Designing Textiles With Purpose

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Designing Textiles With Purpose | Jerry Leigh of California | Blog Site

a Designing Textiles With Purpose by Jerry Leigh of California | Aug 24, 2019 | Andrew Leigh Jerry Leigh, Blog, California, Clothing Manufacturer, Jerry Leigh of California, License Apparel, Van Nuys

Textile products are the result of analyzing a number of external and internal factors bound to the product at the end of the process. During, before, and after the design of a product, a plethora of factors such as market research, market trends, quality testing, trials, and design patterns must be considered by the designer and arranged accordingly. A few of those factors are discussed here. Purposeful Design Textile products are created for many purposes: clothing, furnishing, and accessories are commonly known, but also medical, architectural, industrial, transport, and landscaping. The designer’s thinking is guided by the textile product’s end function, user, and aspects that can make it distinct from similar products already in existence. The end product design has to meet the speci cations of the client and be attractive enough to draw in buyers, both impulse spenders and those making purchases that are planned. Trends, Color Forecast and Analysis



Designing Textiles With Purpose | Jerry Leigh of California | Blog Site

Designers need knowledge of what consumers will desire in the future. This ensures that the products currently being designed will sell in the end when the manufacturing process is complete. Trade fairs and fashion forecasts give clues to keep up to date. New in uences and concepts are presented in various storyboards that have links to di erent lifestyles and identities of consumer groups. At trade shows, the newest developments in fabrics, bers, and nishes are presented in hopes of inspiring designers to involve the latest materials in the products being designed. Mood Boards While research is underway, a designer collects a wide array of samples and pictures based on the current theme. The material must be displayed upon a single sheet in order to convey essential ideas about patterns, shapes, colors, and textures for inspiring design ideas. Mood boards that are most e ective clearly summarize themes with only a limited selection of informative and inspirational items. A computer can be used to compile mood boards for speed in design, as well as convenient communication with clients. Mood boards are many things: a focused presentation displaying selected visual material from research, an inspiration display capturing the theme’s mood, a way to communicate ideas to clients, and images, fabrics, colors, photos, textures, text, and patterns arranged to express theme qualities and concepts.


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Designing Textiles With Purpose | Jerry Leigh of California | Blog Site

Jerry Leigh of California License Apparel Van Nuys

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