In our community nov 2012

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A great deal of hard work goes on behind the scenes, from community projects and charitable initiatives to sponsorship and environmental programmes. Here is just a selection of updates on recent community projects and news of some coming up in the next few months. Jersey Finance is a non-profit organisation formed in 2001 to represent and promote Jersey as an international finance centre of excellence. For further information, please visit our website at

SPORTS Inter-island swim Six members of staff from Mourant Ozannes completed an impressive relay swim from Jersey to Guernsey on 8th September, completing the distance in 11 hours, 40 minutes and 37 seconds. It was the first swim crossing of its kind, as far as they know, and for good reason - the team faced extremely strong currents, choppy seas and jellyfish making for very challenging conditions. The swimmers were Craig Swart, Thomas Morgan, Henry Brandts-Giesen, James Ruane, Simon Gould and Giles Corbin, with assistance from official observer and swim planner Richard Flambard, Mark Harris (kayak support) and Matt Ruane (assisting with guard boat cover). Over £4,600 has been raised to date for the Jersey Stroke Association.





The finance industry in Jersey continues to make a very positive contribution to Island life.

ROAD SAFETY Be Safe Be Seen IFM Group is again sponsoring the Channel 103 ‘Be Safe Be Seen’ winter road safety campaign, which is running throughout this month. The Group has supported the annual campaign since 2008 and each year the message has been developed to reach as broad an audience as possible. This year it is focusing on four main groups: Pedestrians and Ramblers; Motorists; Bikers/Cyclists and Horse Riders. The campaign encourages road users to be aware and safe by wearing reflective clothing and items during the darker winter months.

Planning has been approved for the National Trust for Jersey to develop a £102,000 Jersey Wetlands Centre at St Ouen’s Pond. The new interpretation centre is being jointly funded by Royal Bank of Canada and the Jersey Tourism Development Fund. It will be the first of its kind in Jersey and will give nature lovers unrivalled views of Jersey’s prime wetland. The centre is anticipated to be open next year.

CHARITY Three Peaks Challenge On 14th September, a team of 15 determined PwC Channel Island hikers took on the challenge of scaling the tallest peaks of Scotland (Ben Nevis), England (Scafell Pike) and Wales (Snowdon). Not content with the stand alone achievement of scaling these peaks, the team completed this within a 24-hour period, finishing at the summit of Snowdon a matter of minutes within the 24-hour marker! PwC raised over £13,000 through sponsorship and a number of fund raising initiatives, including raffles, quiz nights, cake sales and dress down days. The money raised will go to Jersey Women’s Refuge, Every Child Our Future LBG and Hope Academy Kenya.

The group on Mount Snowdon, on the home straight

Hawksford and its neighbours on the Esplanade raised £450 for Macmillan Cancer Support by taking part in the ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’. Offices, community groups, friends and families supported this national initiative in September, raising money for the charity which supports sufferers of cancer and their families. Hawksford provided the Esplanade with a coffee cart and served a range of popular coffees to eager customers.

At the recent Jersey Rally, Lloyds TSB teamed up with Project Mobility, an organisation that helps rehabilitate military personnel through motorsport. David Ogilvie of Lloyds TSB explained, “We were delighted to work with Project Mobility. It provides an invaluable service to military personnel who have sacrificed so much, offering them opportunity, adventure, experiences and qualifications that will improve their lives when they are no longer able to serve their country.” Lloyds TSB hosted a motivational breakfast, provided VIP seating at the Jersey Rally, sponsored an Officers’ Mess Dinner and ran a ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ inspired breakfast.

Baker & Partners sponsored the first annual Les Prairies Horse Trials, which took place in September in St John.

Ipes Jersey has joined an educational scheme to help people wanting to pursue a career in the finance industry gain relevant experience. The Highland’s College Foundation Degree programme is aimed at those who want to take the next step in their full-time education or those thinking about a career change. Nigel Strachan, Managing Director of Ipes Jersey said, “We are delighted to be a Partner of Highlands College in this scheme, which is so beneficial to both the students and the companies taking part. If we can up-skill our community to enable us to recruit the right people locally it can only be a successful programme.”

CHARITY Military support

SPORTS New horse trials

EDUCATION Supporting students

CHARITY Money for Macmillan

James Ruane hands over to Simon Gould

ENVIRONMENT Investing in wetlands

ARTS Branchage screening JTC Group and Spearpoint supported a special gala screening of a critically acclaimed film ‘Searching for Sugarman’ at the Hotel de France last week. The event included a live musical performance from Rodriguez, the subject of the film. Those attending also heard about plans for Branchage 2013 from Creative Director Xanthe Hamilton. The aim is for the festival to be bigger, better and an even more immersive experience than ever before, with more original commissioned art installations, performances and films.

SPORTS Jersey Marathon 2012 was a record breaking year for the Standard Chartered Jersey Marathon, both in terms of the highest number of registrations across the Marathon, Relay Race and 3k Fun Run, as well as a record finishing time by Tomas Abyu from Salford, who won the race in 2:24:43.

The firm’s support enabled the organisers to construct the Baker & Partners Cross Country Course, a challenging series of 21 jumps, including a water jump, which was tackled by riders of all levels across the weekend. The construction of the Course means that an annual event can now be held, with all profits benefiting Jersey Hospice Care and other local charities.

Many companies in the finance industry lend their ongoing support to Durrell. Here is news of some of the initiatives that have taken place in the last few months:

Mucking in A team of volunteers from the Northern Trust Jersey office kick-started the refurbishment of the Orangutans and Gibbons enclosure at Durrell on their Community Volunteering day recently. They donated equipment for the project and donned waders and waterproof gloves, working in the muddy water of the moat to remove overgrown reeds, to improve safety for the orangutans and to improve the public’s view of the enclosure.

420 hours of work Staff from Standard Bank also swapped their office for the Orangutans and Gibbons enclosure to work on the refurbishment programme. Organised as part of the Bank’s 150th anniversary celebrations, 80 staff took part in the four day project providing 420 hours of hands-on support to clear moat reeds and overgrown areas of vegetation. Claire Reid of Standard Bank said, ‘The week at Durrell was an excellent team building activity outside of the usual office routine and everyone who took part came away feeling that their contribution will make a difference.’

EDUCATION Careers in finance Last month, ten students embarked on a life changing experience as they started on the new BSc (Hons) International Financial Services degree at the Jersey International Business School University Centre. The Business School’s collaboration with The University of Buckingham has led to the first two-year degree being offered in Jersey, a structure that allows students to start working and earning one year earlier. In addition to gaining places on the degree, the students have been able to apply for paid part-time work placements with HSBC and RBS International. Four of the seven candidates who applied were delighted to accept offers and are now following a structured career programme.

Standard Bank staff members get to work

French visitor guide A new 50 page, full colour guide is now available to French visitors to Durrell thanks to DCG. The project was spearheaded by DCG Managing Director of Real Estate, Christopher Bennett, who was keen for DCG to support a project that benefited Jersey’s tourism industry and to extend the firm’s support of Durrell. The guide should enhance the enjoyment for French speaking tourists who visit the attraction, who already number over 5,000 to date this year.

VIP day Four charities were invited to spend a VIP day at Durrell as part of a season of sponsorship by JTC Group.

7th October saw the Island community turn out in force either to support or take part in what has become the largest sporting event in Jersey’s calendar. With a new tagline ‘Run for a Reason’, fundraising is a vital aspect of the event. Teenage Cancer Trust and the Bank’s global initiative ‘Seeing is Believing’ were the two official charities to benefit this year. The Hawksford team set up shop


The event for Jersey Cheshire Home, Jersey Kidney Patients Association, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Jersey and Parkinson’s Jersey provided a chance for the guests to have a special Durrell experience set apart from the Trust’s annual open days. These are also sponsored by JTC and regularly prove so popular that access is difficult for those with reduced mobility. The ten students making an enthusiastic start

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