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Corporate Committee Report

The role of the Corporate Committee is to support, supplement and monitor the work of the Executive Team and staff in developing the commercial aspects of the organisations role to facilitate the effective and timely delivery of the Strategic Plan. More specifically the Terms of Reference, which are reviewed annually to remain current, include:-

• Providing effective oversight to all aspects of commercial activity.


• Maintaining an overview of the Marketing Strategy and the delivery of targeted messaging to Stakeholders through the Corporate Communications Plan.

• Supporting Stakeholder engagement and developing relationships with both the private and public sectors.

• Monitoring and supporting the organisations performance against a balanced and robust set of Key Performance Indicators, including the Partnership Agreement with the Government of Jersey.

• Providing advice and support on the resources required, and the capacity thereof, to deliver the Strategic Plan.

• Providing practical assistance in developing commercial proposals and fundraising initiatives with Stakeholders.

Given the challenges faced by the organisation over the year in working within a reduced budget arising from no increase in grant funding to reflect the significant cost of living increases experienced across the year and the implications on both staffing and our ability to deliver programmes the key priorities for the Committee has focused on these last two items in:-

• Supporting the Executive Team in a restructuring of the workforce to improve efficiency, collaboration and opportunities for career advancement.

• Developing, through a specific fundraising sub-group of the Committee, overarching initiatives for income generation across multiple stakeholders, both private and public, and including potential opportunities to add significant value to the work of the organisation through the careful and consider use of a generous legacy received by Jersey Sport towards the end of the year. Continuation of this work will be the primary objective of the Committee throughout 2023.

The membership of the Corporate Committee as at the date of this report is;

Martin Holmes – Chair and Director

Phil Austin – Chairman of the Board of Directors

Ed Daubeney – Director

Lisa McLauchlan – Director

Catriona McAllister – CEO

Yenni Kusumo – Independent member

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