Ryan Jameson
Folicle Restoration Hair Growth Therapy
Those plagued by recession of their hairline need only do a big of research regarding follicular transplantation. Using one’s own real hair could be the answer to conquering androgenic alopecia or any other forms of balding.
Hair Loss Treatment for Balding 1219 Powers Ferry Rd, Roswell, GA 30062 7706892221 7706891222
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Follicle Restoration Therapy Since the dawn of the modern man, the struggle with alopecia has become ever greater. It is a simple fact of evolving into more hairless and naked beings that leads to an uphill battle for many selfconscious of their receding hairline. The more we began to walk upright, the more we shed the hair from our bodies. Since it has always been engrained in our genetics, alopecia coerced many to consult radical treatment options. However, the large majority still prefers natural remedies over new science. Some have turned to herbal remedies for a cure for any form of alopecia. There are items that have some positive impact on preventing further shedding and can actually stimulate new follicle growth. Saw palmetto oil, as well as zinc and nettle, is very popular because of its overall impact on health. It has properties that help those suffering from alopecia, but saw palmetto also works to promote a healthy liver. Naturally, herbal medicines do not have the dramatic impact that pharmaceutical drugs or surgery may have, but upon use, there are less implications for negative side-effects. The Food and Drug Administration has been the result of many potential miracle cures to be delayed. Although many drug companies have been thwarted and discouraged because of this arduous and lengthy process, it is arguably something that has recently saved many lives or at least made them healthier. Various hair loss treatment medications have been removed from the market, or never even seen the light of day, because of the FDA's strict regulations. Consequently, this has perhaps saved thousands from harmful side effects and prevented countless lawsuits. Recent medical research regarding alopecia, which has not yet gone to clinical trials, has proposed the new method of Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) to be the miracle remedy for baldness. It goes right to the source of the problem of androgenic alopecia which is genetics. DNA has a major impact on contemporary hair loss because of how it has altered humanity during the process of evolution. As we
Page |2 began to shed the hair from all over our bodies, our genetics today leave us with very little hair compared to our distant cousin, the great ape. Follicular unit extraction is a surgical treatment that utilizes a patient's own real hair to transplant it in areas affected by alopecia. Commonly it requires taking healthy follicles from a patient's neck or other parts of the body. They are then moved to fix a receding hairline or provide new growth in bald spots. This is an excellent procedure, but it can be quite costly and uncomfortable. With improvements over recent years, the results appear quite natural, and the actual procedure is less painful. The patient is mildly anaesthetized and positioned comfortably to watch one or two movies during the entire process. With advancements in technology and science, new methods of battling baldness have greatly improved the quality of life. Surgical procedures currently offer the best results, but some still prefer herbal remedies and natural supplements. Keratin production can be stimulated with natural items such as nettle or horse tail. Biotin and vitamin A are also common supplements to slow down a receding hairline. Other items include ginseng and even zinc, which certainly have other positive properties for improved overall health.
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http://www.hairlossbalding.net/ http://www.docstoc.com/docs/126073734/Medical-Research-for-Hair-Growth-Tips http://www.scribd.com/doc/102290128/Follicular-Transplantation http://www.hairlossbalding.net/hair-loss-treatment-an-intrinsic-solution/ http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/media/advisories-avis/_2012/2012_38-eng.php