Keeping your lake healthy and clean with lake mower tools

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Keeping your Lake Healthy and Clean Weeds removal – this is something that owners of lakes are very familiar with. These unwanted aquatic plants have the tendency to thrive in this body of water and make it their home, which gives other living organisms a hard time to survive.

Here are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to maintaining the health of lakes:

Do’s If there’s a lawn near the lake, make sure to use only seed mixtures that are high on fescue grass. Grass clippings should be left on the lawn. Use water from the lake to water the lawn or garden. Use weed rake for lakes to scoop out floating unwanted aquatic plants.

Don’ts Drain the sewage into the lake. Pull out the plants living near the lake as they’re your first line of defense against soil erosion. Clean/throw the remains of fish into the lake.

Feed fishes, geese, and ducks from the dock. Use household products that contain phosphates

Keeping a lake healthy can actually be a bit daunting especially if you don’t have the right tools with you. Things can turn a complete 180 degrees with the help of the Jenson Lake Mower and the Jenson Rake. Armed with features and designed to do the dirty work, these weed cutting machines can reach parts of the lake that are difficult to reach and pull out all of the unwanted aquatic plants.


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