Daylight Requirements
The space being studied is a corridor space. The scheme is realised with two strctural concrete walls that create a circulation spine zig-zagging through the scheme. This is a dark space, contrasting with the triangular gallery spaces that span the concrete geometry, which are very light spaces.
The required lighting level for a gallery space is a daylight factor of 1 minimum, with 5 average. However, the space I am studying is a corridor space. The most comparable guideline is that for a corridor in assembly or concert halls, which is a minimum DF of 0.6, with an average of 2. Table showing the Daylight factors collected in the space, at a height of 700mm. The points of measurements are on an equally spaced grid.
Gallery Space
Space being studied - circulation
This shows a rendered digital model of the space. I believe the design intention has been achieved, with suďŹƒcient lighting for the activity in the corridor.
Jenny Saunders
The average DF for the space is 4.007. This is suprisingly high, given that the average DF required for a corridor space is 2, and the design intention is for this to be a dark space. This value may be distorted by some direct illuminance falling on two of the measurement points, giving DF values of 54.41 and 56.7. The average DF without these two values is 2.7. This falls much closer to the average of 2 that is required for corridor spaces. Given that the design intention for this space is that it is a tall, dark space with shafts of light creating a high contrast light eect, I am happy with the pseudo-colour rendering and daylight factor values for the space.
AT2 Task 18_Daylighting
Design Intentions
This is a photography centre. Using the idea of ‘drawing with light’, the intention of the architecture is to create different experiences of light as an inspiration of creativity for the people of Barry. This is achieved with high contrast in light, as well as using water as a reflective and refractive building material to manipulate the light.
Concept Sketch Circulation Gallery
This plan shows how the scheme is concieved as two structural concrete spine walls that zig-zag through the site, creating a corridor space through the scheme. The gallery spaces are supported between the triangular geometry of these walls with single spanning beams.
Above is a rendered image of the digital model of the corridor space. Below, a perspective of the ‘glass gallery’ created from a physical model. This space is intended to be extremely light in comparison to the corridor space.
A section through the ‘glass gallery’ which is glazed from floor to ceiling, and floats above a pool of water to ensure maximum reflection and light.
Jenny Saunders
AT2 Task 18_Daylighting
Digital vs. Physical Modelling This plan shows the internal gallery space that is being viewed in this study. The red arrow shows the direction of the ‘camera’.
The digital model gives the impression of a very light space. Interms of materials, it is sucessful in distinguishing between different materials, and giving an accuracy of shadows, given the daylight conditions. There can be a great deal of control as to the analysis created with a digital model. However, the rendering has a ‘cartoon’ feel to it, and lacks in the imperfections and reality of materials that an actual photo of the space might have.
Jenny Saunders
Early in the project, a lighting study was undertaken to compare the qualitative daylight effects by testing with digital versus physical lightin models. Even though the space tested is not relevant to the current scheme, it is still valid to compare the two methods.
The physical lighting model certainly has an aspect of reality, given its imperfections, but a more accurate model is needed. It is very difficult to control the light as this depends on the conditions when you take the photograph, unless you use an artificial sky. There is not a lot of accuracy with materials, as trying to create a 1:1 image with card is very difficult. Also, the reflectiveness of materials is a hugely important factor, and the polished concrete floor, for example, does not seem realistic.
AT2 Task 18_Daylighting