Matthew Reyes Keller Williams Realty Northeast Facebook Marketing Class

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From Post to Lead: Facebook for REALTORS  What Social Media _____ Do For Your Business: o Make up for _____ service o Lead to ______ success o Social media is ____ ______.  Listen First and Never Stop… o Social media is a ___________ – Join in! Ways to listen  ______________  ______________  ______________  ______________  ______________  ______________  Who is your target audience?  Establish yourself as a _________ to be the first logical choice when person is ______ to buy.  Helps identify _______ time to post.  Understand what type of _____ they engage in most.  It’s about your _________ not your brand.  Get clients to like you first  The more _____ content receives the more it will be ______.  Likes = ___________  You Page should become a __________ for __________.


Tips: 1. Write down phrases to search. 2. Plan a way to systematically listen to you audience using “Ways to Listen”.  ______ Delete Bad Comments – _______ them.  Have a plan to address negative comments.  Be Authentic o Authenticity breeds ______; inauthenticity breeds _____!  Excite, Inspire, and Nurture your customer base. o Post ________ content – Ask Questions… o Post a ______ to encourage likes – give away gift cards. o Start with what _______ you – hobbies, sports, clubs…  Set a _______ you can manage for all your Facebook boosts.  Setting the bar: Pages to look up to o Dairy Queen o Dove o Target o Century 21 o LSU


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