Corporate Style Guide - Internal

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Corporate Style Guide Internal Edition 1, August 2013

Contents Introduction Who is Converga Group? Our purpose Our mission and vision Our Values What is ONE? ONE logo Converga logo Logo Usage Minimum size Logo misuse Logo placement Rounded corners Typefaces Primary typeface Secondary typeface Colour Primary colours Secondary colours Stationary Letterhead Minutes Email Signature

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal

3 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15

Rewards & recognition STARs program certificates Service certificates Thank you cards Star of the Month Runner Up card Customer Service Promise card Templates Document Job advertisements Job description PowerPoint presentation e-Newsletter Illustrations Photography Contacts

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

17 18 20 21 22


Introduction Welcome to the first edition of the Converga Style Guide - Internal. A Corporate Guide has been developed for the Converga Group to ensure a consistent corporate image and professional standard of written communication is maintained across all publications for the Converga brand. This section guide will help to achieve a professional standard of written communication across our organisation. Reference should be made to this guide when creating written content for Converga. This will help to clarify the messages we wish to communicate, achieve a consistent, clear identity for our business and help to consolidate the image of the organisation and its employee. The Converga Writing Guide provides tips on writing clear and concise content, eliminating jargon and bureaucratic language and avoiding common pitfalls in grammar, spelling and punctuation. The aims of the Writing Guide are to:

n n n n

Achieve a consistent, high standard of written communication across our organisation Standardise and improve our communication with our current and future clients Achieve a consistent, clear identity for Converga Project our organisation as professional, reliable and contemporary

All communication materials must adhere to the Corporate Style Guide - Internal. No deviation should be made from the standards laid down in this manual without approval from the Marketing and Creative Team. If you have any queries about any aspect or detail of the Converga Group Corporate Style Guide - Internal, please contact or see page 35 for further contact details.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Who is Converga Group? Converga Group specialise in Business Process Outsourcing with a focus on paper to digital document conversion. We offer a range of solutions, from front of house and mailroom management to high volume scanning, imaging and indexing, paperless accounts payable and digital mail and much more.

Our purpose Best people, processes and technology. Taking our clients on a journey of innovation.

Our mission and vision Mission: Pushing beyond the envelope to deliver intelligent information and service excellence. Vision: We will revolutionise our solutions to enable paper and digital communication to converge, driving a broader and global market.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Our Values To do this we need to ensure you gain an understanding of where we are heading, how we are going to get there and how you can get involved.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


What is ONE? ONE is our common look and feel and the way we will connect across the company. It is how we will now think, feel and talk about developing our organisational capability. Ultimately, ONE will contribute to us achieving the company Vision, Mission and Values. ONE:




Help us create a sense of ‘one team’ throughout our widely spread organisation; Helps people to gain a sense of belonging and make it more obvious how they contribute to the bigger picture; Bring our Vision, Mission and Values alive and make them more than just words

‘One’ is a very powerful word. It is a great way to describe our culture, where we are heading and how we are going to get there.

ONE logos

ONE Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Converga logo The Converga logo consists of three elements:


The logotype, ‘Converga’.


The tagline ‘your business process partner’.


The brandmark, ‘swoosh’.

Brandmark Logotype


Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Converga logo Logo usage Clear space While the size of the logo will differ when applied to various applications, a clear space should always be maintained – as indicated on the right.

Colour and white reproduction The colour logo can be used on white or black background, where changing the black area to white, or vice versa - as indicated.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Converga logo Minimum size To ensure clarity and legibility of the Converga brand, a minimum size has been defined for both print and web.



The logo does not have a maximum reproduction size. 35 mm

30 mm

Small use logo If a special application of the logo requires an even smaller format than the minimum size shown above (i.e.: uniforms or a pen), the following version should be used. Note that the tagline have been removed to avoid illegibility. This version is not for general use and should only be used in very special circumstances.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Converga logo Logo misuse Never recreate, alter or distort the Converga logo in any way. These are examples of what we DON’T want to see. They are incorrect use of the Converga logo and should be avoided at all times.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal

Do not remove any parts of the logo unless approved

Do not add shadows or any effects to the logo

Do not distort the proportions of the logo

Do not reproduce the logo in unapproved colours

Do not place the logo on a busy background

Do not place the logo on a coloured background unless approved


Logo placement Converga logo only The Converga logo should be placed in a visually dominant position on the top left of any format. Centre placing should generally be avoided. Top left placement is preferred, although there may be times when placement to the top right or bottom left or right is the only sensible solution.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ornare dictum ligula. Maecenas elementum suscipit nisl. Cras imperdiet leo ac felis dictum luctus. Pellentesque odio nisi, accumsan nec, scelerisque sed, consectetuer nec, justo. Sed tortor sapien, suscipit id, pulvinar vel, elementum id, lorem. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus. Duis feugiat lacus vel nisi. Aliquam ipsum felis, pretium sed, vehicula vel, dictum eget, nibh. Morbi turpis nulla, luctus viverra, pretium in, suscipit vitae, purus. Morbi gravida lacus sed lorem. Mauris vestibulum. Cras vehicula porta eros. Curabitur ut justo vel pede elementum semper. Integer pretium pulvinar augue. Aenean ut nisl non lectus porta feugiat. Mauris iaculis pede a risus. Suspendisse mollis. Donec suscipit. Sed tellus magna, tempus a, ultricies in, dignissim et, nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Proin viverra vulputate pede. Sed nec mauris ut turpis convallis tempus. Maecenas id justo vitae lacus fringilla interdum. Nulla diam. Phasellus interdum dictum tellus. Donec convallis leo in orci. Vestibulum eget nibh. Nullam consectetuer blandit elit. Cras non ipsum ut nulla pulvinar consequat. Maecenas tincidunt, dui sed interdum vehicula, justo arcu tempus risus, id semper arcu velit sit amet mi. Donec sem. Sed pulvinar fringilla elit. Quisque ante. Cras tempor lobortis velit. Phasellus porta arcu sit amet libero. Aenean aliquet, leo in porta aliquam, est tortor accumsan justo, vel ultrices leo dui nec velit. Etiam vel nibh. Quisque eu ante ut diam auctor molestie. Nullam mattis, nulla et molestie cursus, neque orci consectetuer nisl, eget consequat sapien pede vitae augue. Fusce pretium velit et lacus.

Nullam ornare dictum ligula. Maecenas elementum suscipit nisl. Cras imperdiet leo ac felis dictum luctus. Pellentesque odio nisi, accumsan nec, scelerisque sed, consectetuer nec, justo. Sed tortor sapien, suscipit id, pulvinar vel, elementum id, lorem. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus. Duis feugiat lacus vel nisi. Aliquam ipsum felis, pretium sed, vehicula vel, dictum eget, nibh. Morbi turpis nulla, luctus viverra, pretium in, suscipit vitae, purus. Morbi gravida lacus sed lorem. Mauris vestibulum. Cras vehicula porta eros. Curabitur ut justo vel pede elementum semper. Integer pretium pulvinar augue. Aenean ut nisl non lectus porta feugiat. Mauris iaculis pede a risus. Suspendisse mollis. Phasellus interdum dictum tellus. Donec convallis leo in orci. Vestibulum eget nibh. Nullam consectetuer blandit elit. Cras non ipsum ut nulla pulvinar consequat. Maecenas tincidunt, dui sed interdum vehicula, justo arcu tempus risus, id semper arcu velit sit amet mi. Donec sem. Sed pulvinar fringilla elit. Quisque ante. Cras tempor lobortis velit. Phasellus porta arcu sit amet libero. Aenean aliquet, leo in porta aliquam, est tortor accumsan justo, vel ultrices leo dui nec velit. Etiam vel nibh. Quisque eu ante ut diam auctor molestie. Nullam mattis, nulla et molestie cursus, neque orci consectetuer nisl, eget consequat sapien pede vitae augue. Fusce pretium velit et lacus. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus.

Converga logo only

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Logo placement With department logo When a department logo is needed, it should be placed opposite of the Converga logo.

With partnered logo When the Converga logo or subordinate logo is identified as a partner, then the logos should be placed together respecting the logo clear space rules. You can also use a .25 pt vertical line (#b7b7b7 | C-29 M-23 Y-23 K-0 | R-183 G-183 B-183) between the logos when they are placed horizontally.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ornare dictum ligula. Maecenas elementum suscipit nisl. Cras imperdiet leo ac felis dictum luctus. Pellentesque odio nisi, accumsan nec, scelerisque sed, consectetuer nec, justo. Sed tortor sapien, suscipit id, pulvinar vel, elementum id, lorem. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus. Duis feugiat lacus vel nisi. Aliquam ipsum felis, pretium sed, vehicula vel, dictum eget, nibh. Morbi turpis nulla, luctus viverra, pretium in, suscipit vitae, purus. Morbi gravida lacus sed lorem. Mauris vestibulum. Cras vehicula porta eros. Curabitur ut justo vel pede elementum semper. Integer pretium pulvinar augue. Aenean ut nisl non lectus porta feugiat. Mauris iaculis pede a risus. Suspendisse mollis. Donec suscipit. Sed tellus magna, tempus a, ultricies in, dignissim et, nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Proin viverra vulputate pede. Sed nec mauris ut turpis convallis tempus. Maecenas id justo vitae lacus fringilla interdum. Nulla diam. Phasellus interdum dictum tellus. Donec convallis leo in orci. Vestibulum eget nibh. Nullam consectetuer blandit elit. Cras non ipsum ut nulla pulvinar consequat. Maecenas tincidunt, dui sed interdum vehicula, justo arcu tempus risus, id semper arcu velit sit amet mi. Donec sem. Sed pulvinar fringilla elit. Quisque ante. Cras tempor lobortis velit. Phasellus porta arcu sit amet libero. Aenean aliquet, leo in porta aliquam, est tortor accumsan justo, vel ultrices leo dui nec velit. Etiam vel nibh. Quisque eu ante ut diam auctor molestie. Nullam mattis, nulla et molestie cursus, neque orci consectetuer nisl, eget consequat sapien pede vitae augue. Fusce pretium velit et lacus.

with department logo

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal

Nullam ornare dictum ligula. Maecenas elementum suscipit nisl. Cras imperdiet leo ac felis dictum luctus. Pellentesque odio nisi, accumsan nec, scelerisque sed, consectetuer nec, justo. Sed tortor sapien, suscipit id, pulvinar vel, elementum id, lorem. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus. Duis feugiat lacus vel nisi. Aliquam ipsum felis, pretium sed, vehicula vel, dictum eget, nibh. Morbi turpis nulla, luctus viverra, pretium in, suscipit vitae, purus. Morbi gravida lacus sed lorem. Mauris vestibulum. Cras vehicula porta eros. Curabitur ut justo vel pede elementum semper. Integer pretium pulvinar augue. Aenean ut nisl non lectus porta feugiat. Mauris iaculis pede a risus. Suspendisse mollis. Phasellus interdum dictum tellus. Donec convallis leo in orci. Vestibulum eget nibh. Nullam consectetuer blandit elit. Cras non ipsum ut nulla pulvinar consequat. Maecenas tincidunt, dui sed interdum vehicula, justo arcu tempus risus, id semper arcu velit sit amet mi. Donec sem. Sed pulvinar fringilla elit. Quisque ante. Cras tempor lobortis velit. Phasellus porta arcu sit amet libero. Aenean aliquet, leo in porta aliquam, est tortor accumsan justo, vel ultrices leo dui nec velit. Etiam vel nibh. Quisque eu ante ut diam auctor molestie. Nullam mattis, nulla et molestie cursus, neque orci consectetuer nisl, eget consequat sapien pede vitae augue. Fusce pretium velit et lacus. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ornare dictum ligula. Maecenas elementum suscipit nisl. Cras imperdiet leo ac felis dictum luctus. Pellentesque odio nisi, accumsan nec, scelerisque sed, consectetuer nec, justo. Sed tortor sapien, suscipit id, pulvinar vel, elementum id, lorem. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus. Duis feugiat lacus vel nisi. Aliquam ipsum felis, pretium sed, vehicula vel, dictum eget, nibh. Morbi turpis nulla, luctus viverra, pretium in, suscipit vitae, purus. Morbi gravida lacus sed lorem. Mauris vestibulum. Cras vehicula porta eros. Curabitur ut justo vel pede elementum semper. Integer pretium pulvinar augue. Aenean ut nisl non lectus porta feugiat. Mauris iaculis pede a risus. Suspendisse mollis. Donec suscipit. Sed tellus magna, tempus a, ultricies in, dignissim et, nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Proin viverra vulputate pede. Sed nec mauris ut turpis convallis tempus. Maecenas id justo vitae lacus fringilla interdum. Nulla diam. Phasellus interdum dictum tellus. Donec convallis leo in orci. Vestibulum eget nibh. Nullam consectetuer blandit elit. Cras non ipsum ut nulla pulvinar consequat. Maecenas tincidunt, dui sed interdum vehicula, justo arcu tempus risus, id semper arcu velit sit amet mi. Donec sem. Sed pulvinar fringilla elit. Quisque ante. Cras tempor lobortis velit. Phasellus porta arcu sit amet libero. Aenean aliquet, leo in porta aliquam, est tortor accumsan justo, vel ultrices leo dui nec velit. Etiam vel nibh. Quisque eu ante ut diam auctor molestie. Nullam mattis, nulla et molestie cursus, neque orci consectetuer nisl, eget consequat sapien pede vitae augue. Fusce pretium velit et lacus.

Nullam ornare dictum ligula. Maecenas elementum suscipit nisl. Cras imperdiet leo ac felis dictum luctus. Pellentesque odio nisi, accumsan nec, scelerisque sed, consectetuer nec, justo. Sed tortor sapien, suscipit id, pulvinar vel, elementum id, lorem. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus. Duis feugiat lacus vel nisi. Aliquam ipsum felis, pretium sed, vehicula vel, dictum eget, nibh. Morbi turpis nulla, luctus viverra, pretium in, suscipit vitae, purus. Morbi gravida lacus sed lorem. Mauris vestibulum. Cras vehicula porta eros. Curabitur ut justo vel pede elementum semper. Integer pretium pulvinar augue. Aenean ut nisl non lectus porta feugiat. Mauris iaculis pede a risus. Suspendisse mollis. Phasellus interdum dictum tellus. Donec convallis leo in orci. Vestibulum eget nibh. Nullam consectetuer blandit elit. Cras non ipsum ut nulla pulvinar consequat. Maecenas tincidunt, dui sed interdum vehicula, justo arcu tempus risus, id semper arcu velit sit amet mi. Donec sem. Sed pulvinar fringilla elit. Quisque ante. Cras tempor lobortis velit. Phasellus porta arcu sit amet libero. Aenean aliquet, leo in porta aliquam, est tortor accumsan justo, vel ultrices leo dui nec velit. Etiam vel nibh. Quisque eu ante ut diam auctor molestie. Nullam mattis, nulla et molestie cursus, neque orci consectetuer nisl, eget consequat sapien pede vitae augue. Fusce pretium velit et lacus. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus.

with partnered logo


Rounded corners Designs are incorporated with a combination of round and straight corners. The rounded corner gives emphasis to objects and makes it easy on the eye. The rounded corners should always be in the upper left and lower right. There are a set of standard or fixed radius size for the corners for consistency. Please contact marketing@converga. for advice. Rounded corners can also be used for photos, textbox or any other information box. Provided on the right are some samples of applications.

Converga is a 100% owned subsidiary of New Zealand Post and joins their extensive list of strategic investments in Australia within the Information Technology, Business Process Outsourcing, and logistics markets. Converga began operations in 1994, the company was best known as a provider of mailroom services. As the demand for Information Management services increased we emerged as a specialist in Business Process Outsourcing with a particular focus on automation. The focus of Converga’s core business is supporting the movement of paper and digital information flows within and across organisations. Today, Converga maintains nine off-site Converga Technology Centres (TCs) across Australia and New Zealand, two off-shore TC in the Philippines and Chicago, IL USA and employs over 1,100 staff operating in more than 150 customer locations.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Typefaces Primary typeface

Arial Arial has been selected as Converga’s primary typeface and is used for promotional materials that are produced in-house. For example: letters, proposals and PowerPoint.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz:!$ @%&?1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz:!$ @%&?1234567890


Bold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz:!$ @%&?1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz:!$ @%&?1234567890


Typefaces Secondary typeface

Myriad Pro Myriad Pro is used for items where the design is commissioned by the Marketing and Creative team or external agencies.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Regular Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz :!$@%&?1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz :!$@%&?1234567890


Semibold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz :!$@%&?1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz :!$@%&?1234567890


Bold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz :!$@%&?1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz :!$@%&?1234567890


Typefaces Secondary typeface

Universal LT 45 Universal LT 45 is used for items where the design is commissioned by the Marketing and Creative team or external agencies.

Frutiger LT 57 Cn Frutiger LT 57 Cn is used for items where the design is commissioned by the Marketing and Creative team or external agencies.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk lmnopqrstuvwxyz :!$@%&?1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghij klmnopqrstuvwxyz :!$@%&?1234567890


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrst uvwxyz:!$@%&?1234567890


Colour Palette Primary colours




dark grey

dark blue

Pantone 485C

Pantone cyan

Pantone 368C

Pantone 425C

Pantone 639C

CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0

CMYK 100, 0, 0, 0

CMYK 50, 5, 100, 0

CMYK 65, 56, 53, 29

CMYK 100, 20, 10, 0

RBG 237, 28, 36

RBG 0, 173, 239

RBG 141, 190, 63

RBG 84, 87, 89

RBG 0, 147, 201

Web #ed1c24

Web #00adef

Web #8dbe3f

Web #545759

Web #0093c9

Cyan is the main Converga colour and should be used in all corporate publications; the Converga Dark Grey can also be used as a support colour. Converga Dark Blue is only to be used for online materials substituting the Cyan.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Colour Palette Secondary colours A set of tints and light colours have been included in order to support the primary colours. These secondary colours may be used in limited quantities and should not appear as the dominant colour in any communication vehicle. The intended use of the secondary colours is to provide accent or highlight options for text and graphics.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal










light grey

Pantone 423C CMYK 48, 39, 39, 4







RBG 138, 139, 140 Web #8a8b8c


Stationary A set of Converga stationary templates are available to be used by all departments for corporate purposes. The range includes letterhead, with compliments slip, business card, fax sheets and minutes. Templates can be requested from or are available on the Converga Intranet. All grey areas can be amended and personal or office contact details should be added. The grey areas will not appear when printed.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Stationary Letterhead

Unit 16, 39 Herbert Street St Leonards NSW 2065 P: 02 9433 7000 M: 0400 000 000 ABN 42 063 577 739

This examples shows how a body text should be used on the letterhead and continuation sheet.

Monday, 21 June 2013

All grey areas should be amended

Name Surname Address 1 Address 2

Dear Sample Letter Layout Heading Sample Letter Layout Sub Heading (if required) Text starts here.

This sample letter shows you how to correctly layout a letter when sending it on behalf of Converga. The heading and sub heading for the letter are in Arial 10 point bold and the body text is in Arial 10 regular. All text is justiďŹ ed. Use this letter as a sample to show you how many lines to leave between sections in order to ensure that all Converga letters have a consistent look. Make sure when writing a letter that you refer to the Converga Writing Guide so that language, spelling and grammar are consistent with Converga requirements. It is most important than when writing letters you sign them off in the correct way as outlined in the sample below. Use this letter as a sample to show you how many lines to leave between sections in order to ensure that all Converga letters have a consistent look. Make sure when writing a letter that you refer to the Converga Writing Guide so that language, spelling and grammar are consistent with Converga requirements. It is most important than when writing letters you sign them off in the correct way as outlined in the sample below. Yours Sincerely, Name Surname Job title

Yours Sincerely, Name Surname Job title

one page letter

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal

continuation sheet


Stationary Minutes Minutes: Title

A Microsoft Word document template for minutes has been produced to ensure visual consistency and should be used for all our documentations.

Meeting place:


Starting time:

Ending time:


Minute taker:



1. Topic Discussion





2. Topic Discussion

Next Meeting:

Copyright Š Converga. Commercial in ConďŹ dence

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal

Page 2


Email signature To keep the Converga brand consistent, below is the recommended method and style of presenting contact information, ‘green consideration’ and confidentiality message at the foot of the email.

n n n

Email content: Calibri, 11pt, black Contact details: Verdana, 10pt, blue Office details, ‘green consideration’ and confidentiality details: Verdana 7.5pt, green and blue

Name Surname | Job Title | P: XX XXXX XXXX | M: XXXX XXX XXX | F: XX XXXX XXXX | E:

Unit 16, 39 Herbert Street St Leonards NSW 2065 Australia

Please consider the environment before printing this email, you will save 5g of paper, 250mL of water and at least 35gm of CO2 For more information about Converga, please visit our web site. This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the addressee or authorised to receive this for the addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose or take any action based on this message or any information herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Rewards & recognition STARs program

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Rewards & recognition Service certificates

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Rewards & recognition Thank you cards

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Rewards & recognition Star of the Month Runner Up cards

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Customer Service Promise card

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Templates Documents An internal document template has been produced to ensure visual consistency and should be used for all our internal documentations. This template should be used for general internal documentations such as policies, procedures, work instructions etc.



Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Templates Job advertisements (internal copy) A document template has been produced to ensure visual consistency and should be used for all our documentations. This template should be used for internal job advertisements only.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Templates Job description (internal copy) A document template has been produced to ensure visual consistency and should be used for all our documentations. This template should be used for job description only.

job description

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal

continuation sheet


Templates PowerPoint presentation A PowerPoint template has been produced to ensure visual consistency and should be used for all our internal presentations.

image container (add appropriate image here)

Slide SlideHeading Heading Converga is a 100% owned subsidiary of NZ Post and joins their extensive list of strategic investments in Australia within the Information Technology (IT), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), and logistics markets. Converga began operations as Outsource Australia (OSA) in 1994, then known primarily as an innovative outsourcing concept of mail, logistics, reprographics and record management operations.

front cover

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal

slide template


Templates e-Newsletter E-newsletters template has been produced to ensure visual consistency and should be used for all internal communications.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Illustrations A range of illustrations and icon has been purchase to be used in process flows to compliment proposals and tenders. These process flows can be created by the Marketing and Creative Team and can be requested via

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Photography When using photography, they must display a warm and professional look and feel. Converga has a library of corporate photos taken around the Converga office of Converga people, processes and technology. These photos can be requested from Where possible, Converga people should be used on publications. The copyright of the images belongs to Converga and can be used free of charge for Converga communications. However, there may be times when you wish to use your own photography or purchase from a stock library. All materials should be submitted to for approval prior to publication.

Converga Corporate Style Guide - Internal


Contacts If you have any queries about any aspect or detail of the Converga Corporate Style Guide or for more information please email to Alternatively, you can contact the below members of the Marketing and Creative Team. Ashlea Cousins | Marketing and Communications Executive P: (02) 9433 7067 E: Jenny Phan | Marketing Assistant P: (02) 9433 7052 E: Youri Vernice Santos | Web and Graphics Designer P: (03) 9037 8674 E: Antonette P. Tuliao | Communications and Graphic Design Associate E:

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