10 small things which can make you happy everyday

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10 Small Things which can Make You Happy Everyday The Quickest Ways to Turn Your Frown Upside Down

Appreciate Nature and Beautiful Objects


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Interacting with Friends and Family

Enriching Your Life

Listen to Music

Being Friendly

Have Experiences It’s often thought that items last longer than trips you can only go on once. When it comes to your happiness, the opposite is true. Spend your rainy day fund on a day trip instead of a meal or those shoes you really want. These memories can be revisited and boost spirits even years after your excursion. For quicker happiness, think back on an experience you’ve had in your life that was positive. Taking a trip down a happy memory lane can have long lasting effects.

Get Involved with Charity Even if you don’t build a house or serve soup to the homeless every day, being charitable is as simple as giving up your seat on the subway or buying coffee for the person behind you in the Starbucks line.

Stay Healthy

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Achieve Small Daily Goals

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