Making art more interactive showflipper

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Art Drop: Making Art More Interactive - ShowFlipper While hiding art in other art is not new, hiding them in various locations for sport certainly is. In fact, there is even a day dedicated for it called Art Drop Day which occurs on the first Tuesday of every September. Art Drop Day 2015 was held on the 1st of September. What is Art Drop? Art drop is an activity where painters, sculptures and various other artists hide their work in a spot of their choosing and leave behind clues for others to find it. The pioneer of this movement is Jake Parker. When embarking on an art drop trip, the artists drop off their work in a location. Then, they proceed to take a picture of the work or the location and upload it to social media networks as clues. Other people or artists will try to decipher the clues and hunt for the work. Once located, the person can keep that art for sale or hide it. A good read about how to sell art online! The movement is not always about a scavenger hunt. For many artists, it gives an incredible opportunity to meet other artists that they might not have otherwise met under normal circumstances. The movement goes on to show the remarkable versatility of art as a form of expression.

What Do You Know Of Art Controversy? As mentioned before, art is certainly versatile. However, it can be quite controversial at times. Given below is a list of some of the most controversial events surrounding art 

'The Music Lesson' by Johannes Vermeer is supposedly all about the lust between a young girl and her teacher.


'Madame X' by John Singer Sargent originally showed the lady with a slipped shoulder strap. Public outcry led the painter to paint the strap in the proper location.


'Myra' by Marcus Harvey is a portrait of Myra Hindley, a child murderer. What is striking is the use of a child's handprints to create the portrait.

Different philosophers and laymen had their own views about art. Even the artists view their work different as shown by the controversies surrounding their work. As for the viewers, some simply admire the skill of the artist while others try to search for hidden meanings in art. Either way, the prime aim of the artist is generally for the viewer to enjoy the finished work and they are ready to put art for sale.

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