You Need To Know About These Weeds Growing In your Lake Aquatic weeds thrive in ponds and lakes because it’s the perfect environment for them. Different type of aquatic plants grow in these bodies of water, each with a different management requirement.These aquatic plants can be classified under floating, emergent, and submerged, and knowing a thing or two about these weeds will make it so much easier for you to manage them.
Some Aquatic Weeds
Algae immediately comes to mind when floating weeds are mentioned.Knowing how to control algae is crucial if you want to maintain a healthy pond because when there is too many of them, they can cause water discoloration and poison other life forms, humans included! Water growth and poor water quality are just some of the things that cause algae growth. You can prevent the proliferation of algae by using a copper-based algaenocide.
A submerged type of aquatic plant that belongs to the genus Hydrilla, has stemps that can grow up to approximately 25 feet. These stems are branched and spiny with leaves growing in opposite directions all the way to the bottom. The upper stems of the Hydrilla has two to eight whorls of leaves around them. One way to remove these submerged aquatic leaves is through a lake rake.
Water Lilies
Emergent aquatic plants with heart-shaped leaves are popularly called water lilies.
which float peacefully on the surface of the pond or the lake. The leaves can grow from eight up to sixteen inches, covering a huge percentage of the lake’s surface area. These would have been excellent since they can provide some shade to the aquatic animals but once their numbers multiply, they make it hard for other life forms to receive air and sunlight.Pond owners often use herbicides to stop the proliferation of water lilies.
Aquatic Weed Control Tools The plants mentioned above are just some of the many aquatic weeds that thrive in lakes and ponds. Following the different management strategies for each aquatic weed can be time-consuming that’s why lake and pond owners were quick to thank the high heavens when Ben Jenson, who hails all the way from Texas, came up with theJenson Lake Mower.
People immediately tried out this aquatic weed harvester, and a lot of them were very impressed with the results. The Jenson Lake Mower can extend all the way down to the deep parts of the lake, making it effortless to uproot the weeds that were growing in that area. Unlike a normal weed cutter, the Jenson Lake Mower can be attached to the side of the boat so you can sit back and enjoy the view with your family and friends as it busily removes the unwanted aquatic plants underneath.
Another notable feature of the Jenson Lake Mower is that it’s affordable, efficient, cost effective, and environment-friendly. It does not cause any harm to the aquatic animals living in the lake because there are no chemicals required in using the Jenson Lake Mower.