Keller Williams Realty Northeast The 8 Steps to Becoming a Licensed Real Estate Agent

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How to Become a Licensed REALTOR with the Largest and Most Successful Real Estate Company in the Northeast Houston Area

20665 W. Lake Houston Pkwy. Kingwood, TX 77346 Phone: 281-812-8245

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jeremy Williams, and I am a Team Leader and Real Estate Productivity Coach affiliated with the largest and most successful real estate office in the Northeast Houston area; Keller Williams Realty Northeast.

Jeremy Williams Team Leader Real Estate Produc4vity Coach Keller Williams Realty Northeast

My career with Keller Williams Realty began in 2004 in sales with KW Northeast, followed by being a member of the leadership team at both KW Houston Memorial and KW The Woodlands and Magnolia. While at KW The Woodlands and Magnolia, I was responsible for growing the company to a billion dollar a year operation, and the office was recognized at the time as the #4 Keller Williams office in the world. I’ve been fortunate in my tenure to see and understand what makes real estate agents successful. My desire is to bring professionalism to the industry, and to help others succeed and achieve their personal and life goals. In 2014, I had the opportunity to join the leadership team of Keller Williams Realty Northeast, and have since grown the company by 100 agents, and continue raising the standards and creating opportunities for my agents. Just as the values of KW Northeast is God, Family and Business, I strive each day to be a change maker in the lives of others.

For more information: Jeremy Williams 281-812-8245 Page 2

Driving Direc4ons

From Downtown Houston (North Bound) Take HWY 59N to the 1960 Exit. Turn right onto 1960. Con4nue East to W. Lake Houston Pkwy. Turn le: on W. Lake Houston Pkwy. Con4nue to the intersec4on of Upper Lake Drive and W. Lake Houston Pkwy. The office will be located on your le:.

From Livingston, Texas (South Bound) Take HWY 59N to the Kingwood Drive Exit. Turn le: on to Kingwood Drive. Con4nue East to W. Lake Houston Pkwy. Turn right on W. Lake Houston Pkwy. Con4nue to the intersec4on of Upper Lake Drive and W. Lake Houston Pkwy. The office will be located on your right.

Parking Instruc!ons Guest parking is against the building, and you are also able to park in any spot along W. Lake Houston Pkwy. And Upper Lake Drive. In some cases the parking lot may be full, and you can also park next door with the retail spots; Johnny’s Pizza and Fiesta Azteca. The main entrance faces W. Lake Houston Pkwy. You will be greeted by our KW Northeast recep4onist during business hours. Jeremy Williams - Keller Williams Realty Northeast - 281-812-8245 - - www.realestatecareeropportunitycom Page 3

Driving Direc4ons KW Livingston Business Center

From Kingwood, Texas (North Bound) Take HWY 59N to Livingston, Texas. (Approximately 1 Hour). Exit 190 West. Turn le: on to 190 West. OďŹƒce located on the right side of the road. 1936 HWY 190 West Livingston, TX 77351.

Jeremy Williams - Keller Williams Realty Northeast - 281-812-8245 - - www.realestatecareeropportunitycom Page 4

Your Leadership Team Michael Clapp is the Senior Team Leader of Keller Williams Realty Northeast. Michael’s primary responsibili4es include growing the company, consul4ng agents, addressing legal issues, answering ques4ons regarding profit share, and providing agent advice and problem solving.

Jeremy Williams is the Team Leader and Produc4vity Coach for Keller Williams Realty Northeast. Jeremy’s primary responsibili4es include growing the company, consul4ng agents, coaching and training agents, addressing ques4ons concerning profit share, and providing agent advice and problem solving.

Pam Fron!no is the Market Center Administrator for Keller Williams Realty Northeast. Pam’s primary responsibili4es include being the financial manager, conduc4ng the month end close outs, agent billing, disbursing agents’ 1099′s, producing the profit share statements, cuIng agent commission checks, issues commission disbursement authoriza4ons, and manages staff.

Your Support Staff Director of Opera4ons - Valerie Webster Assistant to the MCA (Compliance) - Vikki Cheney Front Desk (Compliance) - Cynthia Tipton Front Desk - Bonita Hart Front Desk Weekends - BriLany Montoro Front Desk KW Livingston - Linda Hoffart

Jeremy Williams - Keller Williams Realty Northeast - 281-812-8245 - - www.realestatecareeropportunitycom Page 5

8 Steps to Ge5ng Your Real Estate License 1. The Educa!on Requirement for a Salesperson License in Texas The following educa4on is required by the Texas Real Estate Commission for a salesperson license: Principles of Real Estate I (30 classroom hours) Principles of Real Estate II (30 classroom hours) Law of Agency (30 classroom hours) Law of Contracts (30 classroom hours) Promulgated Contracts Form (30 classroom hours) Real Estate Finance (30 classroom hours) Educa4on comple4on cer4ficates must be submiLed with the applica4on for the salesperson’s license is filed with the Texas Real Estate Commission. Note: Make sure that when choosing your educa on provider for your salesperson’s license that it is a qualified provider recognized by TREC. 2. Submi5ng Your Applica!on for a Salesperson License Once you have completed the required courses by TREC, you can submit and pay for the Applica4on for Inac4ve Sales Agent License. You must be able to provide evidence of your course comple4on by either providing transcripts or cer4ficates when submiIng your applica4on to TREC. The Applica4on for Inac4ve Sales Agent License is to be paid online on the TREC website. When using the online portal to make applica4on, you will submit your educa4on transcripts or cer4ficates via email to The fees for the Applica on for Inac ve Sales Agent include: Original Applica on – $205 (This is required by all applicants.) Subsequent Background Check Fee – $29.75 (This is required by applicants that have previously fingerprinted with the Texas Real Estate Commission. Paper Processing Fee – $20 (This is only assessed if you submit by paper form.)

Jeremy Williams - Keller Williams Realty Northeast - 281-812-8245 - - www.realestatecareeropportunitycom Page 6

3. Fingerprint Requirements by TREC

In accordance to the Real Estate License Act, all those making a new applica4on, or a renewal, are required to provide fingerprints. Once you receive your TREC en4ty number (this is triggered when you submit your applica4on, and your educa4on being approved), the FastPass form can be downloaded from the TREC website, and you will be able to set an appointment through Morpho Trust. You will not be issued a real estate license unless you clear the background check. A background check at a cost of $29.75 is required in the Original and Registra4on applica4ons for applicants that already have fingerprints on file with the Texas Real Estate Commission. 4. Examina!on Informa!on for Sales Agent License Pearson VUE, a tes4ng company, is the administrator of the licensing examina4ons. Once the applica4on for sales agent is submiLed, and the educa4on requirements met, you will be able to sit for your exam. The exam eligibility no4fica4on once received will provide instruc4ons along with a copy of the Candidate Handbook providing you with the informa4on you need to schedule your exam. You are required to have two forms of current signature iden4fica4on when arriving at the tes4ng center to take your exam. The name on the iden4fica4on must match the name on the applica4on for sales agent. You have one year to test once you submit your applica4on. Visit the TREC website to learn more about what occurs in the event you do not pass the exam. 5. Addi!onal Inves!ga!on May Be Required Upon submiIng your applica4on, TREC is authorized to conduct a background check of the applicant. Informa4on revealed by the background check may result in the applica4on being declined. If addi4onal inves4ga4on is deemed necessary, this will con4nue un4l the applicant has passed the exam.

Jeremy Williams - Keller Williams Realty Northeast - 281-812-8245 - - www.realestatecareeropportunitycom Page 7

6. Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Repayment History to be Reviewed If an applicant for the Sales Person License has defaulted on a loan provided by the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corpora4on, the applicant must contact the TG prior to submiIng an applica4on. TG P.O. Box 83100 Round Rock, Texas 78683-3100 Phone: 800-252-9743 Texas Law prohibits renewal if applicant is in default with the TG unless a repayment agreement has been entered into with the TG. 7. Obtain Sponsorship from Broker Before you are able to prac4ce real estate in the state of Texas as a salesperson, you must be sponsored by a Broker. Applicants and inac4ve licensed agents can not prac4ce real estate in the state of Texas. The most efficient way to request sponsorship with a Broker is u4lizing TREC’s ‘My LIcense Online Services’. TREC charges a $20.60 fee for this service. You may also submit a Sponsorship Form by mail. 8. You Can’t Prac!ce Prior to Being Licensed You are unauthorized to prac4ce real estate in the state of Texas as a salesperson prior to an ACTIVE license issued by the Texas Real Estate Commission.

Jeremy Williams - Keller Williams Realty Northeast - 281-812-8245 - - www.realestatecareeropportunitycom Page 8

For Addi4onal Ques4ons About How You Can Join Keller Williams Realty Northeast Call Jeremy Williams 281-812-8245


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