Mobile Marketing Engagement Study
Content 1 / Executive Summary 2 / Methodology 3 / Mobile Opt-in 4 / Apps and Push Notification 5 / Mobile Orchestration 6 / Wi-Fi, QR Codes and Passbook / Google Wallet 7 / Demographics
Executive summary In late 2013, the Responsys team sought to understand consumer perceptions toward mobile marketing. We found that the mobile opportunity is ripe for marketers looking to deliver individualized experiences that also boost the bottom line. But, marketers must not operate this important channel in a silo. Consumers want their experiences on mobile to be orchestrated with the other marketing channels, and according to their preferences and behavior. Read on for the full results. 3
Methodology February 4, 2014
Research Methodology Overview Responsys commissioned an Ipsos Observer survey of 1,200 U.S. adults, representative of the online adult population, which was conducted from October 25 to November 6, 2013.
Mobile Opt-in February 4, 2014
SMS is preferred for mobile marketing, but other methods are emerging. SMS/Text is consumers‘ preferred method of receipt by far. Used broadly by all segments, this figure is pushed by heavy usage levels from middle age and older consumers. Younger consumers (18-34 year olds) express notably higher levels of access through other channels like in-app inbox (53%) and push notifications (31%).
Base: Q.3:
Channels subscribed to in order to receive marketing messages from brands
All Respondents Now thinking about your mobile device specifically (e.g., mobile phones, tablets, etc.), to which of the following channels have you subscribed in order to receive marketing messages/communications from brands? 7
Follow-up by marketers is varied and seen as relatively low. Although roughly three-fourths of consumers say they have received marketing messages through SMS/ Text after subscribing, follow-up rates via other channels are notably lower.
Base: Q.4:
All Respondents And have you subsequently received marketing messages through these methods?
More than one-third of consumers say mobile messages are irrelevant. 35% of consumers that receive mobile marketing messages from brands say that the mobile messages they receive from brands are irrelevant. Still, more than half claim to have received relevant mobile messages.
Base: Q.5:
Relevancy of mobile messages received
Those Responding In general, would you say that the mobile messages you receive from brands are?
Word-of-mouth, email prompts most effective at motivating consumers to opt-in to mobile marketing. While referrals represent the most significant prompt for consumers to sign up to receive mobile marketing messages, it’s notable that nearly half of consumers are motivated by email prompts. Opt-in triggers
Base: Q.9:
All Respondents Thinking specifically about mobile marketing methods like SMS/text, apps, etc., which of the following channels might trigger your own decision to opt-in?
Consumer motivation to opt-in ties most strongly to special offers/promotions and notification of sales. Opt-in reasons
Base: Q.10:
All Respondents What are some of the reasons you have opted-in to receive marketing communications on your mobile device?
Consumer sentiment about mobile marketing in general skews towards the positive. Over half of respondents have positive feelings about mobile marketing in general. This outcome increases significantly amongst younger consumers (18-34 year olds), two-thirds of whom feel positive about mobile marketing. Feelings about mobile marketing
Base: Q.26:
All Respondents Thinking about mobile marketing in general, how do you feel about it? Would you say that you are ‌?
Consumers attribute positive sentiment towards mobile marketing more so than negative. While the range between positive and negative sentiment is not as wide as expected, sentiments such as convenient, helpful, efficient and beneficial are common.
Base: Q.27:
All Respondents Thinking again about mobile marketing, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Mobile marketing is‌?
Pricing-based offers are the most motivating offer-type, followed by time-sensitive and location-based.
Base: Q.29:
All Respondents If you were to receive the following types of offers on your mobile device, how likely is each to trigger an action on your part?
Highly-relevant mobile messages have potential to drive purchase action. One-half indicate that they have made a purchase as a result of receiving a highly relevant SMS/Text message, with in-app inbox and push notifications on the rise.
Base: Q.32:
All Respondents And have you ever made a purchase – either online or offline – that came as a result of receiving highly relevant mobile marketing messages from a brand using each of the following channels?
Highly-relevant mobile messages have potential to drive purchase action – particularly with younger consumers. Younger consumers (18-34 year olds) express even higher purchase rates after receiving highly relevant mobile messages.
Base: Q.32:
All Respondents And have you ever made a purchase – either online or offline – that came as a result of receiving highly relevant mobile marketing messages from a brand using each of the following channels?
Apps and Push Notifications February 4, 2014
Among those consumers who receive marketing from brands, mobile apps are a popular method of interaction. Downloaded brand applications
Nearly six-in-ten have downloaded brand applications to their mobile device. This rate is even higher amongst younger consumers (18-34 year olds) – 71%.
Base: Q 13:
All Respondents Have you downloaded brand applications to your mobile device?
Although interaction with apps is high overall, mobile websites remain extremely important. App access
More than three-quarters interact with the apps they download on their mobile devices, but only one-third actually use apps as their primary mode of interaction. In other words, apps do not appear to have replaced mobile sites.
Base: Q.15:
Those Responding When on your mobile device, do you tend to access brands more frequently through their app or mobile site?
Consumers download brand apps for the same reasons they generally interact with brands via mobile. Consumers are most likely to download brand applications to their mobile devices in order to access special/exclusive offers and to keep track of their order status. Download reasons
Base: Q.14:
Those Responding What are the reasons that you typically download apps?
Acceptance of push notifications is high once brand apps are downloaded. Enabled push notifications
Approximately seven out of ten consumers that download brand applications have enabled push notifications. Once again, acceptance rate is even higher amongst younger consumers (18-34 year olds) – 76%.
Base: Q.16:
Those Responding Have you enabled the push notifications on the apps?
Perceived value of push benefits is high. Consumers previously reported that special offers and sale announcements motivated them to interact with brands via mobile. When asked about push, however, transactional benefits such as reminders or order status rise.
Base: Q.18:
Those Responding How valuable are each of the following characteristics of push notifications for communication purposes in you opinion?
Fear of bombardment prevents those who have not enabled push from doing so. Six-in-ten who have not enabled push notifications are concerned with being bombarded with notifications. Reasons why push notifications are not enabled
Base: Q.17:
Those Responding Why have you not enabled push notifications on the apps?
Mobile Orchestration February 4, 2014
What is orchestration? For the following questions, respondents were shown the below definition of orchestration: Consumers are increasingly interacting with brands across multiple channels during their path to purchase. Some brands are even leveraging consumer behaviors – such as what an individual has purchased, clicked on or browsed for – to create unique marketing experiences for individual consumers. For example, maybe you have eyed an outfit on a retailer’s website and then received an email from that retailer shortly thereafter urging you to buy the outfit, or maybe a Passbook offer for 10% off the item. A brand’s ability to design and deliver unique marketing experiences throughout the customer lifecycle and across channels is called “ORCHESTRATION.”
44% of consumers have a preference for receiving mobile messages that have been orchestrated. We again see differentiation amongst younger respondents (18-34 year olds), the majority of whom (57%) prefer orchestration.
Base: Q.19:
Preference for orchestration
All Respondents Generally speaking, do you prefer receiving mobile messages that have been orchestrated with messages you receive on other channels or does it make no difference to you? 26
Favorable sentiment towards orchestration is emerging. Impact of orchestration
Just over half of consumers (53%) indicate that their feelings about brands are impacted positively when their marketing communications are orchestrated. Once again, younger consumers (18-34 year olds) react more assertively to the concept, with 69% saying their feelings are impacted positively.
Base: Q.20:
All Respondents Keeping in mind the definition of orchestration, to what extent are your feelings about brands impacted positively when their marketing communications are orchestrated throughout the customer lifecycle and across channels? 27
There are gains in positive consumer sentiment towards brands that do orchestrate marketing communications. Consumers agree at an average level of 10 points or more that brands that do orchestrate are worthy of positive sentiments.
Orchestration seems to drive desired consumer behavior by positively impacting consumer intentions.
Nearly half report that orchestration is likely to impact their purchase decision as well as consideration of other products and services.
Base: Q.23:
All Respondents When a brand DOES ORCHESTRATE its mobile communications with you, how likely is that to impact the following actions on your part?
Younger consumers are more likely to engage in desired behaviors when brands orchestrate marketing. The gap between likelihood and neutrality/negativity is noticeably wider among younger consumers (18-34 year olds) than in other age segments.
Base: Q.23:
All Respondents When a brand DOES ORCHESTRATE its mobile communications with you, how likely is that to impact the following actions on your part?
Wi-Fi, QR Codes and Passbook / Google Wallet February 4, 2014
Use of in-store Wi-Fi is relatively high. Logged onto an in-store Wi-Fi system to use mobile device
Nearly six-in-ten consumers have logged onto an in-store Wi-Fi system to use their mobile device. Incidence amongst younger consumers (18-34 year olds) is quite high – 75% have done the same.
Base: Q 33:
All Respondents Have you ever logged onto an in-store WiFi system to use your mobile device?
Bad cell connection, price-checking, product information and comparison-shopping are common drivers for use of Wi-Fi. Reasons to log onto an in-store Wi-Fi system
Base: Q.34:
Those Responding For what reasons did you do so?
Pushing consumers to log on to in-store Wi-Fi is a solid opportunity to promote special offers. Two-thirds (65%) of those who have previously logged on to in-store WiFi indicate they would be likely to opt-in to receive special offers specifically for Wi-Fi users.
Base: Q.35:
Likelihood to opt-in to receive special offers when on in-store Wi-Fi
Those Responding When connected to in-store WiFi, how likely would you be to opt-in to receive special offers from the store, specifically for WiFi users?
Interaction with QR codes is notable. Nearly half have scanned a QR code. Scanned a QR code before
Base: Q 36:
All Respondents Have you ever logged onto an in-store WiFi system to use your mobile device?
Rationale for scanning QR codes is varied but most significantly tied to product education. Nearly two-thirds indicate that they scanned a QR code to learn more about the product or service. A sizeable segment also did so in order to receive and redeem special offers/ promotions.
Base: Q.37:
Reasons why a QR code was scanned
Those Responding Why did you scan a QR code?
Use of tools such as Passbook or Google Wallet is limited at the present time. Used Passbook or Google Wallet
Base: Q 38:
All Respondents Have you used Passbook or Google Wallet before?
Yet, likelihood to use Passbook or Google Wallet enhancements reaches nearly 80%. Notable interest exists in enhancements to these technologies, such as those found in iOS7. Likelihood to use enhancement to Passbook or Google Wallet
Base: Q.39:
Those Responding How likely are you to use this sort of enhancement to native apps like Passbook or Google wallet?
Demographics February 4, 2014