From Abstract to Fractal Art! In his 1995 video; painter, Paul McCarthy is dressed in a very disturbing, overblown & most absurd cliché of an artist and is being filmed in a cheap studio. He smears paint on a canvas with an oversized brush, mumbling “God”. He rubs a huge paint against a canvas.. The result that comes out is an abstract painting – the most distorted form of artwork McCarthy could have made. Yet over years later something has happened. Abstract painting, the unique form of fine artis feeling fresh again.
Algorithmic Art channels into Integrated Art! Digital Art is an art made with the help of computers while abstraction is the form in which the artist wants to express his story. Creating an Abstract art which is balanced and surreal is made easy with the help of digitization. Abstract photography is too an emerging trend with the modern artists! It is conceptual and non experimental. Though it is created using photographic materials, its purpose has strongly been refined to usage of colors, lights, textures and shadows to give an unreal and digital outcome, not necessarily associated with the subject! And the unprecedented accessibility it provides to users is how digital photography changed the world. Another unusual role this has adopted is that of photo-painting or photo-realism. In this genre, artists try to reproduce in their art photographs in as much detail as possible. An off-shoot of this style is the genre of digital collage. In effect this intermingling of mediums leads us to what is called mixed media art or integrated arts with an inter-disciplinary approach. Artists create a fascinating art forms, usually taking subjects like objects, flowers, paintings, sculptures and other such things!And this digital revolution in art has taken many forms. You may ask what is algorithmic art or perhaps you’ve seen fractal art prints for sale. Both these art forms are derived from an amalgamation of digital technology & visual art. And not only that, this new phenomenon has worked its way into some innovative applications like systemic art therapy. It has also influenced other areas like Cybernetic art where the principles of cybernetics are used to create art. The
influx of systems theory into this domain has yielded genres like Systems Art. Not to mention the use of software to create what is software art. This has also metamorphosed into what is generative art which is simply a result of the autonomous implementation of set rules & processes to generate art.