enny marshall Online portfolio Fashion Design and Marketing. Northumbria University
Industrial heritage
esign relisation and Promotion Assignment: I choose shipbuilding, in relation to the Titanic as a starting point for my Industrial Heritage. Contrasting research points included looking at the style worn on the ship (first class) and, conditions for the ship builders. From this I was inspired to design a contemporary waistcoat, styled and influenced by the ship builders.
Shipyard Shadows
Design Development Shape and silhouette of the waistcoat, was inspired by the hull, paired with the construction of the ship.
Fabric manipulation Fabric technology is continuously developing however, during earlier years gentlemen ship builders in 1910 didn’t have this luxury of heat protecting garments. Inspiration from this lead me to look at, the heat used during their everyday duties that would’ve affected their work clothes. These are experiments on woollen fabrics, using a blow torch and magnesium spark.
Initial Designs
Trend Package
esign and Promotion
Assignment: Research upcoming trends to create your own, then design a collection of garments and a range of accessories. Virtual outlaws is the title for my trend, looking at how the traditional cops and robbers will be a thing of the past, and virtual bandits will become a greater threat.
Brand and Message
ourney Magazine
Assignment: Produce a magazine, designing the brand, logo, capturing original images writing and editing the stories to be published. As a pair we decided to create a magazine loosely based around Journeys, both metaphorical and practical.
roduct Construction
Assignment: Leading on from summer 2014 brief, I designed and constructed this shirt. Starting with rough illustrations, developing flats, to pattern designing and cutting, then finally the garment construction. My Final design is loosely based on a girl playing in the countryside, on a log and rope swing, combined with a Victorian age feel.
Concept generation
ense of place
Assignment: Identify and present a sense of place, effectively demenstrating elements such as the mood and atmosphere. I have choosen the theme of exploring, particularly within urban environments. From this I have designed 4 garments, relating to my research, of which I have captured images from neglected buildings.
Obstrenity, is the name I’ve created to resemble a new sense of place that has been introduced to me. This name has been formed from the words, obstruct serenity, which how I’d describe the atmosphere within an abandoned building. As kids, a sense of adventure was present, but as we grow older that spark is often lost or difficult to re-ignite. Before I felt a sense of adventure through watching movies, or through gaming however, these recent explorations lead me to re-discover that spark. There is something about seeing what time and nature can do to a strong structure, once so formal and constructed, now rotting and defaced. The structured form combined with infestations of decay has inspired this project, looking at something that appears unaestheticly pleasing but holds a peculiar element of beauty.
Whilst exploring through a maze of rooms, the skeletons of past lives, where found, creating a sad yet peaceful feel within the buildings.
Thankyou for your time. For any questions in relation to my work, feel free to get in contact via this email adress; jenny.june.marshall010@gmail.com