Sure-Shot Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem The Easiest Ways to Start Loving Yourself
Stop Your Inner Negativity
One of the quickest ways to raise self-esteem is to simply stop being so hard on yourself. Every time you tell yourself that you’re not good enough, your spirit shrinks a little bit more. Let it flourish by cutting the criticism and opening up to positivity.
Start Getting Motivated
Instead of constant berating yourself with negative feedback, look for ways to get yourself going. Healthy motivation includes reminding yourself of why you’re doing a task or job, not why you’re going to fail.
Focus on hobbies and tasks that you excel at to help boost your confidence level.
The “Good Feelings” Jar
Try this exercise: • every day, get a small scrap of paper and write something positive about yourself on it. It can be small or big – you have nice eyes or you are good at chess. Things like that. • Put this paper in a jar, and continue throughout the month. • At the end of the month, read a few of the nice things you’ve said about yourself, or take a peek inside every time you’re feeling down.
Focus on Your Talents and Value
Someone without a lot of self-esteem often thinks of themselves as worthless, useless or not worthy of what they have in life. Instead of thinking about negative emotions, focus on why you are important to others and what you are good at. Think about three different values you have. Are you a good cook that feeds your friends? Are you helpful at work? These roles may seem small, but remember you are a presence in the lives of others that is irreplaceable.
Paying Forward Positivity
If you’re having trouble finding the value in yourself, start making yourself valuable in your own eyes.
Do something nice for someone every day. Give compliments out like cookies – and giving out some cookies won’t hurt, either. You do have value, but sometimes it can be hard to see through a haze of self-deprecation. Forget the past and focus on the present – if you’re convinced you aren’t worthy right now, work on becoming worthy in your own eyes!
Accept Failure
You aren’t perfect – no one is! When you learn to accept yourself as flawed in ways, your life will be much happier. If you continue to nitpick and beat yourself up over any tiny flaw in your life, be it physical or mental, you’ll never get any self-confidence. You should be able to settle for good enough. When you set your expectations too high and fail, no matter what the context, you’re setting yourself up to be disappointed.
Do New Things / Meet New People
Getting involved in a new hobby can infinitely boost your self-esteem. Stepping outside your comfort zone shows bravery and willingness to fail and try again – both traits to be proud of. When you meet new people, you’re opening yourself up more and being more extraverted than shy and worried about what people will think of you. Being friendly and engaging with others can give you a big dose of confidence.
Edit Your Friend List
Those with low self-esteem often hang around with people who help further their descent into becoming totally spiritless – this is the fault of both parties. Those who exist to tear people down shouldn’t do so in the first place, and those with low self-confidence shouldn’t participate in selffulfilling prophecies OR let themselves be pushed around!
Cut out people in your life who get down on you, almost as much as you get down on yourself. These kinds of “friends” are like weights on your chest – cut them loose and breathe in deep.
Spend Time with People Who Do See Value In You
A lot of confidence issues lie in not being supported enough.
Instead of listening to those who used to rag on you, start spending more quality time with those who appreciate you as a person. Feeling appreciated by someone who matters to you helps you feel a sense of pride and usefulness – both emotions that can help boost self-esteem.
Look Good, Feel Good
People with self-confidence issues often feel bad about their physical appearance. Learn to love your body and looks – but this doesn’t mean you can’t have a makeover every once in a while. When someone puts effort into their appearance and sees the potential they hold physically, their self-confidence increases.
Caring about your health, wellness and appearance and being proud of your entire self are two great ways to be more confident in life.