3 minute read

Foreword by Amber Lynn


When my mom first asked me to write the foreword for Inside “The Mind” of Suicide, I knew it was something I wanted to do, I just wasn’t sure what I wanted to share.

I would say that I have been very close to the issue of suicide. But I think that right now, today, we all are.

I have lost acquaintances, classmates, teachers, and family to suicide. I've seen people affected in every part of my life, not only those who we've lost but those of us who are left here as well. I think it is so important to keep talking about suicide, but... I think that some messages out there are very hurtful to those who are suffering or to those who have suffered. We need to pass on love and hope, not hate or judgment. This mentality is what I hope you feel presented here in this book.

I don't know many people who are willing to be transparent about their story and struggles. You can count on that in this book. Some of the darkest moments of my mom’s life and some of the toughest in mine are shared in this book. She began writing this, and we are both passionate about sharing its contents with everyone because we hope that its unmistakable honesty will light a fire in you. This is a book for everyone. If you interact with other people at all, then this book is for you.

There are many things that could be said about my mom. Somehow, she's always kept hope in sight when we encountered tragedy and hardship. She is full of wisdom and caring, and has always put her full effort into doing what she thought was best for herself, my sister and I. Outside of our home, she has spent years putting time into our community, working in schools, those who have found themselves in the correctional system, and with EMS Personnel.

There is no way to measure the positive ripple effect that started in Northern Colorado with her message of forgiveness, hope and the power we have in our choice. Nothing has impacted my own life as much as growing up in a home where I knew I always had a place to communicate. I was free to share the thoughts and feelings I was having regarding what I saw happening in the world, the world close to me and the one I was not close to in proximity. Things were not always right or well in our world, but I always knew there was a safe place to talk.

I personally feel that many people do not grow up in an environment that promotes honest conversation, even when there is conflict or disagreements. It is much easier for me to communicate about stress, frustration, and anxiety because of the way I grew up. I hold these core beliefs about communication. It is always better to communicate than to hold in your feelings, we are always entitled to have our feelings and along with both of those truths, what matters the most is the way we express them. It is always ok to feel sad, angry or any other emotion; however, we are responsible for the way we react. I hope after reading this book you will find the importance of advocating for yourself in a healthy way.

The two chapters that I think have impacted my life the most are “When Good Isn't Good Enough” (ch 5) and “Would You Take Insulin If Your Life Depended on It?” (ch 12). The mentality behind “When Good Isn't Good Enough” has really set the course for the way I view life and my role in it. I understand that, though I'm far from perfect, have made mistakes, and will still make mistakes, I am valuable and that my life is worth living.

The second chapter in this book that has impacted the way I view life the most is “Would You Take Insulin If Your Life Depended on It?” The concept behind this has made asking for help easy when I need it. I really do feel this way about personal/mental health. If I have something I'm struggling with, I'm going to look for answers, ask for help and take the necessary actions towards the solution or solutions. I know this requires courage, but with practice, it becomes easier.

It would be my hope that through reading this story, you would find even one thing to hold on to, to make living your every day better and lead you on to a successful journey of a life lived with strong mental health and self-love.

Amber Lynn is a Colorado native. She’s a high school graduate who aspires to serve others and show people how to find true joy in their lives. She enjoys the outdoors and loves to learn. She has been writing songs for 8 years and would love to one day share that passion with the world. Amber wants to travel the world, learn about different cultures and find new ways to make an impact.

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