Stilejeonni(Seunghun Jeong)

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Stilejeonni Car design portfolio

“Cancellare, cancellare, cancellare e alla fine trovare un componente principale di progettazione; noi mentre progettavamo eravamo contro l’invadenza del disegno, eravamo alla ricerca del tratto minimo che serviva alla funzione; volevamo arrivare a dire: meno di così non si può fare.” - Achile Castigiloni

Stilejeonni Car design portfolio

“Be the bridge” “....The detail of my aim, who I eager to become as a designer is connecting between worldwide culture and Korean emotion based on my humanistic interest and researches. With this, I would like to achieve the position on the world class designer. To describe myself, I am active challenging and believe that these are the most powerful weapon to be in global man of ability. It is because, I have a tendency that I do not worry too much simultaneously always love to do my very best instead of wasting time. Sometimes, I experience fails but never cave in. For the reason, I could achieve more opportunities and horizontal view then they became my strengths in the global environments changing drastically. Last but not least, I like to emphasized the direction of my design goal. I swear, these days, there is no border among countries and it is the most important fact to connect and communicating each others in terms of human centered design. With this phenomenon, I would play the role being a bridge between Asian and Western countries then it will bring the amazing results.” -Stilejeonni

Seunghun Jeong Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 67° Torino IT

+39 345 606 1157


Professional Experiences


- Department of Industrial Design Product Design Part Colleage of Arts, Chunbuk National University(BSA 2011) - IED Transportation Design -Car 3Year(2013/2014)

‘08 November ‘AWD’ Exhibition at Colleage ‘09 August Hyundai/KIA Design Workshop ‘10 Humidifier for 2030 generation - Research and Project Development OHSUNG-WORLTEC ‘10 Bathtub and Elliptical for Silver generation - Research and Project Development ‘Health care center in the ‘CNBU’ ‘11 Enhancher - Assistant Research ‘Lo Yatch per mercato Coreano

‘08 Pin Up Awards(Concept Part) Finalist - Slot Type Toaster ‘Ami Amie’ ‘10 Pin Up Awards Hyundai ‘ECO’ Design Challenge Bronze Prize - Herb ‘12 Auto&Style ‘Creative Award’ - Berman 2012 ‘12 interior motives award Connected Car - Shortlist ‘13 Auto&Style ‘Finalist’ - Berman 2013 ‘14 Michelin Design Challenge 2014 - Winner





Autostyle Berman - Design Competition 2012 Autostyle Berman - Design Competition 2013 Interior motive 2013, Frankfurt Michellin Design Challenge 2014 - Naias2014,Detroit `08 Kaid Award `2008 year award book` `09 Magazine `Design Journal` June `10 Pin up Award `2010/2011 Year book` ‘12 Korean Air ‘Morning Calm’ - Dicember ‘12 Auto & Design ‘Pope Mobile’ ‘14 Michelin Design Challenge(Official Site) - Driven/Undriven

Korean(Mother tongue) Italiano(Fluent) English(Intermediate)

Free Hand Drawing(Traditional,Digital)/ Photoshop/ Illustrator/ InDesign/ Rhinoceros/ Alias/ Keyshot/ Physical Modeling

“Be the change that you want to see in the world.”

“A designer is not an artist. You must forget about working on your own. Good design is the result of teamwork. A whole career cannot fully explain what this means…”

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

“Design is not just: what it looks like and feels like, Design is how it works.”

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Objectified by Stilejeonni




1000 Miglia


Special version for Audi Individual project

Classical Innovation It should be Vintage to mordern for Time less object.

Driving Information glass

Rein driving system for dynamic driving pleasure

Color & Trim

Driving like riding horse with rein I am moved to ispire. So you inspired to move. Joy should always surprise you and me. I make it possible for you to rediscover driving pleasure every day. I don’t just fulfil the highest design and dynamics standards. my new way of thinkung and innovations both large and small, continually reinvent the art of drivng.

Vorsprung durch Technik

The spirit of race Originality

Plan of Bodywork








“Cerca sempre di essere il migliore, ma non pensare mai di essere il migliore.� - Juan Manuel Fangio

Future Urban Mobility System Here

Michelin Challenge Design 2014 project with Ludovico Campana

Be Connected

With expected increases in populations, vehicles and traffic demands, vehicle autonomy is emerging as an essential component of future mobility systems. City planners and automotive system designers expect the car of the future will require some method of autonomous control to keep city traffic flowing. In addition, the emotional connection with one’s vehicle has traditionally been as closely tied with driving as with the sense of freedom that vehicle ownership has delivered to generations. Now, we are young designers to explore how a vehicle can be designed to operate autonomously, while also creating an emotional connection through a “driven” mode.

The Space From Cube A cube is a region of space formed by six identical square faces joined along their edges. Three edges join at each corner to form a vertex. The cube can also be called a regular hexahedron. It is one of the five regular polyhedrons, which are also sometimes referred to as the Platonic solids.


Man, himself a collapsible being, physically and psychologically, needs and wants collapsible tools.


hing begins Here


Well, this is my brain... without it, I am only a lifeless object and that’s why I am always connected to it. If I belong to a network, if I can bring you where you want, without any preoccupation about the direction, if I can share energy, if people who want to go everywhere can use me, it’s only thanks to it. We are a very important supporting point for Man!

Wheel with purpose, Personal trasportation


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Interior of Structure of the wheels allows the car to produce energy, thanks to t he tyres in contact with the gound.

The background is the fruit of imagination... Let it go on. Where I am... Can you see me? I changed my shape, nothing strange, only a frame consisiting in a structure made of triangles that make me able to hide myself easily, always bearing in mind very well all the functions I have to do... and do you want to know why? The life of a means of transport is like this: it spends 70% of its life waiting for the moment somebody will utilize it. Only the other 30% of its time, it is alive, and that’s why I had been projected to stay alive, changing the concept of moving with the fusion of services and functions for the social wellness!

Variable space

The inner World Here I am... you are looking at me just from the inside, surely you are asking yourself what I will be able to do... well... I will surprise you... It is enough you speak and I can create the space you need, letting the seats inflate. I will tell you more... I can keep in touch all your vehicles, letting them talk to each other and to the network “Town�. When you use me, according to each occasion, I will let you completely immerse, to make you feel isolated and far from the external world.

Multi function

Why should I be OUT? I’m IN! I tried to do everything not to be an obstacle for people owing me, I don’t spend many hours sleeping in the Sun, but I could do it only because I am integrated to the network “Town” so I’m trying to do everything to better people’s life, for example, being like a furniture in the town as a Kiosk... I’m always ready... think... I can become a job... it’s enough that my owner wants me to be a business advertisment, accepting a request! I will be the image of a brand! Moreover, if I should help people who need something, it is enough sending me an ok, and I will become helpfull for them!

Corse Clienti


New program for Corse Clienti Individual project

Learn Racing & Culture GT Right from its second year and after victories for the works cars at their debut in 1947, Ferrari has always had very close links with its customers who want to go racing. The list of wins obtained by private owners is astoundingly long and usually, they have played a decisive role in the outcome of the most important championships. Ferrari has always paid close attention to this sector, leading in 2001 to the creation of a specific department, the “Corse Clienti” which is based in a unit within the Fiorano track, alongside the famous “house with the red windows,” where Enzo Ferrari had his office. The location is particularly appropriate to the spirit of what goes on in this building, with everyone highly motivated when it comes to the activity that takes place within its walls. Since its foundation, Corse Clienti has been organising the Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli and supports the activities of Prancing Horse owners who participate in the Gran Turismo Championship, Ferrari Cavalcade/ FXX Programme/ F1 Clienti/ Ferrari Challenge

Oneoff Cockpit for client + Module system Machine

Cliente N.5

Cliente N.14

Cliente N.77

Joining the “personal cell program� 1. Body dimension 2. personalizing 3. delivery of Personal cell

Personal cell program Fit your body like a taliormade and enhjoy your time

Driving Information glass

Circuit infomation touch screen

personal cell

Removable/Changeable Cell Module: This vehicle is the property of Ferrari for Driving instruction program. When client comes in circuit he brings only “the personal cell� and They put it on this vehicle.

Student - Corse Clienti N.77

Instruction Mode - Driving school 2 stiring wheel on two driving cell for teching of X2 driving in circuit

DrivingTrainer -F.Alonso

Rotation system cell

Ready to be a ferrari pilot

“Pilota Ferrari – Challenge Driver School� is an innovative course which combines instruction to perfect driving technique on road-going cars with specific preparation for driving the Challenge model, with the potential for students to get the licence that permits them to compete in the championship of the same name.

Program Rounds

Tour with your capsule - Challenge

One more lap , to go!!

in each circiut there are 12 cars for the clients. 1. Who dicides where he wants to go needs a reservation. 2. Clients of progam bring “the personal Cell “ 3. enjoy it

If you can dream it, You can do it. - Enzo Ferrari


Pope mobile

BMW X6 -SCV1 Special version for Vatican City Project with Berman 2012


The office of the Pope is called the papacy. His ecclesiastical jurisdiction is often called the “Holy See” ,Sancta Sedes in Latin, or the “Apostolic See” based upon the Church tradition that the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul were martyred in Rome. The pope is also head of state of Vatican City, a sovereign city-state entirely enclaved within the Italian capital city of Rome. He has a lot of works in the world as a Polition of church and Humanist. He was resolving a lot of problems that thay couldn’t resolve with politic power. Because, The pope work with love for humanity.

Closer with faithful

Pope: He must be in close contact with the Faithful, as Benedict XVI has emphasized with choice of his name.. Also, New Pope, Francesco has selected the same motive.

The all ne

ew Pope mobile With BMW X6 Active hybrid


2+1System, Cardinals & Pope This projct is the special version of Pope mobile for new generation. This vehicle is more comunicate and more closer to the pubulic. For these motives, I have to design for people who want to the pope. I put on two seat for cardinal and one seat for the Pope. Cardinals have to see the peopel for sicurity and to care the pope. On the otherhands. The pope should give a message for the people who want to take fedel from Pope. For message to the pubblic, I taked some technologies from today, for example , Social networking and interative window base on AMOLED. Additonally, I was considered elegance of pope mobile and shape of roof.

Bulletproof petals

Techogel layer inside

An environmently friendly material. It’s durable, versatile and velvety to the touch, used mainly in the field of fashion and of furniture.

Amoled bulletproof window for comunication and safty

Retractable steps on the back of diffuser

Materials of Interior Nautical wood

Velvet with contrasting stitching

Korean paper

Breathable eco-leather

The all ne

Enter in the pope mobile

Like a blossom flowers

ew Pope mobile With BMW X6 Active hybrid

Mode for greeting to people: Like Bee, the faithful will find the nectar of a blooming flower

Slected tweets and photo of instagram for and from the pope will be showed live on the Amoled lateral windows

Two Popes for the new era New era...provided then by the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI stands by the salvaged remains of Pope Celestine V, in the 13th-century Santa Maria di Collemaggio Basilica, the symbol of the city of L’Aquila, whose roof partially caved in during the quake. Benedict XVI announced Monday, Feb. 11, 2013 that he would resign on Feb. 28 because he was simply too infirm to carry on – the first pontiff to do so in nearly 600 years. The decision sets the stage for a conclave to elect a new pope before the end of March. Pope Celestine V, the 13th-century hermit and saint, was one of the earlier popes to resign.



Thesis for CBNU 2011 Individual project

For Woman Leader! Breaking the glassing celing

As our society becomes less gender-oriented and more ability-oriented, many changes have happened. In the past, there used to be glass ceilings against women at work places and it was quite difficult for women to go up to high positions. However, today’s women have lots of opportunities and actually quite a few female CEO’s and venture businesswomen have appeared. In terms of number, number of female CEO has so greatly increased it’s almost the same as that of male CEO’s.Today, malecentered business environment is changing to female-centered business environment which is characterized as mild leadership, and in this study, female leadership and values perused by female leaders are inquired into..

Sincerely Respect I want to suggest luxury from respect and hospitality, not luxury from flamboyance and sumptuousness. The basic concept of `2040 cars for female` is consideration for women. I want to convey sensibility that can be felt from respect and hospitality between people by such pictures as a smiling hotel doorman opening the door of a car for a woman and holding her hand to help her get out of a car. Coco Chanel defined ‘luxury is not antonym of poverty, but antonym of vulgarity’. What are real luxury and elegance they want? They are not something flamboyant and sumptuous, but something respectful and sincere.

Woman Power

What it will be like in 2040? It is expected that more women will enter into work places and ratio between male and female at work places will be equal and number of female high managers will increase. Maybe working mom and home daddy will be common words, and young life style younger looks may be a common trend of the society. Competition among the same sex will be more severe than competition between opposite sexes and people try to differentiate themselves from others.

The making story

In process of working (daft drawing, clay modeling, plaster mold, FRB, painting)


Thank you for your time Seunghun Jeong +39 345 606 1157

Seunghun Jeong +39 345 606 1157

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