6C Portfolios
Purpose of our portfolio: To show our progress, understanding and growth as a learner ~ especially in the five essential elements of the PYP (concepts, knowledge, skills, attitudes and action). What evidence might we collect to achieve this purpose? Investigations – showing the process Photos Artwork Summative assessments Something you want to improve upon Something you’ve done well Two samples of a similar task (to show growth) Include multiple drafts, plans (graphic organizers) and feedback together Reflections (about work, units, thinking, the piece selected) Goals Video How will we best organize our portfolio? In a way that shows growth or progress in all of the PYP Essential Elements Both digitally and in hard copy – deciding which works best for purpose Use the class matrix to plan Each piece of evidence is purposefully selected and the reason for inclusion has been documented Our Essential Agreements for our Portfolios Items in the portfolio must show your growth or progress as a learner The items included must be self-explanatory – the reason why they are in the portfolio and what they are meant to show are clear (use a portfolio ‘ticket’) Items in the portfolio must be reflected upon The items should support the goals you have made (which should also be included in your portfolio) There will be a variety of items in the portfolio The plan (the matrix) will be included as a part of the portfolio, indicating if the evidence is digital or paper based There must be evidence of the five essential elements of the PYP: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action
I ________________________________ agree to keep my portfolio organized as highlighted above and to select items to show my growth and progress in Grade 6. Signature: _________________________
Date: _________________________