the crow

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The Crow, released in 1994, is an action movie directed by Alex Proyas. The story begins in Detroit on October 30, also known as “Devil’s Night”, when a group of thugs, break into the apartment of a guitarist named Eric Draven and his fiancée, Shelly Webster and kill both of them. One year later, Eric is brought back to life. Led by a crow, Eric finds clues that bring flashbacks and remind him of the horrible crimes committed against him and his fiancée. After realizing that he is now immune to physical injury, Eric dons a new, darker attire, and sets out on his mission for vengeance, all the while being led by the crow. Eric Draven is very methodical and creative in the way he hunts these thugs, and it makes for some quality en-


tertainment. He could just as easily sneak up on his victims and attacking quickly. But he prefers to confront them face-to-face, and instill fear in them. He taunts them and lets them attack him, only for them to watch in horror as Eric’s injuries heal before their eyes. And with each man he kills, Draven becomes another step closer to achieving the revenge he seeks. Everyone in this movie played their roles very well. Brandon Lee stole the show in The Crow with his performance as Eric Draven. The leader of the thugs, known as “Top Dollar”, was played by Michael Wincott, and he did an excellent job playing a villain that just wanted to cause chaos and destruction simply because he thought it was “fun”. The other members

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of the cast also played their roles very well. You can view the full cast and crew at http:// htm. While The Crow is certainly a great action movie, it is also well known because of the tragic death of Brandon Lee, which occurred during the filming of the movie. Lee was accidentally shot while reshooting a scene, and was

taken to a hospital, where he died several hours later. Had it not been for this tragic accident, I strongly believe that Lee would have proceeded to have a great carreer as an actor. The Crow is one of my favorite movies. I loved every one of the action scenes, I loved the visuals, and I enjoyed the acting. The only fault that I can find in this film is the fact that many of the minor characters are rather underdeveloped. However, the other aspects of this movie more than make up for this issue. The movie certainly contains dark aspects, including rape, murder, revenge, and social anarchy. But the film also tells the tale of someone ridding the streets of violent criminals, and bringing light into a world of darkness. This is a great movie that will always be

viewed in my mind as a classic. I strongly reccommend The Crow to anyone who is a fan of the action genre. And even those who aren’t might still be surprised by this movie. It is a darker, very well-executed version of the classic “battle between good and evil”, and it thouroughly entertaining. Several sequels to The Crow

At et? Os, querei inulius. An Itam intervivere aus,Offictur, commodia ipsae eum il invelluptae porae pra num eat liquae corro te laborem eventur?

have been made, although none of them measure up to be nearly as good as the original. There have been rumors recently of a remake of The Crow in the near future, which I have mixed feelings about. But I think that even if it happens, no one will ever play the role of Eric Draven better than Brandon Lee.

My Rating: 9.5/10

“They’re all dead. They just don’t know it yet.”

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