Know more about a chemical free process of removing aquatic weeds

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LAKEMOWER Know more about a chemical free process of removing aquatic weeds If there’s one problem that most lake or pond owners share, it’s controlling the proliferation of

unwanted aquatic plants. By unwanted, we mean aquatic plants that spread so fast, it makes

it impossible for aquatic animals to access sunlight, oxygen, and food. Add to that the fact that

they keep humans from enjoying activities such as boating, diving, swimming, and fishing.

There’s a wide variety of pond and lake weed control

methods, each with its own set of pros and cons. Decades

ago, owners removed unwanted aquatic animals through


The whole process took an awfully long period of time to

finish since the weeds had to be removed one by one.

Those located in the deep parts of the pond or lake was

difficult to remove since people had to dive just to pull

them out.

To make things worse, it was impossible to see them because of the pond or lake’s murky

waters. When herbicides were invented, owners thought it would make their lives easier.

While it’s true that it was a more efficient way to remove weeds, herbicides were also

immediately frowned upon when owners noticed that the chemicals also killed the aquatic


Chemical-Free Weed Removal Tools For years, private owners have been looking for effective and efficient

chemical-free pond and lake weed control methods. Fortunately, Ben

Jenson invented the Jenson Lake Mower in 1994.

Formerly known as the water weeder, this eco-friendly aquatic weed

control equipment immediately gained popularity among lake and

pond owners because it did an excellent job in getting rid of all aquatic

pests. The cost effective equipment was so easy to use and it made

weed removal an enjoyable task.

Owners also favored the Jenson Lake Mower is because they don’t need to use chemicals to

make it work. They get to remove all the algae, and other aquatic plants without killing other

living organisms.

Using the Jenson Lake Mower is like mowing an aquatic lawn. It can be attached to a boat so

owners can sit back, sip wine, and enjoy the view while the Jenson Lake Mower busies itself

with all the weeds that need to be removed from the shallow and deep parts of the pond or lake.

This slows down weed growth for the next season which makes it one less problem that lake or

pond owners need to worry about.

In 2007, the company released the Jenson Lake Rake which made things

even easier for the owners. It pushed and pulled floating debris to the

shore, so owners no longer had to scoop them from the water. It can also

be mounted on the boat, and it had the same level of efficiency as the

Jenson Lake Mower.

These weed removal tools allowed humans and aquatic animals to once

again enjoy lake or pond activities. Indeed, it’s a dream come true for

lake or pond owners.

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