National Media Arts Standards (DRAFT PK-12)

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These are exciting times for Media Arts in public education. Many media arts opportunities for teaching and learning reside at the secondary level, and are applied across a variety of programmatic offerings including technology, visual arts, theatre, career technical education, business, communications and computer science. The new PK-12 national arts standards are written from the assumption that media arts is a stand-alone arts discipline with its own particular expressions and processes, as well as an integrative platform within the other traditional art forms. As well, media arts standards are written as a progression of learning for elementary students. Instruction will tend to be highly differentiated based on a range of factors in facility, resources, experience and student prior knowledge. Thus, these standards need to be comprehensive and inclusive of all forms, genres and situations of media arts instruction for the foreseeable future. More detailed and specific examples of instruction are forthcoming in Model Cornerstone Assessments. The new media arts standards are based in new language, ideas, and contemporary points of view, including trans-disciplinary and design-based learning, emerging digital and new media literacies, and seamless integration with other academic subject areas. They may be applied in whatever programmatic structure that states, districts, schools or users feel has the greatest impact for their needs, and are intended to support a wide range of teacher expertise.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Connecting Process Component: Inquire Anchor Standard: Demonstrate the capacity of media arts for personal and collective learning and creative empowerment. Enduring Understanding: Producing and experiencing media art works fosters learning and creativity for oneself and the larger community. Essential Question (s): 1. How do media arts productions expand knowledge for oneself and others? 2. How does producing and experiencing media arts support creative empowerment? 3. How can media arts productions contribute to the human experience? Pre K Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 1a. Share what is learned in 1a. Identify areas for personal or 1a. Demonstrate a media arts skill 1a. Choose among options to 1a. Reflect on and discuss that one gained. learn about media arts. what I learned from making or engaging with or creating a media art collective growth in media arts. engaging with a media art work. 1b. Discuss what ideas I get from 1b. Discuss what a media art work. 1b. Create a media art work that observing or engaging in a media work expresses. 2. Discuss how one has gained skills demonstrates the student’s art work. 1b.Discuss how a media artist knowledge of a topic of interest. 2. Reflect on and discuss what expressed his/her ideas to me. and/or grown through producing media art works. 2. Express feelings or emotions knowledge or experience a through media arts. media arts work makes me think 2. Discuss how media arts 2a. Discuss how media art works about my life and world communicates information, 3a. Take part in the production of a are important to the individual or 3a. Recognize media arts work in experiences, or ideas to media art work that benefits someone personally meaningful and what my daily life. others. 3a. Recognize and discuss how or something. they might mean to someone else. media arts can be a form of 3b. Determine how people work 3a. Discuss media arts works personal expression. 3b. Identify and discuss preferred 3a. Identify how media arts can together to create media arts as they relate to my school media arts forms. contribute to people’s lives. works. and community. 3b. Identify how media arts can be important in my life. 3b. Discuss media arts works 3b. Discuss personal interests in as they relate to my life. future media arts engagement.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Connecting Process Component: Inquire Anchor Standard: Demonstrate the capacity of media arts for personal and collective learning and creative empowerment. Enduring Understanding: Producing and experiencing media art works fosters learning and creativity for oneself and the larger community. Essential Question (s): 1. How do media arts productions expand knowledge for oneself and others? 2. How does producing and experiencing media arts support creative empowerment? 3. How can media arts productions contribute to the human experience?






1a. Identify and discuss how creating or engaging with media art works contributes to one’s own or others’ learning processes. 1b. Describe how a media art work does or does not illustrate the opinions or perspectives of others.

1a. Describe how personal reflection contributes to media arts learning and practice. 1b. Students will determine how media art works allow them to better understand their world.

1a. Identify and discuss personal growth in media arts production and engagement 1b. Create media arts works that expresses his/her relationship to self and/or others.

1a. Present and evaluate what is learned in producing and experiencing media arts works. 1b. Determine connections between the meaning or artist intent in an artwork (dance, music, theatre, visual arts) and a media art work.

1a. Present and evaluate what is learned in producing and experiencing media arts works. 1b.Identify and incorporate personal or collective experiences, perspectives, and ideas of others in media arts works

2. Convey personal knowledge and experiences through media arts.

2. Determine how media arts creates the means to understand the world.

2. Explain the nature of media arts and its cultural context.

2. Reflect on one’s personal learning and expertise through engaging with media art works.

3a. Identify how media arts can integrate other art forms or content areas.

3a. Demonstrate how media arts can benefit one’s own life or a community.

3b. Demonstrate how one can be creative through media arts.

3b. Demonstrate how media arts can reflect, shape, or catalyze change in culture.

3a. Identify and describe the aspects of engaging with media art works that can contribute to one’s lifelong learning or potential future careers. 3b. Incorporate others’ interests with one’s own while collaborating on a media art work.

3a. Determine the impact of media arts on one’s own life or others’ lives. 3b. Identify and describe aspects of media arts-related careers.

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2. Exhibit and reflect on one’s creative growth and accumulation of expertise through the production of media art works 3a. Create media art works that relate to and benefit the larger community and global society 3b. Evaluate and discuss media art works in terms of lifelong learning, potential careers, etc.

Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Connecting Process Component: Interact Anchor Standard: Understand, negotiate, and navigate social and technologic systems, networks, and contexts of media arts. Enduring Understanding: Media artists identify, negotiate and navigate cultural and technological systems, networks and contexts Essential Question (s): 1. How do media artists identify, negotiate and navigate the various systems and contexts for media arts? 2. How do media arts forms, contexts and technologies influence the content and its meaning? 3. What are the social and systemic aspects of media arts and how do they relate to engagement, production, and distribution? 4. How do media artists address social, cultural, historical and artistic contexts? Pre K K 1st 2nd 3rd 1a. Identify what knowledge, 1a. Observe, engage with, 1a. Identify tools and media 1a. Recognize varied 1a. Describe and provide experience, or content one needs and discuss experiences in used in media arts. processes that media arts examples of how one’s in order to create a particular varied media arts forms. 1b. Identify and discuss the engage with to create media experiences can contribute to media art work. 1b. Choose resources that are most important parts of media arts works. media art works. 1b. Share ideas for helpful sources helpful for engaging with arts works and why those 1b. Suggest improvements to of information, content, or media 1b. Identify and describe the media arts. parts are important. resources for engaging with or relevant to the creation of a media content and contexts that are creating media arts works. most relevant and important to art work. 2. Recognize that media art 2. Identify or use tools or specific media art works. 2. Practice and discuss what one works include other arts technologies to create media 2. Identify and discuss can and can’t do with various forms. arts works. characteristics of tools or 2. Experiment with and analyze media arts technologies and technologies that can help particular media technologies 3a. Generate ideas that relate 3a. Describe characteristics of one create media arts works. forms. and forms and identify how they to media arts practices. media arts forms. may support or hinder varied 3a. Discuss media arts works 3a. Examine and discuss media processes and development of arts systems and rules (TV., 3b. Engage in media arts that 3b. Create media art works as they relate to my school products. internet, movies, websites, You reflect local and global ideas. that follow guidelines. and community. 3b. Explain how rules or parameters can be helpful to or limit media artists.

Tube, games, ratings, audiovisual works, etc.)

3b. Describe what is appropriate and in appropriate to do as a media artist.

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3a. Compare and contrast the intent or messages in media art works from multiple cultures. 3b. Identify media artists’ responsibilities.

Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Connecting Process Component: Interact Anchor Standard: Understand, negotiate, and navigate social and technologic systems, networks, and contexts of media arts. Enduring Understanding: Media artists identify, negotiate and navigate cultural and technological systems, networks and contexts Essential Question (s): 1. How do media artists identify, negotiate and navigate the various systems and contexts for media arts? 2. How do media arts forms, contexts and technologies influence the content and its meaning? 3. What are the social and systemic aspects of media arts and how do they relate to engagement, production, and distribution? 4. How do media artists address social, cultural, historical and artistic contexts? th 4 5th 6th 7th 8th 1a. Describe and provide examples of how content from multiple sources (e.g. images, films, music, interviews, written texts, code repositories, archives, etc.) can enhance the impact of media art works. 1b. Identify and evaluate the use and quality of content and media elements in media arts works. 2. Investigate and use technologies (e.g. video or audio editing software) or a particular aspect of a technology (e.g. green screen or equalization) in ways that are more advanced than in one’s past experience. 3a. Identify and describe how values or expectations impact media arts creation or engagement.

1a. Identify and describe experiences in one’s life with potential to influence or provide ideas for creating media arts works. 1b. Identify and explain criteria that media artists use when choosing content or contexts for creating media arts works. 2. Determine the media, formats, or practices most appropriate or beneficial to a media arts work. 3a. Determine and discuss the impact of media arts works on one’s own or others’ lives. 3b. Discuss how one’s local context can play a role in creating and engaging with media art works.

1a. Determine the social and cultural contexts of media arts works and experiences. 1b. Identify and evaluate the quality of content and media elements for use in creating media arts works. 2. Demonstrate the literacies and skills involved in creating and evaluating media arts works. 3a. Demonstrate how media arts works adhere to or reject particular systems and expectations. 3b. Describe the impact of local or global networks of ideas or regulations on media art works and engagement.

1a. Discuss one’s navigation and negotiation in collaborative media arts production and engagement.

1a. Access, navigate, and negotiate multiple sources and systems to produce and experience media art works.

1b. Identify aspects of contexts and systems that can contribute to creating and engaging with media arts

1b. Evaluate and make decisions regarding resources, systems, and contexts to inform and enhance media arts creation and engagement.

2. Negotiate values, limitations, and capacities of technologies, media, and media arts forms. 3a. Explain and discuss differing sets of values, practices, and systems related to creating or engaging with media arts. 3b. Support or critique rules, regulations and systems that relate to media arts.

3b. Identify what is and is not legal in relation to media arts.

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2. Analyze the potential, benefits, values, and challenges of particular media forms and technologies, and their impact on process and content. 3a. Examine how media art works are 1) situated in local and global networks of ideas, products and systems, with 2) values and social impacts, 3b. Examine and utilize industry standards, cultural contexts, ethical guidelines, and legal boundaries.

Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Connecting Process Component: Synthesize Anchor Standard: Examine the capacities of media arts experiences and technologies for synthesizing meaning, and for reflecting and affecting culture. Enduring Understanding: Media arts transforms and connects content and domains, and reflects and shapes culture. Essential Question (s): 1. How does media arts create meaningful experience? 2. How does media arts reflect, affect and catalyze culture? 3. How do media artists identify and develop relationships and connections between ideas, media, and experiences? Pre K K 1st 2nd 3rd 1. Determine how people work 1. Combine multiple media to 1. Discuss how media arts 1. Analyze and practice how 1. Inquire about and analyze together to create or engage in create media arts works. works communicate media art works combine and relationships between media arts and media arts. information, experiences, or connect ideas, events, other arts disciplines. 2. Create media arts works ideas to others. mediums, people, places, etc. 2. Identify and express that relate to other people's 2. Determine and explain values in one’s surroundings through media arts experiences. 2. Demonstrate how media 2. Discuss and examine how life and how they may be incorporated in works. arts can make a difference in media arts is important in and media arts. 3. Identify shared someone's life. shows culture. characteristics among a 3. Engage with and discuss how 3. Identify media arts works that selection of media arts works. 3. Identify similarities and similarities and differences between 3. Engage with and identify are similar to one another. differences between select several art works including media art similarities and differences media arts works. works relate to social or cultural between multiple art works worldviews. including media art works. 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 1. Demonstrate and discuss the ability of 1. Consider and discuss what 1. Discuss benefits and 1. Demonstrate how media 1. Demonstrate how one can media arts to connect ideas and people as information and media are challenges of incorporating arts works do or do not reflect draw from multiple disciplines available or needed for creating others' ideas when creating or social, cultural, or artistic to create or engage with media well as synthesize new and meaningful experiences. media arts works. engaging with media arts contexts. arts. works. 2. Use historical, cultural, aesthetic, and 2. Identify and describe aspects of 2. Choose and apply particular 2. Demonstrate how media critical frameworks to examine the capacity of media art works that have 2. Engage with media arts worldviews to inform media arts can address social, media art works to reflect, affect and catalyze potential to influence or change works and determine how they arts creation or engagement. cultural, or societal issues personal reflection, action, or social change. people’s perspectives or opinions. reflect a cultural values. 3. Identify or infer potential 3. Connect with the ideas or 3. Identify relationships and connections 3. Create media art works in 3. Identify relationships connections between media or experiences of others to create between media arts works and how such concert with other forms of media. between media arts practices understandings can impact one's experience. ideas through media arts. or engage with media arts and media arts works. collaboratively.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Creating Process Component: Conceive Anchor Standard: Generate ideas and production scenarios and use creative methods in conceiving media art works. Enduring Understanding: Creative ideas are shaped by the imagination and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts. Essential Question(s): 1. How do media artists generate ideas? 2. How can a media art work be produced to be very effective and original? 3. How can individuals use creativity in critical thinking and problem solving to produce original media art works? Pre K Kindergarten 1st 2nd 1. With guided support, share ideas 1. With guided support, Share ideas 1. With support, share ideas that 1. Develop multiple ideas that could that could be used as a basis for a could be used in producing a media be used in producing media art for media art works. media art work. art work. work. 2. With guided support, share ideas for ways that a media art work could be produced and shared. 3. With guided support, utilize play and imagination to generate ideas for media art works. 4th 1. Generate ideas for a media art work that draw upon specific moods, feelings, or themes. 2. Imagine and articulate numerous approaches in generating ideas for format of media art production. 3. Develop creative methods for generating ideas.

2. With guided support, Share imaginative ways that media tools could capture and share events.

2. With support, share imaginative ideas for ways that a media art work could be produced for an audience.

3. With guided support, Utilize play and imagination to generate ideas.

3. With support, utilize play, imagination and methods such as modeling to generate ideas for media art works. 6th 1. Generate ideas for stories, events, or experiences that could be the basis of content for a media art work and determine which ideas best present an original vision.

5th 1. Generate ideas for stories, events, or experiences that could be the basis of content for a media art work based on cultural influences and social issues. 2. Imagine and articulate new media forms and how an audience might interact with those forms. 3. Analyze multiple media art works for inspiration in conceiving an original creation.

2. Imagine and articulate numerous approaches in generating ideas for content and format for media art production considering audience and presentation methods. 3. Examine internal and external sources for inspiration in conceiving an original creation.

2. Share imaginative ways that media art works could be used to communicate a narrative, experience or idea. 3. Use a variety of methods to generate content as a basis for producing media art works. 7th 1. Generate ideas for stories, events, or experiences that could be the basis of media art works and determine which ideas best present an original vision.

3rd 1. Generate ideas for narratives or events that could be the basis of media art works using personal experiences. 2. Share imaginative ways that an audience could interact with a media art work. 3. Develop creative methods for generating ideas. 8th 1. Generate ideas for the content and framework of a media art work based on exemplary work, personal experiences and ideas, social issues, etc.

2. Conceive and generate various scenarios focused on how and where audiences would experience the media art work.

2. Conceive and generate various scenarios focused on how and where audiences would experience the media art work.

3. Use creative methods such as envisioning, intuition, play, modeling, improvisation, etc. to discover the expressive possibilities of the medium.

3. Use creative methods such as envisioning, intuition, play, modeling, improvisation, etc. to discover the expressive possibilities of the medium and how to achieve them.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Creating Process Component: Develop Anchor Standard: Develop and execute plans for creating media art works. Enduring Understanding: Media artists organize creative elements, components and/or content into a process structure that can effectively realize the artistic idea. Essential Question (s): 1. How do ideas, stories or experiences inform how the production of media art work is organized? 2. How do media artists organize ideas and components to achieve the desired end product? Pre K K 1st 2nd 3rd 1. With prompting, explain 1. Explain what a plan is. 1. Describe how a plan can 1. Determine which steps 1. Create a plan for organizing help an artist create. what a plan is. would be required to complete components for a media art 2. Describe how a plan might a media art work. work. be built. 2. After completing a media 2. With guidance and support, 2. Identify what resources would art work, explain the steps identify what resources would be required to execute a plan to taken in its creation. be required to create a media create a media art work. art work. th th 4 5th 6 7th 8th 1. Plan a media art work using 1. Establish which process 1. Utilize past experiences 1. Engage in pre1. Engage in pre-production and format best support the and observations to creative processes (e.g. sketching, production processes such processes such as writing, artistic idea of a media art establish which approach, storyboarding, prototyping, idea mapping, etc.). as writing, storyboarding, work through exploration of process, and format best designing and choreographing to and prototyping, designing existing works. supports the artistic idea of prepare content and systems for a 2. Analyze existing media art and choreographing to the media art work. media art production. works to determine the processes 2. Organize the required prepare content for a media utilized by the artists creating art production. 2. Organize a plan for 2. Develop and evaluate various steps needed for the them. media art work that plans and strategies for the process creation of a media art 2. Justify and rationalize addresses steps of the and structure of a media art work to work into a process that choices made in the process, timelines, roles, determine which approach best addresses timelines and planning process for a and resources required. supports the artistic idea. roles. media art work.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Creating Process Component: Innovate Anchor Standard: Creatively experiment with rules, tools and processes to problem solve and innovate in media arts productions. Enduring Understanding: Artistic problems are opportunities for innovative solutions and improvement of the work. Essential Question (s): 1. How can artists explore and experiment in media arts production processes with existing work to advance and grow as an artist? 2. How, when and why do artists develop creative opportunities outside of the perceived rules or boundaries? 3. How are mistakes and problems opportunities for innovation? Pre K K 1st 2nd 3rd 1. Play with available media creation 1. Play with available tools 1. Experiment with available tools to 1. Experiment with various tools 1. Experiment with tools and tools. to capture and make capture and manipulate media. while creating a media art work. processes in creating a media art media. work. 2. Share new ideas for a media art 2. Experiment with adding a new 2. Combine original and existing 2. Play with new ways to element to an existing media art work. media to communicate meaning. work. 2. Demonstrate how media arts combine media art formats. formats can be combined in the 3. Articulate difficulties experienced in 3. Define what challenges a media creation of a media art work. working with media art tools. artist might face.

4th 1. Experiment with tools and processes and determine how unique approaches bring originality to a project. 2. Demonstrate new ways to combine media arts formats and processes to communicate original ideas. 3. Develop creative ways to solve problems.

5th 1. Modify a media art convention or process. 2. Demonstrate new ways to combine and adapt media arts formats, ideas, and processes. 3. Utilize multiple strategies to address a challenge in media art work creation.

6th 1. Implement a modified convention or process into the creation of an original media art work. 2. Demonstrate new ways to combine and adapt media arts formats, ideas, and processes. 3. Identify artistic challenges that exist in the process of creating media art work and discover ways to implement possible solutions.

7th 1. Experiment with available tools, techniques, and conventions, while creating media art works. 2. Adapt or alter an existing media art work to communicate an alternate meaning to the work. 3. Identify artistic challenges that exist in the process of creating media art work and discover ways to implement possible solutions..

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3. Articulate how challenges can influence the creation of a media art work. 8th 1. Experiment with available tools, techniques, conventions, and aesthetic choices while creating media art works. 2. Adapt and alter an existing media art work, process or idea to achieve artistic intentions. 3. Determine challenges in the creation of original media art works and find creative ways to utilize them to advantage.


Artistic Process: CREATING Process Component: CONCEIVING

Anchor Standard: Generate ideas and production scenarios and use creative methods in conceiving media art. Enduring Understanding: Creative ideas are shaped by the imagination and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts. Essential Question (s): 1. How do media artists generate ideas? 2. How can a media artwork be produced to be effective and original? 3. How can individuals use creativity in critical thinking and problem solving to produce original media art? HS Proficient 1. Formulate multiple ideas for the content and framework of media art inspired by internal and external sources.

HS Accomplished 1. Observe, empathize, and imagine in constructing ideas for media art.

HS Advanced 1. Integrate heightened observation, empathy, and imagination to drive media art creation.

2. Develop a conceptualization of media art that demonstrates awareness of audience.

2. Evaluate the effectiveness of a conceptualization of media art that demonstrates awareness of audience and original approaches.

2. Refine a conceptualization of media art to explore awareness of audience and discover original approaches.

3. Apply understanding of multiple idea generation approaches to guide the process of conceptualizing media art.

3. Apply understanding of multiple idea generation approaches to guide the process of conceptualizing media art.

3. Analyze and select from multiple idea generation approaches to make effective choices in conceptualizing media art.

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Artistic Process: CREATING Process Component: DEVELOPING

Anchor Standard: Develop and execute plans for creating media art. Enduring Understanding: Media artists organize creative elements, components and/or content into a process structure that can effectively realize the artistic idea. Essential Question (s): 1. How do ideas, stories or experiences inform how the production of media artwork is organized? 2. How do media artists organize ideas and components to achieve the desired end product? HS Proficient 1., 2. Engage in multi-step pre-production processes to organize and prepare ideas, content, and systems for production of media art.

HS Accomplished 1., 2. Develop and correctly utilize multistep pre-production processes to organize and prepare ideas, content, and systems for production of media art.

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HS Advanced 1., 2. Identify and apply the pre-production processes that best support the artist and ideas to prepare content and systems for production of media art.

Discipline: MEDIA ARTS Artistic Process: CREATING MACR3A HS Process Component: INNOVATING Anchor Standard: Creatively experiment with rules, tools and processes to problem solve and innovate in media arts productions. Enduring Understanding: Artistic problems are opportunities for innovative solutions and improvement of the work. Essential Question (s): 1. How, when and why do artists develop creative opportunities outside of the perceived rules or boundaries? 2. How can artists explore and experiment in media arts production processes with existing work to advance and grow as an artist? 3. How are mistakes and problems opportunities for innovation? HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

1. Utilize established and creative ways to employ tools, techniques, conventions, and aesthetic choices in conception and creation of media art.

1. Utilize accepted and creative ways to employ tools, techniques, conventions, and aesthetic choices to find the strongest approach in conception and creation of media art.

1. Utilize accepted and creative ways to employ tools, techniques, conventions, and aesthetic choices to find the strongest approach in conception and creation of media art.

2. Demonstrate growth as an artist through experimentation, adapting and/or modifying media art works, formats, or processes.

2. Demonstrate growth as an artist through risk-taking, experimentation, adapting and/or modifying media art works, formats, or processes.

3. Make strategic use of challenges and constraints, and articulate how past successes and failures influence the conception and creation of media art.

3. Innovate and conceptualize media art utilizing problem-solving skills and learning from previous projects.

2. Demonstrate growth as an artist through experimentation, adapting and/or modifying media art works, formats, or processes. 3. Demonstrate problem-solving skills through finding new ways to overcome challenges and constraints in the conception and creation of media art.

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HS Advanced

Discipline: MEDIA ARTS Artistic Process: PRODUCING MAP1A HS Process Component: CONSTRUCTING Anchor Standard: Effectively make meaning through media arts production processes Enduring Understanding: The organization, forming and integration of aesthetic elements, principles and processes creates meaning, expression and artistic quality. Essential Question (s): 1. What is required for the artist to produce a work that creates meaning, expression and artistic quality? 2. How does the artist utilize the stylistic conventions and technical parameters of the media to inform and inspire my work? 3. How does collaborating with others shape, enhance, and limit media arts production? HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

1a. Skillfully employ the stylistic and expressive possibilities of media and techniques for original expression and aesthetic effect.

1a. Demonstrate mastery of a range of media, techniques, aesthetic elements and expressive strategies in the creation of media art.

1b. Create media artworks that integrate different arts forms, media arts and other academic content form a variety of sources. (e.g. trans-disciplinary arts, experiential design, intermedia installation, multimedia performance, transmedia productions).

1b. Fluently integrate aesthetic forms, techniques and expressive content in the creation of media art..

2. Deliberately deploy and adapt tools in novel ways in the creation of media art.

3. Identify and engage collaborators, determine roles and coordinate work, to 2. Fluently choose and integrate different media and content. support the development of the media artwork. 3. Assign roles and engage in the full production of media artworks in order to coordinate and collaborate in its the development.

3. Determine and fulfill an effective, significant role in a collaborative process in the creation of media art..

2. Choose, adapt and deploy tools in novel ways in the creation of media art.

HS Advanced 1a. Independently acquire new skills and understanding of a range of media and techniques. 1b. Develop a personal style and aesthetic approach serving unique expressive and aesthetic ends. 1c. Develop novel and effective ways to integrate different arts, media arts and academic content into unified media arts productions across disciplines and domains of experience.

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Artistic Process: PRODUCING Process Component: EXPRESSING

Anchor Standard: Intentionally express meaning through media arts production processes. Enduring Understanding: An artist’s skills, knowledge and creative ability can compel and evoke powerful expressions in media arts works. Essential Question (s): 1. What elements and qualities contribute to clear and compelling expression in media arts? 2. In what ways do skills and knowledge in using available resources, tools, and technologies affect artistic expression? HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

1a. At increasingly mature levels, skillfully manipulate elements of a media arts work to compellingly evoke qualities of tone, mood, feeling, character and atmosphere.

1a. At increasingly mature levels, recognize nuance in the quality of tone, mood, feeling, character and atmosphere in elements of a media arts work.

1b. At increasingly mature levels, explore ways to understand and consider audience interest or attraction to a media arts work.

1b. At increasingly mature levels, experiment with ways to Influence audience interest or attraction to a media arts work by modulating the tone, mood, feeling, character, and atmosphere.

2. At increasingly mature levels, examine

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HS Advanced 1a. At increasingly mature levels, apply nuance with skill in modulating elements of a media arts work to compellingly evoke an overall quality of tone, mood, feeling, character and atmosphere. 1b. At increasingly mature levels, Influence audience interest or irresistible attraction to a media arts work by modulating the tone, mood, feeling, character, and atmosphere.

specific media arts work for potential elements to create new, unique and distinctive ways to improve the work’s overall quality and character.

2. At increasingly mature levels, create unique and distinctive ways to improve the overall quality and character of a media arts work.

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2. At increasingly mature levels, apply expressive elements with professional sensitivity in creating effective, unique and distinctive media arts works.

Discipline: MEDIA ARTS Artistic Process: PRODUCING MAP3A HS Process Component: REFINING Anchor Standard: Persistently refine meaning through media arts production processes. Enduring Understanding: Media artists adapt and refine their work in response to people, places and contexts, and their own reflection. Essential Question (s): 1. How and why does my artwork change? 2. How do artists improve/refine their work? 3. How do I develop my technical, aesthetic and expressive capabilities in art? HS Proficient 1. Revise and adapt media artworks in response to alternate contexts. 2. Refine, edit, and elaborate media artworks persistently and fluently over time. 3. Further develop and elaborate the media artworks based on personal reflection and critical response of others.

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced

1. Revise and adapt media artworks based on changing context, audience or media. (e.g. sequential to interactive presentation.)

1. Devise variations of media artworks based on changing context, audience or media. (e.g. sequential to interactive presentation.)

2. Refine, edit, and elaborate media artworks persistently and fluently over time.

2. Synthesize new media artwork based on the refinements of previous works.

3. Seek critical response from others in the process of refining media artworks.

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3. Discern and synthesize personal reflection and the response gathered from others to refine, edit and elaborate media artworks.

Discipline: MEDIA ARTS Artistic Process: PRODUCING MAP4A HS Process Component: PRESENTING Anchor Standard: Purposefully share and learn through media arts presentation methods. Enduring Understanding: Media artists purposefully present, share and distribute media artworks. Essential Question (s): 1. How do time, place, audience and context affect presenting or performing choices? 2. How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help an artist learn and grow? HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

1. Curate, design, implement, and promote presentation and/or distribution of media artworks to impact how it might be experienced and understood.

HS Advanced

1. Curate, design, implement, and promote 1. Find and arrange performance, exhibition presentation and/or distribution of media or distribution opportunity for media artworks to impact how they might be artworks. experienced and understood. 2. Accrue a body of media artworks for 2. Initiate and engage in an artistic dialogue 2. Initiate and engage in an artistic presentation and reflection. (e.g. a by presenting media artworks. dialogue that acknowledges the ways portfolio, demo reel, exhibition, series, others might use media artworks. i.e. channel etc.) creative commons licensing -- making parts of the work available for remixing etc.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: RESPONDING MAR1A HS Process Component: PERCEIVING Anchor Standard: Discern the qualities and relationships of the components of media artworks in synthesizing their meaning and unique impact. Enduring Understanding: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media artworks improves one’s artistic appreciation and production. Essential Question (s): 1. How do we ‘read’ works of media art and discern their components? 2. What elements make media artworks unique and meaningful? HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

1a. Analyze the qualities and relationships of the components in media art, and their presence in the world around us.

1a. Analyze the qualities and relationships of the components in media art, and their presence in the world around us.

1b. Analyze the various forms, methods, and styles in media art and how they influence audience experience.

1b. Analyze the various forms, methods, and styles in media art and how they influence audience experience.

2. Analyze the unique qualities of media art and their ability to impact an audience through endless reorganization, immersion, and persuasion.

2. Analyze and modify the qualities of media art work through endless reorganization, immersion, and persuasion to heighten audience experience and response

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HS Advanced 1a. Analyze the qualities and relationships of the components in media art, and how they influence the environment in which they are presented. 1b. Analyze the various forms, methods, styles, and intentions in media art and how they influence audience experience. 2. Analyze and modify the qualities of media art work through endless reorganization, immersion, and persuasion to heighten audience experience and response selections.

Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: RESPONDING MAR2A HS Process Component: INTERPRETING Anchor Standard: Interpret media artworks by considering their forms, intentions, contexts and the opinions of others. Enduring Understanding: Interpretation and appreciation require consideration of the intent, form and context of the media artwork. Essential Question (s): 1. How do people relate to and interpret a media artwork? 2. Why do people have different opinions about media artworks? HS Proficient 1. Analyze personal decoding of a media artwork based on the impact of personal, historical, social and cultural contexts. 2. Analyze how multiple individuals varyingly decode a media artwork based on personal, historical, social and cultural contexts.

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced

1. Analyze the meaning and significance of how media art is constructed to influence how one decodes it based on the impact of personal, historical, social and cultural contexts.

1. Deconstruct and analyze how media artworks are constructed to influence personal understandings including source, audience, story, persuasion, and point of view. .

2. Analyze how and why media artworks are constructed to influence different audiences.

2. Analyze how a media artwork is constructed to influence an audience by appealing to emotional impact, construed messages, and editing selections.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: RESPONDING MAR3A HS Process Component: EVALUATING Anchor Standard: Evaluate media artworks by developing appropriate criteria and through constructive discussion. Enduring Understanding: Skillful evaluation and critique are critical components of experiencing, appreciating and producing media artworks. Essential Question (s): 1. How and why do media artists value and judge media artworks? 2. When and how should we evaluate and critique media artworks to improve them? HS Proficient 1. Develop a respectful critique of a popular media art work.

HS Accomplished 1. Employ a respectful critique of a personal media art work

2. Using the personally developed criteria 2. Share and discuss your evaluation of a for evaluating a popular/personal media art personal media art work. work, develop a similar process for critiquing your own work.

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HS Advanced 1. Integrate conclusions from a critique of a personal media art work to emerging artwork(s). 2. Develop and share a critique on a collection of personal artwork.

Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: CONNECTING MACN1A HS Process Component: INQUIRING Anchor Standard: Demonstrate the capacity of media arts for personal and collective inquiry, learning and creative empowerment. Enduring Understanding: Engaging with media arts fosters inquiry, learning and creativity for self and others Essential Question (s): 1. How does engaging with media arts expand knowledge for self and others? 2. How does engaging with media arts support creative expression and empowerment? 3. How can engaging with media arts influence and contribute to the human experience? HS Proficient

HS Accomplished

HS Advanced

1. Evaluate learning and media arts engagement in relation to history, culture and learning in other arts forms and content areas.

1. Evaluate learning and media arts engagement in relation to concerns, interests, and goals and the tools used to create media art.

1. Evaluate learning and media arts engagement independently in relation to concerns, interests and goals and in relation to the making of media art.

2. Pursue inquiry, through engagement in media arts, that expands one’s capacity to attain creative expression and addresses personal concerns and interests.

2. Pursue deep inquiry, through engagement in media arts, that expands one’s capacity to attain creative expression and addresses personal concerns and interests.

2. Pursue deep inquiry that expands one’s capacity to attain creative expression and addresses personal or collective concerns and interests in media arts.

3. Discover, formulate and express ideas that have impact upon themselves and others within the process of engagement with Media Arts.

3.Demonstrates an ability to connect and leverage collective experiences of self and others through creative and expressive media arts engagement.

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3. Lead in the ability to connect and leverage collective experiences of self and others through highly creative and expressive media arts engagement.

Discipline: MEDIA ARTS Artistic Process: CONNECTING MACN2A HS Process Component: INTERACTING Anchor Standard: Understand, negotiate, and navigate social, historical, artistic, and technologic systems, networks, and contexts of media arts Enduring Understanding: Media artists consciously interact with others, cultural, political, technological, economic and other systems, networks and contexts Essential Question (s): 1. How and why do media artists identify, negotiate and navigate systems and contexts in relation to media arts? 2. How and why do media arts forms, technologies, systems, networks, or contexts impact content, products, meaning, and interactions? 3. How and why do media artists foster understanding between self and others through critical awareness, social responsibility, and the exploration of empathy? HS Proficient HS Accomplished HS Advanced 1. Explain and demonstrate visually and aurally how media arts are part of a connected system of related forms, technologies, networks, contexts, and people that, working together, form a complex whole. 2. Demonstrates awareness of how interactions among others, technologies, systems, etc. impact media arts and engagement based on an assigned topic. 3. Demonstrates an ability to negotiate,

1. Articulate in depth explanations of forms, technologies, systems, networks, and contexts in relation to personal interests in media arts engagement.

1. Elaborate in depth explanations of forms, technologies, systems, networks, and contexts in relation to media arts engagement beyond the school environment.

2. Demonstrates considerable awareness of how interactions among others, technologies, systems, etc. impact media arts and engagement based on personal preferences.

2. Demonstrates astute awareness of how challenges and affordances among others, technologies, systems, etc. impact media arts and engagement.

3. Demonstrates a discerning ability to negotiate, navigate and evaluate

3. Demonstrates leadership to negotiate, navigate and evaluate interactions with

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navigate, and evaluate interactions with others, systems, networks, and contexts in relation to media arts.

interactions with others,

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others, systems, networks, and contexts as a director of a media arts experience.

Discipline: MEDIA ARTS Artistic Process: CONNECTING MACN3A HS Process Component: SYNTHESIZING Anchor Standard: Examine the capacity of media arts for synthesizing meaning, and for reflecting and affecting culture. Enduring Understanding: Media arts transforms and connects content and domains, and reflects and shapes culture. Essential Question (s): 1. How does media arts create meaningful experience through connecting domains and ideas. 2. How does media arts reflect, affect and catalyze culture? 3. How do media artists identify and develop relationships and connections between ideas, arts, media, and experiences? HS Proficient 1. Connect ideas, the arts, media, and experiences through media arts. 2. Examine and demonstrate how connecting ideas, arts, media, experiences, history, and culture synthesize meaning in media arts engagement. 3. Reflect, affect, or catalyze culture through synthesizing or connecting ideas, arts, media, experiences and history.

HS Accomplished 1. Make novel connections to ideas, the arts, media, and experiences through media arts. 2. Examine how connecting ideas, arts, media, experiences, history, and culture synthesize meaning in media arts engagement. 3. Reflect, affect, or catalyze culture through synthesizing or connecting ideas, arts, media, experiences and history.

HS Advanced 1. Make novel connections to ideas, the arts, media, and experiences expertly and profoundly through media arts that lead to unique solutions, perspectives, visions, insights. 2. Examine how connecting ideas, arts, media, experiences, history, and culture synthesize meaning in media arts engagement through historical, cultural, aesthetic, and critical frameworks. 3. Reflect, affect, or catalyze culture through synthesizing or connecting ideas, arts, media, experiences and history.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Producing Process Component: Construct Anchor Standard: Effectively make meaning through media arts production processes. Enduring Understanding: The organization, forming and integration of aesthetic elements, principles and processes creates meaning, expression and artistic quality. Essential Question(s): 1. What is required for the artist to produce a work that creates meaning, expression and artistic quality? 2. How does the artist utilize the stylistic conventions and technical parameters of the media to inform and inspire my work? 3. How does collaborating with others shape, enhance, and limit media arts production? Pre K Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 1. With support and guidance, 1. Use media arts tools and 1. Use aesthetic elements and 1. Choose aesthetic elements 1. Experiment with media arts content, employ a range of aesthetic processes to generate, techniques in making an and techniques in making an processes, and aesthetic elements to elements and techniques in capture and organize media effective media art work. effective work. develop skill, craft and convey meaning. making an effective work. elements for a media art work. 2. Use certain capacities and 2. Work with fundamental 2. Expand upon the capacities and 2. Show flexibility and adaptability 3. Cooperate in group work in guides in making a media art capacities and parameters of a parameters of a medium and project. utilizing the capacities of the the making of a media artwork. work. chosen media and project. medium and project. 3. Negotiate and communicate within a 3. Cooperate and communicate 3. Contribute and communicate collaborative group. 3. Negotiate and communicate in a collaborative group. in a collaborative group. within a collaborative group. 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 1a. Skillfully form, organize and integrate 1. Synthesize observed media 1. Form, organize, and integrate 1. Form, organize, and integrate 1. Form, organize, and media arts content, processes, and arts content, technical media arts content, technical media arts content, technical integrate media arts content, aesthetic elements to convey meaning in processes, and aesthetic processes, and aesthetic processes, and aesthetic technical processes, and media art works. elements to convey meaning elements to convey meaning in a elements to convey meaning in a aesthetic elements to convey in developing skill and craft. skillful manner. skillful, craftsman like manner. meaning in a skillful, craftsman 1b. Explore the integration of disparate arts, like manner. media arts and academic content into 2. Utilize the capacities and 2. Choose from a defined range 2. Define a range of parameters unified media arts productions across parameters of an observed of parameters of the media tools of the media tools and styles in 1b. Explore ways that disciplines and domains of experience. (e.g. medium and project. and styles in the production of a the production of a media disparate media may be trans-disciplinary arts, experiential design, media artwork. artwork appropriate to the integrated. intermedia installation, multimedia performance, transmedia productions). project. 3. Construct, communicate and 3. Construct, communicate edit, in an assigned role, in a 3. Create, communicate and edit, and edit in a collaborative work 2a. Understand and effectively work with and push beyond external and self-imposed collaborative work or in an assigned role, in a or performance environment. parameters. performance environment. collaborative work or performance environment. 3. Contribute, communicate and edit in a collaborative work or performance environment.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Producing Process Component: Express Anchor Standard: Intentionally express meaning through media arts production processes. Enduring Understanding: The artist’s skills, knowledge and creative impulses, such as style and emphasis, are critical to compelling expression in media art works. Essential Question (s): 1. What elements and qualities contribute to clear and compelling expression in media arts? 2. In what ways do skills and knowledge in using available resources, tools, and technologies affect artistic expression? Pre K K 1st 2nd 3rd 1a. With support and guidance, identify 1a. With support and guidance, 1a. With support and guidance, 1a. With support and guidance, 1a. Combine media images, sounds, and create media elements that identify elements and content identify media elements that make a emphasize or modulate particular and movement to effectively express specific emotions. Eg. happy, that make a media work look media work look happy, scary, components and/or processes to communicate the character of a mood, scary, funny, pretty, etc.. happy, scary, funny, pretty, etc. funny, pretty or ugly, etc. achieve basic expressions and styles feeling, or atmosphere. 1b. Talk together with other students to 1b. Discuss what elements 1b. Consider the overall goal and in media art works. 1b. Enhance the appeal, compare how they react to a media make an audience like different audience in the making of media art 1b. Consider the overall goal and attractiveness and interest of a media arts work and why. media works and why. works. audience in the making of media art work for an audience by modulating works. tone, feeling and mood. 2. Talk about how and why media arts 2. Talk about how and why 2. Practice manipulating media and 2. Experiment with media elements to works are different and unique and try media arts works are different content for expression in media arts 2. Practice personal expression in find distinctive new ways to improve to create one yourself. and unique and try to create a productions. media arts productions. the quality, interest, and appeal of a personal work yourself. media arts work. th th th 4 5th 6 7 8th 1a. Combine media images, sounds, 1a. Choose and compose the 1a. Effectively modulate 1a. Effectively modulate components 1a. Emphasize or modulate particular and movement to effectively elements of media art works components of a media arts work to of a media arts work to distinctively media elements and/or processes to communicate the character of a mood, (e.g., image, sound, light, distinctively improve overall quality improve overall quality of tone, mood, achieve the intended, specific feeling, or atmosphere. movement , time and space), of tone, mood, feeling, character feeling, character and atmosphere. expressions in media art works. and apply the appropriate tools and atmosphere. 1b. Influence audience interest or 1b. Enhance the appeal, and techniques to enhance 1b. Influence audience interest or 1b. Consider the impact on the attraction to a media arts work by attractiveness and interest of a media overall quality and generate attraction to a media arts work by audience in the development of clear modulating the tone, mood, feeling, work for an audience by modulating more vivid expression. modulating the tone, mood, feeling, and compelling expression in media character, and atmosphere. tone, feeling and mood. 1b. Consider the overall goal, character, and atmosphere. art work. context, tools, techniques, style, genre and audience in 2. Explore potential of media elements 2. Explore and develop the 2. Explore aesthetic elements and 2. Effectively integrate aesthetic the making of more vivid and to create unique and distinctive ways evocative content to find distinctive elements and evocative content communicative, stylistic and compelling media art works. to improve the expressive quality and new ways to improve the quality, create unique and distinctive ways expressive possibilities of media tools character of a media arts work. interest, and appeal of a media arts to improve the expressive quality and techniques. 2. Consider multiple work. and character of a media arts work. . perspectives on the content of media art works.

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Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Producing Process Component: Refine Anchor Standard: Persistently refine meaning through media arts production processes. Enduring Understanding: Media artists adapt and refine their work in response to people, places and contexts, and their own reflection. Essential Question (s): 1. How and why does my artwork change? 2. How do artists improve/refine their work? 3. How do I develop my technical, aesthetic and expressive capabilities in art? Pre K K 1st 2nd 1. With guided reflection, focus work 1. With guided reflection, focus 1. Revise and adapt media art 1. Refine and adapt media art work on audience and context of the work. work on a specific audience and work in consideration of in consideration of audience, and context of the work. audience, and the context of the context of the work. 2. Develop media arts skills through the work. repetition and practice. 2. Refine and enhance media arts 2. Improve and elaborate on skills through repetition and 2. Refine and enhance media aesthetic and technical aspects of 3. Use guided reflection to refine practice. arts ideas, and skills through media art works. technical proficiency. repetition and 3. Utilize guided reflection to refine experimentation. 3. Utilize personal reflection and technical proficiency, intentionality, critical feedback to refine technical aesthetic judgment and expressive 3. Utilize personal reflection proficiency, intentionality, aesthetic capability. and critical feedback to refine judgment and expressive capability. technical proficiency, intentionality, aesthetic judgment and expressive capability. 4th 5th 6th 7th 1. Respond to evolving production 1. Change complexity, scale, 1. Develop multiple variations 1. Alter individual media elements to circumstances and narrative. timing, and scope of a work in of a media art work to fit the larger context of the response to changing context. various contexts or formats. collaborative media art work. 2. Edit and rework component parts to improve the whole media art work. 2. Edit and refine work across 2. Resolve technical, design, 2. Demonstrate fluency in media elements to achieve and aesthetic challenges in developing a range of technical, 3. Resolve audience and user coherence and unity in the media the development of a media aesthetic and expressive solutions. difficulties in the refinement of a art work. arts work. media art work. 3. Edit and consolidate the work of 3. Evaluate feedback from users 3. Synthesize critical input the collaborative group in and collaborators in the revising of from several sources to refine consultation with members. a media art work. media art work.

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3rd 1. Refine and adapt media art works in consideration of audience, and the context of the work. 2. Choose from among experimental approaches and techniques to determine the most effective solution. 3. Elaborate and refine elements of the work that evokes positive audience response.

8th 1. Develop alternative technical, aesthetic and content solutions for media art work in consideration of audience and context of the work. 2. Persistently and purposefully refine and enhance media art works, ideas, and skills over time. 3. Solicit, gather and evaluate critical feedback to refine the media art work.

Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Producing Process Component: Present Anchor Standard: Purposefully share and learn through media arts presentation methods. Enduring Understanding: Media artists purposefully present, share and distribute media art works. Essential Question (s): 1. How do time, place, audience and context affect presenting or performing choices? 2. How can presenting or sharing media art works in a public format help an artist learn and grow? Pre K K 1st 2nd 3rd 1. Share media art work in a safe 1a. Share media art work in a 1a. Share media art work in a 1a. Share or distribute media art 1a. Share or distribute media art environment. safe environment. safe environment. works in a safe and appropriate works in a safe and appropriate venue. venue. 1b.Discuss how sharing media 1b. Discuss how sharing art work can affect new work. media art work can affect 1b. Consider the audience or user 1b. Consider the audience or user new work. response in the continued response, venue or platform in the development of media art works. continued development of media art works.

4th 1a. Share or distribute media art works in a safe and appropriate venue. 1b.Consider audience or user response, in a particular venue or platform in the continued development of media art works. 2. Discuss the ownership and distribution of media art works.

5th 1a. Share or distribute media art works for an audience in a safe and appropriate online and/or live venue.

6th 1a. Share or distribute media art works for an audience in a safe and appropriate online and/or live venue.

7th 1a. Share or distribute media art works for an audience in a safe and appropriate online and/or live venue.

1b. Consider the audience or user response in the continued development of media art works.

1b. Discuss the intended meaning of a media art work, and receive feedback from audience.

1b. Discuss the intended meaning of a media art work, and receive feedback from audience.

2. Offer ways for audience members to actively engage with media art works.

2. Articulate the intentions and facilitate feedback regarding the aesthetic and content decisions of media art works with an audience.

2. Utilize audience or user response in the revision of this work, and planning for later works.

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2. Discuss the ownership and distribution of media art works. 8th 1a. Share and/or distribute media art works through a specific and/or variety of context(s) (e.g. physical, virtual channels, venues, spaces, mass audiences, participants, etc.). 1b. Manage the potential ongoing uses of media art works (e.g., Creative Commons licensing, availability for remixing/repurposing, achieving desired audience response and comments, etc.) 2. Utilize audience or user response in the revision of this work, and planning for later works..

Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Responding Process Component: Perceive Anchor Standard: Discern the qualities and relationships of the components of media art works in synthesizing their meaning and unique impact. Enduring Understanding: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media art works improves one’s artistic appreciation and production. Essential Question (s): 1. How do we “read” works of media art and where and how do we experience their components? 2. What makes media art works unique and impactful? Pre K Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 1. Use guided reflection to 1. Use guided reflection to 1. Discern different 1a. Discern and describe basic 1. Critique a media piece in terms ascertain components. ascertain what characters and elements that make up a components and qualities of media art of its unique elements. objects are present in a piece. media piece and how they works (e.g. image, sound, clip, etc) as make us feel. well as their instances in other 2. Discuss the actions of the experiences. character and alternative behaviors. 1b. Identify and describe various forms, methods, styles, etc, (e.g. cartoon, commercial, etc) in media art works.

4th 1. Expound on critical elements in a piece and the impact it has on the audience. Persuade another to see the piece in your eyes.

5th 1. Analyze the elements of the media artwork the context of which it was made that made it unique. 2. Compare/contrast the impact of a piece of media in its original context vs. today.

6th 1a. Define technology used in the media art work. 1b. Define how artists make choices what do used based on economic, cultural, or aesthetic choices. 2. How do the artistic choices create emotions in the viewer.

2. Describe the unique qualities of media art works (i.e., fun to watch, 3D, “not real”, etc) and their ability to impact an audience. 7th 8th 1. Distinguish stylistic differences in media 1a. Discern and describe the artworks. qualities and relationships of the components of media art works, as 2. Describe how a media artwork has well as their instances in other impacted society vs. how society is experiences. represented in the piece. 1b. Identify and describe various forms, methods, styles, etc, in media art works to manage experience and create intention.

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2. Describe the unique qualities of media art works (ie, can be reorganized endlessly, immersive, persuasive, etc) and their ability to impact an audience.

Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Responding Process Component: Interpret Anchor Standard: Interpret media art works through considering their forms, intentions, contexts and the opinions of others. Enduring Understanding: Interpretation and appreciation require consideration of the intent, form and context of the media art work. Essential Question (s): 1. How do people relate to and interpret a media art work? 2. Why do people have different opinions about media art works? Pre K K 1st 2nd 3rd 1. Identify personal reactions to a 1. Identify and discuss personal 1. Compare and contrast the 1. With support, state the 1. Describe the potential variety of media artworks. reactions to a variety of media characteristics of a variety of possible meaning(s), purposes, meaning(s), purposes that a media artworks. media etc. that a media art work art work conveys through analyzing 2. Notice that there are multiple artworks. conveys through analyzing its it’s intention, form and context. opinions about a media art work. 2. Consider other opinions of a intention, form and context. media art work. 2. Notice and discuss the 2. Describe the multiple opinions multiple opinions and 2. Notice and discuss the and perspectives regarding a perspectives regarding a media multiple opinions and media art work. Explain how art work. perspectives regarding a media individual understanding shifted art work. Explain how individual due to consideration of other understanding shifted due to opinions. consideration of other opinions. 4th 1. Justify personal interpretations and reactions to a variety of media artworks through analyzing it’s intention, form and context.

5th 1. Justify personal and group interpretations and reactions to a variety of media artworks through analyzing it’s intention, form and context.

2. Describe the multiple opinions and perspectives regarding a media art work. Explain how individual understanding shifted due to consideration of other opinions.

2. Describe the multiple opinions and perspectives regarding a media art work. Analyze how individual understanding shifted due to consideration of other opinions.

6th 1. Analyze and interpret a variety of media artworks using instructorestablished criteria.

7th 1. Analyze and interpret a variety of media artworks using selfdeveloped criteria.

2. Analyze the multiple opinions and perspectives regarding a media art work.

2. Analyze the multiple opinions and perspectives regarding a media art work.

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8th 1. Evaluate the possible meaning(s) points of view, etc. that a media art work conveys through analyzing its intention, form and context. 2. Evaluate the multiple opinions and perspectives regarding a media art work.

Discipline: Media Arts Artistic Process: Responding Process Component: Evaluate Anchor Standard: Evaluate media art works by developing appropriate criteria and through constructive discussion. Enduring Understanding: Skillful evaluation and critique are critical components of experiencing, appreciating and producing media art works. Essential Question (s): 1. How and why do media artists value and judge media art works? 2. When and how should we evaluate and critique media art works to improve them? Pre K K 1 2 3rd 1. Explain personal review of 1. Explain and discuss 1. Explain and discuss 1. Explain and discuss 1. Present and discuss personal a media arts work. personal review of a media personal review of a media personal review of a media reactions to a media arts work arts work. arts work utilizing established arts work utilizing established utilizing established criteria and criteria. criteria and inquiry-based inquiry-based models. models. 2.Identify components and 2. Identify components of a criteria of a successful media art successful media art works. works and utilize them in critical review of a media arts work. 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 1. Present personal reactions 1. Present personal reactions 1. Formulate personal 1. Justify personal responses 1. Justify personal responses by to a media arts work utilizing to media arts works utilizing responses to media art works by utilizing established criteria developing personal criteria for established criteria and third-party reviews and artist by utilizing established criteria for judgment based on open judgment based on open inquiry-based models. statements. for judgment based on open observation and interpretation observation and interpretation of observation and interpretation of perceived or stated artist perceived or stated artist intent, 2.Describe components and 2. Respond to reviews and of perceived or stated artist intent, and the work’s form and the work’s form and criteria of a successful media statements in writing and intent, and the work’s form and context. context. art work and utilize them in discussion pieces, describing and context. critical review of a media arts key elements of the media 2. Evaluate a work of media 2. Evaluate a work of media arts work. piece. Include how one could 2. Respond to reviews and arts describing key elements through analysis of key improve upon the piece. statements in writing and of the media piece and elements, components, and discussion pieces, describing rationale for improvement of complex interrelationships within key elements of the media the work. the work. piece. Include how one could improve upon the piece.

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