College Prospectus
Our Vision
You will enjoy life to the full, value your friendships and achieve balance in your life.
You will have happy and lasting memories of your time at College and an admiration for those people who have nurtured and shaped your learning. This aspiration is, I hope, your aspiration. These ideas bring our values of ‘Aspire, Inquire, Excel and Belong’ to life.
Let me try and be clear about what our ambition to create the very best educational experience for every student actually means by writing a pen portrait of a student leaving JCG at the end of Year 13. You will enjoy life to the full, value your friendships and achieve balance in your life. You will have a thirst for knowledge and already possess a broad understanding of the cultural, historical, geographical and scientific events and ideas which have fashioned your island and your world, and an eagerness to discover more. You will be a rigorous and imaginative thinker.
Carl Howarth Principal
You will have a good range of hobbies and interests, including the Arts and sport, which you want to pursue. You will leave us with an excellent record of achievement for an academically demanding course at university or employment which will lead to a stimulating career. You will have the ambition, motivation and staying power which will equip you to study independently and successfully at either. You will apply for internships, work experience and voluntary work in your holidays. You will have grown as an individual who is happy, well mannered and able to find fulfilment in your service to others. You will be thoughtful, open-minded and be able to lead. You will be conscious of the advantages you have enjoyed and of the opportunities and obligations such advantages should bring. You will want to have a positive impact on your community and the world.
Six Year Strategy
Our job is to make sure that they are properly equipped to meet the challenges in our developing world so that they can look forward to lives which are fulfilling and contribute to the well being of society as a whole.
Much has happened in the progress of the College in recent years and we can be very proud of the many successes that our students have achieved over the whole spectrum of the College’s activities.
Many of the targets we have set are very challenging and aspirational but we would not be doing the best for the students if they were any less so. We seek to achieve them all.
The coming years will continue to see unprecedented change in Jersey and the world at large. Technological advances and growth in the developing world relative to the developed economies present great challenges to our students and it is our job to make sure that they are properly equipped to meet them so that they can look forward to lives which are fulfilling and contribute to the well being of society as a whole.
By 2019 we want JCG to be a place that has:
Change comes at an unprecedented rate and it is essential that our students are well placed to embrace and take all the opportunities that change presents. That is the essence of our Six Year Strategy which covers all aspects of the College’s activities and all age ranges from the Preparatory School Reception class to the A level student.
Commitment Three:
Commitment One: A passion for Personal growth and fulfilment Commitment Two: A reputation for Academic Excellence and Achievement
A dynamic, challenging and engaging curriculum Commitment Four: A campus of high quality facilities and resources
The underlying values that underpin College life and all we do - ASPIRE, INQUIRE, EXCEL and BELONG - are as relevant to the future as they are to the past and these values remain the cornerstone of the plan. We start from a very strong position. The College is outstanding in much of what it does. Our aim now is to make it a great school in all that it does and the exemplar for the States of Jersey Education system.
Commitment Five: A strong partnership with ESC Please request a copy of our full Six Year Strategy publication or download a copy from our website
To Aspire is to: Be ambitious Be passionate Be resilient Be reflective
Be independent Be self-motivated Have meaningful, ambitious goals
In our College we want everyone to have a passion for their learning, to be ambitious and resilient and have the desire to be the very best that they can be.
Being a student at JCG is not just for the here and now.
Being a student at JCG is not just for the here and now. We want each of our girls to look back on their time here and be able to say, ‘That was where I realised who I was and what I could achieve’. Our students seek to prosper as human beings, to appreciate the many possibilities of their lives and to learn that there are no limits to their aspirations. We aim to provide the very strongest of foundations so that each of our students becomes the best they can for themselves, their families and their society.
A good education is more than just achieving a good set of GCSEs and A levels. At JCG we believe in providing the very best educational experience for your daughters. What that means is enabling your daughter to understand her own abilities and to have the desire to use them to make her life and the lives of others one which is happy, contented and fulfilled.
Our students shape their raw talent within performing arts and develop a composure and self assurance beyond their years.
Our students shape their raw talent within performing arts and develop a composure and self assurance beyond their years thanks to the supportive relationship between staff and students. Previous productions include The
Crucible, Phaedre, The Good Person of Szechwan, Guys and Dolls, Les MisÊrables (School’s Edition), Sweet Charity and Thoroughly Modern Millie.
Our environment, our ethos and our enrichment seeks to provide each student with the space to grow and flourish.
With excellence comes responsibility – how am I going to use my knowledge, my skills, my gifts? Our environment, our ethos and our enrichment seeks to provide each student with the space to grow and flourish and to excel not only academically but as a human being who is compassionate, principled and balanced. As the world shrinks, our abilities need to expand. We need to make good decisions, be versatile, resilient, enjoy success and cope with adversity. Sixth Form students are expected to take on leadership responsibilities in order to develop these necessary skills for life beyond College. We have a vibrant and high achieving Sixth Form, made up of students serving as Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl, Prefects (with responsibility for Academic / Preparatory School / LRC), House Captains, Sports Captains, Music Captains and Eco Captains. Numerous students take part in a wide variety of activities, such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Young Enterprise, Youth Parliament, befriending with Jersey Autism and the Institute of Directors work shadowing experience.
To Inquire is to: Be inquisitive Be creative Be innovative
Question Investigate Experiment Solve problems
In our College we want everyone to be curious about the world around them, be proactive in their learning, divergent in their thinking and confident to question and explore possibilities.
Our students actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
To learn something and be able to use it well is a great feeling. We believe it is important for our students to become inquirers, to possess a natural curiosity. At JCG, our students acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in their learning. Our students actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
This inquiry is supported by our Hawksford debate series, examples of motions debated include: ‘This House believes a protesting society is a healthy society’ and ‘This House believes a decline in the printed word will lead to a decline in literacy standard.’
Living on an island it is important that our students recognise that they belong to and will contribute to a world which is rapidly changing.
Living on an island it is important that our students recognise that they belong to and will contribute to a world which is rapidly changing. It is likely that they may work for an international organisation or work with
colleagues from different countries and cultures. They also have a responsibility to contribute to and even lead the world to make it a more peaceful and fairer place. Thus, developing an international mindset is crucial.
The termly enrichment programme is full of opportunities to develop confidence, autonomy and self reliance, to learn the importance of balance and to simply enjoy discovering learning beyond the classroom. Robotics club, Duke of Edinburgh, International explorers club and software development, in addition to the vast array of sport, music and drama, are just a few of the activities on offer. All students in Year 11, 12 and 13 participate in a weekly structured enrichment programme providing creative, active and service based involvement. Opportunities include sailing, environmental volunteering, kayaking, Duke of Edinburgh Silver award, service to the young and old, learning a new instrument and cooking using local ingredients.
We are fortunate to have an incredible range of expeditions which are not only physically challenging but also develop habits of philanthropy. Whether it is trekking through the Himalayas or conducting a biodiversity survey in Cuba our students use the world as a resource for their intellectual and emotional growth. Recent trips have included Honduras, Nepal, India, Cuba, South Africa, China, Morocco and Mexico. Such travel broadens horizons, strengthens relationships and created new friendships.
Students also have the opportunity to go on many on and off island trips including the bi-annual ski trip and visits to Spain, France, Italy and the UK.
Our ‘Inquiring Minds’ series of lectures, given by eminent academics such as Lord Eatwell, Sir Andrew Motion, Professor David Canter, Bonita Norris and Arek Hersh amongst others, allow our students the opportunity to extend their learning way beyond that of the Curriculum whilst promoting the love of learning.
To Excel is to: Be resilient Be confident Be reflective
Achieve Improve Exceed expectations
In our College we want everyone to discover their strengths and develop those areas, to exceed their expectations and feel proud and passionate about everything they do.
Our exam results reflect the hard work and high achievement of students and staff and places the College within the top 4% of schools nationally.
Our ethos, the self belief that we can all achieve personal excellence, is evident in all we do. We are an academic school and as such our intellectual pursuit, our love of learning, is something that binds us, makes us cohesive in our personal endeavour for knowledge and understanding so that we may act to improve the lives of others.
Our exam results reflect the hard work and high achievement of students and staff and places the College within the top 4% of schools nationally. As a College we hold impressive ‘value added’ across the academic ability range as well as allowing all students, including the very bright, to be stretched intellectually. Each year our students progress to university in the UK and across the world. Our students excel academically and personally. It is not about being the best. It is about being the best you can be. At JCG, it is the academic achievement of the individual rather than the year group that matters, and our long-standing and successful model of academic mentoring is based on this premise.
We continue to invest in our facilities to ensure we provide the very best educational experience.
Music is a vital part of life at JCG; from individual performances in assembly to the melodic sounds of girls practising in class and in peripatetic lessons, making music is always happening. It is very much hoped that
our students see music not merely as a school subject, but as an expression of what they feel, a means of communication and, above all, something that will be important and enjoyable throughout their lives.
The architecture at JCG, with its mix of traditional and modern buildings, encapsulates the ethos of the College. We are mindful and appreciative of how its present ethos has been shaped by the traditions and values of its past. The College enjoys excellent purpose built amenities including the Langford Sports centre, Design centre, Drama centre, Science centre, specialist Music rooms and bright modern classrooms possessing the very latest ICT resources. We continue to invest in our facilities to ensure we provide the very best educational experience.
To Belong is to: Value others and be valued Care for others and be cared for Support others and be supported
Include others and be included Respect others and be respected
In our College we want everyone to feel accepted and valued and possess an inherent desire to be part of something greater than ourselves.
Students acquire many skills during their time at JCG, both in terms of management and leadership.
While we are a busy College, the relationships within it matter most. We recognise this at JCG and place considerable emphasis on the interaction between students and all College staff. All girls can develop an important relationship with her Form Tutor and with the other teachers in the House system. House meetings are held in order to organise teams for events, play games and get to know people from other years, but most importantly to plan for and carry out fundraising and community service events, such as the JCG Mile.
Students acquire many skills during their time at JCG, both in terms of management and leadership, but also social skills and emotional attachment to various charities. There is plenty of time and space to have fun, make friends and take pleasure in the achievements of others. JCG is a happy College and friendships are forged here that deepen and very often last a lifetime.
The wellbeing of our students is given the highest priority.
The competitive side of House keeps the House system alive. Sporting, musical, performing arts and artistic events are among the wide range of ways points can be scored for
each House. The winners at the end of each House year are presented with the prestigious ‘Cock House Trophy’, which is part of the history of the College.
Students learn best when their emotional needs are recognised and as far as is possible, they are met. Our Pastoral Team consists of the Form Tutor, Head of Year and the Educational Needs Co-ordinator, who works with gifted and talented students as well as with those who need additional support. Our School Counsellor also works in partnership with students, staff and parents in order to provide support for our students. A College-wide buddy system ensures that students new to the school settle in quickly. Each person is welcomed as an individual, whilst we recognise that their role as
part of our community is also vital. The wellbeing of our students is given the highest priority. Form Tutors look after the academic, social and emotional wellbeing of students in their tutor group. Students also have one-to-one academic mentoring sessions with their tutor. Academic mentoring enhances the ethos of student progress, to ensure that each student knows where they are with their learning, where they have made progress, what they need to do to improve and what targets they need to set in order to further their progress.
Many of our students represent the College, competing locally and also against Guernsey and UK schools in a wide range of sport.
Participation in a variety of activities is encouraged and celebrated at JCG. Sport has an intrinsic role in the nurturing of the individual at JCG. Our excellent indoor and outdoor sporting facilities including Langford Sports Centre, with its sports hall, swimming pool, dance studio, fitness room, gymnasium and climbing wall, offers our students the opportunity to have fun and develop self esteem, to develop new skills and teamwork and to reach an excellent standard in a wide variety of physical activities.
Many of our students represent the College, competing locally and also against Guernsey and UK schools in a wide range of sports. JCG is especially well known for its netball and hockey teams and many of our students represent the island and region in hockey, netball and athletics.
A great deal of valuable learning and experience takes place outside the classroom. During their time at JCG, students are given a broad spectrum of opportunities to help and serve others. This experience helps enrich their own lives and the lives of those that they engage with in the community.
Jersey is a beautiful, stable and safe place to live, work and study. Those of us who are able to live here consider it a real privilege. We are fortunate to be able to experience the amazing colour of wonderful seascapes and dramatic skies on a daily basis. We are also able to make the most of our wonderful beaches and excellent sport and leisure opportunities, such as sailing, cycling and walking. This location gives our students unique opportunities to use the island as a resource to learn. Jersey has a beauty all of its own. JCG is a vibrant community. We look forward to seeing you here.
It also enables our students to appreciate the interdependence of society. Participation in our active House system, led by Sixth Form students, gives our students an excellent and active opportunity to serve, both inside school and also in the island.