forwardslash/design manifesto

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We are forwardslash/design and we believe in making the importance of design understood.

Judge a book by its cover.


Design based subjects need to have a more prominent role in education. Design offers a lifelong ability to think originally and problem solve ceatively.

‘Good de isnt deco good des is problem solving.’

esign oration, sign m -Jeffrey Veen.


Students of design gain a clear understanding of the objective at hand they are able to manage projects through the intention, process and outcome.


Design improves lives. Design follows a purpose to improve the functionality of everyday life from a toothbrush to a computer and newspaper.

‘We arent creating commisioned pieces, we are creating design solutions.’ -Chris Lee

‘Design is not just what it looks like or feels like,

Design is how it works.’ -Steve Jobs


Design covers a wide range of subjects. Designers need to have a knowledge of whats happening in society in order create more relevant and longlasting designs.


Aspects of business should be a requirement of design students. Designers need to have a suitable understanding of business concepts in order to design innovative solutions that appeal to their target market.

Business man

Graphic Designer


We want to make aspects of design compulsory in education. Currently in schools Design is optional. This is called ‘Design and Technology’ and consists of various undesign related subjects such as Food Technology. We plan to change the curriculum into 6 sections.

Product 3D Graphic Fashion Textile A r c h i t e c t

design design design design design u r e

‘Design is everything, everything is design.’


Of the UK’s top 30 univerisities, just one has design based courses.

The forward slash denotes a choice/option and we believe the UK should be given a greater option/choice for...


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