Weed Removal Tools For Lake And Ponds
Lakes offer a place of comfort for those who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. This body of water does a great job in reflecting the beauty of nature, and it provides a great view for those who want to enjoy the sunrise and the sunset. It’s also an excellent venue for human activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. The only problem with lakes or ponds is that it’s also where aquatic plants grow.
Wanted and Unwanted Aquatic plants Now before you go off chopping every single aquatic plant you see, you should know that not all aquatic plants are unwanted. These plants provide shelter and food for both aquatic and semi-aquatic animals so you need to think twice before removing all of them. They also make great subjects for photographs because of their attractive colors, especially when they’re placed beside each other. The only time that these aquatic plants become unwanted is when there’s too many of them in the pond or the lake.
When they form miniature islands and when they hinder human activities because they’ve covered more than 70% of the lake and when you get tangled in their roots.
Weed Removal Private owners of lakes and ponds have different weed cutting methods. Some try to stick to traditional weed removal methods like harvesting, where they pull out unwanted aquatic plants such as hydrilla, cattail, water hyacinth, cattail, lily pads, and weeds one by one. This would have been an ideal weed cutting method since it does not make use of chemicals, but it takes an awfully long time to get the job done since it’s labor intensive and it becomes difficult to remove weed from the deep portions of the lake. Aquatic herbicides present a faster solution, but since it contains chemicals that also kills other living organisms in the lake, it was immediately dismissed as an option. All hope would have been lost for lake and pond owners but the universe conspired and created equipment that makes weed control for lakes a piece of cake.
Jenson Lake Mower Jenson Technologies Development Corporation from San Marcos, Texas, noticed the problems that lake or pond owners have.
To provide solutions to these issues, they came up with the Jenson Lake Mower and the Jenson Rake – weed control machines that can effectively get rid of unwanted aquatic plants in a short span of time. Both can be attached to the edge of a boat, giving anybody the freedom to move around the lake and enjoy the view as the Jenson Lake Mower cuts weed underwater.
It reaches down to the deep parts of the lake, making it impossible for these weeds to come back again next season. Since the effects are long lasting despite the absence of chemicals, it’s become an instant favorite of lake owners from different parts of the world. It’s effective in removing weeds, making human activities in the lake enjoyable again.
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