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The Benefits Of Registered Cows

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ABV Corner

ABV Corner





“EVERYBODY likes a registered cow with history” says Carrie Ralston (pictured right), and a giant undertaking at the Gippsland farm she shares with partner Warren is proving that to be true. Carrie and Warren have undertaken a major genetic recovery project and introduced genomic testing over the past two years and they’re pleased with the results. They milk about 250 cows, mostly registered Jerseys but also including about 10 per cent registered Ayrshires at their leased farm near Yarram. Both breeds came from registered herds but not all boxes had been ticked, so the genetic recovery and subsequent genomic testing have been invaluable. It was Carrie who pushed for the recovery project. “It was going to be a massive cost and a lot of work but I was pushing for it and we bit the bullet,” she said. “We still come across the off cow that hasn’t been registered, but because we have all the breeding and the records, we can track it down and sort it out. “It was a lot of work but it’s definitely worth it. When you go to register the calves, you look back on the history and the breeding and we have some really strong female families in the herd that you want to keep breeding from.” Carrie also influenced the addition of Ayrshires, though she also appreciates the role of Jerseys. “When I was in New Zealand, I worked with Ayrshire breeders and they got me into it,” she said. “I bought some foundation cows from registered studs and carried on with that, using bulls from Canada and USA to try to breed better.” But she also sees advantages in the Jerseys, saying they don’t make as much mess in winter with their smaller feet. Carrie and Warren work with Brad Aitken from Leading Edge Genetics to select bulls and to identify where they can improve the cows.

“We also select bulls we think we will be okay and then match them up to ensure there will be no in-breeding and try to level out any faults in the cows,” Carrie said. Sires that have done well on the farm in the past 20 years include Valentino and Vanahlem. “We’re always striving to create the perfect cow,” Carrie said. “I reckon we’re on the uphill trend.” Some of the cows just go by registered numbers rather than names but one cow that has done really well is a four-year-old Macho from the Vine family. “She seems to have some really nice daughters, cows we want to keep breeding to keep the family going,” Carrie said. She won the Jersey Australia Gippsland on-farm challenge last year for her age group. Carrie says the decision to introduce genomic testing is also paying off. “Genomic testing is good because it proves our records are correct,” she said. “Everybody likes a registered cow with history.” “We’re trying breed stronger, more vigorous calves that end up being better animals in the long run.” Warren, born and bred in Yarram, has leased the farm for the past 20 years and says the long-term agreement has worked well for both parties. He remains committed to Jerseys. “The Ayrshires are a lot bigger cow but they all seem to get along,” he said. The herd is performing well. The average production is about 6000 litres per year and they’re doing about 550 milk solids. Warren started his herd with cows from registered herds at Shepparton and Cobden “but the registrations were a little bit vague and I never kept up with them”. “Carrie put a rocket under me to get the genetic recovery job done,” he said. “We spend a lot of money on breeding and it will be more profitable in the long run if we have a registered herd of cows. “If we want to sell cows, they will be more desirable.” Warren only enters the Jersey Australia on-farm challenges and Brad Aitken’s on-farm challenge at Warragul where they’ve won regular awards and took out the most successful exhibitor across all breeds three years ago. “Brad does our mating program,” Warren said. “We’ve been doing corrective mating for the past 12-15 years. We like to have a nice cow with type and longevity. It doesn’t always work but we’ve been slowly achieving our goals. The mating program definitely helps and has certainly improved the herd from when we started.” Last year they won three classes, two-and-four-year-olds and best mature cow, and were the most successful exhibitor in the Jersey Australia on-farm challenge. “That was good because we’ll probably never show at Dairy Week,” Warren said, “though if we have a cow good enough one year, we might send her up with someone else.”

Leading Edge Genetics On-Farm Challenge 1st place 2-year-old in milk (owned by Lace & Ralston). Pictured from left to right: Lindsay Marshall (judge), Warren Lace and Brad Aitken (LEG).

adadale dreaming rowena The cow that started the Rowena dynasty

The Legendary

adadale opals rowena ex 94

3x Champion, 2x Reserve Champion @ Brisbane Royal Supreme Champion 1977 Adadale’s Legendary ‘ROWENA’ champion after champion for 5 decades.

These cows were the best in their era and thoughout each decade they have dominated in the show ring and production awards.

2022 has seen the emergence of ADADALE COLTON ROWENA

-arguably our best Rowena ever!

adadale royal rowena ex 94


adadale ideal rowena ex 91



adadale sambo rowena

Reserve Champion Cow to herd mate ADADALE T.B PETRA 2a daughter by Adadale Top Brass. Petra was 3 x Champion @ Brisbane Royal Show.

adadale lester rowena 4 EX 92

Supreme Champion @ Qld Feature Show. Dam of the beautiful ADADALE BERRETTA’S ROWENA 4

adadale elvis rowena ex 92

Bred the tremendous ADADALE TOP BRASS. A bull that had a dramatic impact at Adadale.

adadale berrettas rowena 4 EX 90

A beautifully balanced dairy cow. Sold her daughter at IDW Jersey Sale. Dam of incredible ADADALE BARBERS ROWENA.

‘ROWENA’ family have produced champion after champion for 5 decades.

These cows were the best in their era and thoughout each decade they have dominated in the show ring and production awards.


2022 has seen the emergence of ADADALE COLTON ROWENA 32

-arguably our best Rowena ever!

adadale guide rowena ex 91

Left her mark by breeding ADADALE LESTER’S ROWENA 4 who has bred on remarkably.

adadale brass rowena

Magnificent dairy cow, sired by the all time great A-NINE TOP BRASS.


adadale brass rowena 8

Champion N.S.W Jersey Spectacular. Sold to Victoria where she won many champion cow and production awards.

to be continued . . .

adadale colton rowena 32 ex 93 MAX

Her pedigree is a combination of some of the most influential cows in Jersey history - Adadale’s Rowena family combined with Pleasant Nook F Prize Circus, Vandenberg Amedeo Gorgeous and the legendary Duncan Belle. Surely makes this a unique pedigree! Interestingly, she has no Van Ahlem or Valentino blood in her.

ADADALE JERSEYS Shane & Sharyn Paulger Kenilworth, Queensland. Ph (07) 5446 0391 (m) 0412 166 775 Proud to be part of Jersey advancement (e) shanepaulger@outlook.com

Julia Paulger & Ricky Nelson

(m) 0422 749 901 Julia follow us on facebook adadale jerseys & holsteins

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