Portfolio jente Minne

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Design About Skills Me

Intercultural Communication and Sustainable Development Intercultural communication and Global development have been of a major interest of mine. I have been involved in several professional and educational journeys to understand how small scaled, bottom up solutions in the emerging and developing markets mean a difference and how they influence the paradigms of sustainable development in the world. The objective is to bring all different stakeholders on the field together to support local driven, Triple Bottom Line development. my work and/or study experience in Belgium, Panama, Brazil, Haiti and France have teached me a multidisciplinary and planned approach to problem solving in complex situations, multicultural management and communication skills, languages and a broad knowledge on the several actors of sustainable development. For my professional carreer, I count on my solid theoretical base with a creative implementation.

Contact Information: E-Mail: minnejente@gmail.com Mobile: +509 3701-9586 Address: Seutinstraat 9 1030 Brussels Publications: http://users.skynet.be/jenteminne/

Sustainable Development Research and Management

Communication Manager at Viva Rio


Viva Rio and its work in Haiti The Brazilian NGO Viva Rio started its activities in 1993 as a manifestation group against violence in Rio de Janeiro. In 2004 it expanded its activities to Bel Air, one of the most deprived areas of Port-au-Prince. Currently, Viva Rio has developed over 20 projects in Haiti in the fields of community security, multidisciplinary education, environment and health care, employing over 600 Haitians. Innovation, adaptation of Brazilian expertise Viva Rio has over 20 projects in 5 different programmes to the Haitian context and experience with slum areas are Viva Rio main’s assets. Viva My contribution Rio questions the traditional paradigms of development aid. Viva Rio was selected as the 43 I started as an internal and external communication manager, with as main tasks: organisations and best NGO in the world by the Global Magazine. follow up of meetings, translations, providing informations on other projects, attract press attention, field visits,improving the relations between Viva Rio Brazil and Haiti, the design and maintenance of a blog, social media, ...

The Project Gingando Pela Paz (Capoeira)

In a later stage I also took other tasks on me as project development and management, institutional relations and the development of micro enterprises. Main skills obtained/improved are: Intercultural communication, project development and management, Institutional Management and knowledge of institutional relations.

Internship at the United Nations

Research and Management

The United Nations Environment Programme From November 2010 to March 2011, I was enrolled in an internship at the Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) in Paris. The internship consisted of 3 different projects from the Sustainable United Nations Unit (SUN) related to sustainable Building and Urban planning: The Urban Programme the Sustainable Social Housing Initiative (SUSHI) and the Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative (UNEP-SBCI).

Desk review: “The Sustainable Cities Practices�

The United Nations Environment Programme

The UNEP Urban Programme The Urban Programme has the mission to integrate the urban dimension of global environmental issues and to encourage a more consistent approach within UNEP. The programme aims at promoting the link between local and global agendas and action. The programme supports networks of cities in addressing climate change and interventions that have both local and global benefits.This programme is mainly focussed on emerging cities. Main tasks were to assist the Urban Programme team in daily management and communications, and in the cooperation programme with Cities Alliance, including: Communications, publications, and outreach.

Internship at the United Nations

Research and Management

Sustainable Social Housing Initiative (SUSHI) The Sustainable Social Housing Initiative (SUSHI) was launched in 2008 by UNEP. It aims at promoting the use of sustainable solutions in social housing projects. It was implemented in two locations: Sao Paulo, Brazil and Bangkok, Thailand. This programme is also mainly focussed on emerging cities. My contribution to this programme was to support in: Reviewing and editing deliverables from local project teams as well as the final methodology and tools, Drafting and editing the final report and financial report and other day-today management issues.

Website concept: The SUSHI I outcomes

The Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative The Sustainable Buildings and Climate Change Initiative (UNEP-SBCI) is a partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme and the buildings sector. The objective of UNEP-SBCI is to promote sustainable building policies and practices worldwide.

Publication: UNEP Work on Urban Environment

The main tasks included: Membership coordination and day-to-day management of the initiative; Meeting preparations; contribution to drafting background papers, presentations, agendas and minutes; Communications including brochures, preparation of website updates, publications; outreach and other day-to-day management.

Sustainable Design for the Emerging Markets “Sustainable Design for the Emerging Markets” is my graduation project in the field of Design Research, realized in the academic year 20092010. Dr. Chris Baelus and David Peck from TU Delft acted as mentors. Multinationals Focus on New “Emerging” Target group:


Markets. The western markets are saturated and more Between 2 and 8 more dollars PPP and multinationals focus on big emerging Disposable income markets as India, China and Brazil to realize More productshigher growth. It concerns a market of 2.7 billion persons whose income lays between 2 Big Eco impact and 8 dollars PPP.

Obtaining the development goals while making profits

Multinationals’ interests

The peculiarities still apply

The Road to Radical and Sustainable Innovation? The market income curve Because of Ecological issues, a new approach is needed to fulfill the needs of these markets in an Ecological sustainable way. Following the path of the emerged markets isn’t opportune and designing for the emerging markets forces companies to question the existing paradigms.

10 biggest emerging markets

The 10 biggest emerging markets

The goal of this project was to map how the specific characteristics of designing for the emerging markets offers opportunities and threats to design more Eco-friendly products.

Sustainable Design for the Emerging Markets


Research Method This project is based on a triangle structure, where, started from abstract terms about designing for the emerging markets and Eco design, the relation was sought with more practical guidelines. A list with 53 business plan principles for the emerging markets was created and these guidelines were compared with the guidelines of the LiDS strategies. These are 8 strategies that measure the Ecological sustainability over the whole life cycle of a product or service. This theoretical model was tested on some cases. The research methods used in this project are in depth interviews, literature study and desk research.

Methodology: The relation between ecological, social and economical sustainability

Outcome The study resulted in a list of 53 concrete business plan principles, a matrix which shows the correlation between these 53 principles and their Eco impact and the clustering of the most important business plan principles. Furthermore the theoretical model was tested on 3 cases.


Influence strategies Case study: The influence of on theLiDS business plan principles on the LiDS wheel strategies

You can find the final report at: http://users.skynet.be/jenteminne/

The Innovation Management of NGOs “Innovation and NGOS, a Case Study of NGOs in Rio de Janeiro� is a Research project executed in the 2009. This project is fulfilled in cooperation with Viva Rio and Ibiss.


Professionalisation of the NGOs The last decade, development work is undergoing a new evolution where NGOs and civil society are experiencing pressure to act more efficiently. The professionalisation of the NGOs is considered to be an important issue and innovation is becoming an important aspect of NGOs vital for the sustainability of NGOs. Research methodology

Research Project Description This project is an exploratory research project that focuses on challenges related to innovation local NGOs have to deal with and the way they try to overcome these challenges. The project contains a literature study, desk research and 2 in depth interviews with innovative NGOs in Rio De Janeiro.

Viva Rio and IBISS : 2 innovative NGOs active i`n Rio de Janeiro

You can find the final report at: http://users.skynet.be/jenteminne/

Results This resulted in a list of challenges and criteria that influence innovation and an overview on how these 2 NGOs are dealing with certain problems. This project also resulted in a lasting contact with Viva Rio.

Social Business Concept: BoP-iD

Research and Management

Product Development for the Slums BoP-iD is a business concept of a limited liability company (ltda.) in Rio de Janeiro, developed in combination with my master thesis project. BoP-iD is situated in the consultancy sector and, inspired by C.K.Prahalad, it is addressing the forgotten markets of Brazil. The company addresses Small and Medium Enterprises to encourage them to design for the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP). BoP-iD helps to create free competitive markets in the favelas and to eradicate poverty while making profits.

BoP-iD: Think globally ... Act locally



Tapping Local Knowledge and Networks BoP-iD is specialized in dealing with the difficulties BoP companies experience. These are related with the networking and understanding of the local situation. BoP-iD remains in very close contact with NGOs and the local population and in this way, it obtains high quality, high valued information for a relatively low cost, resulting in relatively high profits. A Unique Position within a New Market The biggest advantage of BoP-iD is that it is addressing companies who want to design for emerging market, this is an innovative idea in a niche market that is caracterized as having few competitors and hard to enter. This offers BoPiD exclusive access to essential information and networks needed to exploit these markets.

Girls in the favelas in Rio de Janeiro Jente Minne --- 2 Ma IPO --- Artesis hogeschool --- Tutors: Mia Cornelis & Guido Giebens

9. Value chain

Social Business Concept: BoP-iD

Research and Management

CSR, a Road to Success BoP-iD is a Corporate Social Responsible company that follows a new trend of acting as a civil organization in an economical sustainable way. It does so by concreting his slogan: “Think globally, act locally� This project was selected in the top 10 of the idea phase of bizzidee, a Dutch competition for innovative business plans. 6 Swot analysis

- Few competition - Low income and flexible labour contracts - Local expertise - Multilingual - Motivation - Innovative service in profitable industry - Multidisciplinary approach - Flexibility and adjusted service - Relatively Small investment - Big profits - Social responsible company (CSR) - Specialized in micro financing

- Fast growing market - Very big and expanded market (Brazil) - Following economical trends - Trend: Ethical entrepreneurship and CSR - Professionalisation of the NGOs - Geographical spreading + unity of language - Networking with civil organisations universities and local companies (Co-creation) - Economical crisis en small growth --> companies are searching alternative markets - Flexibility and local directed of SMEs

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- Brain drain - Level of education employers - Cultural and linguistic differences - Hard to predict the market - High adaptation for SMEs - Limited resources - No experience and reputation - High dependency on other institutions

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- Competition/ monopoly MNCs - Safety issues in the favelas - Ecological issues - Acceptance of local population - Competition of big consultancy offices - Less big investments because of the crisis - Prejudices about BoP/favela population - Period until first earnings is longer than a common design or consultancy office - Hard to find the investors for BoP-iD

The flexible labour contracts, facilitate to hire people for a short time and thus to be more flexible and efficient. The company needs a relatively small investment in the beginning (1 year of research, no production infrastructure) and it is situated in a profitable industry, while the labour costs are cheap. This can justify the risks of the project: the difficulties to predict the demand and the fact that the time to earn some money will be longer than in a usual consultancy office. The fact that BoP-iD barely has direct competition and is operating in a fast growing, market, can cause a strategical advantage which positive for the long term sustainability of the company. Starting with small units, which can expand if they are successful, has a positive impact on the weaknesses

SWOT- analysis of BoP-iD

Value Chain BoP-iD

You can find the final report at: http://users.skynet.be/jenteminne/

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Graphic and Product Design

Design skills

Logo design: The Global Partneship (UNEP)

Design Skills

The Global Partnership This was a voluntary assignment done for the Global Partnership for sustainable tourism, a Project under the convention of UNEPDTIE with the Ministère de L’écologie, du dévelopment Durable des transports et du Logement (MEEDDM). The assignment was defined as the design of several official UN logo concepts, which combines the traditional UN attributes and specifications with a modern look defined by their house style. Some concepts for The Global Partnership Logo

The Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism

Logo Design A file with more than 30 different concepts and variations was created where, in an itinary process, became clear what kind of logo was requested. In order to come to the 3 final concepts,an agreement between 2 consultants, a trainee, the 2 founders of the Partnership and the webdesigner needed to be achieved. The main challenges of this task were the generation of creative ideas while being restricted by many specifications and the reconciliation of everybody’s wishes involved in the process.

Knowledge Center on Cities and Climate Change Knowledge center on cities and climate change




Design Skills

Knowledge Center on Cities ? One of the shorter projects during the internship at UNEP was the creation of a concept of an online Knowledge Center on Cities and Climate Change. This Center allows all registered members to consult, upload, comment , rate,... publications related to Sustainable Practises in cities. The Concept review publications is inspired by a project done before at ESDI The preview of the documentin exists out of 2 parts: in Rio de Janeiro, cooperation with Patrick The left part containts all basic information as the key words, the full title, the author, the date a small summary and a rating system. Bliss, a student at the Wuppertal Design The right side exist of a preview of the whole document. This can maybe be embedded from issuu. Further it containts a “mail to”, “add to favourites”, “rate”, “download”, University. The main idea of this project was “print”, “ flag” and “comments” function. When we click on the publications below, it will come in front and the other publications will all get 1 tab behind. the use adaptive hypermedia, acover technique If the fileof is copyrighted, the preview functions shows only the or the cover and a few allowed pages. Inclimate that case, the cover image should be a link to a website where Knowledge to center on cities and change overcome overflow of information. the file can be purchased. every file also has a comments and links subpage, if this Add to favourites

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Screenshot of the “search” page of the Knowledge Center


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Garbage collection in Sao Paulo

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Ecological design for the BOP

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Key themes: Bottom of the pyramid, Eco design, emering markets, Prahalad, LiDS Wheel, Design research - Global Full title : The threats and opportunities designing for the emerging markets offers to ecological sustainable design Author: J. Minne Date: 20 th of June 2010 Content: “Sustainable design for the emerging markets” is my graduation project in the eld of design research, realized in the academic year 2009- 2010. Dr. Chris Baelus and David Peck from Tu Delft acted as mentors. The western markets are saturated and more more multinationals focus on the big and mo 2 and 8 dollars PPP emerging markets as India, China and Brazil,.... It concerns a market of products for 2.7 billion persons whose income lays between 2 and 8 dollars PPP.


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Website Structure Every page on the website exist out of small archive style subpages displaying only the essential information. A system of easy switching between several subtabs makes it lot easier to search, compare and comment Myafavourites 1. on Carbon gas mitigation in NY Publications. The use of already existing 2. Carbon gas adaptation in LA 3. only Ecological design for the BOP applications simplifies the development of the website and logging in on the website allows the user to see its latest consulted publications and its favourite publications. more

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Garbage collection in Sao Paulo Carbon gas mitigation in NY Carbon gas adaptation in LA Carbon gas mitigation in Paris Carbon gas mitigation in Paris Carbon gas mitigation in Paris Carbon gas mitigation in Paris Carbon gas mitigation in Paris Carbon gas mitigation in Paris Carbon gas mitigation in Paris

Example of how the published reports could be presented


Photography and Filming

Š Alexander Cintra & Jente Minne

Design skills Screenshots from our short movies available at: http://www.4shared.com/file/92405369/58a59b28/3_minutes_design.html http://www.4shared.com/file/92409805/41ca20dc/ritme.html

Hospital + : The New Hospital Experience

Design Skills

Project Presentation The hospital + project was a project together with 4 other master students. It was a cooperation with Philips, Boonen and the artesis superior school and the task was to implement “hospitality” in health care centers. The skills evaluated in this project were design research, conceptual and futuristic thinking, team work, usability studies, project and budget planning and presentation skills. This project was supported by an interdisciplinary team of Economics, sociologists, engineers, people involved with health care and designers .


Solid works render of the final result of the bed.

Hospital +: Share Time, Save Life Because of demographic an Economical issues, Public hospitals in europe will need to cut costs if they want to remain economically viable. But At the same time, there can’t be compromised on quality.Thus hospitals try to shorten the stay of their patients as much as possible in order to cut costs. This is a paradox since an increased amount of people need time to rest. The “Hospital+” bed is a sustainable concept that deals with these issues, it offers a high technological solution which allows patients to retreat in a personal cocoon to revitalize their mind and body and to overcome their illness with friends. The moto is “share time, save life”.

Redesign: Taxis in Rio de Janeiro

Design Skills

Group Design in a Multicultural Environment The design course the first semester of my master in Rio de Janeiro existed out of a redesign of a taxi in Rio de Janeiro, In a group of students, we had to redesign the dashboard, the seats and the exterior of the car. The goal of this project was to learn to work together in group on a project where several parts needed to be attuned to each other. Working in a multicultural environment was the extra challenge I had to overcome, since the RendeRings methodology used in ESDI differs a lot from the methodology used in our institution.

Real size mock up model of the dashboard

Esdi - Uerj | Desenv. de Projeto de Produto III - 2008 | Profs.Freddy Van Camp, Luiz Antonio de Saboya

Camp, Luiz Antonio de Saboya | Equipe Alex Barcelos - Alexandre Pessoa - Mariana Peres - Pedro Marinho

Early sketch of the taxi.

CAD model of the dashboard in its environment

MIO SmartRunner

Design Skills

A GPS Device for Runnners This assignment was given by the company “Mio”. A GPS device for runners had to be designed. Customer’s research revealed that the main demands for runners were wearability, easy access to specific information while running and incensitives to keep the runner motivated to continue running.

CAD model of the SmartRunner

Concept This concept is a GPS device that could be inserted in a sweatband or attached to running shorts. All the information the runner needs, can be obtained with only 2 clicks on the touch screen. If desired, some information can be given through headphones and the device can also warn runners using a vibration function.

Wearability of the GPS device


cussed on a regional problem. In Belgium the weather allows us to set up strand cabins from May until September. The traditional cabins are from wood and need to be set up and broke down manually. Our goal was to design beach cabins for rent companies that can be set up and broken down very fast, that takes nearly no space when the are collapsed and that aren’t so heavy as the traditional ones. This saves rent companies a lot of money, and saves the environment. Our cabins are ready to use with only 1 action...

Foldable Eco Beach Cabin

Design Skills

Eco Efficiency through Material Innovation This foldable Eco Beach cabin was an assignment executed in the 2nd bachiler together with my colleague Jeroen Vandemeulebroeke.The focus of this assignment was collapsible products. In Belgium, the weather allows us to set up strand cabins from May until September and the traditional cabins are from wood and need to be set up and broke down manually. Our goal was to design beach cabins for rent companies that can be set up and broken down fast. The cabin takes nearly no space when they are folded and they are significantly lighter than the traditional cabins. This results in a more environmental friendly product and cost savings for rent companies. A life cycle Eco- technique has been used to verify the ecological impact of this product.

Render of the beach cabin in its environment

Explaination of the instalation and demolition of the cabins

Ergonomic Firemen Nozzle This project was a cooperation with 2 colleagues in the second year of my studies. It involved the redesign of products related to water . The main goal of this assignment was to make product ergonomical by adapting their form and to make a coherent product family, without

Design Skills

forgetting the necessary technical aspects.

Presentation poster of the 3 concepts

My cooperation was the design of a firemen nozzle that is easier to handle because it eliminates the big moment force on the arm and wrist that the traditional nozzle causes. The water stream controller is really near to the hand for faster switching and the nozzle can be used by left and right handed people. This results in a safer and easier to use product which leads to a better balance for the firemen.

Concept poster

Media Player Skin

Design Skills

In order to enhance our Photoshop and illustrator skills, we had to create a mood board about a science fiction movie, in my case “Solaris�, starting from screenshots and using Photoshop. The goal of this exercise was getting acquainted with the basics of adobe Photoshop, like layer masks, opacity control, selecting tools, filters....

Screensaver based on the movie Solaris

The second part of the assignment involved the design of a media player skin with the movie as theme. Apart from learning the basics of the adobe programs, this assignment also motivated the students to think on how to design products and software in a logical and intuitive way. In particular the placing of the buttons and the displays in a logical order

Media Player skin based on the movie Solaris

Form Exercises

Design Skills

One of the first assigments were form exercises. On this page, two examples are shown where the forms had to result in a product based on the “form follows function” principle. The example on the right shows how a random organic form can result in product. In this case a machine that makes x-rays photos of a patient’s teeth . The example shown below shows a combination of an animal with a product. In this case the mix between an hummingbird and an electric ear thermometer. The Integration of buttons, screams grips and edges gives these shapes the product-like look. Presentation picture: form exercise.

Presentation pictures: hummingbird thermometer

Foam model hummingbird thermometer

CAD Modelling & Rendering A part of our training consisted out of the use of CAD programs as “Rhinoceros” and “Solid Works”. As for my end assignment for the “Rhino” courses, I modelled and rendered a “Paul reed smith soapbar” guitar. The goal of this assignment was to train to model organic

forms, making valid solids, designing details, and to make realistic renders. The renders are made with Flamingo.

Design Skills CAD modelling and rendering: PRS Soapbar I Guitar

the adobe programs, this ass

3D model of my guitarfit to learn how to arrange th

logic and clear order, useful of displays.

Thanks for your attention ! Girls in Favelas




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As my end assignment for 3D modelling I have modelled my guitar with Rhinoceros. This guitar is a Paul reed smith soapbar guitar . The goal of this assignment was learning to model organic forms, making valid solids, designing details, and to make realistic renders. I’ve been rendering with flamingo. 1

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


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oP-iD: Think globally ... Act locally

Graphic: Illustrator and Photoshop

Design 5.1: coll


Designing a mediaplayer Above: The movie inspired me to combine the cold blue with the warmer red colours; joining them in one complete mood board

This is the first part we had to create a mood board about the science fiction movie “Solaris”, starting from screenshots and using Photoshop. The goal of this exercise was 102 getting acquainted with the basics of adobe Photoshop, like layer masks, opacity control, selecting tools, filters... .we also had to make a media player about the movie. Apart from learning the basics of the adobe programs, this assignment was well fit to learn how to arrange the buttons in a logic and clear order, useful for the designing of displays. Knowledge center on cities and climate

e Minne --- 2 Ma IPO --- Artesis hogeschool --- Tutors: Mia Cornelis & Guido Giebens

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Bottom: For the player I was insp round shapes combined by the fu design.

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Sustainable work

The guitar I’ve been modelling is a Paul reed smith soapbar [ P r i v a c y ] [ Te r m s a n d C o n d i t i o n s ] [ S i t e L o c a t o r ] Copyright © United Nations Environment Programme

Jente Minne





Modelling organic forms and realistic rendering were the main goals of this assignment.

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