Jersey Sport Business Plan 2023

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2023 Business Plan

High Performing | Inclusive | Fair | Passionate | Courageous

About Jersey Sport

Jersey Sport is an organisation governed by a board of eight directors, with charitable status.

Our Mission:

To inspire, lead, and enable positive well-being for all through lifelong engagement in sport and physical activity

Our Strategic Purposes:

Jersey Sport’s remit is focused on the delivery of four primary purpose statements. Everything we do, can be directly correlated to these;

1. Increase participation in sport and physical activity

2. Reduce inequalities in sport and physical activity - namely for women and girls, lower socio-economic communities, and those with one or more disabilities

3. Focus on inactive islanders

4. Build a safe, sustainable, and inclusive sporting community

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

4 Year Strategy 2023 - 26

Our strategy sets out how we will achieve our long term mission focussing on three core pillars of sports development, school programmes, and community engagement, supported by Jersey Sport operations, and how this delivers against many of the Government of Jersey’s long term and ministerial ambitions.

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

Vision and Outcomes

Sports Development Jersey is a proud sporting nation where all islanders can play sport to the extent of their ability and desire.

1. More sporting opportunities are provided, with a focus on engaging under-represented groups in sport.

2. More robust and sustainable sports organisations in Jersey, offering high quality and safe experiences.

School Programmes

Every child will have the foundations to live an active life supported by schools that place value on sport and physical activity for the whole school community.

3. Active school cultures are embedded and continue to develop for the whole school community.

4. Children will have equitable access to high quality PE and a greater range of relevant sport, and physical activity opportunities both within the curriculum and extra-curricular provision.

Community Engagement

All islanders will have the opportunity to access and engage with innovative community based sport and physical activity, embedding it in the culture of the Island as a societal norm to promote good health and well-being.

5. Increasing participation of the least active and under-represented groups.

Jersey Sport Operations (foundations to support delivery of the pillars above)

A sustainable organisation with the highest operational standards and governance, relative to our size and scale.

6. Efficient and effective delivery of strategic outcomes, through the provision of appropriate resources, governance, insight, advocacy, and support services.

7. Highly qualified, effective, and diverse workforce supported by an environment that attracts and retains.

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan
Pillar Vision Outcomes 2023-26

“Our contribution to Government of Jersey priorities”


Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

“Recognising the part sport can play in improving lives and strengthening communities.”

JS supports with outcome 6 (particularly insight)

Chief Minister

“Building strong partnerships across the whole of Government, the private sector and charitable and community organisations to deliver real benefits for Islanders.”

JS supports with outcomes 1-7

Minister for Social Security

“Promoting the disability strategy and social inclusion and diversity policies by: continuing to implement the diversity strategy on an ongoing basis.”

JS supports with outcomes 1, 4 and 6

Minister for Infrastructure

“Review into the replacement and enhancement of sport facilities.”

JS supports the sports facilities project

Health and Well-being

Minister for Health and Social Services

“Improvements to the health and well-being of children and adults by scoping a user led mental health strategy which will focus on promoting mental well-being and preventing mental ill health.”

JS supports with outcome 5

“Develop a clear plan and service model for improving health in the short and long-term. Consider the best opportunities for promoting health on the island. This will be described in a Public Health Strategy, which will also set out the skills, resources and capacity needed to take things forward in 2023.”

JS supports outcome 5

Children and Families

Chief Minister

“Making support to children and their families central to the work of this new Government by leading on delivery of the outcomes of the 2017 Care Inquiry Report, to ensure we learn from the mistakes of the past and ensure that we deliver positive change.”

JS supports with outcomes 2-5

Minister for Children and Education

Children and Young People

“Children and young people have the best education available to them, from early years through to adulthood.”

JS supports with outcomes 3 and 4

“Modernise and enrich the Jersey curriculum to reflect the challenges of the modern-day world so that all children and young people are happy to learn and can go on to succeed.”

Economy and Skills

Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

“We will embrace the power of sport to enrich our local economy and promote Jersey internationally.”

JS supports with outcomes 1 and 2


Minister for Infrastructure

“Working on sustainable transport measures in line with the Sustainable Transport Plan and delivering a Sustainable Transport Roadmap.”

JS supports with outcome 5

Minister for the Environment

“Tackling the climate change emergency by reducing Jersey’s carbon emissions in line with our net-zero target and improve our resilience to the impacts of climate change.”

JS supports with outcome 3 and 5

Aging Population

Minister for Social Security

JS supports with outcomes 3 and 4

“Implementing the Children and Young People’s Emotional Well-being and Mental Health Strategy 2022-25 and delivering improved health and well-being outcomes for children and young people.”

JS supports with outcomes 1,3,4 and 5

“Developing schemes to improve financial well-being in old age and promoting the role of older people in Government policy making by establishing an older persons living forum to ensure the views and needs of older people are reflected across Government policies on an ongoing basis.”

JS supports with outcome 5

Jersey Sport Outcomes 2023-26

1. More sporting opportunities are provided, with a focus on engaging under-represented groups in sport.

2. More robust and sustainable sports organisations in Jersey, offering high quality and safe experiences.

3. Active school cultures are embedded and continue to develop for the whole school community.

4. Children will have equitable access to high quality PE and a greater range of relevant sport, and physical activity opportunities both within the curriculum and extracurricular provision.

5. Increasing participation of the least active and under-represented groups.

6. Efficient and effective delivery of strategic outcomes, through the provision of appropriate resources, governance, insight, advocacy, and support services.

7. Highly qualified, effective, and diverse workforce supported by an environment that attracts and retains.

2023 Delivery Plan

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

Sports Development

Vision: Jersey is a proud sporting nation where all islanders can play sport to the extent of their ability and desire.


// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

Sports Development Delivery Plan 2023

Pillar Vision

Sports Development Jersey is a proud sporting nation where all islanders can play sport to the extent of their ability and desire.

Objectives 2023

Support the development of strategic plans for sport - supporting consultation, planning, governance changes, funding alignment, and workforce development.

Continue to realign agreements with partner organisations that better fit our ambitions of supporting growth and address inequalities in sport.

Increase our reach to more and new sports through marketing, communications and cross sport working.

Increase the profile of Sport including its value and ability to address broad Government of Jersey and public sector agendas, using recent and relevant data and insight.

Be a key partner with the Government of Jersey to develop a Performance Sports Policy.

Outcomes 2023-26

1. More sporting opportunities are provided, with a focus on engaging under represented groups in sport.

2. More robust and sustainable sports organisations in Jersey, offering high quality and safe experiences.

Measures 2023-26

• An increase in the number of different sports who report that they are implementing a development plan which seeks to address inequalities in sport and is delivering growth in their sport. (+5)

• An increase in the number of sports organisations reporting that have continued development of their workforce to meet the needs of their potential and existing participants. (+2%)

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

How we deliver - Inputs

Volunteer led, professionally supported

Professional support to develop growth plans

Sports workforce development programme

Cross sport working and collaboration

Development of sports policy

SupportIn Sport Hub, including: Safe and Sustainable Quality Standards framework

Promoting and sharing good practice

Sports grants and fundraising

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

School Programmes

Vision: Every child will have the foundations to live an active life supported by schools that place value on sport and physical activity for the whole school community.

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

Schools Programmes Delivery Plan 2023

Pillar Vision

School Programmes Every child will have the foundations to live an active life supported by schools that place value on sport and physical activity for the whole school community.

Objectives 2023

Jersey Sport is a key partner to CYPES in the development of the new PE curriculum based on the development of physical literacy.

More schools implementing an active school agenda for the positive well-being of their school communities.

A school sports events calendar with a diverse range of inclusive sport and physical activity events.

Cycle training delivery that provides the competence and confidence for children to cycle safely on the road by the time they leave primary school.

Swimming delivery that provides the competence and confidence for children to swim safely in both pool and open water environments.

Tailored support to increase the quality of PE curriculum delivery throughout the island.

Outcomes 2023-26

3. Active school cultures are embedded and continue to develop for the whole school community.

4. Children will have equitable access to high quality PE and a greater range of relevant sport, and physical activity opportunities both within the curriculum and extra- curricular provision.

Measures 2023-26

• Number of primary and secondary schools reporting they are implementing and embedding an active schools culture which are impacting positively on PA rates across the school community. (21)

• Percentage of pupils leaving a Government of Jersey funded primary school with a life skill (can cycle proficiently on the road and/or meet the secure swimming standard) delivered by Jersey Sport. (75%)

• Number of schools sports events delivered and/or co-ordinated by Jersey Sport for Government of Jersey funded primary and secondary schools. (21)

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

How we deliver - Inputs

School swimming School sports events After school
// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan
Active school pilot Bikeability - cycle safety Swim Safe – sea safety School grants
PE delivery

Community Engagement


All islanders will have the opportunity to access and engage with innovative community based sport and physical activity, embedding it in the culture of the island as a societal norm to promote good health and well-being.

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

Community Engagement Delivery Plan 2023

Pillar Vision

Community Engagement All islanders will have the opportunity to access and engage with innovative community based sport and physical activity, embedding it in the culture of the Island as a societal norm to promote good health and well-being.

Objectives 2023

Working with key stakeholders to see increased participation and sustained levels of physical activity of islanders who are the least active, living with or at risk of a life limiting condition or in under-represented groups by utilising relevant data and insight to consolidate, refine and develop existing Move More Jersey programmes.

Maximising the opportunities for the Move More Jersey audiences by improving the accessibility.

Continue to build a more sustainable volunteer workforce to support community programmes through standardisation and investment in recruitment, retention, training, and development opportunities.

Advocate for sport and physical activity as an integral enabler and component within relevant Government of Jersey policies and the new health and social care model.

Increased resourcing with associated development plans to ensure the provision of relevant, targeted programmes for islanders living with a disability, poor health / life limiting illnesses or who otherwise may be unable to access sport and physical activity.

Outcomes 2023-26

5. Increasing participation of the least active and under represented groups.

Measures 2023-26

• Percentage of people who complete an intervention programme with Move More Jersey report an increase in their overall physical activity levels 3 months after completion. (50%)

• Percentage of Move More Jersey adult participants who register for activities who are from under-represented groups. (Female, aged over 65, from a minority ethnic and nationality group, have a disability or life limiting illness) (female 52%, age -65+ 25%, minority nationality +2% increase, disability or illness +2%)

• Total number of attendances at community-based programmes. (Toddler Play, Holiday Programmes, Move More Jersey programmes) (target tbc)

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

How we deliver - Inputs

After School Programme

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan
Community Walks Family Food and Fitness Toddler Play Adult Swim Programme Cycle Programmes Cycle Without Limits Children’s Holiday Programmes

Jersey Sport Operations

Vision: A sustainable organisation with the highest operational standards and governance, relative to our size and scale.

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

Jersey Sport Operations Delivery Plan 2023

Jersey Sport Operations (foundations to support delivery of the pillars).

A sustainable organisation with the highest operational standards and governance, relative to our size and scale.

Objectives 2023

6. Efficient and effective delivery of strategic outcomes, through the provision of appropriate resources, governance, insight, advocacy, and support services.

Continue to improve the financial security of the organisation through an efficiency review and sound financial planning.

Further align the work of key stakeholders, partners, and investors to strategic priorities by providing relevant and valuable insight.

Further develop and deliver action plans focussed on improving governance, policy, safeguarding, and health and safety, including the Children's Law.

Improve fundraising capabilities to fast-track delivery against strategic outcomes.

Greater user-friendly information, booking processes, and user journeys that meet the flexible needs of service users.

Streamline stakeholder management processes to maximise the impact from partnerships.

Continually improve Board effectiveness and succession plans, informed by external review.

Consistently high standards in all people related matters for staff and volunteers throughout their journey with the charity, supported by appropriate systems, procedures, and a People Plan.

An appropriate and accessible office environment conducive to high performance.

Improved leadership capabilities throughout the organisation.

7. Highly qualified, effective, and diverse workforce supported by an environment that attracts and retains.

Measures 2023-26

• Net promoter score of Jersey Sport services and programmes (target tbc).

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan
Pillar Vision Outcomes 2023-26

How we deliver – Inputs

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan
Insight HR
Marketing and Communications Fundraising Finance Operations Management Advocacy

Our Team Organisational Structure

Haute Vallee Inclusion Project, 1 year pilot, funded by Roar into Sport Vacant Head of Move More Jersey FULL TIME Claire Stott Interim Head of Sport Strategy and Insight PART TIME James Tilley Interim Head of Operations and Youth Programmes FULL TIME Catriona McAllister Chief Executive Officer FULL TIME Vacant Move More Operations Manager FULL TIME Libby Barnett Interim Sport Development Manager FULL TIME Jo Wills Marketing and Communications Manager FULL TIME Faye Scott Business Administration Manager FULL TIME Elliot Powell Children and Schools Manager FULL TIME Various Early Years Coaches PART TIME Various Swimming Coaches PART TIME TERM TIME Claudia Andrade Move More Community Engagement and Inclusion Officer FULL TIME Emma Sterry Move More Family Behavioural Change Officer PART TIME Alisha Minier Move More Admin Officer PART TIME Emma Sterry Sport Workforce Officer PART TIME Chloe Bougourd Sport Officer FULL TIME Sharn Le Masurier Marketing and Communications Officer FULL TIME Dawn Dauny Finance and Admin Officer FULL TIME Laura Riley Cycle Training Officer PART TIME Martine Le Guilcher Swimming Development Officer FULL TIME Dan Garton Children’s Community Programme Officer FULL TIME Chris Riley Schools Officer FULL TIME Pete Rutherford Temporary Active Schools Coordinator, Haute Vallee FULL TIME Danny Smith Cycling Without Limits Coach PART TIME Sarah Militis Lead Swimming Coach PART TIME TERM TIME Dragos Patrascu Dance Coach PART TIME Mick McCue Temporary Physical Activity Mentor, Haute Vallee FULL TIME Vacant Move More Coach PART TIME Joana de Carvalho Move More Coach PART TIME Various Move More Referral Instructors PART TIME Various Cycling Instructors FULL AND PART TIME Various Coaching Team ZERO HOURS Various Physical Literacy Coaches FULL AND PART TIME

Budget 2023

reserves, built up from 2022 underspends, used to fund inflationary increases.

operating model will be reviewed in 2023 to ensure organisation sustainability.

Budget Area 2022 Budget 2023 Budget Change £ Change % Income Programme Delivery Outcome £289,600 £343,622 £54,022 21% Government of Jersey Funding (core grant, sports facilities, family food and fitness) £2,378,310 £2,336,423 -£41,887 -2% Total Income £2,667,910 £2,680,045 £12,135 19% People Expenditure Sports Development £162,040 £165,908 £3,868 2% Community Engagement £612,972 £716,184 £103,212 17% Schools £504,690 £547,321 £42,631 8% Sustainable Organisation Functions £344,961 £408,215 £63,254 18% Total £1,624,663 £1,837,628 £212,965 13% Programme Expenditure Sports Development £384,187 £256,400 -£127,787 -33% Community Engagement £117,946 £110,600 -£7,346 -6% Schools £155,000 £135,500 -£19,500 -13% Sustainable Organisation Functions £386,114 £436,774 £50,660 13% Total £1,043,247 £939,274 -£103,973 -10% Total Expenditure £2,667,910 £2,776,902 £108,992 4% Overspend £ - £96,857 £96,857

Principal Risk Areas of Focus 2023

Risk One - Sustainability of funding

High inflation on fixed grants and limited ability to increase programme income.

Potential for a cut to core Government of Jersey funding beyond the existing 2023 agreement.

Development and recruitment of capacity and skills to increase income secured through grants, sponsorship, and fundraising.

Strongly advocate Government of Jersey Ministers and Officers the benefits and strategic priority contributions Sport and Physical Activity can deliver.

Q1 sustainability review to identify opportunities for increasing income and efficiencies.

Risk Two – People recruitment, retention and skills

Failure to deliver remit effectively due to people and skills shortages.

Development of a People Plan to ensure the organisation has the right structure, skills, and leadership. Review of key terms and conditions.

Investment in training and development to retain and upskill existing people. Identify key person dependence and mitigate through cross-training critical skills.

Risk Three – Political support for remit and outcomes of Jersey Sport

Lack of Political support for the remit and outcomes delivered by Jersey Sport.

Presentation to Ast. Min. for Sport and tour of delivery Q1.

Publication of 2022 Annual Report and presentation to States Members. Promotion of the outcomes and programmes delivered. Strategic Plan is simple and easy to understand the remit, outcomes and delivery.

Key Controls and Mitigations

Effective delivery and compliance with requirements of the partnership agreement.

Financial controls in place to ensure spending is controlled and income targets are achieved.

Regular performance reviews with relevant Government of Jersey Ministers and Officers.

Strong alignment of remit with the delivery of Government of Jersey and Ministerial priorities.

Induction and regular training and development in place.

People engagement monthly meetings and team meetings take place to identify any issues early.

Board succession plan and reviews of performance in place.

Terms and conditions and remuneration are reasonable with annual reviews.

Transparent communication with all political representatives and committees. Annual Report and regular performance reviews.

Strong governance is in place to ensure the effective use of public funding.

Chair and CEO meets regularly with Ministers and continues when asked to Scrutiny and other relevant political forums.

Alignment of JS remit to Ministerial and Government of Jersey priorities.

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

Principal Risk Areas of Focus 2023

Risk Four – Safeguarding incident

Safeguarding incident or disclosure of a safeguarding concern when at a JS programme.

Annual safeguarding training for all delivery and relevant officers. Maintain our childcare provider registration.

Board safeguarding lead in place.

Risk Five – Business continuity incident

Business interruption due to fraud, cyber- attacks or other issues leads to a break in service delivery.

Key Controls and Mitigations

Best practice safeguarding policy in place for vulnerable adults and children.

Compliance with our obligations as corporate parent.

All delivery and key staff are trained in safeguarding and delivery risk assessments in place.

Annual review of financial processes. IT systems are online and protected with high levels of cyber security. JS has passed cyber essentials. Processes in place to manage access across all systems.

Processes in place for all staff to work at home without interruption.

Annual external audit.

Detailed financial processes in place to mitigate internal or external fraud incident.

// Jersey Sport 2023 Business Plan

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