Free Leads for Realtors

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“A systematic approach to quick lead generation”

More Leads, Less Work How to generate autopilot leads from the internet week after week for real estate agents.

Jeremy T Fleming 1 | P a g e

How to generate autopilot leads from the internet week after week for real estate agents. By Jeremy T Fleming, Copyright 2012

Table of Contents Quick Legal Stuff ..................................................................................................... 3 Income Disclaimer: ......................................................................................... 3 Liability Disclaimer: ........................................................................................ 3 Terms of Use ................................................................................................ 4 Who This is For ....................................................................................................... 5 The Secret: Revealed .............................................................................................. 5 Why Does This Work? ........................................................................................ 6 The Lead Generation Process ............................................................................. 6 There is a 5 step process for your Prospect: .................................................. 6 What's Under the Hood? ................................................................................... 7 Getting it Done ....................................................................................................... 9 But I don't Write ............................................................................................... 10 The Machine ..................................................................................................... 10 The Home Stretch ............................................................................................ 11 Final Thoughts ...................................................................................................... 12 Resources ............................................................................................................. 13 2 | P a g e

Quick Legal Stuff Income Disclaimer: This document contains business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. I make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied that by following the advice below you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

Liability Disclaimer: By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information presented below. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations.

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Terms of Use You are given a non-transferable, “personal use” license to this product. You cannot distribute it or share it with other individuals. Also, there are no resale rights or private label rights granted when purchasing this document. In other words, it's for your own personal use only.

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Who This is For If you are a real estate agent who wants to AUTOMATE your business, so that you can spend more time doing what you love - whether spending more time selling.... or just spending time with friends and loved ones - then this report is for you. What you're going to learn is all about creating options to free up your time, while making more money! This training -- has been created so that you could learn exactly what you need to do to get leads from your website every week. I'm about to show you a method that will allow you to take control of your business, and enjoy the success and income that you know you deserve! No longer will you fall victim to working for weeks without having a real live buyer in the pipeline. Once you implement this system into your business, not only will your income increase -- but so will the respect and admiration from your spouse, your family and your fellow agents! You will certainly be the envy of your peers, because you'll have created an automated system to generate leads, and now you CAN spend more time doing what you love. Finally.... once you put this information to use, you'll be able to look at yourself in the mirror and say "yes! I did it!", and not "oh, man... another failed attempt in real estate". Lastly, with the system, you'll have an automated robot providing leads for your business, week after week, and isn't that what any business needs ESPECIALLY real estate?

The Secret: Revealed The "secret" to generating leads online, is simple: invite prospects to your website for an irresistible offer, or a "freebie" that will help them get from where they are right now - to where they want to be. For example - someone who is renting a home, and wants to buy a home: you should offer them something that will help them move from being a renter to a home owner. This "something" could be information in a video, a PDF report, a teleclass, or a webinar just to name a few. At this point, your prospect is going to step into your fully automated lead follow up system, by giving you their email address in exchange for your valuable information.

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Before you get discouraged because it sounds like work - you should know this can be very easy - and I can even share some resources with you later.

Why Does This Work? This marketing method will work for you, because you are answering your prospects most burning questions about their life's biggest problem at the moment - they want to buy a home, and aren't sure what the steps are. Home buyers are afraid of the mistakes they might make, and by addressing these issues up front, you become a problem solver, and an expert in the eyes of your prospect. In fact, I am sure you have done this yourself - someone has made an offer to you online - that offer was basically an answer to a problem that you had at the time, and you gave that person your email address in exchange for this valuable information! Now isn't true that if you are reading THIS report, that you too gave me your email address in exchange for this valuable information? Now you can see how this REALLY does work!

The Lead Generation Process So what exactly happens to get prospective client from wandering around in the "real estate world" by themselves, and into your farm? (That's what I refer to this system as - a farm)

There is a 5 step process for your Prospect: • • • •

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Send prospect to your website - Make an irresistible offer to have them REQUEST your Freebie in exchange for their email address Provide valuable, useful information in your Freebie - YOU become the Problem Solver, and the Expert Follow up with your prospect via AUTOMATED SYSTEM (email) Ask prospect if they have any questions (they should)

"Drip" info on the prospect over the next couple weeks - not everyone is taking action right away - some are info seekers, 612 months away still - SO WHAT! GOOD! It is rather handy having a list of buyers that are getting ready to buy in the future.

In each of your messages, offer multiple contact points: your phone number for those ready to take action, and email for the shy prospect. That is all there really is.... we don't have to make it any harder than this.

What's Under the Hood? Driving a car is pretty easy - you get in, turn the key and the car starts! Well our automated system is kind of the same- with the car there is a ton of stuff going on under the hood, as there is in any marketing system. Here's what we need to do behind the scenes: • Generate traffic to your website via business cards, flyers, postcards, newspaper ads, classifieds, online classifieds, online ads - banner ads, Google Adwords, Facebook, etc. • Embed auto-responder code into your website - or have your webmaster do this. All an auto-responder does, is act as an online email program that sends out "pre-loaded" emails on a scheduled basis. You write 4 follow up emails, load them into the system, and it will send them out every 2nd day, or every day, or whatever you set the schedule to. • Create a freebie - PDF report, video, video series, webinar or even a teleclass. This is the same concept as a live seminar in your city or town, but it is accessible online - so many people prefer accessing info from home these days • Put the freebie on a webpage, and give the web link for this freebie via the welcome email - NOT BEFORE! You want to ensure a genuine email address to follow up with them • Write your 4-6 follow up emails, and load them into the autoresponder • Create new emails weekly - Deal of the Week (this is an awesome

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video to create every week) OR monthly market updates, if you can access stats for your area - again, best if you can do this as a screen capture video MAKE A SALE! 1st Time Buyers especially, are looking for help and guidance - be THAT shining light

At first this may seem daunting, or overwhelming, but it is all really quite simple. Simple however, may not be easy. There are several ways to get this done. Obviously, this is going to depend on your budget. If you have no cash or credit available to you then, you'll need to spend some time learning each of these steps. Of course, this is likely NOT the best use of your time; because you should be out selling houses (shouldn't you?). If this is your only option, I will provide some resources at the end of this report to help you find the information you need. If you do have money available to you for marketing, then certainly be sure to outsource this process. If you are working with a professional in this area, depending on their schedule, you should be able to get this done relatively fast. Again, I will give you some resources at the end of this report should you decide to outsource this process. A couple of pointers to help you out -- certainly, if you're new to online marketing this may seem overwhelming -- DON'T LET IT BE! How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Please don't look at this project as a whole -- break it into little chunks, and accomplish each task one by one. If you have decided that you were going to do this on your own, I highly suggest time blocking one or two hours of each day to get this done. A lot of this you can do yourself, and some you may need help with -- from say, a webmaster. If you are really keen, block three or four hours per day and you will get this done VERY quickly.

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Getting it Done Okay, you have decided whether you are doing this on your own, or outsourcing it. Either way, we need to start, at the start. First of all, decide who your niche is. Are you helping first-time buyers? They are easy to find, and generally very easy to work with. Perhaps you want to specialize in condo buyers, or investors, or even folks buying in specific neighborhoods? These are all areas of specialization, and you can create a simple report specifically for one of these target audiences. Obviously if you have a specialty other than one listed you are welcome to use that. Now that you know who your niche is, let's create your "download". This is a lot easier than you might think. Simply create a report that answers some of most asked questions of your target audience. Write that report, in Microsoft Word or a program called Open Office which is a free download and then convert that report to a PDF. If you don't feel comfortable writing, then have someone interview you and record it! You can have the interview recorded over the telephone by using If you are feeling really ambitious, you can even host at tele-seminar at that same website or you can host a live webinar that you can record. Obviously then you would just post the recording of the tele-seminar or webinar on a website and then provide the download link via e-mail. Teleseminars and webinars are superior because the viewer gets to hear the passion and excitement in your voice - as well they can be automated, meaning you can have the client watch at a certain time and day - just like your own radio or TV show. Because it is recorded, it is hands-off for you! There are a lot of moving parts to a presentation like this, and although they do traditionally convert prospects to buyers more easily, I certainly recommend hiring a professional to build this for you. Again, if you are on a limited budget - the good old PDF report is best. *****ONE VERY IMPORTANT POINT HERE -- you are creating a buyer's list. DO NOT provide the PDF or recordings directly from your web page. It is essential that your prospective client MUST give you their e-mail address so that you can continue to market to them in a friendly manner.

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But I don't Write Now, just like we talked about earlier you may prefer to outsource your report creation. There are a couple of ways to do this, first is to just purchase some private label rights. What this means, is that someone will sell you a pre-written free report about whatever type of information want to give away, but because the report is prewritten that same report may be found on other realtors websites (just Google “real estate PLR”). Is that a big deal? I don't think so, but you may prefer to have your report ghost written. To do that, you decide what you want the topic of your report to be, and then you post a writing job on a freelance website such as -- or There, you can get a good report written up within a couple of days and it should be relatively inexpensive.

The Machine Now we have our report, and it is just about time to put our automated follow-up robot on our website. You need to create an account with someone like MailChimp or Aweber. Personally, I like and use Aweber. Why? Because they have a fantastic delivery rate. What this means is, because of all the spam e-mail nowadays, Aweber is one of the few e-mail programs that has nearly 100% deliverability. I am not going to explain the nuances of e-mail marketing in this short report, just trust me -- Aweber is one of the best. You can get an account here: Again creating an account is something that can be outsourced if you need to. Next, there is going to be some HTML code that needs to be inserted in your website. If you are tech-savvy, certainly you can do this yourself. If you don't have a clue of what that means, then for a couple of bucks your webmaster will insert this code. At the same time you will want to write your follow-up e-mails and load them into your autoresponder. The autoresponder is obviously MailChimp, Aweber, or whatever e-mail program you have chosen. What are you going to write? It is pretty simple. E-mail number one, is going to be a welcome e-mail with the download link. Your second e-mail should go out the next day, and you'll ask if they received the download, and then give them the link again. While you are at it ask if there was any info that you left out of the report that they still want to know. With any luck,

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they will call or e-mail you. Two days later send another e-mail just answering a general question that may have come up from the report. Two days later repeat the same. Now two days after that offer some info about the local market. Please DO NOT get into a hard sell here. You are a respected expert now, and are offering information without being pushy. My recommendation is after you have sent them follow-up info for approximately a week you then switched gears and send them one e-mail per week offering the best deal in your niche. What I mean is: if you have created your report for first-time buyers, show them the deal of the week, which is of course a first-time home buyer home. You are not sending them just any old house on the market. If you don't have many listings yourself, then promote other people's listings. It's not a bad thing if you sell someone else's house, but obviously if you have a great deal that is a listing of your own, it is better to try and sell that one. One word of caution: be sure the listings you send out are DEALS. If you send your e-mail list plain old listings that are NOT really deals, they will soon see that you are not really helping them, and just trying to push any house you can sell them.

The Home Stretch Now that your freebie is up and ready to go -- promote the heck out of it! Be sure to use all the promotions that we discuss at the beginning of this report, and don't forget Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and any other social media you use -- IT'S FREE! Once you have this work out of the way, then the leads should filter in each day -- as long as you keep promoting -- NEVER STOP PROMOTING. With an hour per week dedicated to promotions you should be able to keep your buyer's pipeline full. What would your life be like if you knew each week that you had a steady flow of buyers to work with? Would you be relaxed knowing that you can pay your bills each month? What would it feel like to have a steady REGULAR PAYCHECK from your real estate practice, instead of all the ups and downs depending on the cycle in your city or town? I hope at this point you can see that this system can be easily replicated over and over for different niches,

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making the lead flow multiply each time you implement the system and keep promoting! Even if you only ever create one report, and keep promoting -- you should never have a lack of leads. BY THE WAY: this system works just as well for uncovering listing leads. Just offer your report focusing on selling a home quickly, or for top dollar or what have you.

Final Thoughts So now you know the secret to creating leads online. It is simple, but yes there is work involved. Everything you need to know to replicate this system can be learned yourself, or hired out to a professional. I have included a few resources at the end of the report. As well, I have also included some resources for having your reports created for you. Good luck, I wish you the best in your online lead generation! If you prefer to hire a professional to complete the whole process for you – then I invite you to contact me directly – I am an experienced real estate marketer, and can have the whole system up and running quickly. Email me directly at . I can offer full service marketing management services, from email campaigns, website creation, mobile marketing, copywriting, report creation, and plug-n-play webinars and Teleclasses, even social media management. Feel welcome to contact me about all or any of your marketing needs. - Jeremy

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Resources If you'd like to hire a ghost writer, try or For PLR products try this book:

The best automatic email system available – Real Estate Marketing Strategies on Facebook: Marketing4Agents on Twitter: For direct access to an experienced real estate marketing consultant, specializing in ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing methods, contact Jeremy directly:

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