The Submarine 11.6.13 A submarine is cruising 195 meters beneath the ocean’s surface and begins rising toward the surface at a constant rate of 12 meters per minute. 1. Describe verbally and symbolically a func?on rela?ng the submarine’s posi?on and the amount of ?me it has been rising. 2. How long does it take the submarine to reach the ocean’s surface? a. Jus?fy your solu?on using a graph. b. a table. c. and algebraically. 3. Suppose the submarine started at its original depth (195 meters below sea level) and must reach the ocean’s surface 5 minutes sooner than before. Describe how this changes the table and graph of the original situa?on. What is the new func?on, and how did you determine it? 4. What is the x-‐intercept of the new situa?on? Iden?fy this point on your graph and table. Demonstrate how to solve for this value algebraically. Is this a reasonable value given the context of the problem? Why or why not?