Front and Back Cover Photos: Nicole Poyo – Bruneau, ID Catalog Layout and Design: Julie Eardley of JE Productions Graphic Design, Elko, NV • Web Design: Brady Whittingham, brady@planbsocial.com
live webcast: LiveAuctions.tv Schedule of EventS Sale Personnel • SALE DAY PHONES Friday, September 16 10:00 am Preview of Aged Horses • 6:00 pm sAle eve dinner Saturday, September 17 7:00 am ComPlimentAry Bre AkfA st • 8:00 am Preview of All riding Horses • 1:00 pm live AuC tion / weBCA st • 6:00 pm goAt roPing in front of t He gr AndstAnd HOST HOTEL: Gold Country Inn, (775) 738-8421 • LUNCH & COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST: The Star, Elko, NV
PHONE BIDS: Pete Mori, TUSCARORA, NV Allie Bear, ELKO, NV Darci Riggins, ELKO, NV SALE CLERK: Andrea Sestanovich, LOVELOCK, NV
This catalog may be viewed online at www.vannormansale.com Video of each horse may be viewed at www.vannormansale.com
OFFICE STAFF: Kim Porter–Office Manager Kris BeckyKenleyLisle Linda Bunch, TUSCARORA, Candace Gorecki, WELLS, Angela Taravella, ELKO, Jessie Donker, TUSCARORA, Katie Colyer, LIVEAUCTIONS.TV
INTERNET guests may also view previews and auction—live from the sale barn—at www.vannormansale.com NUMBERS TO CALL TO PREREGISTER (775) 756-6508 (prior to Friday, September 16) or (775) 934-7404 on Friday & Saturday, or mrsbunch@rtci.net (775) 934-7404 • (775) 401-0368 • (775) 397-2132

For the twenty-sixth year, the Van Norman & Friends Production Sale will be held at the Elko County Fairgrounds in Elko, Nevada, on September 16-17 2022. The sale offers something for everyone, with approximately 85 horses ranging in age and ability from weanlings to bridle horses. Most of the horses come from several long-time established ranch horse breeding programs of the northern Great Basin, with the addition of several invited guest consignors whose horses meet the standard of quality buyers have come to expect from our sale. The breeding programs represented include sires by proven classic and contemporary horses, with a predominance of Colonel Freckles and Peptoboonsmal breeding. Other sires of these programs are sons and grandsons of High Brow Cat, Hollywood Dun It, Bert, Smart Chic Olena, Smart Little Lena, Boonlight Dancer, Playgun, and others, with equally strong maternal lines. In recent years several of our breeders have introduced an arena-based component with the addition of stallions with Frenchman Guy bloodlines. Horses in the sale are ranch raised, and the majority of riding horses selling will have been used as working ranch horses, many with “town” experience as well. Sellers follow the vaquero tradition of training, with young saddle horses being ridden in the snaffle bit, and older horses being in the hackamore, two-rein, or bridle depending on their age. Weanlings and yearlings will be broke to lead and load. In addition to watching online videos of sale horses prior to the sale, buyers can preview aged riding horses in person beginning at 10 am on Friday, September 16. This preview will also be live-streamed. The auction will also be live-streamed, with internet and phone bidding available. For details contact Linda Bunch: (775) 756-6508 or (775) 934-7404 or email mrsbunch@rtci.net, For updates and current information visit vannormansale.com or the Van Norman and friends Production Sale Facebook page.

Acceptable methods of payment are cash, cashier’s checks or travelers’ checks, Visa or MasterCard, and personal check.
t elephone b idding

• The auctioneer will protect the sellers. Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
• Should a preexisting condition be determined, the horse may be returned within the designated one week time period for a full refund excluding credit card convenience charge ( if applicable). Any arrangements as to vet bills or return transportation are to be made between the buyer and seller. The sale company will serve as an intermediary and will work with both the buyer and seller to resolve the issue. Catalog footnotes and video of sale including auctioneer and seller comments will be used in this determination.
T erMs
• Horses are the buyer’s property as soon as they are sold. Horses may not leave the grounds until final settlement has been made on all purchases. Absentee purchases will be held for five (5) days free of charge after which board of $10 per day will be assessed until horses are picked up. Trans portation is the responsibility of the buyer; however, sale management will assist as much as possible with arrangements. Absentee buyers will be contacted either during the sale or immediately after to make payment and transportation arrangements.
Issuing a check with insufficient funds is a felony and will be handled as such.
Papers will be sent directly to AQHA for transfer. The $25.00 transfer fee will be included on your invoice. Having your AQHA membership number available at time of purchase will expedite the transfer process. If you do not have a current AQHA membership, you will be issued one by AQHA and billed directly from them before they will transfer your registration papers. This is the buyer’s responsibility once papers are sent to AQHA by sale management.
Telephone bidders must register with the Van Norman Sale management at (775) 756-6508 or (775) 934-7404. If registering on sale day, call (775) 934-7404 or (775) 401-0368.
• The horses cataloged in this sale are not required to have a vet check for soundness issues, although all reasonable effort has been made to offer quality animals with no known defects. A vet will be available to address any concerns prior to purchase. If x-rays are requested, they will be at the potential buyer’s expense. After purchase any issues as to health, soundness, or temperament should be reported to the seller within 7 days (Saturday, September 24) Any arrangements or agreements in this regard are strictly between the buyers and seller.
i mportant - Please Read
t ran SF er o F r egi S tration p aper S
• All horses will have a Negative Coggins and their general overall health verified upon entering the sale. Health certificates for out-of-state travel if required may be purchased through the sale veterinarian. All broodmares will have been pregnancy checked and their status announced.
All prospective buyers must obtain a BUYER NUMBER from the sale office.
THE 7.1% NEVADA SALES TAX WILL BE ADDED TO THE SALE PRICE. Any exemptions as per NRS must be cleared in advance.
• Every effort has been made to assure correctness of the catalog; however, the seller, sale management and auctioneer are not responsible for errors or omissions. All statements and corrections announced at the time of the sale shall supersede the catalog. All comments in the catalog are from the sellers, not sale management. Prospective buyers have ample opportunity to contact consignors ahead of time with questions and to view horses during the preview and in the barns. Therefore, “due diligence” in researching potential purchases is expected. The entire sale will be recorded for the express purpose of settling any dispute that should arise regarding statements made in the auction ring. & CoNditions
3 Van Norman Quarter Horses Tuscarora, NV (775) 397-2132 • Lisle Quarter Horses North Fork, NV (208) 473-1753 • Matt & Leah Mori Paradise Valley, NV (775) 304-8515 • Linda Bunch Tuscarora, NV (775) 934-7404 • Mary Journigan Lamoille, NV (775) 934-7535 • Cory & Jaris Shelman Burns, OR (208) 539-1567 • Sharon Rhoads Tuscarora, NV (775) 934-2494 • Fred & Jan Buckmaster Eureka, NV (775) 232-4809 • Taylor & Milly Wakley Deeth, NV (775) 934-2078 • ConsigNors Tim & Carolyn Dufurrena Denio, NV (775) 722-8719 • Rye & Tanya McKay Clover Valley, NV (775) 752-0897 • Jake & Natalie McKay Midas, NV (775) 778-1175 • Zeb & Meridith Burroughs Bonanza, OR (209) 678-6059 • Clayton Blanthorn Elko, NV (702) 378-6878 Shamus Haws Erda, UT (801) 541-9228 • John & Katie Dennis Bliss, ID (208) 358-1801 Goemmer• Ranches Battle Mountain, NV (928) 713-5362 Randall•Stoeberl Lamoille, NV (775) 761-2209 Chad & Elizabeth Alexander Ruby Valley, NV (775) 934-6103 • Wyatt & Lacy Bourdet Hollister, CA (831) 801-3483 • Frank & Jymme Dominguez Tuscarora, NV (775) 756-5034 • Wes Osborne Winnemucca, NV (801) 362-0376 • Randy Leighton Stevinson, CA (209) 603-1974

“Mac” is the most versatile horse we have ever owned. We use him for everything from picking up bucking horses, branding, gathering, roping, and the kids ride him too. He travels very well outside and gives 110% at whatever you ask him to do. He is very kind and passes his gentle and willing attitude on to his offspring. He has great feet and bone.
NIC IT IN THE BUD GENUINE REDBUD Genuine Doc / Seven S Margarita
R eference S ire S 4 2014 bay roan Stallion GUNNA SMOKE Mr Gunsmoke / Rhonda Bardell GUNNA HORSE AROUND PORSHA Hobby Horse / Poco Rhythm BEST BAR HANCOCK Charizo Bar Hancock / Sunny Bestwood SCARLETS DRIFTWOOD SCARLETS FAME FRITZ Smoken Fame Fritz / Scarlets Tivio
REMINIC Doc’s Remedy / Fillinic

“Big Chief” is a finished head and heel horse we found in Arizona two years ago. Proven blood lines top and bottom for cowhorse and reining!! Extremely good minded. Ty’s twelveyear-old daughter started roping both ends off of him after a year lay off without even an ear flicker from him!! Hollywood Dun Its are known for their great dispositions, which is a number one requirement for the Van Norman program. His colts are good looking and well put together. This sire is a great addition, adding top notch qualities that make for great ranch horses that can double as performance horses.
dun it smokin bud (rs)
• candjshelman@yahoo com driftwood’s leo (rs) matt & leah mori paradise Valley, nV 2004 bay Stallion BAYOU BERT River Bert / Beggars Flower THIRTY TWO BERT LUCKY BOTTOM TOY Lucky Star Mac / Comanche Toy STARBERT DOUBLE STAR Starbert Champ / Litle Double Star DOUBLE STAR INA STARBERT INA Guthrie Double Star / Trixie
We are really pleased with the progeny he is siring and look forward to showing some of his babies in cow horse events. “Drifter” has been getting his turn as a using horse at the Shelman Ranch and he’s a handy cow horse that is always a pleasure to be around. We look for him to continue to pass on his good looks, brains, athleticism and cow sense. We enjoy working with his colts and think you will also. An investment in his colts will be good property for years to come.Cory and Jaris shelman, Burns, or (208) 539-1567 Bert

2013 dun Stallion
TARI I DUN IT Hollywood Dun It / Uno Miss Tari OAKIES SMOKIN DUN IT SHEZA LEAN KITTY Catalena Boy / Oakies Jacky Dude
Bert Bottom (rs) Van norman Quarter Horses, Inc. tuscarora, nV (775) 397-2132 • ty.ranchhorse@gmail.com

sharon rhoads tusCarora, nV (775) 756-6582 freckled lil pepto (rs) 2014 buck Skin Stallion FRENCHMANS

Katy Lynx
net 2007 r ed roan Stallion PEPTOBOONSMAL Peppy San Badger / Royal Blue Boon BOONLIGHT DANCER LITTLE DANCER LENA Smart Little Lena / The Can Can Girl SMART LITTLE LENA Doc O’Lena / Smart Peppy CRACKIN LYNX MELODY
MISS COLONEL REDWOOD DOCS REDWOOD REBA Redwood Patti Frenchie brings some complimentary outcross bloodlines to our program. While his ped igree’s bottom side offers classic cutting bloodlines, the top side brings in prominent and highly successful arena horse breeding. Frenchmans Guy and Flit Bar are both legendary barrel horse sires, but in the true spirit of quarter horse versatility, Flit Bar also sired winners in cutting, racing, and halter classes, and Frenchmans Guy offspring are competitors in all of rodeo’s timed events. As a saddle horse, Frenchie is light and quick-footed, with a blend of kindness, sensibility and speed that seems to cross quite well with our cowhorse mares. His foals are proving to be quite personable, easy-going, versatile and athletic. Five panel N/N. Photo by Nicole Poyo. lisle Quarter horsesl north Fork, nV (775) 934-9201 • beckylisle@hotmail com french flit jae (rs) linda BunCh tusCarora, nV (775) 756-6508 • mrsbunch@rtci Doc’s
Fret is from a “top 1% family.” Boonlight Dancer won the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity, Crackin was an NCHA Open Reserve Champion and had life-time earnings of $133,04 and produced offspring with earnings in excess of $350,000. A half-sister Kwackin x Crackin produced Smart Crackin Chic another NRCHA Futurity Champion. A full-brother Nabis co Roan has been successfully shown by Jake Telford with multiple AQHA and NRCHA Championships to his credit. Fret was trained for two years by Bobby Ingersoll and shown in the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity. Placed 3rd in NSS Open Snaffle with Cory Shelman. His offspring are receiving high acclaim from their owners for their good minds and ability. 5 PANEL N/N. Photo by Nicole Poyo. (rs)

MISS OAK Gay Bar King / Miss Roan Oak Freckled Lil Pepto, a 2005 red roan stallion is our latest star. “Preacher” is a really well-pro portioned stallion with an amazing temperament and oodles of cow. He is as comfortable in reined cow horse shows as he is weaning calves in the fall or branding calves in the spring. He was trained and shown to several victories by Flint Lee who has to fight with Sharon and Cowboy to get him back to prepare for show season. Both Sharon and Cowboy love to ride him. He is that neat of a horse. Needless to say, he is showing a lot of promise as a reined cow horse, a dependable ranch horse, and as a sire. Colts are eligible for the Nevada Stallion Stakes. GUY Sun Frost Lou COYOTE COLONEL Colonel Freckles /
/ Frenchmans Lady FRENCH FLIT IZA FLIT BAR Flit Bar / Miss Showdown
Jae Bar Flinn /

Lynx / Trona
R eference S ire S 5 2005 r ed roan Stallion PEPTOBOONSMAL Peppy San Badger / Royal Blue Boon SWEET LIL PEPTO SWEET LIL LENA Smart Little Lena / Sonscoot DOCS HICKORY Doc Bar / Miss Chickasha KINGS HICKORY OAK KINGS
nevada fab n fame (rs)
YOUNG JOSIE BERT Young Paul Bert/Mee Josie Bar
sharon rhoads tusCarora, nV (775) 756-6582 mr dunit buttermilk (rs)
Not an average pedigree—nor an average horse! Google this pedigree, and you will be reading for days. Several NFR barrel racing qualifiers have run horses with these identical bloodlines the last two years. Frenchman’s Guy has a reputation for good minds and trainability; Dash Ta Fame has the reputation not only for speed, but rate and turning. So far “Puddin’s” first colt crop seem to have a laid-back disposition like him, speed and rate plus quite a bit of stop crossed on Van Norman cowhorse mares!! It never hurts to add a little speed to a cowhorse, or a little whoa to a running horse. Van norman Quarter Horses, Inc. tuscarora, nV (775) 397-2132 • ty ranchhorse@gmail com
R eference S ire S 6
“Happy Feet” came to us in a big package when we bought his dam. He has been raised on the ranch. We were happy with him as a colt and he showed a lot of talent, so we kept him for a sire. So far, we are quite pleased with that decision. Happy Feet has been ridden by Michael Vipham and Cowboy. He is another really useful horse in our ranch world. This horse has been exposed to all ranch work including working cattle, roping, and a circle horse. He has been great at all of those jobs and he comes by his ranch name honestly! Our main purpose for him, though, is to further enhance our breeding program. You get a sneak preview of what’s to come with one of his two-year-olds in this sale. He isn’t a real big horse, but he doesn’t know that, and makes up for it with his great mind and equally great disposition.
Ty started JP Colonel Blackcatt and quickly decided to further his training. In 2012 the young sire was in reined cow horse training with Clayton Edsal. He has been shown at local stock horse events with plans to finish his training into the bridle. Now back at the ranch, the upcoming feature horse is pulling double duty as a sire and a stock horse. This horse doesn’t have the size to be an ideal head horse, but no doubt has everything to make a perfect heel horse, reined cow horse, and ranch horse. Cimarron Oakie / Straw Skipbar
This is an excellent up and coming sire out of a top producing Van Norman bred mare and by Sophisticated Catt (a three-time AQHA world champion with lifetime earnings over $192,000 in cutting.)

Van norman Quarter horses, inC. tusCarora, nV (775) 397-2132 • ty ranchhorse@gmail com jp colonel blackcatt (rs) 2011 Buckskin stallion HOLLYWOOD DUN IT Hollywood Jac 86 / Blossom Berry MATT DILLON DUN IT ROSALIE DILLON Kemar’s Bar Chex / Rose Dillon BUENOS CHEXINIC Reminic / Bueno Chex Kaweah BUENOS DOUBLE OAKIE MS DOUBLE OAKIE

MISTY BLURR Murrtheblurr / Mamma Soul Kirk

DASH TA FAME First Down Dash / Sudden Fame DTF PUDDIN CAKE
HIGH BROW CAT High Brow Hickory / Smart Little Kitty SOPHISTICATED CAT SHANIA CEE Peppys Boy 895/Lynx Melody COLONEL
CASEYS CHARM Tiny Circus / Caseys Ladylove
2015 Palomino Stallion

JP Colonel Blackcatt is very cowy and super quick on his feet! He possesses many substantial Colonel Freckles personas including trainability, good bone, a nice big eye – to name a few. Plus, this guy is built to stop. He is very smooth and pretty.
ZIPPO PINE Colonel Freckles/Annie Pines Zip WHISPERING RAE

001 Peptoboonsmal / Clarks
into our breeding program, so we
on the ranch. He has
to all phases of ranch work and
R eference S ire S 7 2017 palomino Stallion PEPTOBOONSMAL Peppy San Badger / Royal Blue Boon SMART BOONS SMART LITTLE EASTER Smart Little Lena / Docs Robyn Hood SHINING SPARK Genuine Doc / Diamonds Sparkle SHINING SMART REMEDY

home and started riding
of promise in a world new to him. He is
couple years with Flint Lee. We needed to get
Advantage has NCHA lifetime earning
shows a
many more of his colts in the future. siouxs windwalker (rs)
he is going to be a great all-around horse both on the ranch and in the arena! They are colorful, good minded. You get a sneak peak of his offspring at this sale and will be

from Carol Rose. He is a grandson of Shining Spark. Shiney was trained for
cowy, great on which to rope, and just a pleasure to ride! In a

MISS SANTANA DOC Dry Doc / Pepard I purchased Rey as a yearling from Davis Ranch. John Wright put twenty rides on him, and he proved he has a great mind, a willingness to please, and a super sweet disposition. On his twelfth ride, John gathered his cow, trailed them four miles to Lamoille and then rode Rey into the trailer. He will do whatever you ask, although I’m sure he thought John was crazy. He is balanced with good bone and feet. His sire High Roller Rey is a 2009 red roan son of Dual Rey, out of daughter of Peptoboonsmal. High Roller Rey was an Open Finalist at the 2012 NRCHA Futurity with Brandon Buttars. His dam’s sire, Hickorys of $124,012.73. yearling a him brought him him been exposed he lot very year two, seeing
IMA SMART REMEDY Little Lena Remedys “Kokomo” is the most recent addition to our stallion line up. He’s the product of proven producers top and bottom, sired by Smart Boons and out of a money earning daughter of Shining Spark. The old adage about the blood running to the brain certainly seems to hold true with him. He’s shown a great deal of natural talent and athletic ability, along with quiet intelligence and a wonderful disposition. These characteristics, combined with his size and shape, might just make him a candidate for an ideal ranch horse sire. His first foals arrived in 2021 and we’re certain they will not disappoint. Five panel N/N. Photo by Nicole Poyo. red roan Stallion REY Dual Pep / Nurse Rey HIGH ROLLER REY PEPTOS ROYAL Royal HICKORYS ADVANTAGE Docs Hickory / Peppy Lynnea WSR SANTAN ADVANTAGE
mary Journigan, lamoille, nV (775) 934-7535 • maryjournigan@gmail com reys advantage dr (rs) shining smart boons (rs) lisle Quarter horsesl north Fork, nV (775) 934-9201 • beckylisle@hotmail com sharon rhoads tusCarora, nV (775) 756-6582 2011 palamino Stallion SHINING SPARK Genuine Doc / Diamond Sparkle A SHINER NAMED SIOUX DOCS SULENA Doc O’Lena / Starlet Seguin NITRO DUAL DOC Peptoboonsmal / Miss Dual Doc NITROS PEPPY GIN MISS PEPPY GIN Tanquery Gin / La Wimpy San “Shiney” came to us as a
HIGH BROW CAT High Brow Hickory / Smart Little Kitty WR THIS CATS SMART THE SMART LOOK Smart Lttle Lena / Dox Royal Smoke SHINING SPARK
R eference S ire S 8

sjr bella
2016 palomino Stallion

2011 palamino Stallion
CD OLENA Doc O’Lena / CD Chica San Badger CD DIAMOND SHINERS DIAMOND GIRL Shining Spark / Zans Diamond Jackie MISS N CASH Dash For Cash / Doc N Missy MISSIN BUNNY BUNNYS STARLIGHT Peppy San Badger / Docs Starlight “Rio” is an own son of 2012 NRCHA Open Futurity Champion CD Diamond, who also sired the NRCHA Open Futurity’s 2018 champion, SJR Diamond Mist. Rio’s bottom side bloodlines are equally as strong, with the great Miss N Cash as his maternal grandsire and Bunny’s Starlight (full sister to Paddys Irish Whiskey, Gallo Del Cielo, and Grays Starlight) as his maternal granddam. Rio is exceptionally good-minded, kind, and level-headed. Outside of breeding season, he’s been reliable as a “good-using” saddle horse. He travels out very well with a lot of staying power for big circle days, and handles pressure well. Five panel N/N. Photo by Nicole Poyo.
Genuine Doc / Diamonds Sparkle SHINERS BELLA MIA LYNXS LAST LADY Doc’s Lynx / Cutter’s Mame Meet the Rhoads Ranch’s newest addition SJR Bella Star “Zing!” Zing’s flashy name matches his color and standout pedigree. With names like WR This Cats Smart, Shining Spark, and Docs Lynx, what’s not to look at. Zing isn’t all looks and flash, though. He is known for his gentle demeanor and ability to watch a cow. His oldest colts are now being started under saddle. So far, all have been gentle, catty, and flashy like their sire. Come take a look, or two, or three, at Zing and his upcoming colts!sharon rhoads tusCarora, nV (775) 756-6582 star (rs)
sjr missin diamonds (rs) lisle Quarter horsesl north Fork, nV (775) 934-9201 • com
2015 bay Stallion
“Rocco” has what we would call the perfect build. He is 15.1 hands and 1100 lbs. He is athletic, smart and kind, we expect these traits to be passed on to his offspring. He is an NRCHA money earner with limited showing due to recovering from an injury his 4yr old year. His pedigree offers expertise in several disciplines, such as reined cowhorse, reining, and roping. That CD Rocks has earnings of $136,764. CD Lights is the second leading sire by CD Olena with lifetime earnings of $234,000. Rocco’s dam is also a money earner in the non pro and still showing. We have used him in the branding pen and doing miscellaneous ranch work. He is good minded and loves to go to work. Everyone in the family rides him. We look forward to his future in the arena and as a producer. Breedings available. (775) 304-8515. & Leah Mori Paradise VaLLey, NV this rooster rocks (rs)

CD LIGHTS CD Olena / Delight Of My Life
THAT CD ROCKS SHINEY TARI Shining Spark / Tarizana GALLO DEL CIELO Peppy San Badger / Doc’s Starlight LA PATRONA DEL GALLO MRS TIGGY WIGGLE Bueno Chex Jr / Docs Lil Etta
Colonel Doc Bar Chex / Royal Jody Chex
This one is a classy looking filly. Nice clean neck and head, good back and clean legs. Running cow cross, with great potential given this bloodline history for a performance horse, bred for speed, athletics, cow sense and trainability. When the dam was started under saddle, she was athletic, trainable and showed cow sense. Questions? Call Ty at (775) 397-2132. jp black catt — Reference Sire PEPTOS PLAYBOY Peptoboonsmal / Miss Freckles Girl
9 nevada fab n fame — Reference Sire PEPTOS PLAYBOY Peptoboonsmal / Miss Freckles Girl

sjr bella star — Reference Sire LONG TALL CHEXAN Texas Kicker / Rose Chex SR CHEX PRINCESS SHESA SAN DOCK Mr San Peppy / Peppys Dock Princess
you. Call for more info as sale time

SMART CHIC OLENA Smart Little Lena / Gay Sugar Chic CHICS SANTANA BIT OF SANA Peppy San / Bitsy Gay Bar HICKORYDICKORYDOC Doc’s a using horse well suited for anyone with a job to do. He is out of a good Fort Ranch mare. Call Cory for more at (208) 539-1567. is a pretty sorrel mare with lots of cow in her pedigree. She should make a good ranch horse now, and later raise talented babies for nears.
Hickory / Benito Creep MIS STYLISH DOC PROM SUZI BEE PROM Super Benji Prom / Betty Zee Prom “Max” is

MAGGIE SAFFORD Docs Tommy Lark / One Dandy Honeymoon

jp puddin pop jp safford catt sr zing princess chics briego santana 2022 PALOMINO FILLY • VN QUARTER HORSES 2022 SORREL FILLY • VN QUARTER HORSES 2020 SORREL MARE • SHARON RHOADS 2010 BAY GELDING • CORY & JARIS SHELMAN 1 2 3 4
Holy smokes! This gal is a cat! JP Colonel Blackcatts throw big moves and powerful stops. The dam is a half-sister to Lot 40 which speaks of a powerful build, speed and a good mind. Everything here says, pick me, pick me! So much more could be said about the qualities of these bloodlines. Expected to be a decent size with a good bone structure. (775) 397-2132
We’ve been continually impressed with the minds and ability of Frenchie’s off spring. This colt’s dam is a good Bunch-bred mare, whose full sister was a great ranch and rope horse. This is the first foal from this cross, but all signs point to it being a good one. For more information: Rolly at (208) 473-1753.
STIR N UP THE FAME Dash Ta Fame / Stir N Blur
10 meradas badgerina im no hick pretty dashing boy yy coyote dancin 2018 SORREL GELDING • TAYLOR & AMELIA WAKLEY 2016 SORREL GELDING • RANDY LEIGHTON 2022 GRAY COLT • FRED & JAN BUCKMASTER 2022 BAY COLT • LISLE QUARTER HORSES HIGH BROW CAT High Brow Hickory / Smart Little Kitty CATS MERADA MERADA LENA Freckles Merada / Catalena Kate DOCS HICKORY Doc Bar / Miss Chickasha HICKORYS BADGERINA PRIMA BADGERINA Peppy San Badger / Freckles Memory
This six-year-old sorrel gelding has been used on the ranch in all phases of ranch work and roped a little in the arena. He is easy to get along with and most anybody can ride him. Questions, call Randy Leighton (209) 603-1974.

We have bred and trained Duke. His sire is multi-million-dollar sire and his dam has produced over $300K. He has been used to brand, sort, doctor, etc. He has a pile of cow sense and big stop. Laid back attitude. Hard feet and very sound. Good in rocks, water, etc. He should make a great finished horse soon. For more (775) 934-6483.
This is a very flashy grey colt. Pretty and correct conformation. Speedy and athletic. Look at that hip! He is a solid prospect for almost any discipline. Too much ink in his pedigree to type here. That is what Google is good for. He is curious and friendly.
french flit jae — Reference Sire Boonlight Dancer/ Crackin DW LEXIN DW LEXIE PEPPY Long Tall Chexan / Tykes Little Peppy
PRETTY BOY BOON Peptoboonsmal / Chicks HIckory BLACK N BOON EBONY LENA Lena My Way / Miss Genis Cee
5 6 7 8
ONE TIME PEPTO Peptoboonsmal / One Time Soon HICKORY HOLLY TIME HICKORYS HOLLY CEE Docs Hickory / Miss Cee Nita WRANGLERS STARLIGHT Grays Starlight / Wranglers Connie SONORA PLEASE MISS JUANITA ANNE Chic Please / Miss UpNSmokum

Nita Chex YANKSTER JEANS DOCS DENIM JEANS Broadway Bay / Rubys Doc Bar ALL STARLIGHT Grays Starlight / Miss Colonel Chex COMMAND N STARLIGHT CELESTE COMMAND Cee Bee Command / Peppys Apree

11 WRANGLERS STARLIGHT Grays Starlight / Wranglers Connie WRANGLERS LITTLE STAR DADDYS LITTLE TUCKER Tuckers Daddy / Miss Production Leo GOEMMER CHAMP Bull Max / Cuchara Baldy Miss GOEMMER BLUEBERRY BEULAHS BLUE BABE Salty Blue Hancock / Buckeys Beulah
dk gr smokumlilyellowwranglersillyrocks jp playin lenas rio all star yankee chic 2022 PALOMINO COLT • GOEMMER RANCHES 2021 SORREL MARE • MATT & LEAH MORI 2009 BAY MARE • VN QUARTER HORSES 2013 BLACK MARE • VN QUARTER HORSES 9 10 11 12
This is a cleanly made colt with a lot of potential. We have really liked the colts by this stud. They move their feet really well and have great minds. They are big thinkers and don’t get caught in a jam. This colt should be able to go in any direction you would want. For more information: Mindy at (928) 713-5362 She’s pretty and athletic. This filly is the right size to make any type of a performance horse. Her pedigree says cowhorse but her future could be in any direction. For more information: (775) 304-8515. LENAS LINTONS PLAYGIRL Freckles Playboy / Lintons Lady Doc
BOBS HICKORY RIO Bob Acre Doc / Gay Hickory Rio PLAYIN RIO SMART HOBBY DOC Smart Peppy Doc / Hobby Five LENAS TELESIS Doc O’Lena / Preliminary Plans LINTONS PLAYIN

Maybe this is the black beauty broodmare you have been waiting for. She’s fast and smooth. Her body build is slimmer, but she is a nice sized mare. Has lots of go. Started and ridden with no known issues. Exposed to Dun It Smokin Bud for a 2023 foal. The Dun it Smokin Buds are easy to train and true athletes.
This cow horse mare is quick and athletic. She has a big resume: ranch horse, brood mare, some heeling as well as patterned and used for junior high barrels and poles. Gentle, but not lazy. Easy to be around - a little hard to catch in a big pen, but no vices. Family horse or a good horse to learn on. For more information, call Ty at (775) 397-2132.


this rooster rocks — Reference Sire WANNA WINNA PRIZE Smokums Prize / I’ll Be A Winning Gal SMOKUM SILLY DARLIN LIL FAIRLEA Colonel Pic / Fairlea Tough Darlin

Here’s a cool looking filly! She moves around really nice! Ty has kept three full sisters to her already because they check all the boxes. She could be your next champion. Cow horse top and bottom. JP Colonel Blackcatt has nice bone, is fast and very, very athletic. For more information, don’t hesitate to call: (775) 397-2132.
NEVADA ORPHAN ANNIE Nevada Red Pepper / Mee Red Jackie
jp colonel black catt — Reference Sire COLONEL

Here’s another sweet black filly. Double bred Colonel Freckles but this cross has been amazing. She can move and has brains, looks and talent. Don’t let her get away. (775) 397-2132
nevada fab n fame — Reference Sire ROLLING THUNDER Colonel Zippo Pine / Doc Bars Thunder ROLLING RED BERTY RED BERTY Young Paul Bert / Miss Blue Dancer

CONTINENTAL PLAYGUN PG Showgun / Four Roan Babe RUNNING U SWEET SHOT SUGAR BEST Sons Doc O Sugar / Figure Four Best 462
jp colonel black catt — Reference Sire LITTLE ELMER FUDD Little Lena Doc / Mandy Oak JP LITTLE SISSY LIL
freckled annie b jp fabulous fancy the sweetest cat jp lill catt 2022 BLACK FILLY • VN QUARTER HORSES 2022 PALOMINO ROAN FILLY • VN QUARTER HORSES 2020 BAY MARE • SHAMUS HAWS 2022 BLACK FILLY • VN QUARTER HORSES 13 14 15 16

ZIPPO PINE Colonel Freckles / Annie Pines Zip
Here’s another quick footed run and cow bred combo! She really drives from behind and is free with her front end. Nice clean confirmation and some chrome! The dam is a pretty mare reflective of very competitive bloodlines. For more information, call Ty at (775) 397-2132.
A nice disposition, gentle and will have a huge hip. Her mother is the cross we have been fond of for a long time. She started easy and has a great mind. Lots of bone, wither, and good feet. Mountain raised. She’s a great ranch, rodeo or even broodmare prospect. For more info contact Shamus at (801) 541-9228. SISS Tiny Nickles / Tucker
CATTISH High Brow Cat / Shortish OSR CATTY DUAL PEP MONTANA MS DUAL PEP Mister Dual Pep / Kits Smokey T Bar
This is a cute, classy filly that you’ll be proud to ride or breed. This sire’s colts tend to be smart, responsive, and athletic. This filly’s dam is out of a cross of good old Van Norman and Leroy Horn breeding programs, and was nice to start and ride before becoming a brood mare. For more information: Rolly at (208) 473-1753.
jp fabnfames melody little elmer bukchex yy smart blues mz bet shesa lena 2018 BAY MARE • VN QUARTER HORSES 2013 BUCKSKIN GELDING • RYE & TANYA McKAY 2022 PALOMINO FILLY • LISLE QUARTER HORSES 2022 SORREL FILLY • ZEB & MERIDITH BURROUGHS 17 18 19 20

All Starlight / Celeste Command

shining smart boons — Reference Sire DOCTOR PEPPERED Chic O Lena / WSR Cassies YY DUAL N BLUE JP TUCKERS BLUE Tuckers Daddy / Flying Blue Bee
This cute little outfit is not lazy, kinda fidgety, bred to run, with a little reining and cow mix. She’s well started, been hauled and exposed to things off the ranch. Lightly introduced to the barrel pattern and cow work. Light ranch use. She’s slim and athletic, and definitely a barrel or breakaway prospect. Call Ty for more information, (775) 397-2132.

13 nevada fab n fame — Reference Sire YANKSTER JEANS Rowdy Yankee / Docs Denim Jeans ALL STAR YANKEE CHIC COMMAND N STARLIGHT
Here is a big pretty filly that should mature with some size and strength. We are really starting to enjoy the young saddle horses that we have coming out of these bloodlines. For more information: Zeb at (209) 678-6509.

LITTLE ELMER FUDD Little Lena Doc / Mandy Oak JP LITTLE ELMER CHEX SHEZA PALOMINO Bueno Chex Jr / Little Magnificent PARADISE IN FLIGHT Dinner Flight / Cheyenne Barbara DEE LIGHTFUL FLIGHT LOVIN LARETTA Dee Lightful Lovin / Loras Heiress Bumblebee is kind, quiet and willing. We have used him extensively on the ranch to brand, sort and doctor. He is great to rope on and strong on a rope. He can handle heavy cattle with ease. We have laid him off for extended periods of time without any trouble. He has some old wire scars on his legs and feet, but they have never affected his performance. For more information: Rye at (775) 752-0897.
BET ON ME Smart Little Lena / Bet Yer Blue Boon PLAY YER BETS STARLIGHT PLAYMATE Grays Starlight / Saturdays Playmate SOMEBODYS COLONEL Somebody Smart / Colonel Gay Beu EBAR LENAS TAMPA EBAR COLONEL ASHLEY Colonels Chuckwagon / Docs Samba
14 frettin — Reference Sire STARBRITE STARLITE Grays Starlight / Docs Poco Julie DW PEPPY STARBRITE SAMATHA DE PEPPY
RED STRAW IMAGE Docs Glowin Image / Mee Red Straw
/ Docs Miss

— Reference Sire RED BANDANA TWO Bonnets Roan
A Freckles
/ Binion

— Reference
PEPPY LITTLE SARA I’m Full of Pep / Komokey
Peppys Badger Bee / Sabrina De Peppy
has produced some high-level rope horses as well as all around using horses. This filly is quick and has an intuitive personality. For more information: (775) 304-8515. ONE FAMOUS EAGLE Mr Jess Perry / One Famous Lady WHEN THE EAGLE FLYS STITCH N TIME Corona Cartel / Ms Wisdom Road RF DOOLIN LEO Prices Smokey Leo / Runnin Ruthie BITS O MUSIC J57 PJ MUSICAL BABE PJ Music Boy / Maysdorf Bit O Babe This is a nice gentle colt started by Jim Berrett. He’s been used on the ranch and in the arena. He should mature enough to be a rope horse prospect or a stout ranch horse. For more information, contact Jim or Bailey at (208) 598-5432. dw star dancin dr pepto aglow hummingbirds rock famous music t60 2022 SORREL FILLY • LINDA BUNCH 2020 RED ROAN GELDING • SHARON RHOADS 2021 BAY MARE • MATT & LEAH MORI 2019 BAY ROAN GELDING • JIM BERRETT / WYATT BOURDET 21 22 23 24
This filly has a lot of shape and substance. Previous full siblings have been very nice to halter break and several have gone on to excel in arena events. Dam’s full brother began a promising career as a calf horse with Dakota Eldridge before graduating to the NFR and PBR as a safety horse. For more information: Linda at (775) 934-7404. lil pepto Sire I’m Too Malbec FRECKLES PEPUP
Cute little filly out of one of our best producing mares. Her Dam
DR Pepto Aglow is a pretty red roan gelding. He is the product of one of our favorite crosses. We expect him to be soft, responsive, and trainable. Check him out. He will have approximately 40 rides. Call for more information as sale nears (775) 934-2494. rooster rocks Bar Gal
DEL CIELO Peppy San Badger / Doc’s Starlight POKEYS ROOSTER DELLS POCO DOC Do’s Prescription / Scarfoot Dell SPOONIN ROAN Hes A Peptospoonful / Stylin In Starlight SPOONIN QUIXOTE QUIXOTE SPARKLE LYNX
dk candy wrangler (apha) jp zippin fame catty anna blu rooster 2020 SORREL GELDING • GOEMMER RANCHES 2022 SORREL FILLY • VN QUARTER HORSES 2017 RED DUN MARE • JOHN & KATIE DENNIS 2018 BLUE ROAN GELDING • TAYLOR & AMELIA WAKLEY 25 26 27 28

15 WRANGLERS STARLIGHT Grays Starlight / Wranglers Connie WRANGLERS LITTLE STAR DADDYS LITTLE TUCKER Tuckers Daddy / Miss Production Leo FAMES GREATER GLORY Dash Ta Fame / Fiesta On The Fly THE GREAT BIZBEE PC TOP SOCKS PC Sun Socks / Top Bar Eff
This colt is made to be the perfect ranch horse. He has a good back, feet , legs, and a great mind. He is gentle and easy to catch. He was started in Mach and rides right off every time. He wants to turn around and stop and is easy and fun to rope on. Will have 45 rides by sale time. For more information: Mindy at (928) 713-5362. another quick footed She really drives from behind and is free with her front end. Nice clean and some chrome! The dam is a pretty mare reflective of very competitive bloodlines. For more call Ty at (775) 396-2132.
nevada fab n fame — Reference Sire PEPTOS PLAYBOY Peptoboonsmal / Miss Freckles Girl JP ZIPPIN PEPTO CS ZIPPIN IMAGE Colonel Zippo Pine / Roans Straw Image Here’s
JACKIE BEE Tee J Gold Jackie / Precious Windswept SUGAR TRIX BEE JUST TRIX Sugar Trix Leo / Skips Justification Meet Riata. This mare is a lot of fun in a stout chunky package. She is very cowy which makes it easy to sort and brand calves. Riata has also had 60 days of pro fessional heel horse training with Rob Webb. She is good to shoe, load, bridle, etc. This is a nice gentle mare with plenty of eye appeal. For more information: (208) 358-1801.

run and cow bred combo!

PEPTO RIO PLAYBOY Peptoboonsmal / Barbi Freckles Rio PEPTOS RIO CAT CAT DIGS LUCINDA High Brow Cat / Lenas Lucinda
GALLO Star Lynx SR MissPocoQuixote Blue has two full years of ranch work under his belt. I find myself choosing to use him a lot as he floats across the ground and has a great long trot. He’s gentle; he’s been laid off and comes back just the same as we left him. He is athletic, stops hard, has a ton of cow sense. He’s right on track to make a nice all-around ranch horse. He has the personality that anyone can get along with. For more information: (775) 934-2078.
In today’s world of highly specialized, event-specific equine breeding, one might encounter the somewhat de rogatory phrase “just a ranch horse” when in reality, that ranch horse occupies a unique niche of usability and versatility that is sorely lacking in most other disciplines. Modern-day ranch horses are quite often the epitome of the all-around, multipur pose “jack of all trades” mounts that helped build the West— and the foundation of quarter horse breed itself. Before stock trucks or horse trailers, ranch horses were born of necessity on the grasslands and mesquite thickets of Texas, the deserts and breaks of Arizona and New Mexico, and the sagebrush sea of the northern Great Basin. The ideal ranch horse had to be able to withstand a twenty mile gather at dawn, only to meet at the rodear grounds where he was used to sort, brand, mother up, and possibly move on to the next pasture and then finally - carry his rider back to camp. These horses saw lots of miles and wet saddle blankets by the end of the day. Working cowboys would take some of the same ranch cavvy horses to town to compete in rodeo events; there was no such thing as a rope or cutting horse used strictly for compe tition. Needless to say, these horses had to be physically and mentallyWhiletough.modern day ranching might not always demand the rigors of yesteryear, the unmatched qualities of working ranch horses are still essential on the ranch and beyond. The rise of the ranch versatility event is testament to that fact.
A Horse Matters By Baxter Black

The essence of true ranch horses is a combination of nature and nurture, from their carefully curated bloodlines to the manner in which they are raised. Their qualities start develop ing when they are foaled and raised outside, in a herd, as horses have been for centuries. It’s the kind of outside that’s not just a pen out back of the barn. It’s the kind of outside that is big country—steep hills, thick brush, rocks, badger holes, running water, thunder storms, wildlife, miles of barbed wire—the kind that brings forth the most elemental, important instincts and abilities in a young horse. As foals, they learn to take care of themselves while being part of a group and following the leader—qualities that can’t
I like living someplace where a horse matters.There is just some country where horseback is the only way to get the job done. Places where the four-wheeler is a poor second, not to mention a noisy, track-leaving unnatural conveyance. Besides, it’s hard to throw a rope from.Helicopters can spot and scare, if that’s what you need, but it’s helpless when you have to doctor a calf. It is a great feeling to be pushing a cow out of a mesquite thicket, packing a dude down the Grand Canyon or tracking a mountain lion on a high ridge, knowing you’re on the perfect tool for the job. You look at a horse different when he’s on the payroll. I like being a person to whom a horse matters.Itputs me in such good company, Robert E. Lee, Teddy Roosevelt, Rudyard Kipling, Ray Hunt, Queen Elizabeth, Jerry Diaz, Casey Tibbs, cowboys, Mongols, Gauchos, teamsters, Lipazzaners and vaqueros of all kinds. Granted being a horse person doesn’t make me easier to get along with, better at spelling or richer. It simply gives me a direct connection to one of the most ancient, mutually beneficial interspecies relationships on the planet.
Winston Churchill said, “There is something
Just A Ranch
anch Horse
I like being there when a horse matters. When you can’t do the job alone; a cow in the bog, a race against time, a boulder to move, a detour to take, a mountain to cross, a crevice to leap, a war to win, a sweetheart to impress, or...when you’ve gone too far to walk back.
I’ve also come to believe that you either are a horse person or you aren’t. Many who are, never know it because they never have the chance. It’s a primitive acceptance, often mutual.
A ranch horse can serve many roles throughout his life and be called many things—good using horse, all-around horse, circle horse, rock-pounder, kids’ horse, grandma’s horse, cow boy horse, to name a few—but never is he “just a ranch horse.”

Shakespeare’s King Richard III said when fate hung in the balance, “A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!”
be duplicated in small pastures with small numbers. As adults these horses naturally will take care of themselves as well as theirJustrider.asranch foals’ minds develop with a wide variety of stimuli, so do their bodies. From the time they’re born, they have myriad opportunities to use all gaits in varying types of terrain and conditions. All of the natural, daily exercise in creases blood flow and strengthens muscles and bones, produc ing an inherent fitness that makes ranch horses more likely to stay sound throughout their lifetimes. When it comes to training, ranch horses are usually in a better frame of mind and generally more likely to learn their jobs without resentment. They have grown up around livestock and understand cattle from the start, which leads to greater confidence and enjoyment in their job. When you watch a crew heading out in the early morning, you can see it’s fun for the horses too—their ears work happily back and forth as they take in their surroundings and trot into the day. They learn to associate satisfaction with a day’s work—which can have a much different outcome for horses that exist only within the enclosed barriers of a barn and arena. While having young performance horse “burn outs” is unfortunately the norm, very rarely will you hear of a “burned-out” ranch horse. A ranch horse is more than a uniquely capable and willing partner, however. He is a functional, beautiful celebration of the ancient working relationship between man and beast. Very few things today are as relevant and necessary as they were 100 years ago. An exception to this rule is the modern ranch horse. As the legendary cowboy poet Baxter Black wrote in his final column, “I like being there when a horse matters. When you can’t do the job alone; a cow in the bog, a race against time, a boulder to move, a detour to take, a mountain to cross, a crevice to leap, a war to win, a sweetheart to impress, or... when you’ve gone too far to walk back.”
I like living a life where a horse matters.
A lack of fear. You see it in some children when they are first introduced to the horse. It always gives me a sense of wonder to be there and help them make their acquaintance. I believe the horse can sense the child’s innate trust. It is the beginning of a natural bond.
Baxter Black (1945-2022) is a cowboy poet, former large animal veterinarian and entertainer of the agricultural masses. Learn more at (Reprintedwww.baxterblack.com.withpermission.)
about the outside of a horse, that is good for the inside of a man.”
I count myself very lucky that I get to be a part of the wonderful world of horse sweat, soft noses, close calls and twilight on the trail.


Texas Kicker / Rose
SMART Deacon Jack Max is a big flashy gentle gelding standing at 15.2. He’s been used on the ranch consistently for the last couple of years. Been roped on outside, branded on a lot, and started team roping. Never gets hot and never changes if he’s been laid off. Very honest and easy to catch, tie, saddle, load, wash, and shoe. For more information: (702) 378-6878.
San Badger
/ Go Te N Te
jp spikes starlight maximus n america dr shiney justaplainboongirlhoney2014 BLACK GELDING • VN QUARTER HORSES 2017 BAY GELDING • CLAYTON BLANTHORN 2020 PALOMINO MARE • SHARON RHOADS 2015 BROWN MARE • VN QUARTER HORSES 29 30 31 32
— Reference
JUST SUGARI Just Plain Colonel / Sugarnic “Harriett” is a nicely bred mare! She was purchased as a three year old for a rodeo/ show prospect, but a leg injury has destined her to be a broodmare. She is very fast , and doesn’t have a hot mind. A full sibling to the foal she is carrying has been very easy to work with., is smart and easy going. Harriett is confirmed bred to Dun it Smokum Bud for a 2023 foal.
Foxy JKM CHICKS PLAYBOY Freckles Playboy
18 GRAYS STARLIGHT Peppy San Badger / Doc’s Starlight WRANGLERS STARLIGHT WRANGLERS CONNIE Doc’s Wrangler / Sugar Leo Kit JACSPIN Jacs Little Pine / Miss Teepe Glo SPIKES JACSPIN SPIKES LIL NICKY Nicolena Nicky / Miss Quixote Spikes Ranch ready and ready for you! This guy is gentle, sure footed- dependable. He’s had plenty of runs on both ends of the steer and breakaway with a few jackpots under his belt in the breakaway. Not a speed demon, surely on the lazy side, but plenty responsive enough for a ranch rodeo horse, or lower numbered rope horse. Dominant in the herd. Stands at 14.3 If you are interested- please call for a detailed review of this ranch horse, including his vet check, and be sure to check online for video. (775) 397-2132.
MATE Smart Little Lena / Freckles Playmate MATE N AMERICA POP N QUIXOTE Doc Quixote / Pop N Cutter DEE BAR SPIDER Docs Dee Bar / Lady Warrene DP EBENEEZA TE N TWO
siouxs windwalker Sire TALL CHEXAN Chex SR CHEX CINNIBAR SUREFRESH Boonlight Dancer / Docs Lucky Number
Honey is a pretty palomino filly. She was started this summer and will have 3040 rides. Her dam can be a little temperamental, but she crosses really well with Shiney whose colts tend to be very trainable. Call for more information as sale time draws near. (775) 934-2494.
PEPTOBOONSMAL Peppy / FOXIE Travalena / and /
— Reference Sire FRECKLED LIL PEPTO Sweet Lil Pepto / Kings Hickory Oak AR PEPARITA MONTANA MARGARITA Montana Tucker / Smokys Margarita
PEPTOBOONSMAL Peppy San Badger / Royal Blue Boon A TRAVELIN BOONSMAL TRAVALIN MS FOXIE Travalena / Stylish and Foxie
Here is a very flashy palomino from a new bloodline for us–SJR Bella Star. He is bred to be a good ranch horse and should have lots of cow. For more information: call (775) 934-2494.

RIO SHEEBA Fairleas Colonel Rio / Tough Tax
DOX RABBIT Smart Little Lena / Bunnys Starlight

jp double down vegas yy smoke n diamonds travelin twix sr zing bling 2012 SORREL GELDING • VN QUARTER HORSES 2020 PALOMINO GELDING • LISLE QUARTER HORSES 2021 SORREL GELDING • MATT & LEAH MORI 2020 PALOMINO GELDING • SHARON RHOADS 33 34 35 36
Not enough words to describe this champ of Anna Van Norman’s. He’s a finished barrel and pole horse, qualifying for high school nationals, capable of the fast times, plus he’s been shown successfully in high school reined cow horse. Used at ranch rodeos, branding contests, jackpot healings, and practice pen breakaway, as well as all aspects on the ranch. Athletic, no buck, but watchy. Always been sound. Out of a Van Norman cowhorse mare and a barrel stallion - he more than accom plished the goal of being a competitive high school rodeo horse. Stands 14 hands sjr missin diamonds — Reference Sire RUBY MOUNTAIN SMOKE Silver Gun / Susan Acre SMOKES POCO PICANTE
PC FRENCHMANS FLIRT Sun Frost / Frenchman’s Lady

SMART MS JEANNE MISS PLAY CHEX Playboys Saguaro / Blue Della Chex
PECAS OLENA Freckles Playboy / Lenas Sabrina DOUBLE LENA DOLL GL DOLLYS FINALE Dry Double / Dolly Three Top
We have made this cross several times and these colts grow up to be big and pretty. They are fast and his siblings have made versatile, durable all around horses. For more information: (775) 304-8515. bella star
Here’s a colt that should mature into a great ranch and “go to town” horse. He’s got good withers, quite a bit of leg, and loves to travel out and go. He also has a fun personality and loves people. His dam is a big stout mare that was an outstanding ranch horse—cowy, athletic, gritty, and tough. This colt should follow suit. For more information: Rolly at (208) 473-1753.
LIAHONA CHEX Docs Cody Chex / Diamond Lady Doll “Smoke” is a shapey prospect with color and dimension out of a good old producer who is the dam of Travis Whiteley’s stud. There is lots of potential here for any performance event. For more information: call Cory at (208) 539-1567.
COLONEL ZIPPO PINE Colonel Freckles / Annie Pines Zip JP COLONEL PISTOL ROANS STRAW IMAGE Red Bandana Two / Red Straw Image
Here’s a wow factor. Rare chance to get Ty’s top string ranch/ rope horse. Standing at 15.2 hands, with a good back, good feet, good disposition, this horse makes your job easy. He has a big bottom (literally and figuratively) because there aren’t many like him, and he’s worth it. He is ranch horse,head, heel, ranch rodeo; started on barrels, all with the great Colonel Freckles bloodlines and expert horsemanship foundation. He’s fast and easy to manage. The kind that would fit anyone. We love this guy. Call Ty, (775) 397-2132.
DOCS TOMMY LARK Doc Tom Tucker / Wendy Lark MAGGIE SAFFORD ONE DANDY HONEYMOON Laird David Cox / Honey Wind
/ Doc’s Starlight MONTANA WHISKEY SHOT SPORTY GRETA Doc O Dynamite / Copper Thorn MR COLONELS Mister
driftwoods leo Sire SANTARI Doc Tari SANTAN QUEEN
/ Miss
colonel whiskeyshot jp zippo starlight santari driftin smoke jp tucker roan bar 2018 BUCKSKIN GELDING • SHAMUS HAWS 2020 CHESTNUT GELDING • VN QUARTER HORSES 2022 RED ROAN COLT • CORY & JARIS SHELMAN 2012 BAY ROAN GELDING • VN QUARTER HORSES 37 38 39 40
This handsome gelding is a nice ranch horse. Lots of go, but still easy to get along with. Travels out really nice. Branded lots of calves, ridden in the steep mountains all summer. He’s not real big, but he doesn’t realize that he’s smaller. Great breakaway, calf rope or heel horse prospect. For more info contact Shamus at (801) 541-9228. catt MARNITA Colonel Zippo Pine / Smokin Marnita
20 Badger Colonel Bar Rhapsody BABY Zans Ruffian Baldys Baby
jp colonel black
Here’s a cow bred colt that has a big motor and is wide awake! Really quick footed and a little busy minded. Might take him longer to get finished – but could be the one that everyone wants later. Will have 60+ days by Jim Berrett by sale time. Contact Ty: (775) 397-2132.
/ Pepard

/ Tennolena
— Reference
— Reference Sire WRANGLERS STARLIGHT Grays Starlight / Wranglers Connie JP MARNITA STARLIGHT ZIPPIN

This filly is a quiet and gentle but very independent. She was the first colt and an only child for over a month. Her dam is very people (or should I say grain) oriented and has developed into one of my lead mares. She has the genetics to make a great ranch horse. RAIDER Docs Malbec Smiths FAE PRECIOUS Tio Louie Aunt Char Tango is an athletic, sensitive filly, one of the last out of our good Van Norman stud, “Turtle.” Flashy and smooth-riding, she has lots of potential to go any way you want to take her. Spent her yearling summer out on rough open range. Super gentle on the ground, good about her feet. Has had a rope swung off her. Will have 70 rides by sale time.
21 LITTLE LENA DOC Smart Little Lena / Doc’s Chico Girl LITTLE ELMER FUDD MANDY OAK Doc’s Oak / Lite Up Peppy MADONNAS BLUE BEE Flying X 6 / Tee J Madonna Bee JP FLYING BLUE BEE BLUE PLATINUM Token Smoke / Frosted Platinum
JP ROLLING THUNDER Colonel Zippo Pine / Doc Bars Thunder BUGS THUNDER MERVS HATTIE Freckles Nova / Doc Hattie ECOLS EASTER
COLONEL is a pretty five - old that has been used a lot in the branding and on the ranch. She is really easy to get along with and is pretty handy. call Randy Leighton (209) 603-1974.

Here’s a pretty mare that has produced a lot of foals for the Van Normans, carry ing on bloodlines that have been part of their breeding program since the early years. This is the last of their Flying X 6 horses; remembered for their bigger than average quarter horse size and athletic build. Exposed to JP Colonel Blackcatt for a 2023 foal.
Zan Par Lady NEVADA
ZIPPO PINE Colonel Freckles / Annie Pines Zip JP ROLLING THUNDER DOC BARS THUNDER Chex Ur Button / Doc Bars Genie PLAYIN RIO Bobs Hickory Rio / Smart Hobby Doc JP PLAYIN LENAS RIO LINTONS PLAYIN LENAS Lenas Telesis / Lintons Playgirl April
bay roan mare

frettin — Reference Sire JP ROLLING THUNDER Colonel Zippo Pine / Doc Bars Thunder JRS ROLLIN PEPTO JP SHEZA EASTER LILI Showstoppin Boon / Shes An Easter Bert
jp flying red bee dw rollin annie td thunder on the mtn jp april thunder 2006 RED ROAN MARE • VN QUARTER HORSES 2022 BAY FILLY • LINDA BUNCH 2020 CHESTNUT MARE • TIM & CAROLYN DUFURRENA 2017 BAY ROAN MARE • RANDY LEIGHTON 41 42 43 44

/ Smart

DOUBLE STAR INA Starbert Double Star / Ina WILD N WOOLIE Smart Peppy Doc / Hi Sierra San MISS WILD PEPPER LEOS PEPPER MISS Lad Leo / Casey Pepper
doc n jessie james high brow bourbon miss sierra pepper ts no shaken my guns 2018 BROWN GELDING • WES OSBORN 2021 BLACK STALLION • RANDALL STOEBERL 2020 BAY MARE • MATT & LEAH MORI 2020 BAY GELDING • LISLE QUARTER HORSES 45 46 47 48

MECOM BLUE Haidas Little Pep Royal Blue Boon HIGHBROW MECOM BLUE HIGH ON KITTY High Brow Hickory Little Kitty
SHINING QUEEN FRITZ Shiners Charcoal / Bueno Chex Dee Bourbon is very well built and will make a very nice stud prospect. He is halter broke and leads well. His sire, High Brow Mecom Blue, has produced many reined cow and cutting horses including Litl Blue Cat who is currently showing and winning NCHA $. His 1st dam, Paddys Irish Moonshine, is also very well bred. For more information call Randall at (775) 761-2209.
THIRTY TWO BERT Bayou Bert / Lucky Bottom Toy BERT BOTTOM
ROYAL SHAKE EM Royal Quick Dash / Shake Em Six FRENCHMANS SHAKE EM FRENCHMANSFANCYFREE Frenchmans Guy / PC Frenchmans BoJet PG DRY FIRE Playgun / The Dry Look DRY FIRE N LEGEND JET SMOOTH LEGEND Little Lenas Legend / Miss Double Smooth Heads up barrel racers!
22 SOME LITTLE PEPPY Peppy San Badger / Something Lovely KR SOME LITTLE DOC SARAHS DOC Docs Hickory / Miss Irma James WHEELING HICKORY Wheeling Peppy / Miss Hickory Joker BARBERS WHEELS GENERALS BARBEE Docs General / Miss Barbee Budha
This big, nice looking mare should make an outstanding arena horse. With the size and speed combined with the Bert Bottom disposition the sky is the limit for this fancy filly. She will have 60+ days by sale day. For more information call Matt (775) 304-6843. Here’s one that’s royally speed and cow bred. We bought him as a weanling from Treasure State Quarter Horses in Montana. He’s paid into Future Fortunes and Select Stallion Stakes, and is eligible for a number of other incentives. He has an all-business personality and seems to want to do things right. For more information: Rolly at (208) 473-1753.
/ Peppys
This nice young gelding stands 15 hands and weighs in at about 1,100 lbs. He has seen and done everything on the ranch – gathering, doctoring, branding and sorting. He has also been started in the team roping on the heel side. His gentle and easy-going disposition would make him a great horse for just about anyone. For more information call Wes at (801) 362-0376.

bad blood boon yy lori darlin nevada raven sr chex foxtrot 2022 BAY COLT • FRED & JAN BUCKMASTER 2022 RED DUN FILLY • LISLE QUARTER HORSES 2018 BLACK GELDING • RYE & TANYA MCKAY 2008 BAY GELDING • SHARON RHOADS 49 50 51 52 substitution

“Simone” is an older horse that has done it all and still has lots of miles left. He is great on which to pull a circle, rope, doctor, brand. While he’s gentle, he is not foolproof for youngsters. He can be a little touchy about his head. Just a good reliable ranch horse. (775) 934-2494.
23 PRETTY BOY BOON Peptoboonsmal / Chicks HIckory BLACK N BOON EBONY LENA Lena My Way / Miss Genis Cee CALL ME BAD BLOOD Doc O’Lena / Christy Jay IMA BAD MISTY CINDY CHARGE BAR Docs Buzzie Bill / Bohdandys Flame
We put a few rides on Raven as a three-year old, then turned him out for a year to grow. He now has about 25 rides and is coming along nicely. Most of his riding has been outside, checking and moving cattle. He was really easy to shoe for his first time. He is ready to go to work. He is still very green, so he will need steady riding.
She’s cute, she’s chromey, and it’s a safe bet that she’ll have a great mind to round out the package. Her dam is a Fort Ranch mare, with just as sweet and willing a disposition as you could ask for, plus she was enjoyable and talented to ride. Her sire is very intelligent with a lot of natural ability. Should be a winning combina tion! For more information: Rolly at (208) 473-1753. Tari
FRECKLES NIC N TUCK Reminic / Commander Tucker
We are very excited to offer this colt. Top and bottom there are entirely too many successful contenders to begin to list here. Good thing for Google! Not many holes in this pedigree. He is a correct colt in every way. Friendly and curious. This is a fantastic prospect. shining smart boons — Reference Sire Little
TEXAS Angels
Rose LONG TALL CHEXAN ROSE CHEX King Fritz / Bold Rose FRECKLES NOVA I’m A Freckles Too / Docs Miss Malbec

JP LITTLE ELMER CHEX Little Elmer Fudd / Sheza Palomino YY SHEZA JOSIE BERT JOSIES BLUES Nevada Red Pepper / Young Josie Bert
KICKER Colonel Freckles /
Ricochet / Meradas Little Sue YOUNG MERADAS PROM YOUNG DUN PROM Young Gun / Dukes Okie Peach

PEPPYS BADGER BEEE Tee J Whippet / Tykes Little Peppy DW MISSIN MY DADDY MISS N KIOWA Miss N Cash / Miss Kiowa
Tuckers Daddy / Miss Production Leo
This colt is really gentle, has a good stride and travels well! Another of the run/cow crosses that should fit the ranch and rodeo world. Very user friendly. Will have 60+ rides by Jim Barrett by sale time. Call Ty for more information (775) 397-2132.
Colonel Buttermilk is a flashy red roan gelding that will catch your eye. He was started briefly last winter with just a couple rides then turned out till July. He will probably have lots of go and need a job to do with an experienced rider. Call For more information: (775) 934-1725 buttermilk
FRENCHMANS GUY Sun Frost / Frenchman’s Lady Lucky Joe Lynx / Bonita Prescription
Colonel Zippo Pine / Docs Bars Thunder
FINISH EXPRESS Streakin Six / Design Express

reys advantage dr — Reference Sire KCR PEP SAN CASH New Cash Bond / Peppys Top Doll KCR MISS ROYAL CASH ROYAL BLUE MESA Colonel Zippo Pine / Glo’s Mesa Peppy is a delight to work with. He is so willing and very trusting like his sire. While moving the mares one day, he got into a wire fence and laid there until I untangled him. Then got up and trotted off without a scratch! He is athletic and has the fast feet of his dam’s sire, KCR Pep San Cash, a multiple winner of cow horse events including the prestigious Open Snaffle Bit Class at the Elko County Fair. A nice prospect! mr dunit buttermilk — Reference Sire BLUE BOY COLONEL Colonel Zippo Pine / Jane Thrice HAIDAS LIL COLONEL
jp thunder n fame easy six express kcr pep san rey colonel
QUICKEST EXPRESS QUICK DINNER Dinner Flight / Miss Quickaleo “Frenchie” is a big, pretty mare that will make a great barrel or rope horse with her breeding. She has good body control, soft & supple. Plenty of speed and is very cowy. She’s been used on our ranch & doctored cattle out on the mountain. Super easy to get along with when ridden consistently. She can hump up when laid off for 3 or 4 months. For more info contact Shamus at (801)541-9228
LIL HEIDI DOC Lil Haidas Pep / Baby Doc Sox
24 nevada fab n fame — Reference Sire THUNDER


HIGH BROW CAT High Brow Hickory / Smart Little Kitty METALLIC CAT CHERS SHADOW Peptoboonsmal / Shesa Smarty Lena DOCS HICKORY Doc Bar / Miss Chickasha
Reference Sire


sjr bella star — Reference Sire LONG TALL CHEXAN Texas Kicker / Rose Chex SR CHEX BUENO OAKIE BUENOS DOUBLE OAKIE Bueno Chexinic / MS Double Okie This filly is very curious and athletic. She should be very trainable. She has lots of personality and charisma. dw drinkin problem metal badger annies lil big chief sr zing flashy oakie 2022 DUN ROAN COLT • LINDA BUNCH 2017 SORREL GELDING • TAYLOR & AMELIA WAKLEY 2022 BAY COLT • VN QUARTER HORSES 2022 PALOMINO FILLY • SHARON RHOADS 57 58 59 60
NIC IT IN THE BUD Reminic / Genuine Red Bud DUNIT SMOKIN BUD OAKIES SMOKIN DUN IT Tari I Dun It / Sheza Lean Kitty NEVADA RED PEPPER Lad Leo / Casey Pepper NEVADA ORPHAN ANNIE MEE RED JACKIE Tee Jay Red Jackie / Mee Red Straw
25 frettin — DEFINITLY A DUNIT Hollywood Dun It / Zans Diamond Squaw CHAMPAGNE AND CAVIAR MY SPOOKY OTE My Lucero / Pretty Spook
As my Southern-born mama would say, “He’s cute as a bug’s ear!” It’s been several years since I offered a Holly/Fret colt in the sale! This little fellow is a late colt hence he is smaller than the others, but will catch up! Michael Mori is riding three full siblings and Rolly Lisle has two! All are very talented! They are not puppy dogs and need a job so don’t buy him cause “he’s so cute!” Mike’s great ranch/ rope horse “Hollywood” is an example of what he has the potential to become! For more information: Linda at (775) 934-7404.

This is a nice stud colt! Really friendly and level headed. Should have a nice back and is expected to mature to a good size. These are known to be very friendly and learning. Give a call if have questions, (775) 397-2132.
HICKORYS BADGERINA PRIMA BADGERINA Peppy San Badger / Freckles Memory Leroy was bred and raised by us. He is by the famous Metallic Cat, and his mother has produced over $300K!t He is a little green for his age as we couldn’t ride him until last summer; however, he is coming along nicely now. He has gathered, branded, worked cows and travels great outside. He has a lot of cow sense and quite a bit of speed and naturally sits down and stops. For more information: (775) 934-6483.
DW LEXIE PEPPY Long Tall Chexan / Tykes Little Peppy
This is a run/cow cross that’s pretty user friendly. He travels good and is going to be able to find a stop! Gentle, but a little busy right now. Should have 60+ rides by Jim Berrett by sale time. Contact Ty Van Norman for more information, (775) 397-2132.
26 sjr missin diamonds — Reference Sire FLINGIN SIX SHOOTER A Streak Of Fling / Illusory BOOM TOWN SIX GUNS

SR Shiney Ray Of Lite is a palomino gelding waiting for you. He will likely have a lot of life and be very athletic. He will need to be continued with an experienced rider. Definitely a cowboy’s horse that needs a steady job. Call for more info as sale nears. (775) 934-2494.
yy boom town bunny driftin black velvet jp dash ta freckles sr shiney ray of lite 2022 SORREL FILLY • LISLE QUARTER HORSES 2022 BLUE ROAN FILLY • CORY DEAN SHELMAN 2020 RED ROAN GELDING • VN QUARTER HORSES 2020 PALOMINO GELDING • SHARON RHOADS 61 62 63 64
Here is a filly with a nice balance of cow and speed breeding that will serve you well. Plus, she’ll almost certainly inherit the kind, people-loving disposition that both her sire and dam have. For more information: Rolly at (208) 473-1753.

nevada fab n fame — Reference Sire JP ROLLING THUNDER Colonel Zippo Pine / Docs Bars Thunder JP ANNIES THUNDER ANNIES SNOWBIRD Colonel Zippo Pine / Red Straw Image
driftwoods leo — Reference Sire DW HE BE A PLAYGUN Playgun / Carlita Lena PISTOL BLUE VELVET TUESDAY LEGACY Hadleys Legacy / Lady Leo Music
siouxs windwalker — Reference Sire STARLITE Grays Starlight / Docs Poco Julie STARLITE TIGER BACK TIGER Tiger Commander / Nic N Tuck
This is a real sharp filly out of a great mare that has crossed well on “Drifter”. She has a lot of substance and eye appeal and should be a performer with broodmare quality. Cory Dean won several all-around stockhorse contests on her mother, and she has all the same credentials. For more information: call Cory at (208) 539-1567.
A good- looking gelding, that has the size and substance to mature into a great prospect. Foals by A Travelin Boonsmal have proven themselves to be versatile horses and this colt is no exception. driftwoods leo — Reference Sire DW HE BE A PLAYGUN Playgun / Carlita Lena TIVIOS PAPOOSE
“She’s a brick house” This mare is one of the oldest foals by Rocco and out of a good producing mare. She should excel in the show pen or rodeo arena. She’s built right and moves right. She has a willing and trainable attitude. This little sweetie would make a nice addition to anyone’s horse family. She will have 60+ days by sale day. 14.1 hands. Questions, call Matt at (775) 304-6843
PEPTOBOONSMAL Peppy San Badger / Royal Blue Boon
SMART ONYX SPARKS CI TOPSAIL DYNAMITE Dox White Rabbit / Shining Codied Rose

We started the two-year old full brother to this filly and were really impressed. He was a good mover, had a great disposition and other use friendly attributes. This filly should follow suit and is a super prospect for a youth trainee!!! Ride, enjoy and someday put in the broodmare band. A good investment! For more information: call Cory at (208) 539-1567.
Here’s a pony with potential waiting. He’s a stout, good-boned horse and ready to go to work. Displaying a sure fire Colonel Freckle’s mind- he’s going to be a perfect using horse. He does get tight when fresh, but can be lunged out if it. Just starting to get used regularly, with a few calves branded on him and has seen some bigger circles. Ready to transition out of the snaffle. Short back, big hip, easy keeper. Be sure to check out the video and call if interested. Ty: (775) 397-2132.
ZIPPO PINE Colonel Freckles / Annie Pines Zip JP ROLLING THUNDER DOC BARS THUNDER Chex Ur Button / Doc Bars Genie JP LUCKY BANDANA Red Bandana Two / Young Josie Bert LUCKY JUGS PEPPY JUGS Flooden Jugs / Shes A Pepper Bee

amber rocks jp colonel maximus a travelin spark tivios roan lady 2020 BAY MARE • MATT & LEAH MORI 2016 BAY ROAN GELDING • VN QUARTER HORSES 2021 BAY GELDING • MATT & LEAH MORI 2022 RED ROAN FILLY • CORY & JARIS SHELMAN 65 66 67 68

TIVIOS CHEX Docs Cody Chex / Flossie Chex
27 this rooster rocks — Reference Sire DOX WHITE RABBIT Smart Little Lena / Bunny’s Starlight
Young Paul Bert / Princess Star Deck
— Reference Sire FRECKLES NOVA I’m A Freckles Too / Docs Miss Malbec FRECKLES FINALMELODY TI MINI SAN Rafter S San Leo / Mini Cro DR DunIt
ruby red gun big red tuf little cat dr dunit melody 2017 RED ROAN MARE • CHAD & ELIZABETH ALEXANDER 2020 SORREL GELDING • SHARON RHOADS 2019 SORREL GELDING • JACOB & NATALIE McKAY 2020 SORREL GELDING • SHARON RHOADS 69 70 71 72
freckled lil pepto Reference Sire UNREGISTERED RANCH MARE
28 HIGH BROW CAT High Brow Hickory / Smart Little Kitty BET HESA CAT BET YER BLUE BOONS Freckles Playboy / Royal Blue Boon DANCING BOONLIGHT Boonlight Dancer / Smart Peaches REDS BOON DANCER YOUNG OAK GUN Young Gun / Peekaboo Oak
Command SMART
This is a fancy mare! She has been used in all aspects of ranch work and has been my “go-to” horse all this year. She won’t let a cow past her. She has had cutting and reining training and would make a nice show horse or rope horse. She’s been roped off of extensively. She is tough and can go all day. She has never had any soundness problems. For more information: Chad at (775) 934-6103.
/ MS

mr buttermilk Melody is a good-sized sorrel gelding looking for a job. He will probably have a lot of go, and need an experienced rider and a job to do. He was started this summer and will have approximately 40 rides by sale time. Would expect him to be a good ranch horse that can cover the country and chase a cow. As sale time draws near, call for more info (775) 934-2494.
Big Red is an attractive gelding who will make an excellent all-around ranch horse. His full brother sold here last year and we were very pleased with him. He was started this summer. Call for more info as sale draws closer. (775) 934-2494. COMMANDICATE Little Lena Linton ROYAL CAT CATS SMOOTH MOVIN Smooth As A Cat / Real Cute Vandy
“Cougar” is a great non-pro prospect! He has the breeding, the looks & the talent. He was small as a two-year old so started in January as a three-year old. He has been involved in all aspects of ranch work-branded a few calves and doctored yearlings outside. Lots of action and personality. For more information: Jake at (775) 778-1175.

/ Mee

/ Binion

He is friendly and confident. BET ON ME Smart Little Lena / Bet Yer Blue Boon PLAY YER BETS STARLIGHT PLAYMATE Grays Starlight / Saturdays Playmate PAULSELL PEPPY Que Paza Doc / Miss N Work EBAR PEPPYS SUBARU EBAR CHUCKS MONO Colonels Chuckwagon / Ebar Julia Moon Junebug is as cute as a …bug! Here is a nice young filly with a lot of eye appeal, speed, and cow. She will have about 60 days riding by sale time and will be ready to go any direction you choose to point her. For more information: Zeb at (209) 678-6509. jp high brow budgee yy showdown sioux pretty boy peter mz bet shesa junebug 2020 SORREL GELDING • VN QUARTER HORSES 2022 BUCKSKIN COLT • LISLE QUARTER HORSES 2022 BAY COLT • FRED & JAN BUCKMASTER 2019 SORREL FILLY • ZEB & MERIDITH BURROUGHS 73 74 75 76
This colt has a very classy “bridle horse” look and action. Pretty head accompanied by big intelligent eyes, small throatlatch, a hint of an arch in his neck, deep girth but not too wide, short back, long hip with some legs under him.

Now here’s an athletic colt!!! Started with 60+ days by sale time. “Budgee” is the real deal for an arena horse whichever discipline you choose to direct him. He is super quick- footed, has a big stop and is a fluent mover! Both the dam and sire are nice reining cow horses. Take Budgee to the show pen or have a potential break away horse! He’s got the brains and the wheels to go anywhere, and the pedigree is just a double cherry on top! Call Anna if you are interested, (775) 340.8662 french flit jae — Reference Sire SIOUX CITY DRYSDALE Dry James / Sioux City Sue JP MY SMOKUM SIOUX MISS SMOKUM ASH Colonel Zippo Pine / Little Smokum Ash
Here’s one that’s solidly built and bred with a double dose of Colonel Freckles, all in a pretty smoky buckskin wrapper. The Frenchie colts are proving themselves to be quite versatile with great dispositions, and with a nice, stout Van Norman bred mare as his dam, this colt should have no problem checking all the boxes. For more information: Rolly at (208) 473-1753.
TWO Bonnets Roan
Peptoboonsmal / Chicks HIckory BLACK N
29 jp colonel blackcatt — Reference Sire ONE TIME PEPTO Peptoboonsmal / One Time Soon ONE TIME IN RENO SCOOTERS PLAYMATE Freckles Playboy / Miss Scooter Lynx
Lena My Way / Miss
frettin — Reference Sire OAXACA CHEXX A Cowboy At Heart / SR Lena San FIRST SAN LENA SUNDAY WEAPON(x) First Weapon / Teenas Payoff
tuffer than chics (apha) dw my man walker (x) jp sip of glory yy chasin glory 2014 TOBIANO GELDING • FRANK & JYMME DOMINGUEZ 2022 RED ROAN COLT • LINDA BUNCH 2022 GRAY FILLY • VN QUARTER HORSES 2021 PALOMINO GELDING • LISLE QUARTER HORSES 77 78 79 80
Here is a cute filly that will probably turn grey. The bloodlines here are proven for their trainability, quick learning, adaptability and willingness to do what’s asked. These horses perform well for the long haul and usually get better and better. This filly has a nice build, straight legs and a lot of eye appeal. For more information, call Ty at (775) 397-2132. Take a hard look at this one. The French Flit Jae colts seem to continually have a nice blend of ability, good mind, and good looks, and this colt’s dam is a stout, framey mare that we bred, raised, and rode. This colt should fit just about anywhere.
Old-school breeding with a shot of speed on the bottom side with Fret’ s good mind and cow sense on the top makes for a very nice combination. Esther, the dam, is a lovely mare with a super kind demeanor. This guy Walker just like his namesake Walker Jones has a bright future and should go in any direction. For more information: Linda at (775) 934-7404.
french flit jae — Reference Sire JP LITTLE ELMER CHEX Little Elmer Fudd / Sheza Palomino YY GLORY BE BEAUS PEPPY LADY Peppy Badger Bee / Beaus Lovely Lady
“P2” is a very kind, gentle, been there done that kind of horse. He is great to brand on, sort cattle, work the gate weaning calves, and do all the things required of a solid ranch horse. He’s recently been shown in some versatility ranch horse shows, and would make someone a nice Ranch Versatility/4-H horse. He’s a very pretty mover, and can do all the maneuvers very naturally. He’s very responsive, and a pleasure to just ride around. If you need a horse for the whole family to enjoy, or something to go get your job done on, P2 is your guy. He stands 15 hands and weighs just over 1000lbs. For more information: Frank at (775) 756-5034.
FAIRLEAS LADY GLORY Colonel Pic / Dun Dun It Now JP ROLLING THUNDER Colonel Zippo Pine / Doc Bars Thunder JP BLUE WINE A STRAWBERRY WINE Colonel Zippo Pine / Red Straw Image

SILVER GUN Playgun / Miss Freckles Reed FAIRLEA GUNS N GLORY
30 SMART CHICO LENA Smart Little Lena / Gay Sugar Chic CHIC MAN CAN KELINDS LADY JAC Hollywood Jac 86 / Great Kelind Miss TUFFER THAN SUNUP Docs Cherokee Sunup / Zans Tuffy Bar SHYS DOUBLE TROUBLE SHY EMPRESS Cypod / Sassy Echols

31 ONE TIME PEPTO Peptoboonsmal / One Time Soon HICKORY HOLLY TIME HICKORYS HOLLY CEE Doc’s Hickory / Miss Cee Nita SMOKUM OAK Docs Oak / Gunsmoke Ann BOURBON ST SMOKUM QUESTIONABLE CHEX Bueno Chex / Half Star
freckled lil pepto — Reference Sire BUENO CHEXINIC Reminic / Bueno Chex Kaweah BUENOS DOUBLE

OAKIE Cimarron Oakie / Straw
freckled Toffee Gin is a pretty brown mare going back to Gallo Del Ceilo aka “Roost er”. She should have a great trainable mind and be athletic. She will raise nice babies when you are finished riding her. Call for more information as sale nears (775) 934-2494.
time for bourbon td double colonels dr peptoakie dr toffee gin 2017 CHESTNUT GELDING • RANDY LEIGHTON 2020 BAY GELDING • TIM & CAROLYN DUFURRENA 2020 BAY ROAN GELDING • SHARON RHOADS 2020 BROWN MARE • SHARON RHOADS 81 82 83 84

lil pepto — Reference Sire LONG TALL CHEXAN Texas Kicker / Rose Chex SR CHEX CINNINALONG GINNIN GALLINA Gallo Del Cielo / Gin Princess DR
This five-year-old chestnut gelding is gentle and is a good ranch horse. He has been ridden in tough country and used in all phases of ranching. Questions, call Randy Leighton (209) 603-1974. Zippo Pine ZIPPO Colonel Zippo Pine / JP Snowbird Reggie is a super gentle colt with lots of learning ability. He’s kind and willing, travels well. Is good about his feet; spent his yearling summer out on rocky open range. Has had a rope swung off him. One of the last crop of colts out of our good Van Norman stud, “Turtle.” Will have 70 rides by sale time. OAKIE DOUBLE Skipbar Peptoakie is just waiting to go to work for you. He was started last winter with only a a couple rides then turned out till July. Out of one of our favorite crosses, he should be very athletic and trainable. Take a look, there won’t be many with this pedigree left. Call for more info as sale gets closer (775) 934-2494.
Absentee buyers
To Bid By Phone
The sale will be broadcast live on the internet by LiveAuctions,tv. www.vannormansale.com. Just go to the home page and select the auction. Remember you can call in to bid over the phone when watching on the inter net if you have preregistered for that service or bid online if you have preregistered for that option. NOTE: You must have JavaScript enabled on your browser for our system to work correctly! Most browsers are JavaScript capable and have it enabled by default. If you are totally confused, please call or e-mail Linda! Again, (775) 756-6508 (home) or (775) 934-7404 (cell) or e-mail at mrsbunch@rtci.net
For those of you who can’t be with us in person on sale day, the auction will be live webcast by LiveAuctions.tv. The site can be reached by clicking on the link at www.vannormansale.com. We will be livestreaming on the Van Norman and friends Production Sale Facebook Page Friday afternoon beginning at 12 p.m. and Saturday morning beginning at 8 a.m. You can access from website and possibly Facebook. The previews will be archived and available for viewing throughout the weekend. Please note that all of the lots in the sale will also be available for viewing online prior to sale day at www. vannormansale.com. Also scratches will be posted there.
How to Participate as an Absentee Buyer

Real-time bidding is available via the internet for this sale. Live audio and live video will allow buyers to bid on animals just as if they were present at the sale. Buyers must create an account prior to the sale. Please visit http://www.LiveAuctions.tv to create an account and request a buyer number. Instructions are available at http://www.LiveAuctions.tv to walk you through the account setup process.
We will have several in-house bid lines. You will need to preregister for absentee bidding. To preregister and get your buyer number, call Linda Bunch at (775) 756-6508 (home) or (775) 934-7404 (cell) or e-mail at mrsbunch@rtci.net. After noon on Friday, DO NOT use the 756-6508 number to register to bid by phone. SALE WEEKEND NUMBERS: (775) 934-7404 (Linda) or (775) 401-0368 (Kim). Upon registration you will be given the bidline phone numbers. Buyers who would like to bid via the internet must register with LiveAuctions.tv prior to the sale
Viewing the Auction
• Pete Mori, 3rd Generation Rancher •
Go to www.LiveAuctions.tv. Please note that you do NOT need an account to watch the auction, but you do need to register an account and request a buyer number if you wish to bid. If you have not created a new account since September 1st, 2020 you will need to click “Register” in the top right corner of the homepage and create a new account. Once you have completed the form on this registration page and hit the “Register” button you will receive an e-mail with a place to click on to verify you have entered a valid e-mail address. Once you have completed this registration process, find the auction you are interested in on the homepage and click on it (sales are listed in chronological order). You should then see a box that says Login. Now that you have an account with LiveAuctions just type in your E-mail Address and Password. You will now see a hyperlink at the top that says “Request a Buyer Number”. The first time you request your first buyer number on LiveAuctions it will send you a text message with a verification code in it. Type the code from the text message into the area requiring it and you will then see your name along with a buyer number listed at the top of the webpage where the live video is and you will be able to bid. You will only have to complete this two-step verification process one time. After that you will be able to immediate ly request a buyer number on any auction without verification through an e-mail or text message again.

How it Works
Absentee buyers

“ Simply put, a good reliable ranch horse has a willing, highly trainable mind, matched with the athletic ability to perform a wide range of tasks required on a ranch. One who is tough, loaded with cow, and is an easy traveler, makes for a happy day in the saddle.”
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