesto-Gregori FFA


Welcome to the Family WLC Recap Goodbye Tina & Marcus

7 2013 State Finals Results

10 Costa Rica, Pura Vida!

s ’ r o t i b r d u E Bl d Jackie an e ll e Mich working backstage 012 at the 2 A State FF ! ce n re e f Con

Jackie G a form arcia, er Foothil lBakers fie membe ld FFA r, senio r at Cal Poly, SLO m ajoring in Rec reation , Parks & Touris m Adminis tration . Michelle Jimenez, a former Soledad FFA member, graduated from Cal Poly, SLO with a degree in Agricultural Sciences. She now works at Dole Fresh Vegetables as a Safe Quality Food Supervisor.

Goodbye Michelle!

Hello Jackie!

I can remem ber my firs t encounte (Jackie) Gar r with mis cia. Even th s Jacquelyn o ugh 5 + ye I can still ne ars passed recall exac since then tl y what sh uniform (o , e was wea f course, ring, the F ha-ha). We Leadership F A w er e Conference at the Reg ional Offic (ROLC), w Lake that er hich took year. The fi p la c rs e t at Bass time we m this girl w et, I immed as genuine iately knew and it was spark that evident that she wasn’t s h e had a spec afraid to s smile was ial hare with welcoming the world. and she inve held with H er s te people aro d in convers und her. S ations she what she ince then, may lack in I ’v e le ar h ei ned that ght, she c (I just had ertainly mak to make a es reference to up in heart In addition her petite to her car size). ing personal background ity, she has . She start quite the F ed her jou in the Baker FA rn ey in FFA sfield-Foo as a freshmen th ill FFA ch Chapter, R apter. She egional and served as a even State The reason FFA Offic I share Jac er ! kie’s great some of h characteris er impress tics and ive FFA titl dear friend es is not to b , but to sh ra o g about my w you, the m take great ember, that pride in sh ar Jackie will in g the acco moments o mplishmen f members ts and shining from acro knows, firs ss our gold thand, the en state. S hard work be succes he and commit sful in the ment it tak FFA organiz knows the es to ation. How long hours ever, she al it takes to speaking co s o compete in ntest, the the public courage re ones comf quired to s ort zone at te p out of a leadership disappointm conference ent of los o in r even the g an As for me, officer elec I feel hon tion. o re d to have s great organ tayed conn ization by ected to th serving as FFA Inser the editor is t througho o f th e California ut college. stories of I w ill miss sh CA FFA m embers eac aring the is in outsta h issue, bu nding hands t know the . insert Enjoy many great issues to come! Michelle J imenez

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California FFANEWS

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California FFANEWS • Fall 2013

FFANEW S 2 4 8




Meet You r New Sta te Officer s Blurb ROLC & SOLC Rec aps Editor’s

State Offi On the cers Go!

5 Outstandi ng Chapte Modesto-G regori FFAr:

12 12 14

6 2013 Sta

te Finals

Welcome to the Fam ily WLC Rec ap Goodb

ye Tina & Marcu s

7 Results


Costa Ric a, Pura Vida!


G O!


Our time at State Conference in Fresno seems like just yesterday, but the newly elected California State FFA Officer team has already had many adventures. In May, our team took a camping trip where we were able to get to know each other better, outline our goals and vision for the upcoming year, and create a theme to share with more than 73,000 members of California FFA. We went through BLAST Off Training to learn more about our strengths. Soon after, we attended the California Agricultural Teachers’ Association (CATA) Conference where we saw the time and investment our agriculture teachers take to ensure our success firsthand. In June, we took a road trip to Utah for the National Leadership Conference for State Officers. On our way, we made scenic detours at the Grand Canyon and Zion Canyon. At the conference, we met the state officer teams from New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada. We enjoyed learning more about our teammates and making new friendships. Members from other states attempted to teach us how to swing dance and country line dance - emphasis on attempted. In July, we headed to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo for the Regional Officer Leadership Conference (ROLC). Regional officers from all of the six regions in California joined together to meet each other, share ideas, and plan how they will serve their fellow members throughout this year. Team building, sand volleyball, and an industry tour to Plantel Nurseries and the Bonita Packing Co. were among the experiences that made this conference exciting as well as valuable. Our team cannot wait to see how this year’s incredibly talented regional officers serve their regions. The California State Fair was the next stop on our team’s journey. There, we met with several students who competed to become outstanding exhibitors. The effort and hard work many of our fellow members put into their Supervised Agricultural Experience projects was evident and very impressive. Recently, Riley and Valerie attended the State Presidents’ Conference in Washington D.C. At this conference, state officers from each of the state associations come together in our nation’s capitol to jump start the delegate process that will unfold at the National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Meanwhile, the rest of the team attended the Superior Region’s Sectional Officer Leadership Conference (SOLC). We had the opportunity to work with the regional and sectional officers of this region in planning their upcoming COLC. We also had a blast with them at Sun Splash enjoying the heat of summer! In the upcoming weeks, we will be planning for chapter visits and going on industry tours to learn more about California’s largest and most productive industry. Our state officer team feels beyond blessed and more excited than ever to be given this experience and meet more our fellow members in the months to come! Sincerely, Riley, Valerie, Gabrielle, Gage, Sheldon and Hunter • Photo Captions (clockwise, starting upper right): State officers on their journey to NLCSO arriving in Utah; The state officers on a hike at the Grand Canyon during NLCSO; The state and regional officers at ROLC during our America themed social; CA State Officers with Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Nevada state officers at NLCSO; Central Region officer team during ROLC engaged in team building; and Superior Region SOLS.

California FFANEWS • Fall 2013



Modesto Gregori FFA Joseph A. Gregori High School is located on the out skirts of Modesto and is one of the newest and most beautiful campuses in the Modesto City Schools District. The Ag classes ModestoGregori FFA offers are: Ag Integrated Science 1-2, Ag Biology 3-4, Ag Literacy Computers, Animal/Vet Science, Ag Mechanics, Floral, and Ag welding. Many chapter members participate in conferences, CDE Competitions, and other activities. All the monthly FFA meetings at Modesto-Gregori conclude with fun activities such as turkey calls and pumpkin carvings for our seasonal meetings. One of our most popular games we play year round is called “red neck golf”. We also travel to various colleges for FFA Field days with our judging teams, which include Dairy Products, Agronomy, Poultry, Dairy Cattle, Vegetable Crops, Light Horse, and Farm Power. Our chapter is full of friendly and supporting members. We all encourage each other to continuously improve and try to help others along the way. We all We all bond like one big family! Our chapter encourage also is very active with SAE projects during the summer at the Stanislaus each other to County Fair in Turlock where members continuously showcase their swine, sheep, rabbits, improve and and dairy. Fair and judging are try to help outstanding opportunities for everyone others along to meet new people and, being a new school, we make a tremendous effort the way. We to get our chapter name recognized all bond within the FFA community. Although like one big we are a new chapter, we are starting family! our own traditions, encouraging our members to be involved, and also inspiring members to find their interests within the agriculture department at Gregori High School. We look forward to the growth our chapter will see as we continue to dive into opportunities! • Photo Captions (clockwise starting at top): Chapter members at the 2012 GLC; A chapter member demonstrates the different types of agriculture education courses to 7th grade students at Salida Ag Day at the local middle school; chapter members after the 2012 Sectional Opening and Closing speaking contest; First high team job interview at Consumnes River College field day. From left to right, Elise Regusci, Abby Durrer (first high individual) and Elisabeth Regusci; 2012-13 Chapter Officers; and Chapter members at the 85th State FFA Leadership Conference.


California FFANEWS • Fall 2013

2013 State Finals



Jillian Drake, Fallbrook FFA

STAR IN AG BUSINESS Travis Clark, Tulare FFA

State Finals Champions continued on page 9...


Matthew VanderPoel, Tulare FFA


Roy Yates, Lodi FFA

California FFANEWS • Fall 2013


The 2013 Regional Officer Leadership Conference (ROLC) was an exciting and memorable experience for all the regional officers. ROLC took place at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo from July 8th - 11th. ROLC was filled with exciting team building activities, leadership exercises, and workshops. One of my favorite activities took place on the first day we arrived - the arcade game. The State Officers started this activity with an inspirational video to motivate all the Regional Officers. The regional officers were instructed to make groups of five regional officers that were from different regions of the state. All of the regional officers were enthusiastic to start building their arcade games with cardboard boxes and other available supplies such as scissors and markers. The challenge of the game was to create a fun arcade game within just a few minutes. Then the regional advisors went around the room playing the arcade games and chose the best one and announced it as the winner. This year’s theme created by the state officers is “Your Road To Reveal”. The state officers did an amazing job explaining the meaning of this year’s theme by performing their theme skit which was paired with an entertaining video! They demonstrated that in FFA it is important to be ourselves and never quit in life. Beyond all this, Dr. Dodson and Mrs. Rowley created incredible workshops and taught strategies to help the regional officers create their own workshops for upcoming conferences such as COLC. ROLC was a blast and was also very helpful! •

Submitted By Luis Sanchez Gonzales FFA Member South Coast Regional Treasurer

Below Left: The South Coast Regional Officers performing their Patriotic Observance at ROLC. Right: The South Coast Regional Officers and the State officers Sheldon, Valerie, and Riley at Cal Poly.

Recap Leadership! Agriculture! Unity! These are all words that describe the Southern Region FFA’s Section Officer Leadership Summit (SOLS)! Sectional Officers from the High Desert, Imperial, Orange, Riverside and San Diego Sections of the Southern Region FFA met for an amazing leadership Conference! The Southern Region theme for this year is “Stand Up and Stand Out” and the Section Officers did just that! Here, forty-four section officers congregated at Cal Poly Pomona University for a two day leadership experience. With workshops run by the 2013-2014 State FFA Officers all the section officers built stronger bonds between themselves, enhanced their leadership skills, learned the essentials to planning a workshop, and enjoyed various ice breakers and mixers. Officers built trust and dependence between their teams by partaking in activities such as an exhilarating trust fall of four feet! This was a symbol of unity between teammates in their ability Submitted By: to catch and rely on each Oke Iyeke, other when times get tough. Westminister FFA, Section Officers also had Orange Section the opportunity to mingle Vice President with other section, Southern Region and State FFA officers. Section Officers went away from the conference with a fire in their hearts to lead their sections to success through newly acquired leadership skills and ideas! Section officers truly did STAND UP AND STAND OUT! •


Clockwise, starting at top: The 2013-14 Southern Region Leadership team; Orange Section Officers use teamwork to build a pyramid of cups using only rubber bands; Riverside Section Officers build communication skills through a game of blindfold tag.


California FFANEWS • Fall 2013

Continued from page 7...

State Finals Champions continued on page 11...

California FFANEWS • Fall 2013


Monkey’s and Sloths and Vipers, Oh My! While seeing all of these animals and hundreds more was one of my favorite parts of going to Costa Rica, the trip there was so much more! It all started last October when I and my fellow FFA members, were awarded the opportunity to be a part of the Proficiency and Star Travel Seminar. Nine months later our adventure began. I knew from the moment I touched down at Miami international airport (getting lost twice and meeting the most amazing flight attendant ever, all on my way to the hotel) that this trip was going to be a one of a kind, life changing experience. After successfully making it to our hotel for the night, we had a quick orientation, met our travel groups (the Yellow Submarines!) and were rushed off to bed so we could leave for Costa Rica in the morning! Over the course of the next nine days we truly experienced Costa Rica and its culture. From the local market we went to the first day, where they had a variety of fruits (that I’ve never heard of) to the many different tours we took; we saw almost all parts of Costa Rica. The tours we took ranged from a gourmet coffee plantation, to taking walking tours of the rainforest. We also took tours at a palm oil plantation, banana plantation, and La Paz Waterfall Gardens. But my favorite tour was easily the pineapple plantation stop. We saw all parts of production from how they grow the fruit to how it’s processed, ending the tour by first getting mud and then eating the most amazing fresh cut pineapple that I’ve ever tasted.


Conference Dates 10

Coming from the Central Coast of California it was incredibly fascinating to see how they

We also spent our nights trying to avoid the rain (it rained almost every night), and d i d getting to know everyone at all of our different everything in the hotels. We only spent two nights in the same tropics, where no irrigation is needed! hotel! This allowed us to see another aspect Yet, we didn’t spend the whole time of Costa Rica because all of the hotels touring. We also spent much of our time just reflected the different areas we were in! For EXPERIENCING Costa Rica. We went on instance the hotel that had crocodiles in the the hanging arsenal bridges of pond was definitely in the jungle. Costa Rica, which are amazingly Costa Rica was one of the most designed to be very low impact amazing nine days of my life that on the environment. Another day I would never change! If you have Attendees from we spent our time at a National the opportunity to go next year I California: Park where we saw the amazing absolutely recommend it. Pura rainforest and then ended up at Nicole Hardoy Vida! • the beach for the afternoon. It King City FFA was definitely strange to feel how Photo captions, left to right: Kurt Parsons warm the water is compared to Nicole Hardoy and Jaclyn Dingels Porterville FFA the California Coast! That day enjoying pineapple drinks at Isaac Lewis was also the only time we had to a pineapple plantation; The Tulare FFA find our lunch on our own. It was California Kids! (from left to right interesting and a little scary to try Nicole Hardoy, Kurt Parsons, and a seafood meal that didn’t come Isaac Lewis); Enjoying their free preplanned, but it was definitely time by learning to surf. (From left worth it! The very same day we had free to right - Abby Flanders, Jaclyn Dingels, and time where people went zip lining, stayed on Nicole Hardoy); and Nicole’s travel group: the beach, or my personal favorite: taking a “The Yellow Submarines”. surfing lesson. I didn’t get very good but it was fun to try!

September 9-12 ........ GLC ................ Stanislaus Ag Center 12-15 ...... Sup. Region COLC .... Camp Tehama 16........... GLC ............................... UC Davis 18........... GLC ......................... East Nicolaus 20........... N. Coast Region COLC.... Kelseyville 25 & 26 .. GLC .................................. Colusa October 1-3 .......... GLC ...................................... Lodi 5-6 .......... Central COLC .................Denair HS 7 & 8 ...... GLC ...................Palo Cedro-Foothill 9............. GLC .................................. Wasco 10........... GLC .................................. Delano 12-13 ...... South Coast COLC ........ Hollister HS 15-17 ...... GLC ............................Paso Robles 19........... Southern Region COLC ............ Indio 22........... GLC ................................... Visalia

California FFANEWS • Fall 2013

23........... GLC .................................Lemoore 24........... GLC ............................. Clovis East 27-30 ...... National FFA Convention, Delegate Trip ............... .................................Louisville, KY 30-Nov 2 . National FFA Convention .................................Louisville, KY November 13........... GLC .........................El Capitan HS 14........... GLC ........................... Heritage HS January 10-11 ...... MFE/ALA .....................Sacramento 17-18 ...... MFE/ALA ..........................Redding 24-25 ...... MFE/ALA ........................ Monterey 31-Feb 1 .. MFE/ALA .......................... Ontario February 7-8 .......... MFE/ALA ......................... Modesto 14-15 ...... MFE/ALA ............................ Visalia

20........... Superior Region FFA Meeting and .... ............... State Degree Ceremony ..........Chico 21........... South Coast Spring FFA Meeting ...... ............... ..................................... King City 22........... San Joaquin Region CATA/FFA ....... ............... Meetings........Frontier HS,Bakersfield 22........... Central Region CATA/FFA Meetings . ............... ............................... Delta College 22........... North Coast Spring FFA/CATA ....... ............... Meeting and State Degree Ceremony March 4-7 .......... SLE .............................Sacramento April 5............. Southern Region FFA/CATA Meeting ............... ....................................... Pomona 12-15 ...... State FFA Leadership Conference ...... ............... ......................................... Fresno

Continued from page 9...

State Finals Champions continued on page 15...

California FFANEWS • Fall 2013


Jennifer Stockton Director of Membership Services

Jennifer Stockton What FFA Chapter are you originally from? Galt FFA – it’s nice to be back in my hometown! What led/inspired you to work for California FFA in this capacity? As a freshman in high school I was the quiet girl in class and the idea of speaking in front of my peers terrified me. Through various FFA leadership activities I gained confidence and a voice. My FFA experience helped shape who I am today and I want to help today’s youth develop into confident individuals through California FFA too. So far, what has been your favorite part about your job? My coworkers - there’s never a dull moment at the FFA Center, stop by for a visit and find out! What is a goal you have set for yourself or the California FFA Association in your new position? I look forward to the day when California’s membership system is stream lined with National’s. Folks here in California and in the National office are working hard to make things easier for our


hard-working advisors. In the meantime, if you have an issue you know where to find me! What is your favorite thing about California FFA? The sea of blue corduroy! The FFA members are why we’re here and their enthusiasm is contagious.

“Find something you’re passionate about, the rest will come naturally.”

in this capacity? I taught Agricultural Science and was an Advisor in Red Wing, MN for four years. I began to really enjoy these opportunities in MN FFA and was encouraged by MN State Staff to apply for this position when it became available. For year’s I’ve viewed California as a leader in Agricultural Education; it has been very exciting and rewarding to be a part of CA Team Ag Ed. So far, what has been your favorite part about your job? After being an Advisor and Teacher, it is great to be able to focus on my own areas of strength and aspects of the job I enjoyed

Zane Sheehan What FFA Chapter are you originally from? I was a member of the Kimball FFA chapter in Minnesota. As a member I was involved in the Wildlife CDE and had an SAE in Agricultural Communications. I served as Chapter Reporter and President, as well as Regional President and State Reporter. I did not grow up on a farm, but found that I really liked learning about food and hunger issues, as well as environmental conservation, so I worked hard to expose myself to opportunities in FFA and grow my chapter.

most. It has been really exciting to learn about California FFA and work to provide the best possible experiences for development and growth for our members.

What led/inspired you to work for California FFA

What is a goal you have set for yourself or

Zane Sheehan

Leadership Developmen Coordinator

“WLC why are we here? To do what we can, with what we have, where we are.” This was the inspiring chant that opened every session of the Washington Leadership Conference, which not only excited everyone, but also reminded us that we can make a difference no matter how big or small, altogether shaping our mindset for the entire conference. Throughout our first day, as we got to know those around us, we watched inspiring video clips, shared moving stories within our community groups, and saw pictures, demonstrations, and examples of just some of the problems facing our world. For me, the most eye-opening and memorable part happened on Wednesday night, when we experienced the poverty dinner. Instead of dinner, we were split into four groups around the conference room: Upper Class, Middle Class, Poverty, and Natural Disaster survivors. Each group size represented the percentage of the people throughout our world that were actually facing the problems I only had heard about. I was shocked when I stood and saw that much over half of the room was in the poverty group alone, and realized how lucky I was, and how


California FFA FFANEWS NEWS • Fall 2013

Welcome to the Family... the California FFA Association in your new position? I want to provide opportunities for as many of our members to experience leadership and growth conferences as possible. It is also my goal to bring some of the great things I have seen in other states (classroom, association and foundation) to California.

What is your favorite thing about California FFA? I value the strength of CA FFA and how hard working our instructors, staff and students are. Students in California are so excited nt about FFA and agriculture, and r their teachers work very hard to help them find success. Everyone in CA has been really welcoming too; I was a little nervous to make the 2,000 mile trek here from Minnesota, but everyone I’ve met has gone out of their way to help me feel like CA is home.

“I graduated from the University of Minnesota and taught Agricultural Science at Red Wing High School. I loved being a teacher and being able to impact the lives of students

Amy Madison What FFA Chapter are you originally from? Both of my kids were members of the Galt FFA Chapter. What led/inspired you to work for California FFA in this capacity? We’ve all heard, “when one door closes, another one opens”. That cliché is very applicable and I think God had a hand in opening a door that blended my background in education, marketing, and agriculture. So far, what has been your favorite part about your job? The best part of my job is being able to brag about FFA students and the great things students are doing.

in our program. A job where you get to help shape young freshmen and help them grow into talented FFA leaders, passionate about agriculture and ready to find success in their future careers; that’s easily the best job in the world. My hobbies include running and music. I believe in the future of agriculture; those involved in this work will continue to feed a growing population by solving hunger and nutrition needs and not only conserve our planet and natural resources, but educate others to help solve issues in ecology and environmental science.”

What is a goal you have set for yourself or the California FFA Association in your new position? I have many, but a main goal of mine is to reach farther and deeper into the agriculture industry for support. I’d like everyone associated with agriculture (and eating!) to realize the importance of FFA and the tremendous opportunities the organization has to offer. I’d love to get a little support from a lot of people! What is your favorite thing about California FFA? I love seeing students develop an appreciation for agriculture and where there food comes from. I also enjoy seeing students find their “niche” and getting involved in their chapters.

““I believe in the future of agriculture …” and I’m excited to be part of an organization that shapes future leaders and agriculturalists. When everyone is working toward a common goal they believe in, great things can happen. Fundraising is a big job, but the California FFA is bigger!”

Amy Madison Director of Fund Development, CA FFA Foundation

much I had taken for granted. As the conference continued to unfold, we became more and more inspired, and were able to walk through some of our nation’s greatest landmarks. At Arlington National Cemetery and the war memorials, I saw the thousands of selfless people that sacrificed their lives, to make better ones for the rest of our country. As we walked through the capitol building, the Lincoln Memorial, and the FDR memorial, I learned about our country’s leaders, and the impact they created. It seemed like everywhere we went we were inspired by history, and became even more motivated to put our Living To Serve Plans into action. I have never met more passionate, genuine, and kindhearted people in one place than I did at WLC, and I am so glad to have grown close to so many and share such an incredible experience with them. This was an absolutely life-changing conference, and I strongly encourage FFA members to attend! • Submitted By Joelle Lewis, San Luis Obispo FFA Member

Right: [From left to right] Jordan Canney (Maine), Mara Basich-Pease (California), Joseph Eldridge (Indiana), and Joelle Lewis (California) stand at the foot of the 19-foot tall Abraham Lincoln statue in the Lincoln Memorial. Left: [From left to right] Caitlin Borke (Michigan) and Joelle Lewis (California) stand in the midst of the community service all of WLC participates in. During their week they packed backpacks with new school supplies for elementary school kids who may otherwise not have any.

California FFANEWS • Fall 2013


Tina Kloss Although she would have loved to have been an FFA member, Tina Kloss missed the 1969 historical time in our organization to be an official member. Little did she know, her life would be later enriched by the fruits of California FFA and become the place where she would retire. Long before Tina was an employee of California FFA, she had been indirectly connected for over ten years. Prior to the FFA Center, Tina worked at Bank of America and was the individual who would direct deposit reimbursement checks for the state officers. The Financial Director at the time, Angie Barnes,

would see Tina at least twice a month for check deposits and from there built a lifelong friendship. When the position as Membership Services opened up at the new FFA Center in 2006, Angie sought out Tina as a valuable candidate, and the rest is history. At the time of her retirement, Tina was the longest s t a n d i n g employee of the California FFA Center. She was always the smiling face that would greet you when you entered the center and the farewell you would have when you left. Her positive attitude and warm spirit brought a level of ease and comfort the FFA Center and all that were a

part of it. The absence of her kind heart was felt when she retired in December, 2006. When asked what she loved the most about her job and what she will miss most, she replied, “It was so inspirational to be surrounded by the most dedicated and kindhearted educators that I had ever met. I do not think you will find a place with better teachers than you will with California Ag Teachers. I also loved the interactions I had with the state officers and conference staff; they are the most talented young adults and I consistently saw incredibly bright futures in each of them. They will all be my cherished memories.” This past April, Tina was recognized with the Honorary State FFA Degree as a reflection of her dedication to California FFA and all of her years of commitment to student success. Tina’s retirement has allowed her to spend time with her greatest passion, showing horses. She has spent her time since traveling around California and other states showing her horses and spending time with her friends and family.

You’ll Be Missed... Marcus Hollan In three short years, Marcus Hollan was able to impact leadership on every level within the California FFA Association. His journey to serve as the Leadership Development Coordinator for California FFA began while an FFA member at the Mariposa FFA chapter. After graduating high school, Marcus traveled to Chico State where his passion for leadership continued to be fueled. Throughout his time there he worked for National FFA facilitating and managing leadership conferences, including three summers spent in Washington D.C. facilitating and managing the Washington Leadership Conference. That experience in Washington is what Marcus claims really ignited his passion in curriculum design, training development and management. He returned to Chico State and developed the Freshman Leadership Opportunity (FLO) program which after graduation led him back to California FFA. Thinking back on his three years working for California FFA Marcus claims that his favorite moments were when his leadership staff would have their “Ah-Ha!” moments during a conference. Marcus says this is the moment when “everything finally clicked – all they discovered at trainings and during coaching finally lined up at the right moment and they got it.” Marcus is saying goodbye to California FFA in order to say hello to another wonderful


California FFANEWS • Fall 2013

Hollan: opportunity. He has accepted a Research “It has been an incredible journey the last Assistantship at the University of Kentucky several years and I could not have asked for where he will be working on his masters in a greater experience out of college. I would community and leadership development – a like to thank the three teams of GLC & SLE position right down his alley! There, he will staff I have been honored to work with as have the opportunity to work with professors in undergraduate courses and well as the several state officer is very excited to be in teams I trained for MFE & the classroom and ALA. They are some of working with future the most talented, agricultural compassionate people I have teachers. worked with Here in and my life is California, Mr. more enriched Zane Sheehan because of will be taking the opportunity over for Mr. to coach and Marcus Hollan. Marcus (far right) with his 2013 SLE staff Marcus had the train them. Thank (left to right) Tino Rossi, Vince Pellegri following words of you to the teachers and Alexa Nunes advice for Zane: up and down the state “Trust in your talents as for your encouragement well as the talents of those and support. Thank you to state staff for your guidance and wisdom as surrounding you. The Ag Ed Family in well as the feedback to help myself and the California is full of support and talent that will programs improve. Thank you to the ladies be there to help you succeed. Also, Dream in the FFA Center for being my cheerleaders BIG. Our Association has been built on and sounding boards. Lastly, thank you to the visionary leaders who took risk. You have a students of California FFA. You are the reason fresh canvas in front of you – bring it to life!” we do what we do. Wish you the very best in Thank you Marcus for a wonderful three years all of your futures.” • and good luck in Kentucky! Special note to California FFA from Marcus

Continued from page 11...



Ken Harris, Senator Jim Nielson, President John Welty

Dennis Albiani, Joe Camarillo, Mike & Wendy Hall, Tina Kloss



Winner: Amanda Skidmore, Atwater-Buhach Colony


Winner: Robin Olsen, Littlerock FFA


Winner: Montanna Tarkington, Tulare FFA

Winner: Jenna Nichol, Cottonwood-West Valley FFA



Winner: Gage Willey, East Nicolaus FFA

Winner: Jessica Judge, San Luis Obispo FFA



Winner: Mandy Garner, Galt-Liberty Ranch FFA


Winner: Sheryl Sisil, Madera FFA


Winner: Pam Knapp, Linden FFA

Winner: Kaitlyn Alanis, Los Banos FFA

Photos not available...








Tulelake FFA



Escalon FFA Escalon FFA



Escalon FFA

Cottonwood-West Valley FFA



Escalon FFA

Dinuba FFA

Congratulations To All Our Champions!

Lodi FFA

Galt-Liberty Ranch FFA


Elk Grove FFA

Modesto-Beyer FFA


Cottonwood-West Valley FFA


California FFANEWS • Fall 2013



Members Walk and Relay for a Cure



Submitted by Raeann Magill On March 17, the Yuba City High School participated in the 133rd Bok Kai Parade, which is a celebration of the Chinese New Year. The Yuba City FFA chapter walked in the parade to collect change with two giant animal floats, a pig and a sheep, made from old shopping carts and paper mache. The inside of each of the animal carts was hollow, with an open top, just like a giant, rolling piggy bank! The chapter collected change throughout the parade for their three Relay for Life teams. Relay for Life is a 24 hour event to raise funds to find a cure for cancer, and the Yuba City FFA chapter will be participating and selling tamales to help the American Cancer Society. Over $300 was collected, all because of the awesome efforts of the members! Caption: Yuba City FFA members at the Bok Kai Parade collecting funds for cancer research.


We Love Our Student Teachers Submitted by Kaitlyn Alanis, Chapter Reporter Whenever our chapter gets a student teacher for a semester, we celebrate! We are so grateful for all of the hard work and dedication that student teachers have always put into making our chapter the best it can be. Without our student teachers, we would not be able to have a Cotton Judging or B.I.G team, and we would definitely not have an advisor to take even more of our members to the State FFA Leadership Conference. But after celebrating, our members get together and decide on a fun activity to “initiate” our student teacher as an official part of our chapter. This spring has definitely been one of our favorite initiations. We asked our student teacher, Mr. Chapman, to take a picture of all our members who competed at the field day. Once he counted to 3 we all grabbed the silly string behind us and sprayed him completely over! It was such a fun way to make our student teacher feel accepted into our chapter, and a memory that will last a lifetime! Thank you to all of our student teachers who have made our chapter grow! Caption: Mr. Chapman being officially welcomed into the Los Banos FFA chapter.

Get Your Latest News Published in CA FFA News! Here’s how 1) Submit an article about your chapter’s recent activity. a. Article should be 150-200 words. b. Please do not include members or advisors names within the article. c. The “Chapter Scoop” should be about an interesting and/or unique type of FFA activity. We are not interested in the traditional type of activities to include monthly meetings, Career Development Events and judging teams. This is an opportunity to showcase new and innovative chapter activities.

3) Email the information to Jackie Garcia at The Subject of the email must include your chapter’s name. In the email, please include the author of the chapter scoop.

2) Attach a GREAT quality digital photo. a. Ensure the photo is in color and showcases a picture to help further explain the submitted article. b. Photos that are acceptable include members in appropriate clothing and displaying appropriate behavior. c. Photos must be sent as individual jpeg files.

* If article exceeds 150 words, it will be adjusted at the editor’s discretion. If the Chapter Scoop does not meet the above qualifications, it may not be included in the publication. Material sent after the respective due date will not be included. •

CA FFA News Deadlines for Each Edition: (due by 11:59 p.m.) Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Winter 2013 Spring 2014 Early Summer 2014

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